Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: cylin.c Projeto: cheque/s3d
Inode *cylin_intersect(Prim *p, Ray ro)
  double a, b, c, disc, t0, t1, t2, t3;
  Inode *i0, *i1;
  int flag[4] = {FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE};
  Ray r = ray_transform(ro, p->ti);
  Vector3 Sol0, Sol1, Sol2, Sol3;
  a = SQR(r.d.x) + SQR(r.d.y);
  b = 2 * (r.o.x * r.d.x + r.o.y * r.d.y);
  c = SQR(r.o.x) + SQR(r.o.y) - 1;

  // Case 0: no solution / infinite solutions
  if ((disc = SQR(b) - 4 * a * c) <= 0)
    return (Inode *)0;

  if ( fabs(a) < RAY_EPS ) {
    	return (Inode *)0;
  } else {  
    t0 = (-b - sqrt(disc)) / (2 * a);
    t1 = (-b + sqrt(disc)) / (2 * a);
    Sol0 = ray_point(r, t0);
    Sol1 = ray_point(r, t1);
    if (t1 > RAY_EPS && Sol1.z >= 0 && Sol1.z <= 1){
    	flag[1] = TRUE;
    if (t0 > RAY_EPS && Sol0.z >= 0 && Sol0.z <= 1){
    	flag[0] = TRUE;

  // Ray NOT parallel to base caps --> Cap intersections
  if ( fabs(r.d.z) > RAY_EPS ){
  	 t2 = - (r.o.z) / (r.d.z);
  	 t3 = (1 - (r.o.z)) / (r.d.z);
  	 Sol2 = ray_point(r,t2);
  	 Sol3 = ray_point(r,t3);
  	 if (t2 > RAY_EPS && (SQR(Sol2.x) + SQR(Sol2.y)) <= 1)
  	 	flag[2] = TRUE;
 	 if (t3 > RAY_EPS && (SQR(Sol3.x) + SQR(Sol3.y)) <= 1)
  	 	flag[3] = TRUE;
  int k = 0, nsols = 0;
  double t[4] = {t0, t1, t2, t3};
  while (k < 4 && nsols < 2){
  		if (flag[k]){
  			Vector3 n = v3_unit(cylin_gradient(p, ray_point(ro, t[k])));
  			if ( nsols == 0 ){
  				i0 = inode_alloc(t[k], n, TRUE);
  			} else {
  				i1 = inode_alloc(t[k], n, FALSE);
  				i0->next = i1;
  return i0;
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: torus.c Projeto: cheque/s3d
Inode *torus_intersect(Prim *p, Ray ro)
  double a, b, c, disc, t0, t1;
  Inode *i0, *i1;
  Ray r = ray_transform(ro, p->ti);

  a = v3_sqrnorm(r.d);
  b = 2 * v3_dot(r.d, r.o);
  c = v3_sqrnorm(r.o) - 1;
  if ((disc = SQR(b) - 4 * a * c) <= 0)
    return (Inode *)0;
  t0 = (-b - sqrt(disc)) / (2 * a);
  t1 = (-b + sqrt(disc)) / (2 * a);
  if (t1 < RAY_EPS)
    return (Inode *)0;
  if (t0 < RAY_EPS) {
    Vector3 n1 = v3_unit(torus_gradient(p, ray_point(r, t1)));
    return inode_alloc(t1, n1, FALSE);
  } else {
    Vector3 n0 = v3_unit(torus_gradient(p, ray_point(ro, t0)));
    Vector3 n1 = v3_unit(torus_gradient(p, ray_point(ro, t1)));
    i0 = inode_alloc(t0, n0, TRUE);
    i1 = inode_alloc(t1, n1, FALSE);
    i0->next = i1;
    return i0;
Exemplo n.º 3
int denemefs_read_super(struct SuperBlock* sb) {
	ASSERT(sb->dev == 123);
	ASSERT(sb->fs_type == 123);

	sb->root = dirent_alloc();
	sb->root->mounted = 1;
	strcpy(sb->root->name, "");

	sb->root->inode = inode_alloc();
	struct inode *i = sb->root->inode;
	i->ino = 0;
	i->superblock = sb;
	i->op = &denemefs_dir_inode_op;
	i->size = di[0].size;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
void main (int argc, char ** argv)
	while (1)
		int err;

		if (argc != 2)
			puts ("usage: mkromfs <dir>");
			err = 1;

		printf ("Starting from %s directory.\n", argv [1]);

		puts ("\nParsing file system...");

		list_init (&_inodes);

		inode_build_t * root_node = inode_alloc (NULL, argv [1]);
		if (!root_node) break;

		root_node->flags = INODE_DIR;

		err = parse_dir (NULL, root_node, argv [1]);
		if (err) break;

		puts ("End of parsing.");

		printf ("\nTotal inodes: %u\n", _inodes.count);

		puts ("\nCompiling file system...");

		err = compile_fs ();
		if (err) break;

		puts ("End of compilation.");
Exemplo n.º 5
static struct inode *open_ext4_db(char *file)
	int fd;
	struct ext4_extent_header *ihdr;
	struct inode *inode;
	struct db_handle *db;
	struct block_device *bdev;

	fd = device_open(file);

	bdev = bdev_alloc(fd, 12);
	inode = inode_alloc(bdev->bd_super);

	/* For testing purpose, those data is hard-coded. */
	inode->i_writeback = inode_sb_writeback;
	memset(inode->i_uuid, 0xCC, sizeof(inode->i_uuid));
	inode->i_inum = 45;
	inode->i_csum = ext4_crc32c(~0, inode->i_uuid, sizeof(inode->i_uuid));
	inode->i_csum =
	    ext4_crc32c(inode->i_csum, &inode->i_inum, sizeof(inode->i_inum));
	inode->i_csum = ext4_crc32c(inode->i_csum, &inode->i_generation,

	if (!device_size(bdev))

	db = db_open(inode->i_sb);
	ihdr = ext4_ext_inode_hdr(inode);
	memcpy(ihdr, db->db_header->db_tree_base, sizeof(inode->i_data));

	if (ihdr->eh_magic != EXT4_EXT_MAGIC) {
		inode->i_data_dirty = 1;

	inode->i_db = db;

	return inode;
Exemplo n.º 6
static int parse_dir (inode_build_t * grand_parent_inode,
	inode_build_t * parent_inode, char * parent_path)
	int err;

	DIR * parent_dir = NULL;

	while (1)
		parent_dir = opendir (parent_path);
		if (!parent_dir)
			err = errno;

		while (1)
			struct dirent * ent = readdir (parent_dir);
			if (!ent)
				err = errno;

			char * name = ent->d_name;
			entry_build_t * child_ent = entry_alloc (parent_inode, name);
			if (!child_ent)
				err = -1;

			char * child_path = malloc (strlen (parent_path) + 1 + strlen (name) + 1);
			strcpy (child_path, parent_path);
			strcat (child_path, "/");
			strcat (child_path, name);

			if (!strcmp (name, "."))
				printf ("Pseudo: %s\n", child_path);
				child_ent->inode = parent_inode;

			else if (!strcmp (name, ".."))
				printf ("Pseudo: %s\n", child_path);
				if (grand_parent_inode)
					child_ent->inode = grand_parent_inode;
					child_ent->inode = parent_inode;  /* self for root */


				inode_build_t * child_inode = inode_alloc (parent_inode, child_path);
				if (!child_inode)
					err = -1;

				child_ent->inode = child_inode;

				struct stat child_stat;
				err = lstat (child_path, &child_stat);
				if (err)
					err = errno;

				if (S_ISREG (child_stat.st_mode))
					printf ("File:   %s\n", child_path);
					child_inode->flags = INODE_FILE;
					child_inode->size = child_stat.st_size;

				else if (S_ISDIR (child_stat.st_mode))
					printf ("Dir:    %s\n", child_path);
					child_inode->flags = INODE_DIR;
					err = parse_dir (parent_inode, child_inode, child_path);
					if (err) break;

					assert (0);

			if (child_path) free (child_path);

		if (err != 0)
			perror ("Read directory");


	if (parent_dir) closedir (parent_dir);

	return err;
Exemplo n.º 7
// Open a file (or directory).
// Returns:
// 	The file descriptor index on success
// 	-E_BAD_PATH if the path is too long (>= MAXPATHLEN)
//	-E_BAD_PATH if an intermediate path component is not a directory
//	-E_MAX_FD if no more file descriptors
//	-E_NOT_FOUND if the file (or a path component) was not found
//	(and others)
open(const char *path, int mode)
	// Find an unused file descriptor page using fd_find_unused
	// and allocate a page there (PTE_P|PTE_U|PTE_W|PTE_SHARE).
	// LAB 5: Your code here
    int r;
    struct Fd *fd;
    if((r = fd_find_unused(&fd)) < 0 || 
    (r = sys_page_alloc(0, fd, PTE_P|PTE_U|PTE_W|PTE_SHARE)) < 0)
        goto err1;
	// Check the pathname.  Error if too long.
	// Use path_walk to find the corresponding directory entry.
	// If '(mode & O_CREAT) == 0' (Exercise 4),
	//   Return -E_NOT_FOUND if the file is not found.
	//   Otherwise, use inode_open to open the inode.
	// If '(mode & O_CREAT) != 0' (Exercise 7),
	//   Create the file if it doesn't exist yet.
	//   Allocate a new inode, initialize its fields, and
	//   reference that inode from the new directory entry.
	//   Flush any blocks you change.
	// Directories can be opened, but only as read-only:
	// return -E_IS_DIR if '(mode & O_ACCMODE) != O_RDONLY'.
	// Check for errors.  On error, make sure you clean up any
	// allocated objects.
	// The root directory is a special case -- if you aren't careful,
	// you will deadlock when the root directory is opened.  (Why?)
	// LAB 5: Your code here.
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < MAXNAMELEN && path[i]; i++); 
    if(i == MAXNAMELEN)
        r = -E_BAD_PATH;
        goto err2;
    struct Inode *dirino;
    struct Direntry *de;
    if((r = path_walk(path, &dirino, &de, mode & O_CREAT)))
        goto err2;
    struct Inode *fileino;
    if(!(mode & O_CREAT))
        if(de == &super->s_root)
            fileino = dirino;
        else if((r = inode_open(de->de_inum, &fileino)) < 0)
            goto err3;
        if(fileino->i_ftype == FTYPE_DIR && (
           mode & O_ACCMODE) != O_RDONLY)
            r = -E_IS_DIR;
            goto err4;
        if((r = inode_alloc(&fileino)) < 0)
            goto err3;
        fileino->i_ftype = FTYPE_REG;
        fileino->i_refcount = 1;
        fileino->i_size = 0;
        memset(&fileino->i_direct, 0, NDIRECT * sizeof (blocknum_t));
        de->de_inum = fileino->i_inum;
        bcache_ipc(fileino, BCREQ_FLUSH); 
        bcache_ipc(dirino, BCREQ_FLUSH); 
	// If '(mode & O_TRUNC) != 0' and the open mode is not read-only,
	// set the file's length to 0.  Flush any blocks you change.
	// LAB 5: Your code here (Exercise 8).
    if((mode & O_TRUNC))
        inode_set_size(fileino, 0);

	// The open has succeeded.
	// Fill in all parts of the 'fd' appropriately.  Use 'devfile.dev_id'.
	// Copy the file's pathname into 'fd->fd_file.open_path' to improve
	// error messages later.
	// You must account for the open file reference in the inode as well.
	// Clean up any open inodes.
	// LAB 5: Your code here (Exercise 4).
    fd->fd_dev_id = devfile.dev_id;
    fd->fd_offset = 0;
    fd->fd_omode = mode;
    fd->fd_file.inum = fileino->i_inum; 
    strcpy(fd->fd_file.open_path, path);
    return fd2num(fd);

    sys_page_unmap(thisenv->env_id, fd);
    return r;
Exemplo n.º 8
int inode_reserve(FAR const char *path, FAR struct inode **inode)
  const char       *name = path;
  FAR struct inode *left;
  FAR struct inode *parent;

  /* Assume failure */

  DEBUGASSERT(path && inode);
  *inode = NULL;

  /* Handle paths that are interpreted as the root directory */

  if (!*path || path[0] != '/')
      return -EINVAL;

  /* Find the location to insert the new subtree */

  if (inode_search(&name, &left, &parent, (FAR const char **)NULL) != NULL)
      /* It is an error if the node already exists in the tree */

      return -EEXIST;

  /* Now we now where to insert the subtree */

  for (;;)
      FAR struct inode *node;

      /* Create a new node -- we need to know if this is the
       * the leaf node or some intermediary.  We can find this
       * by looking at the next name.

      FAR const char *next_name = inode_nextname(name);
      if (*next_name)
          /* Insert an operationless node */

          node = inode_alloc(name);
          if (node)
              inode_insert(node, left, parent);

              /* Set up for the next time through the loop */

              name   = next_name;
              left   = NULL;
              parent = node;
          node = inode_alloc(name);
          if (node)
              inode_insert(node, left, parent);
              *inode = node;
              return OK;

      /* We get here on failures to allocate node memory */

      return -ENOMEM;