main() { char *data; int len; int ret; int i=0; int flag=0; int digit=0; char **str; do { printf("input length of string\n"); scanf("%d",&len); }while(len<=0); getchar(); /*分配字符串空间*/ ret = dynamic_create(&data,(len+1)*sizeof(char)); if(ret!=OK) { printf("分配空间失败\n"); return ER; } /*输入字符串*/ ret = input_str(data,len); if(ER==ret) { printf("赋值失败\n"); return ER; } printf("string=%s\n",data); /*计算数字串的个数*/ ret = num_count(data,&digit); if(ER==ret) { return ER; } printf("digit=%d\n",digit); /*开辟一个指针数组*/ ret = dynamic_create((void**)&str,digit*sizeof(char*)); if(ER==ret) { return ER; } printf("digit=%d\n",digit); printf("开辟指针数组成功\n"); str_trans(data,str);//将字符串中的数字串转置存储 for(i=0;i<digit;i++) { printf("str%d=%s\n",i,*(str+i)); } }
enum CID input() { char * cmd = input_str(); for (int i=0; i<CMD_COUNT; i++) { if (strcmp(commands[i].command, cmd)==0) return(commands[i].cid); } return NOPE; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::string word; std::string input; std::getline(std::cin, input); std::istringstream input_str(input); while (input_str >> word) { std::cout << word << std::endl; } return 0; }
int Retry(){ char repeater[4]; while(1){ printf("Retry Now? [yes/no] :"); input_str(&repeater[0], sizeof(repeater)); if ('y' == repeater[0] || 'Y' == repeater[0]){ return 0; } if ('n' == repeater[0] || 'N' == repeater[0]){ return 1; } printf("Input error. "); } }
void lancia_shell(SocketUDP *udp) { char *lettura; Address addr(BROADCAST_IP, broadcast_port); while(strcmp(lettura = input_str(), EXIT_CMD)) { udp->invia(addr, lettura); free(lettura); } free(lettura); }
static int BoostBase64Test() { std::string input_str("{\"digit\":0,\"pcver\":0,\"protocol\":30001}\n"); std::string base64_str, output_str; std::cout<<"origin text: \n"<<input_str<<std::endl; BoostBase64Encode(input_str, base64_str); std::cout<<"encode: \n"<<base64_str<<std::endl; BoostBase64Decode(base64_str, output_str); std::cout<<"decode: \n"<<output_str<<std::endl; return 0; }
//动态生成4x5数组 //找出每行最大的地址保存到数组指针 int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { //一个指针指向5个数组 int (*arr)[5] = NULL; int *max_arrs[4] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; input_str(arr, ROW, COL); //find_max(max_arr, arr, ROW); int i,j; for (i = 0; i < ; i++) { } return 0; }
int XtfsUtilServer::write(uid_t uid, gid_t gid, const xtreemfs::pbrpc::UserCredentials& uc, const std::string& path, const char *buf, size_t size) { XCtlFile* file = FindFile(uid, gid, path, true); assert(file); if (file->in_use()) { return -1 * EAGAIN; } file->set_in_use(true); string input_str(buf, size); ParseAndExecute(uc, input_str, file); file->set_in_use(false); return size; }
inline std::string HttpHandler::trimAndLower(const char* input) { if (input == nullptr) { return std::string(); } std::string input_str(input); auto wsfront = std::find_if_not(input_str.begin(), input_str.end(), [](int c) { return std::isspace(c); }); auto wsback = std::find_if_not(input_str.rbegin(), input_str.rend(), [](int c) { return std::isspace(c); }).base(); return (wsback <= wsfront ? std::string() : std::string(wsfront, wsback)); }
int main(void) { char *arr[2] = {NULL, NULL}; char *max = NULL; int i; input_str(arr, 2); puts(arr[0]); puts(arr[1]); max_str(arr, 2, &max); puts(max); free(arr[0]); free(arr[1]); free(max); return 0; }
// seg001:09D7 void __pascal far end_sequence() { peel_type* peel; short bgcolor; short color; rect_type rect; short hof_index; short i; color = 0; bgcolor = 15; load_intro(1, &end_sequence_anim, 1); clear_screen_and_sounds(); load_opt_sounds(sound_56_ending_music, sound_56_ending_music); // winning theme play_sound_from_buffer(sound_pointers[sound_56_ending_music]); // winning theme if(offscreen_surface) free_surface(offscreen_surface); // missing in original offscreen_surface = make_offscreen_buffer(&screen_rect); load_title_images(0); current_target_surface = offscreen_surface; draw_image_2(0 /*story frame*/, chtab_title40, 0, 0, 0); draw_image_2(3 /*The tyrant Jaffar*/, chtab_title40, 24, 25, get_text_color(15, color_15_brightwhite, 0x800)); fade_in_2(offscreen_surface, 0x800); pop_wait(timer_0, 900); start_timer(timer_0, 240); draw_image_2(0 /*main title image*/, chtab_title50, 0, 0, 0); transition_ltr(); do_wait(timer_0); for (hof_index = 0; hof_index < hof_count; ++hof_index) { if (hof[hof_index].min < rem_min || (hof[hof_index].min == rem_min && hof[hof_index].tick < rem_tick) ) break; } if (hof_index < MAX_HOF_COUNT && hof_index <= hof_count) { fade_out_2(0x1000); for (i = 5; hof_index + 1 <= i; --i) { hof[i] = hof[i - 1]; } hof[i].name[0] = 0; hof[i].min = rem_min; hof[i].tick = rem_tick; if (hof_count < MAX_HOF_COUNT) { ++hof_count; } draw_image_2(0 /*story frame*/, chtab_title40, 0, 0, 0); draw_image_2(3 /*Prince Of Persia*/, chtab_title50, 24, 24, blitters_10h_transp); show_hof(); offset4_rect_add(&rect, &hof_rects[hof_index], -4, -1, -40, -1); peel = read_peel_from_screen(&rect); if (graphics_mode == gmMcgaVga) { color = 0xBE; bgcolor = 0xB7; } draw_rect(&rect, bgcolor); fade_in_2(offscreen_surface, 0x1800); current_target_surface = onscreen_surface_; while(input_str(&rect, hof[hof_index].name, 24, "", 0, 4, color, bgcolor) <= 0); restore_peel(peel); show_hof_text(&hof_rects[hof_index], -1, 0, hof[hof_index].name); hof_write(); pop_wait(timer_0, 120); current_target_surface = offscreen_surface; draw_image_2(0 /*main title image*/, chtab_title50, 0, 0, blitters_0_no_transp); transition_ltr(); } while (check_sound_playing() && !key_test_quit()) idle(); fade_out_2(0x1000); start_level = 0; start_game(); }
int main(){ int i; int play; int anser[4]; char input[6]; int hit = 0, blow = 0; do{ srand ((unsigned) time (NULL)); printf("\n------------- Hit and Blow -------------\n\n"); make4number(&anser[0]); for(play = 0 ; play < 10 ; ++play){ int Flag = 0; printf("%d", play + 1); switch(play){ case 0: printf("st "); break; case 1: case 2: printf("nd "); break; default: printf("th "); } printf("try.\n"); do{ printf("Number:"); input_str(&input[0], sizeof(input)); if(0 == checknumber(input)){ Flag = 1; }else if (1 == checknumber(input)){ printf("Error : number of digits is not correct.\n"); }else if(2 == checknumber(input)){ printf("Error: contains non-numeric.\n"); }else if (3 == checknumber(input)){ printf("Error: contains the same number.\n"); } }while (Flag == 0); judgeHB(anser, input, &hit, &blow); if(4 == hit){ printf("congratulations!\nIt is a success in the %d", play); switch(play){ case 1: printf("st."); break; case 2: case 3: printf("nd."); break; default: printf("th."); } break; }else{ printHB(hit, blow); } hit = 0; blow = 0; } if (play == 10){ printf("That's too bad.\n"); for(i = 0 ; i < 4 ; ++i){ printf("%d", anser[i]); } } puts (""); }while(0 ==Retry()); return 0; }
void process_commands(enum CID cid) { cursor_t old_c; char * dbName; switch (cid) { case NOPE: puts("-- команда не распознана --"); break; case SET_NAME: if (db_ship()) { printf("Имя>"); strncpy(db_ship()->name,input_str(),64); show(); } break; case SET_YEAR: if (db_ship()) { printf("Год>"); db_ship()->year = strtoul( input_str(),NULL, 10); show(); } break; case COPY: db_copy(); break; case PASTE: db_paste(); show(); break; case ALL: old_c = db_get_cursor(); db_first(); while (db_get_cursor() != db_get_end()) { db_load(); if (!db_is_deleted()) show(); db_next(); } db_set_cursor(old_c); db_load(); break; case REFRESH: db_load(); case SHOW: show(); break; case NEW: db_new(); show(); break; case REMOVE: db_delete(); break; case SAVE: db_save(); break; case HELP: show_help(); break; case OPEN: printf("Файл>"); dbName = input_str(); db_open( strlen(dbName) == 0 ? "ships.db" : dbName); break; case CLOSE: db_close(); break; case FIRST: first: db_first(); while (db_get_cursor() != db_get_end()) { db_load(); if (!db_is_deleted()) { show(); return; } db_next(); } puts("-- в базе нет записей. --"); break; case NEXT: db_next(); while (db_get_cursor() != db_get_end()) { db_load(); if (!db_is_deleted()) { show(); return; } db_next(); } puts("-- больше записей нет. перемотка в начало. --"); goto first; case PREV: while (db_get_cursor() != db_get_begin()) { db_prev(); db_load(); if (!db_is_deleted()) { show(); return; } } puts("-- первая запись --"); goto first; break; default: puts("== команда не обработана =="); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { time_t startTime; bool started_flag = false; bool drinks_disabled_flag = false; bool metric_flag = false; //This is the variable that holds the current amount of caffeine //so basicly the whole program is centred around changing this //variable. Change with caution! double caffeineAmount = 0.0; double caffeineTotal = 0.0; double addCaffeine = 0.0; double amountRemaining = 0.0; display_heading("Eternal Caffeine v2.0 <copyleft. 2015-2016>\n"); if(argc > 1){ //if any arguments are give at all printf("I don't know what `%s' is but here is the help menu.\n", argv[1]); usage(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } puts("Enter help for usage.\n\n"); FILE *drinkfile = fopen(DRINK_PATH_CURRENT, "r"); if(drinkfile == NULL){ //try the install path drinkfile = fopen(DRINK_PATH_INSTALL, "r"); } const unsigned int DRINK_COUNT = count_lines(drinkfile); //we must count the number of entries so we know how much to allocate struct drink drink_table[DRINK_COUNT]; if(DRINK_COUNT == 0 || drinkfile == NULL){ puts("No drinks found! Disabling drinks feature..."); drinks_disabled_flag = true; } else { load_drinks(drinkfile, drink_table, drinks_disabled_flag); fclose(drinkfile); } char command[INPUT_MAX]; while(IM_ETERNAL){ printf("command"); input_str(command); if( string_compare(command, "help") ){ usage(); } else if ( string_compare(command, "start") || string_compare(command, "update") ){ if(started_flag){ //do halflife before add new amount caffeineAmount = half_life(caffeineAmount, time_elapsed(startTime), HALFLIFE_OF_CAFFEINE); } else { started_flag = true; } startTime = time(NULL); //add new amount addCaffeine = update(drink_table, DRINK_COUNT, drinks_disabled_flag, metric_flag); caffeineAmount = caffeineAmount + addCaffeine; caffeineTotal = caffeineTotal + addCaffeine; printf("Caffeine amount is now %.02lfmg\n", caffeineAmount); } else if( string_compare(command, "report") ){ if(! started_flag ){ puts("You have not started yet. Enter the start command!!!"); continue; } amountRemaining = half_life(caffeineAmount, time_elapsed(startTime), HALFLIFE_OF_CAFFEINE); give_report(amountRemaining, caffeineTotal); } else if( string_compare(command, "quit") ){ putchar('\n'); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if( string_compare(command, "metric") ){ metric_flag = !metric_flag; //toggle printf("Metric is now "); if(metric_flag){ printf("on.\n"); }else{ printf("off.\n"); } } else if( string_compare(command, "wipe") ){ addCaffeine = caffeineAmount = caffeineTotal = 0.0; metric_flag = started_flag = false; puts("All values have been reset."); } else { puts("Command unknown. Enter help for usage."); continue; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }