void * do_crawler(void *item) { char *url_ptr; int clientfd ; static int pages = 0; static int error = 0; char *buf = NULL; urlq_t *url_list_head = NULL, *p, *p_pre; char cur_dir[256]; hash_table *hash_in, *hash_out; /* int tid = pthread_self();*/ int j = 0; int i= 0; int pos_found = 0; char temp[256]; int status = 0; static int a = 0; static int b = 0; static int c = 0; static int d = 0; static int e = 0; static int f = 0; static int g = 0; while(1){ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); while (urlqueue.head_ptr->next == NULL){ pthread_cond_wait(&ready, &mutex); } pthread_mutex_lock(&((threadpool_item *)item)->waitlock); ((threadpool_item *)item)->idle = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&((threadpool_item *)item)->waitlock); url_ptr = queue_pop(&urlqueue); g++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); /*if not visited, set flag = 1*/ if(has_visited(hash, url_ptr) == 1){ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); free(url_ptr); pthread_mutex_lock(&((threadpool_item *)item)->waitlock); ((threadpool_item *)item)->idle =1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&((threadpool_item *)item)->waitlock); d++; continue; } hash_out = has_url(hash, url_ptr); e++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); if (hash_out == NULL){ printf("error\n"); getchar(); } *temp = '\0'; cur_dir[0] = '\0'; strcpy(cur_dir, url_ptr); j = strlen(cur_dir); for (;cur_dir[j] != '/' && j != 0; j--) ; if(j == 0) cur_dir[j] = '\0'; else cur_dir[j+1] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++){ if((clientfd = open_tcp("", 80)) < 0){ close_fd(clientfd); continue; } if( http_do_get(clientfd, rootdir, "", url_ptr) < 0){ close_fd(clientfd); continue; } if(recv_line(clientfd, temp) <= 0){ close_fd(clientfd); continue; } if((status = http_response_status(temp)) == 4){ printf("%s error %d\n",url_ptr, error++); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); set_status(hash, url_ptr, 4); set_webg_status(webg, hash_out, 4); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); pthread_mutex_lock(&((threadpool_item *)item)->waitlock); ((threadpool_item *)item)->idle =1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&((threadpool_item *)item)->waitlock); close_fd(clientfd); break; } buf = http_response_body(clientfd); close_fd(clientfd); break; } if (status == 4) continue; if(i == 3){ pthread_mutex_lock(&((threadpool_item *)item)->waitlock); ((threadpool_item *)item)->idle =1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&((threadpool_item *)item)->waitlock); close_fd(clientfd); continue; } if (buf == NULL){ pthread_mutex_lock(&((threadpool_item *)item)->waitlock); ((threadpool_item *)item)->idle =1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&((threadpool_item *)item)->waitlock); continue; } printf("%s pages %d\n", url_ptr,pages++); extract_link(buf, cur_dir, &url_list_head); free(buf); buf = NULL; p = url_list_head->next; p_pre = url_list_head; while (p != NULL){ if(strcmp(url_ptr, p->url_ptr) == 0){ p_pre->next = p->next; free(p->url_ptr); free(p); a++; p = p_pre->next; printf("a= %d, b= %d, c= %d, d= %d, e= %d, f= %d, g= %d\n", a,b,c,d,e,f,g); continue; } pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); hash_in = has_url(hash, p->url_ptr); if (hash_in != NULL ){ insert_edge(webg, hash_in, hash_out); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); p_pre->next = p->next; free(p->url_ptr); free(p); p = p_pre->next; b++; printf("a= %d, b= %d, c= %d, d= %d, e= %d, f= %d, g= %d\n", a,b,c,d,e,f,g); continue; } else{ pos_found = insert_vertex(webg, hash_out, p->url_ptr); insert_hash_item(hash, p->url_ptr, pos_found, 0); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); c++; p_pre = p; p = p->next; printf("a= %d, b= %d, c= %d, d= %d, e= %d, f= %d, g= %d\n", a,b,c,d,e,f,g); } } if(p_pre != url_list_head){ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); queue_push(&urlqueue, url_list_head->next, p_pre); f++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); } free(url_list_head); p = p_pre = url_list_head = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&((threadpool_item *)item)->waitlock); ((threadpool_item *)item)->idle = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&((threadpool_item *)item)->waitlock); /*printf("next time!\n");*/ } /*printf("over!\n");*/ return NULL; }
int main() { graph_link gl; init_graph(&gl); insert_vertex(&gl, 'A'); insert_vertex(&gl, 'B'); insert_vertex(&gl, 'C'); insert_vertex(&gl, 'D'); insert_vertex(&gl, 'E'); insert_vertex(&gl, 'F'); insert_vertex(&gl, 'G'); insert_vertex(&gl, 'H'); insert_vertex(&gl, 'I'); insert_vertex(&gl, 'J'); insert_vertex(&gl, 'K'); insert_vertex(&gl, 'L'); insert_vertex(&gl, 'M'); insert_edge(&gl, 'A', 'B'); insert_edge(&gl, 'A', 'C'); insert_edge(&gl, 'A', 'F'); insert_edge(&gl, 'A', 'L'); insert_edge(&gl, 'B', 'M'); insert_edge(&gl, 'L', 'J'); insert_edge(&gl, 'L', 'M'); insert_edge(&gl, 'J', 'M'); insert_edge(&gl, 'D', 'E'); insert_edge(&gl, 'G', 'H'); insert_edge(&gl, 'G', 'I'); insert_edge(&gl, 'G', 'K'); insert_edge(&gl, 'H', 'K'); printf("\n"); show_graph(&gl); printf("Depth First Search(DFS) all nodes of the graph: \n"); depth_first_search(&gl, 'D'); printf("Nul\n"); printf("Breadth First Search(BFS) all nodes of the graph: \n"); breadth_first_search(&gl, 'A'); printf("Nul\n"); printf("Non connect graph DFS: \n"); components(&gl); printf("Nul\n"); //int v = get_first_neighbor(&gl, 'A'); //printf("The first neighbor node of 'A' is: %d\n", v); //int v1 = get_next_neighbor(&gl, 'B', 'E'); //printf("The next neighbor node of 'B' and 'E' is: %d\n", v1); //printf("\n"); //delete_edge(&gl, 'B', 'C'); //show_graph(&gl); //delete_vertex(&gl, 'C'); destroy_graph(&gl); }
int interface(TNode *graph) { int opt, v1, v2, c; printf("Grafo:\n"); print_graph(graph); help(); while (1) { printf("> "); scanf(" %d", &opt); switch (opt) { case 0: help(); break; case 1: printf("Grafo:\n"); print_graph(graph); break; case 2: printf("Inserir No. Digite um identificador para o no: \n>> "); scanf(" %d", &v1); graph = insert_node(graph, v1); break; case 3: printf("Inserir Aresta. Digite os identificadores dos nos e o custo: \n>> "); scanf(" %d %d %d", &v1, &v2, &c); insert_edge(graph, v1, v2, c); break; case 4: printf("Remover No. Digite um identificador para o no: \n>> "); scanf(" %d", &v1); graph = remove_node(graph, v1); break; case 5: printf("Remover Aresta. Digite os identificadores dos nos: \n>> "); scanf(" %d %d", &v1, &v2); remove_edge(graph, v1, v2); break; case 6: printf("Arvore geradora minima\n"); if (is_connected(graph)) { TNode *k = kruskal(graph); save_file(k, "avm.txt"); printf("Resultado salvo em avm.txt\n"); free_nodes(k); } else { printf("Grafo desconexo\n"); } break; case 7: if (is_connected(graph)) { printf("Caminho Minimo. Digite o identificador do no: \n>> "); scanf(" %d", &v1); int ret = dijkstra(graph, v1); if (ret) printf("Resultado salvo em cmc.txt\n"); else printf("No nao existe!\n"); } else { printf("Grafo desconexo\n"); } break; case 8: printf("Salvando arquivo saida.txt\n"); save_file(graph, "saida.txt"); break; case 9: free_nodes(graph); return 0; } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int source, dest, min_node, max_node; int *communities2nodes; int method, quantity_communities; Queue nodes; Graph graph; FILE *arq; min_node = MAX_WEIGHT; max_node = -1; if(argc >= 3){ arq = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if(arq == NULL) printf("Erro, nao foi possivel abrir o arquivo\n"); else while((fscanf(arq,"%d %d\n", &source, &dest)) !=EOF){ if(source < min_node) min_node = source; if(dest < min_node) min_node = dest; if(source > max_node) max_node = source; if(dest > max_node) max_node = dest; enqueue(&nodes, source); enqueue(&nodes, dest); } fclose(arq); graph.numbers_nodes = max_node - min_node + 1; allocate_memory(&graph); while(not empty(&nodes)){ source = dequeue(&nodes); dest = dequeue(&nodes); insert_edge(&graph, source - min_node, dest - min_node, 1); } quantity_communities = atoi(argv[2]); if(argc < 4){ communities2nodes = calculate_communities_repeated_square(&graph, quantity_communities); imprime(communities2nodes, graph.numbers_nodes, min_node); communities2nodes = calculate_communities_floyd_warshall(&graph, quantity_communities); imprime(communities2nodes, graph.numbers_nodes, min_node); communities2nodes = calculate_communities_johnson_queue(&graph, quantity_communities); imprime(communities2nodes, graph.numbers_nodes, min_node); communities2nodes = calculate_communities_johnson_array(&graph, quantity_communities); imprime(communities2nodes, graph.numbers_nodes, min_node); communities2nodes = calculate_communities_nbfs(&graph, quantity_communities); imprime(communities2nodes, graph.numbers_nodes, min_node); } else{ method = atoi(argv[3]); switch(method){ case 0: communities2nodes = calculate_communities_repeated_square(&graph, quantity_communities); break; case 1: communities2nodes = calculate_communities_floyd_warshall(&graph, quantity_communities); break; case 2: communities2nodes = calculate_communities_johnson_queue(&graph, quantity_communities); break; case 3: communities2nodes = calculate_communities_johnson_array(&graph, quantity_communities); break; case 4: communities2nodes = calculate_communities_nbfs(&graph, quantity_communities); break; default: printf("Metodo Invalido"); return 0; }; } imprime(communities2nodes, graph.numbers_nodes, min_node); } return 0; }
int main () { struct digraph *G = new_digraph (5); struct digraph *tc_G; /* make a funny digraph */ insert_edge (G, 0, 1); insert_edge (G, 1, 2); //insert_edge (G, 2, 3); insert_edge (G, 3, 4); insert_edge (G, 4, 0); /* is the digraph connected? */ if (is_connected (G)) printf ("connected!\n"); else printf ("not connected!\n"); /* print the adjacency matrix */ printf ("adjacency matrix for G:\n"); print_adj_matrix (G); /* find the transitive closure */ tc_G = Warshall (G); /* print the adjacency matrix for the transitive closure */ printf ("adjacency matrix for transitive closure of G:\n"); print_adj_matrix (tc_G); //return 0; /* make a funny DAG */ struct digraph *H = new_digraph (7); insert_edge (H, 3, 4); insert_edge (H, 4, 2); insert_edge (H, 3, 5); insert_edge (H, 5, 2); insert_edge (H, 2, 6); insert_edge (H, 5, 3); insert_edge (H, 6, 1); insert_edge (H, 6, 0); printf ("adjacency matrix for H:\n"); print_adj_matrix (H); if (is_connected (H)) printf ("connected!\n"); else printf ("not connected!\n"); topological_sort (H, 3); //return 0; struct digraph *tc_H = Warshall (H); printf ("transitive closure of H is:\n"); print_adj_matrix (tc_H); return 0; }
/* sets the edges for a series of parallel segments along two edges starting * from segment i, segment j. It is assumed that the edge should be from * segment i to segment j - the dependency is appropriately propagated */ static void set_parallel_edges (segment* seg1, segment* seg2, int dir1, int dir2, int hops, maze* mp) { int x; channel* chan; channel* nchan; segment* prev1; segment* prev2; if (seg1->isVert) chan = chanSearch(mp->vchans, seg1); else chan = chanSearch(mp->hchans, seg1); insert_edge(chan->G, seg1->ind_no, seg2->ind_no); for (x=1;x<=hops;x++) { prev1 = next_seg(seg1, dir1); prev2 = next_seg(seg2, dir2); if(!seg1->isVert) { nchan = chanSearch(mp->vchans, prev1); if(prev1->comm_coord==seg1->p.p1) { if(seg1->l1==B_UP) { if(edge_exists(chan->G, seg1->ind_no, seg2->ind_no)) insert_edge(nchan->G, prev2->ind_no, prev1->ind_no); else insert_edge(nchan->G, prev1->ind_no, prev2->ind_no); } else { if(edge_exists(chan->G, seg1->ind_no, seg2->ind_no)) insert_edge(nchan->G, prev1->ind_no, prev2->ind_no); else insert_edge(nchan->G, prev2->ind_no, prev1->ind_no); } } else { if(seg1->l2==B_UP) { if(edge_exists(chan->G, seg1->ind_no, seg2->ind_no)) insert_edge(nchan->G,prev1->ind_no, prev2->ind_no); else insert_edge(nchan->G,prev2->ind_no, prev1->ind_no); } else { if(edge_exists(chan->G, seg1->ind_no, seg2->ind_no)) insert_edge(nchan->G, prev2->ind_no, prev1->ind_no); else insert_edge(nchan->G, prev1->ind_no, prev2->ind_no); } } } else { nchan = chanSearch(mp->hchans, prev1); if(prev1->comm_coord==seg1->p.p1) { if(seg1->l1==B_LEFT) { if(edge_exists(chan->G, seg1->ind_no, seg2->ind_no)) insert_edge(nchan->G, prev1->ind_no, prev2->ind_no); else insert_edge(nchan->G, prev2->ind_no, prev1->ind_no); } else { if(edge_exists(chan->G, seg1->ind_no, seg2->ind_no)) insert_edge(nchan->G, prev2->ind_no, prev1->ind_no); else insert_edge(nchan->G, prev1->ind_no, prev2->ind_no); } } else { if(seg1->l2==B_LEFT) { if(edge_exists(chan->G, seg1->ind_no, seg2->ind_no)) insert_edge(nchan->G, prev2->ind_no, prev1->ind_no); else insert_edge(nchan->G, prev1->ind_no, prev2->ind_no); } else { if(edge_exists(chan->G, seg1->ind_no, seg2->ind_no)) insert_edge(nchan->G, prev1->ind_no, prev2->ind_no); else insert_edge(nchan->G, prev2->ind_no, prev1->ind_no); } } } chan = nchan; seg1 = prev1; seg2 = prev2; } }