void RPCServer::sendInputImages(quint64 client){ if(global_options.diffraction_filename[0]){ Image * a = sp_image_read(global_options.diffraction_filename,0); if(!a){ qCritical("RPCServer: Could not open amplitudes file!"); return; } QByteArray data; ImageStream instream(&data,QIODevice::WriteOnly); instream << a; call(client,QString("inputImageSent(QByteArray,QString)"),data,"amplitudes"); sp_image_free(a); } if(global_options.real_image_filename[0]){ Image * a = sp_image_read(global_options.real_image_filename,0); if(!a){ qCritical("RPCServer: Could not open real image file!"); return; } QByteArray data; ImageStream instream(&data,QIODevice::WriteOnly); instream << a; call(client,QString("inputImageSent(QByteArray,QString)"),data,"real_image"); sp_image_free(a); } }
void ThumbnailPicker::parseGooglePage( QStringList &ImList, const QString &URL ) { QString tmpFile; QString PageHTML; //Read the google image page's HTML into the PageHTML QString: if ( KIO::NetAccess::exists(URL, KIO::NetAccess::SourceSide, this) && KIO::NetAccess::download( URL, tmpFile, this ) ) { QFile file( tmpFile ); if ( file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { QTextStream instream(&file); PageHTML = instream.readAll(); file.close(); KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile( tmpFile ); } else { kDebug() << "Could not read local copy of google image page"; KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile( tmpFile ); return; } } else { kDebug() << KIO::NetAccess::lastErrorString(); return; } int index = PageHTML.indexOf( "src=\"http:", 0 ); while ( index >= 0 ) { index += 5; //move to end of "src=\"http:" marker //Image URL is everything from index to next occurrence of "\"" ImList.append( PageHTML.mid( index, PageHTML.indexOf( "\"", index ) - index ) ); index = PageHTML.indexOf( "src=\"http:", index ); } }
void DOCCOM::Load_LDA_Phi_or_Theta(const char* cloadpath, vector<vector<double>*>& LDAphitheta_vv) { char getlineBuf[MAX_DOC_BUFFER]; double phi; ifstream in(cloadpath); if(in.bad()) return; in.clear(); in.seekg(0, ios::beg); if(in.peek() == EOF){ in.close(); return; } while(in.peek() != EOF){ in.getline(getlineBuf, MAX_DOC_BUFFER,'\n'); istringstream instream(getlineBuf); vector<double>* pPhi_v = new vector<double>; LDAphitheta_vv.push_back(pPhi_v); while(instream.peek() != EOF){ instream >> phi; instream.getline(getlineBuf, MAX_DOC_BUFFER,' '); pPhi_v->push_back(phi); } } in.close(); }
void wxSFCanvasState::Restore(wxSFShapeCanvas* canvas) { wxASSERT(canvas); wxASSERT(canvas->GetDiagramManager()); if( m_pDataManager ) { // copy content of stored temporal data manager into the currently used one canvas->GetDiagramManager()->CopyItems(m_pDataManager); canvas->Refresh(false); } else { // create input stream from local memory buffer wxMemoryInputStream instream(m_dataBuffer.GetData(), m_dataBuffer.GetDataLen()-1); // deserialize canvas content if(instream.IsOk() && canvas && canvas->GetDiagramManager()) { // clear all previous canvas content canvas->GetDiagramManager()->Clear(); canvas->GetDiagramManager()->DeserializeFromXml(instream); canvas->Refresh(false); } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::string code; if (argc != 2) { std::cerr << "Usage: fbi <codefile>" << std::endl; return 1; } // Read code std::ifstream instream(argv[1]); if (!instream.is_open()) { std::cerr << "Could not open file!" << std::endl; return 1; } std::string line; while (!instream.eof()) { std::getline(instream, line); code.append(line); } Interpreter interpreter; if (!interpreter.run(code)) return 1; return 0; }
MDFlib::MDFTX::MDFTX(QFile* file, long pTX, unsigned short byteOrder) { myMDFFile = file; QByteArray byteArray; QDataStream instream(myMDFFile); QString blockType; unsigned short blockSize; QString text; if(byteOrder == 0) { instream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); } else { instream.setByteOrder(QDataStream::BigEndian); } myMDFFile->seek(pTX); byteArray = myMDFFile->read(2); blockType.append(byteArray.data()); myMDFFile->seek(pTX + 2); instream >> blockSize; myMDFFile->seek(pTX + 4); byteArray = myMDFFile->read(blockSize); text.append(byteArray.data()); setBlockType(&blockType); setBlockSize(blockSize); setText(&text); }
void DOCCOM::Load_Event_Top_Terms(const char* ladpath, vector<vector<string>*>& pmEventTopTerm_vv) { char SentenceBuf[MAX_SENTENCE]; ifstream in(ladpath); if(in.bad()) return; in.clear(); in.seekg(0, ios::beg); if(in.peek() == EOF){ in.close(); return; } while(in.peek() != EOF){ in.getline(SentenceBuf, MAX_SENTENCE,'\n'); in.getline(SentenceBuf, MAX_SENTENCE,'\n'); istringstream instream(SentenceBuf); vector<string>* pTerm_v = new vector<string>; pmEventTopTerm_vv.push_back(pTerm_v); while(instream.peek() != EOF){ instream.getline(SentenceBuf, MAX_SENTENCE,';'); pTerm_v->push_back(SentenceBuf); } in.getline(SentenceBuf, MAX_SENTENCE,'\n'); } in.close(); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------- void voDelimitedTextPreviewModelPrivate::loadFile() { Q_ASSERT(QFile::exists(this->FileName)); QFile infile(this->FileName); bool openStatus = infile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); if (!openStatus) { qWarning() << QObject::tr("File ") << this->FileName << QObject::tr(" could not be opened for reading. Did something change between when you selected the file and now?"); return; } // Read file QTextStream instream(&infile); QStringList sampleLinesList; for (int i = 0; i < this->NumberOfRowsToPreview && !instream.atEnd(); i++) { sampleLinesList << instream.readLine(); } // Push lines to temp file QString sampleLines; sampleLines = sampleLinesList.join("\n"); bool status = this->SampleCacheFile.open(); if (!status) { qWarning() << QObject::tr("Couldn't open temporary file for preview!"); return; } this->SampleCacheFile.write(sampleLines.toAscii()); this->SampleCacheFile.close(); }
void DOCCOM::Load_LDA_Wordmap(const char* cloadpath, map<size_t, size_t>& LDAIndex2TermID_m) { char SentenceBuf[MAX_SENTENCE]; size_t doc_size; size_t TermID; size_t LDATermIndex; ifstream in(cloadpath); if(in.bad()) return; in.clear(); in.seekg(0, ios::beg); if(in.peek() == EOF){ in.close(); return; } in >> doc_size; in.getline(SentenceBuf, MAX_SENTENCE, '\n'); for(size_t i = 0; i < doc_size; i++){ in.getline(SentenceBuf, MAX_SENTENCE, '\n'); istringstream instream(SentenceBuf); instream >> TermID; instream.getline(SentenceBuf, MAX_SENTENCE, ' '); instream >> LDATermIndex; LDAIndex2TermID_m.insert(make_pair(LDATermIndex, TermID)); } in.close(); }
/***************************************************** ** ** AtlasImportWorker --- readZipFile ** ******************************************************/ int readZipFile() { wxString buf; wxFFileInputStream instream( sharedSection->sqlfile ); wxZipInputStream zipstream( instream ); wxTextInputStream textstream( zipstream ); wxZipEntry *zipentry = zipstream.GetNextEntry(); sharedSection->totalSize = (long)zipstream.GetSize(); if ( zipentry ) { printf( "Entry: %s\n", str2char( zipentry->GetName())); bool b = zipstream.OpenEntry( *zipentry ); printf( "Open flag_ %d\n", b ); while( zipstream.GetLastError() == wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR ) { sharedSection->currentLine++; buf = textstream.ReadLine(); if ( checkCancelOrExit() ) break; addQueryPart( buf ); if ( checkCancelOrExit() ) break; } zipstream.CloseEntry(); } else { printf( "Entry NULL\n" ); } if ( qb.size() > 0 ) execQueryBundle(); return 0; }
Script::String overloadedLoad(const Script::String& filename) { std::string name(Pika::toStdString(filename)); // Sorry, can't pass a wchar_t filename. MSVC supports it, but it is non-standard. So we convert to a std::string to be on the safe side. { std::basic_ifstream<Script::Char> instream(name.c_str()); if (instream.good()) return loadFile(instream, filename); } if (!pikaCmdDir.empty()) { std::basic_ifstream<Script::Char> instream((pikaCmdDir + name).c_str()); if (instream.good()) return loadFile(instream, filename); } { for (int i = 0; i < sizeof (BUILT_IN_FILES) / sizeof (*BUILT_IN_FILES); ++i) if (filename == BUILT_IN_FILES[i].first) return BUILT_IN_FILES[i].second; } throw Script::Xception(Script::String("Cannot open file for reading: ") += Pika::escape(filename)); }
//New saveUserLog, moved from DetailDialog. //Should create a special UserLog widget that encapsulates the "default" //message in the widget when no log exists (much like we do with dmsBox now) void SkyObject::saveUserLog( const QString &newLog ) { QFile file; QString logs; //existing logs //Do nothing if new log is the "default" message //(keep going if new log is empty; we'll want to delete its current entry) if ( newLog == (i18n("Record here observation logs and/or data on %1.").arg(name())) || newLog.isEmpty() ) return; // header label QString KSLabel ="[KSLABEL:" + name() + "]"; //However, we can't accept a star name if it has a greek letter in it: if ( type() == STAR ) { StarObject *star = (StarObject*)this; if ( name() == star->gname() ) KSLabel = "[KSLABEL:" + star->gname( false ) + "]"; //"false": spell out greek letter } file.setName( locateLocal( "appdata", "userlog.dat" ) ); //determine filename in local user KDE directory tree. if ( file.open( IO_ReadOnly)) { QTextStream instream(&file); // read all data into memory logs = instream.read(); file.close(); } //Remove old log entry from the logs text if ( ! userLog.isEmpty() ) { int startIndex, endIndex; QString sub; startIndex = logs.find(KSLabel); sub = logs.mid (startIndex); endIndex = sub.find("[KSLogEnd]"); logs.remove(startIndex, endIndex + 11); } //append the new log entry to the end of the logs text, //but only if the log is not empty if ( ! newLog.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty() ) logs.append( KSLabel + "\n" + newLog + "\n[KSLogEnd]\n" ); //Open file for writing //FIXME: change error message to "cannot write to user log file" if ( !file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { kdDebug() << i18n( "user log file could not be opened." ) << endl; return; } //Write new logs text QTextStream outstream(&file); outstream << logs; //Set the log text in the object itself. userLog = newLog; file.close(); }
TEUCHOS_UNIT_TEST(Teuchos_TwoDArrays, streamTests){ TwoDArray<int> simpleArray = getSimpleTestTwoDArray(); std::stringstream ss; ss << simpleArray; TwoDArray<int> readArray; std::istringstream instream(ss.str()); instream >> readArray; TEST_EQUALITY(simpleArray, readArray); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Helper function reading a file into a string /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::string read_from_file(char const* infile) { std::ifstream instream(infile); if (!instream.is_open()) { std::cerr << "Couldn't open file: " << infile << std::endl; exit(-1); } instream.unsetf(std::ios::skipws); // No white space skipping! return std::string(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(instream.rdbuf()), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()); }
/** * @brief builds a song matching parameters file from the given info * @param parametersFile - the name of the parameters data file * @return a songMatchingParams object with the initialized data */ SongMatchingParams Parser::buildSongMatchParametrs(const std::string ¶metersFile) { std::ifstream instream(parametersFile.c_str()); std::string currentLine; size_t pos; int tagMatchScore, lyricsMatchScore, instrumentMatchScore, bpmWeight; // gets the tagMatchScore getline(instream, currentLine); pos = TAG_MATCH_SCORE.size() + 2; tagMatchScore = stoi(currentLine.substr(pos)); // gets the lyricsMatchScore getline(instream, currentLine); pos = LYRICS_MATCH_SCORE.size() + 2; lyricsMatchScore = stoi(currentLine.substr(pos)); // gets the instrumentMatchScore getline(instream, currentLine); pos = INSTRUMENT_MATCH_SCORE.size() + 2; instrumentMatchScore = stoi(currentLine.substr(pos)); // gets the bpmWeight getline(instream, currentLine); pos = BPM_WEIGHT.size() + 2; bpmWeight = stoi(currentLine.substr(pos)); // gets the uniqe words vals double avgBpm, deviationBpm; std::map<std::string, std::pair<double, double>> uniqeWords; std::string word; std::pair<double, double> wordValues; std::pair<std::string, std::pair<double, double>> mapElement; while (getline(instream, currentLine)) { if ((currentLine != "\n") && (currentLine != "")) { pos = currentLine.find(":"); word = currentLine.substr(0, pos); currentLine = currentLine.substr(pos + 1, std::string::npos); pos = currentLine.find(","); avgBpm = stod(currentLine.substr(0, pos)); deviationBpm = stod(currentLine.substr(pos + 1, std::string::npos)); wordValues = std::pair<double, double>(avgBpm, deviationBpm); mapElement = std::pair<std::string, std::pair<double, double>>(word, wordValues); uniqeWords.insert(mapElement); } } SongMatchingParams songMatchingParams(uniqeWords, tagMatchScore, instrumentMatchScore, lyricsMatchScore, bpmWeight); return songMatchingParams; }
void CarmenLogReader::readLog(std::istream& _stream, std::vector<AbstractReading*>& _log) const{ char buffer[MAX_LINE_SIZE]; while(_stream){ _stream.getline(buffer,MAX_LINE_SIZE); std::istringstream instream(buffer); AbstractReading *reading = readLine(instream); if (reading) _log.push_back(reading); } }
void ConvAutoTestCase::TestTextStream(const char *src, size_t srclength, const wxString& line1, const wxString& line2) { wxMemoryInputStream instream(src, srclength); wxTextInputStream text(instream); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( line1, text.ReadLine() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL( line2, text.ReadLine() ); }
/** * Initiates the InstrumentalSong with the given data. * @param title * @param tags * @param instruments * @param performedBy * @param bpm */ InstrumentalSong::InstrumentalSong(const std::string title, const std::string tags, const std::string instruments, const std::string performedBy, const double bpm) : Song(INSTRUMENTAL_SONG, title, tags), _performedBy(performedBy), _bpm(bpm) { std::istringstream instream(instruments); std::string instrument = ""; while (std::getline(instream, instrument, ' ')) { _instruments.insert(instrument); } }
string Huffman::readFile(string in) { cout << "\nRead file " << in << ".txt :" << endl; ifstream instream(in + ".txt"); if (instream.is_open()) { while (getline(instream, words)) { instream >> words; } } return words; }
string indent(string const & str, int tabs) { stringstream instream(str); stringstream outstream; string line; while (getline(instream, line, '\n')) { for (int i = 0; i != tabs; ++i) outstream << '\t'; outstream << line << endl; } return outstream.str(); }
bool udSettings::DeserializeFromXml(const wxString& file) { if( wxFileExists(file) ) { wxFileInputStream instream(file); return udSettings::DeserializeFromXml( instream ); } else { this->CreateCategories(); return false; } }
bool wxXmlSerializer::DeserializeFromXml(const wxString& file) { wxFileInputStream instream(file); if(instream.IsOk()) { return this->DeserializeFromXml(instream); } else m_sErr = wxT("Unable to initialize input stream."); return false; }
void slConfig::SetupGlobalconfig() { SetRecordDefaults( true ); const wxString global_config_path = GlobalConfigPath(); if ( wxFileName::FileExists( global_config_path ) ) { wxFileInputStream instream( global_config_path ); if ( instream.IsOk() ) { m_global_config = new wxFileConfig ( instream ); m_global_config->SetRecordDefaults( false ); } } }
/** * @brief builds a vector of all queries * @param queriesFile - the name of the queries file * @return a vector of all queries */ std::vector<std::string> Parser::buildQueriesList(const std::string &queriesFile) { std::ifstream instream(queriesFile.c_str()); std::string query = ""; std::vector<std::string> queriesList; while (instream >> query) { if (query != "\n") { queriesList.push_back(query); } } return queriesList; }
void sweetMeshTest(){ std::cout << "inside SweetMeshTest()\n"; std::ifstream instream("meshOriginal.rawhs"); sweetMesh::hexMesh mesh; sweetMesh::readRAWHSfile(mesh, instream); instream.close(); std::cout << "Done reading mesh\n"; mesh.printStatistics(); sweetMesh::visualMesh visMesh(mesh); visMesh.renderAllEdges = true; visMesh.renderAllSurfaceQuads = true; visMesh.refresh(); cvcraw_geometry::write(cvcraw_geometry::geometry_t(visMesh), "meshOriginal.raw"); std::cout << "Done with SweetMeshTest()\n"; }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); this->setWindowTitle("Авторизация"); db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL"); /* db.setHostName(""); db.setPort(3306); db.setDatabaseName("gkhdb"); db.setUserName("root"); db.setPassword("qwer");*/ QFile file("./db.txt"); if(!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qDebug() << "error opening file: " << file.error(); return; } QTextStream instream(&file); QString line = instream.readLine(); db.setHostName(line); db.setPort(instream.readLine().toInt()); db.setDatabaseName(instream.readLine()); db.setUserName(instream.readLine()); db.setPassword(instream.readLine()); file.close(); if (!db.open()) { //Error *error = new Error(); //error->show(); qDebug()<<"Ошибка соединения"; } QSqlQuery usertypeQuery; usertypeQuery.exec("SELECT * FROM usertype"); while(usertypeQuery.next()) { ui->usertype->addItem(usertypeQuery.value("typeuser").toString(),\ usertypeQuery.value("id").toInt()); } }
int ReadFastaQueries(const string& filename, vector< CRef<objects::CSeq_loc> >& seqs, CRef<objects::CScope>& scope, bool parse_deflines /* = false*/, objects::CSeqIdGenerator* id_generator /* = NULL*/) { seqs.clear(); CNcbiIfstream instream(filename.c_str()); if (!instream) { return -1; } CStreamLineReader line_reader(instream); CFastaReader::TFlags flags = CFastaReader::fAssumeProt | CFastaReader::fForceType; if (!parse_deflines) { flags |= CFastaReader::fNoParseID; } CFastaReader fasta_reader(line_reader, flags); if (id_generator) { fasta_reader.SetIDGenerator(*id_generator); } scope->AddDefaults(); while (!line_reader.AtEOF()) { CRef<CSeq_entry> entry = fasta_reader.ReadOneSeq(); if (entry == 0) { return -1; } scope->AddTopLevelSeqEntry(*entry); CTypeConstIterator<CBioseq> itr(ConstBegin(*entry)); CRef<CSeq_loc> seqloc(new CSeq_loc()); seqloc->SetWhole().Assign(*itr->GetId().front()); seqs.push_back(seqloc); } return 0; }
int ReadMsa(const string& filename, CRef<CSeq_align>& align, CRef<CScope> scope, bool parse_deflines /* = false*/, objects::CSeqIdGenerator* id_generator /* = NULL*/) { if (scope.Empty()) { return -1; } CNcbiIfstream instream(filename.c_str()); if (!instream) { return -1; } CStreamLineReader line_reader(instream); CFastaReader::TFlags flags = CFastaReader::fAssumeProt | CFastaReader::fForceType | CFastaReader::fValidate; if (!parse_deflines) { flags |= CFastaReader::fNoParseID; } CFastaReader fasta_reader(line_reader, flags); if (id_generator) { fasta_reader.SetIDGenerator(*id_generator); } CRef<CSeq_entry> entry = fasta_reader.ReadAlignedSet(-1); if (entry.Empty()) { return -1; } scope->AddTopLevelSeqEntry(*entry); // notify of a problem if the whole file was not read if (!line_reader.AtEOF()) { return -1; } align = entry->GetAnnot().front()->GetData().GetAlign().front(); return 0; }
void CAct::Load_Action_Documents(const char* cPath, list<ACE_Action*>& Actions_l) { char SentenceBuf[MAX_SENTENCE]; ifstream in(cPath); if(in.bad()) return; in.clear(); in.seekg(0, ios::beg); if(in.peek() == EOF){ in.close(); return; } while(in.peek() != EOF){ size_t entitycnt; ACE_Action* plocAction = new ACE_Action; in.getline(SentenceBuf, MAX_SENTENCE, '\n'); istringstream instream(SentenceBuf); instream.getline(SentenceBuf, MAX_SENTENCE, '\t'); plocAction->DOCID = SentenceBuf; instream >> plocAction->CASID; instream.getline(SentenceBuf, MAX_SENTENCE, '\t'); instream >> plocAction->SENID; instream.getline(SentenceBuf, MAX_SENTENCE, '\t'); instream.getline(SentenceBuf, MAX_SENTENCE, '\t'); plocAction->TYPE = SentenceBuf; instream >> plocAction->value; in.getline(SentenceBuf, MAX_SENTENCE, '\n'); plocAction->charseq = SentenceBuf; in >> entitycnt; in.getline(SentenceBuf, MAX_SENTENCE, '\n'); list<string>& loc_l = plocAction->entity_mention_l; for(size_t i = 0; i < entitycnt; i++){ in.getline(SentenceBuf, MAX_SENTENCE, '\n'); loc_l.push_back(SentenceBuf); } Actions_l.push_back(plocAction); } in.close(); }
bool Producer::CheckResponse(BrokerChannel* channel, const string& topic_name, const int32_t partition_id) { NetworkBufferedReader instream(channel, recv_buf_, recv_buf_size_); try { int32_t unused_length; instream.ReadInt32(&unused_length); int16_t unused_version_id; instream.ReadInt16(&unused_version_id); int32_t unused_correlation_id; instream.ReadInt32(&unused_correlation_id); int32_t topic_count; instream.ReadInt32(&topic_count); for (int i = 0; i < topic_count; ++i) { string recv_topic_name; instream.ReadShortString(recv_topic_name); int32_t partition_count; instream.ReadInt32(&partition_count); for (int j = 0; j < partition_count; ++j) { int32_t recv_partition_id; instream.ReadInt32(&recv_partition_id); int16_t error_code; instream.ReadInt16(&error_code); int64_t offset; instream.ReadInt64(&offset); if (!topic_name.compare(recv_topic_name) && recv_partition_id == partition_id && error_code == NoError) { return true; } } } } catch (std::exception ex) { std::cerr << "Exception in reading Producer response from Server." << std::endl; return false; } return false; }