Exemplo n.º 1
main (int argc, char *argv [])
{	int		do_all = 0 ;
	int		test_count = 0 ;

	if (argc != 2)
	{	printf ("Usage : %s <test>\n", argv [0]) ;
		printf ("    Where <test> is one of the following:\n") ;
		printf ("           ver     - test sf_command (SFC_GETLIB_VERSION)\n") ;
		printf ("           norm    - test floating point normalisation\n") ;
		printf ("           format  - test format string commands\n") ;
		printf ("           peak    - test peak calculation\n") ;
		printf ("           trunc   - test file truncation\n") ;
		printf ("           inst    - test set/get of SF_INSTRUMENT.\n") ;
		printf ("           chanmap - test set/get of channel map data..\n") ;
		printf ("           bext    - test set/get of SF_BROADCAST_INFO.\n") ;
		printf ("           bextch  - test set/get of SF_BROADCAST_INFO coding_history.\n") ;
		printf ("           rawend  - test SFC_RAW_NEEDS_ENDSWAP.\n") ;
		printf ("           all     - perform all tests\n") ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	do_all =! strcmp (argv [1], "all") ;

	if (do_all || strcmp (argv [1], "ver") == 0)
	{	char buffer [128] ;

		print_test_name ("version_test", "(none)") ;
		buffer [0] = 0 ;
		sf_command (NULL, SFC_GET_LIB_VERSION, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) ;
		if (strlen (buffer) < 1)
		{	printf ("Line %d: could not retrieve lib version.\n", __LINE__) ;
			exit (1) ;
			} ;
		puts ("ok") ;
		test_count ++ ;
		} ;

	if (do_all || strcmp (argv [1], "norm") == 0)
	{	/*	Preliminary float/double normalisation tests. More testing
		**	is done in the program 'floating_point_test'.
		float_norm_test		("float.wav") ;
		double_norm_test	("double.wav") ;
		test_count ++ ;
		} ;

	if (do_all || strcmp (argv [1], "peak") == 0)
	{	calc_peak_test (SF_ENDIAN_BIG		| SF_FORMAT_RAW, "be-peak.raw") ;
		calc_peak_test (SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_RAW, "le-peak.raw") ;
		test_count ++ ;
		} ;

	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "format"))
	{	format_tests () ;
		test_count ++ ;
		} ;

	if (do_all || strcmp (argv [1], "trunc") == 0)
	{	truncate_test ("truncate.raw", SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32) ;
		truncate_test ("truncate.au" , SF_FORMAT_AU | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
		test_count ++ ;
		} ;

	if (do_all || strcmp (argv [1], "inst") == 0)
	{	instrument_test ("instrument.wav", SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
		instrument_test ("instrument.aiff" , SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24) ;
		/*-instrument_test ("instrument.xi", SF_FORMAT_XI | SF_FORMAT_DPCM_16) ;-*/
		test_count ++ ;
		} ;

	if (do_all || strcmp (argv [1], "current_sf_info") == 0)
	{	current_sf_info_test ("current.wav") ;
		test_count ++ ;
		} ;

	if (do_all || strcmp (argv [1], "bext") == 0)
	{	broadcast_test ("broadcast.wav", SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
		broadcast_rdwr_test	("broadcast.wav", SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;

		broadcast_test ("broadcast.wavex", SF_FORMAT_WAVEX | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
		broadcast_rdwr_test	("broadcast.wavex", SF_FORMAT_WAVEX | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;

		broadcast_test ("broadcast.rf64", SF_FORMAT_RF64 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
		broadcast_rdwr_test	("broadcast.rf64", SF_FORMAT_RF64 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
		test_count ++ ;
		} ;

	if (do_all || strcmp (argv [1], "bextch") == 0)
	{	broadcast_coding_history_test ("coding_history.wav") ;
		broadcast_coding_history_size ("coding_hist_size.wav") ;
		test_count ++ ;
		} ;

	if (do_all || strcmp (argv [1], "chanmap") == 0)
	{	channel_map_test ("chanmap.wavex", SF_FORMAT_WAVEX | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
		channel_map_test ("chanmap.rf64", SF_FORMAT_RF64 | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
		channel_map_test ("chanmap.aifc" , SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
		channel_map_test ("chanmap.caf" , SF_FORMAT_CAF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
		test_count ++ ;
		} ;

	if (do_all || strcmp (argv [1], "rawend") == 0)
	{	raw_needs_endswap_test ("raw_end.wav", SF_FORMAT_WAV) ;
		raw_needs_endswap_test ("raw_end.wavex", SF_FORMAT_WAVEX) ;
		raw_needs_endswap_test ("raw_end.rifx", SF_ENDIAN_BIG | SF_FORMAT_WAV) ;
		raw_needs_endswap_test ("raw_end.aiff", SF_FORMAT_AIFF) ;
		raw_needs_endswap_test ("raw_end.aiff_le", SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE | SF_FORMAT_AIFF) ;
		test_count ++ ;
		} ;

	if (test_count == 0)
	{	printf ("Mono : ************************************\n") ;
		printf ("Mono : *  No '%s' test defined.\n", argv [1]) ;
		printf ("Mono : ************************************\n") ;
		return 1 ;
		} ;

	return 0 ;
} /* main */
Exemplo n.º 2
main (int argc, char *argv [])
{	int		do_all = 0 ;
	int		test_count = 0 ;

	if (argc != 2)
	{	printf ("Usage : %s <test>\n", argv [0]) ;
		printf ("    Where <test> is one of the following:\n") ;
		printf ("           ver    - test sf_command (SFC_GETLIB_VERSION)\n") ;
		printf ("           norm   - test floating point normalisation\n") ;
		printf ("           format - test format string commands\n") ;
		printf ("           peak   - test peak calculation\n") ;
		printf ("           trunc  - test file truncation\n") ;
		printf ("           inst   - test set/get of SF_INSTRUMENT.\n") ;
		printf ("           all    - perform all tests\n") ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	do_all =! strcmp (argv [1], "all") ;

	if (do_all || strcmp (argv [1], "ver") == 0)
	{	char buffer [128] ;
		buffer [0] = 0 ;
		sf_command (NULL, SFC_GET_LIB_VERSION, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) ;
		if (strlen (buffer) < 1)
		{	printf ("Line %d: could not retrieve lib version.\n", __LINE__) ;
			exit (1) ;
			} ;
		test_count++ ;
		} ;

	if (do_all || strcmp (argv [1], "norm") == 0)
	{	/*	Preliminary float/double normalisation tests. More testing
		**	is done in the program 'floating_point_test'.
		float_norm_test		("float.wav") ;
		double_norm_test	("double.wav") ;
		test_count++ ;
		} ;

	if (do_all || strcmp (argv [1], "peak") == 0)
	{	calc_peak_test (SF_ENDIAN_BIG		| SF_FORMAT_RAW, "be-peak.raw") ;
		calc_peak_test (SF_ENDIAN_LITTLE	| SF_FORMAT_RAW, "le-peak.raw") ;
		test_count++ ;
		} ;

	if (do_all || ! strcmp (argv [1], "format"))
	{	format_tests () ;
		test_count++ ;
		} ;

	if (do_all || strcmp (argv [1], "trunc") == 0)
	{	truncate_test ("truncate.raw", SF_FORMAT_RAW | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32) ;
		truncate_test ("truncate.au" , SF_FORMAT_AU | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
		test_count++ ;
		} ;

	if (do_all || strcmp (argv [1], "inst") == 0)
	{	instrument_test ("instrument.wav", SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
		instrument_test ("instrument.aiff" , SF_FORMAT_AIFF | SF_FORMAT_PCM_24) ;
		/*-instrument_test ("instrument.xi", SF_FORMAT_XI | SF_FORMAT_DPCM_16) ;-*/
		test_count++ ;
		} ;

	if (do_all || strcmp (argv [1], "bext") == 0)
	{	broadcast_test ("broadcast.wav", SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16) ;
		test_count++ ;
		} ;

	if (test_count == 0)
	{	printf ("Mono : ************************************\n") ;
		printf ("Mono : *  No '%s' test defined.\n", argv [1]) ;
		printf ("Mono : ************************************\n") ;
		return 1 ;
		} ;

	return 0 ;
} /* main */