Exemplo n.º 1
scalar newton_F_0(RealFunction* fv, RefMap* rv)
  { return   int_u_v(&xiter, fv, xiter.get_refmap(), rv) / TAU
           - int_u_v(&xprev, fv, xprev.get_refmap(), rv) / TAU
           + int_grad_u_grad_v_II(&xiter, fv, xiter.get_refmap(), rv) / RE   // The 'II' version of int_grad_u_grad_v()
             // does exactly the same as the original function, but it assumes that the first argument is a Solution.
             // This inconsistency has historical reasons and we are going to eliminate it soon.
           + int_w_nabla_u_v_II(&xiter, &yiter, &xiter, fv, xiter.get_refmap(), rv)
           - int_u_dvdx(&piter, fv, piter.get_refmap(), rv); }
Exemplo n.º 2
scalar newton_F_1(RealFunction* fv, RefMap* rv)
  { return   int_u_v(&yiter, fv, yiter.get_refmap(), rv) / TAU
           - int_u_v(&yprev, fv, yprev.get_refmap(), rv) / TAU
           + int_grad_u_grad_v_II(&yiter, fv, yiter.get_refmap(), rv) / RE
           + int_w_nabla_u_v_II(&xiter, &yiter, &yiter, fv, yiter.get_refmap(), rv)
           - int_u_dvdy(&piter, fv, piter.get_refmap(), rv); }
Exemplo n.º 3
// bilinear and linear forms corresponding to simple linearization
// of convective term
scalar bilinear_form_sym_0_0_1_1(RealFunction* fu, RealFunction* fv, RefMap* ru, RefMap* rv)
  { return int_grad_u_grad_v(fu, fv, ru, rv) / RE +
           int_u_v(fu, fv, ru, rv) / TAU; }
Exemplo n.º 4
scalar simple_linear_form_1(RealFunction* fv, RefMap* rv)
  { return int_u_v(&yprev, fv, yprev.get_refmap(), rv) / TAU; }
Exemplo n.º 5
scalar linear_form_0(RealFunction* fv, RefMap* rv)
  { return int_u_v(&xprev, fv, xprev.get_refmap(), rv) / TAU; }