Exemplo n.º 1
int main(){	
	double vals1[NMAX+1], vals2[NMAX+1];
	integralGen(1,100, vals2);
	integral_recur(1, 100, vals1);
	printf("n	Recursion	gsl\n"); 
	for(int j =1; j<NMAX+1; j++){
		printf("%d	%f	%f\n",j,vals1[j], vals2[j]);

	int count1 = 1000;
        double timea;
        double timea1;
        double tmin = 1.;
        double tmax = 2.;

                timer_start ();
                for (int i = 0; i <count1; i++){
                        integral_recur(1, 100, vals1);
                timea = timer_stop ();
                timea1 = timea / count1;
                printf ("Recursion: %10.2f usec %10.6f sec %10d\n",
                timea1 * 1.e6, timea, count1);
                count1 = adjust_rep_count (count1, timea, tmin, tmax);
	while ((timea >tmax) || (timea < tmin));
	int count2 = 1000;
        double timeb;
        double timeb1;

                timer_start ();
                for (int i = 0; i <count2; i++){
                        integralGen(1,100, vals2);
                timeb = timer_stop ();
                timeb1 = timeb / count2;
                printf ("gsl Integration:  %10.2f usec %10.6f sec %10d\n",
                timeb1 * 1.e6, timeb, count2);
                count2 = adjust_rep_count (count2, timeb, tmin, tmax);
        while ((timeb > tmax) || (timeb < tmin));

Exemplo n.º 2
int main(void)	{

	#define NMAX 100 //array size for storing the values of I_n

	int nminn = 0; //min value of n to be calulated for integrals
	int nmaxx = 100; //max value of n to be calculated for integrals

	double vals1[NMAX + 1], vals2[NMAX + 1];

	integral_recur (nminn, nmaxx, vals1);

	integral_gen (nminn, nmaxx, vals2);

	// prints and compares the values of the different methods
	for(int i = 0,j = nminn; i <= nmaxx - nminn; i++,j++)	{
		printf("%.18f\t%.18f\t%d\n", vals1[i], vals2[i], j);

	int count = 10;
	double time;
	double time1;
	double tmin = 1;
	double tmax = 2;

	// times integral_recur and integral_gen per function call
	// adjusts the number of calls such that there are enough calls to get a good
	// average time per function call

	do {
			timer_start ();

			for (int k = 0; k <= count; k++) {

				integral_recur (nminn, nmaxx, vals1);


			time = timer_stop ();

			time1 = time / count;

			printf (" %10.2f usec     %10.6f sec    %10d\n",
					time1 * 1.e6, time, count);

			 * adjust count such that cpu time is between
			 * tmin and tmax

			count = adjust_rep_count (count, time, tmin, tmax);

	} while ((time > tmax) || (time < tmin));


	count = 10;

	do {
			timer_start ();

			for (int k = 0; k <= count; k++) {

			integral_gen (nminn, nmaxx, vals2);


			time = timer_stop ();

			time1 = time / count;

			printf (" %10.2f usec     %10.6f sec    %10d\n",
					time1 * 1.e6, time, count);

			 * adjust count such that cpu time is between
			 * tmin and tmax

			count = adjust_rep_count (count, time, tmin, tmax);

	} while ((time > tmax) || (time < tmin));

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(void)
	/* Declaration and initialization */
	int i;
	double vals1[NMAX+1], vals2[NMAX+1];

	/*Uses functions declared in "funs.c" to compute I(n) using the recurrence and the 		generic integrator methods, and stores the results in their respective arrays.*/
	integral_recur(0, 100, vals1);
	integral_gen(0, 100, vals2);
	/*Prints "n" and the result I(n) for each method above.  The absolute error 		multiplied by a factor of 1.e9 is reported in the last column.*/
	printf("n    Recurrence    Generic       Scaled Abs Err\n");

	for(i = 0; i <=NMAX; i++)
		printf("%d    %.8f    %.8f    %f\n", i, vals1[i], vals2[i], 

	/* Define the intial number of counts, tmin, tmax*/
	double time, trr, tgsl;
	int tmin = 1;
	int tmax = 2;
	int count = 1000;

	/* Computes the time per function call of the recurrence integration method.  Calls 		the function integral_recur() "count" times and adjusts count until the total time 		is between 1 and 2 seconds.*/
	printf("\n Timing for Recurrence Relation:\n");
		timer_start ();
		for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
			integral_recur(0, 100, vals1);
		time = timer_stop ();
		trr = time /count;
		printf (" %10.2f usec     %10.6f sec    %10d\n",trr * 1.e6, time, count);
		count = adjust_rep_count (count, time, tmin, tmax);
	while ((time >tmax) || (time <tmin));

	/* Computes the time per function call of the GSL integrator method.  Calls 		the function integral_gen() "count" times and adjusts count until the total time is 		between 1 and 2 seconds. */
	printf("\n Timing for GSL Integrator:\n");
		timer_start ();
		for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
			integral_gen(0, 100, vals1);
		time = timer_stop ();
		tgsl = time /count;
		printf (" %10.2f usec     %10.6f sec    %10d\n",tgsl * 1.e6, time, count);
		count = adjust_rep_count (count, time, tmin, tmax);
	while ((time >tmax) || (time <tmin));

	/*Prints time per function call for leibniz and bbp series, and then takes
	the ratio between the times to compare the relative speed*/
	printf("\nTime per function call for Recur:      %10.6f usec", trr*1.e6);
	printf("\nTime per function call for GSL:        %10.6f usec", tgsl*1.e6);
	int ratio = round(tgsl/trr);
	printf("\nRatio of function times tgsl/trr:        %d\n",ratio);
