Exemplo n.º 1
isc_result_t dhcp_subnet_destroy (omapi_object_t *h, const char *file, int line)
	struct subnet *subnet;
	isc_result_t status;

	if (h -> type != dhcp_type_subnet)
	subnet = (struct subnet *)h;

#if defined (DEBUG_MEMORY_LEAKAGE) || \
	if (subnet -> next_subnet)
		subnet_dereference (&subnet -> next_subnet, file, line);
	if (subnet -> next_sibling)
		subnet_dereference (&subnet -> next_sibling, file, line);
	if (subnet -> shared_network)
		shared_network_dereference (&subnet -> shared_network,
					    file, line);
	if (subnet -> interface)
		interface_dereference (&subnet -> interface, file, line);
	if (subnet -> group)
		group_dereference (&subnet -> group, file, line);

	return ISC_R_SUCCESS;
isc_result_t dhcp_shared_network_destroy (omapi_object_t *h,
					  const char *file, int line)
	/* In this function h should be a (struct shared_network *) */

#if defined (DEBUG_MEMORY_LEAKAGE) || \
	struct shared_network *shared_network;

	if (h -> type != dhcp_type_shared_network)

#if defined (DEBUG_MEMORY_LEAKAGE) || \
	shared_network = (struct shared_network *)h;
	if (shared_network -> next)
		shared_network_dereference (&shared_network -> next,
					    file, line);
	if (shared_network -> name) {
		dfree (shared_network -> name, file, line);
		shared_network -> name = 0;
	if (shared_network -> subnets)
		subnet_dereference (&shared_network -> subnets, file, line);
	if (shared_network -> interface)
		interface_dereference (&shared_network -> interface,
				       file, line);
	if (shared_network -> pools)
	    omapi_object_dereference ((omapi_object_t **)
				      &shared_network -> pools, file, line);
	if (shared_network -> group)
		group_dereference (&shared_network -> group, file, line);
	if (shared_network -> failover_peer)
	    omapi_object_dereference ((omapi_object_t **)
				      &shared_network -> failover_peer,
				      file, line);

	return ISC_R_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 3
main(int argc, char **argv) {
	int fd;
	int i;
	struct servent *ent;
	struct server_list *sp = NULL;
	int no_daemon = 0;
	int quiet = 0;
	isc_result_t status;
	char *s;

        /* Make sure that file descriptors 0 (stdin), 1, (stdout), and
           2 (stderr) are open. To do this, we assume that when we
           open a file the lowest available file descriptor is used. */
        fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
        if (fd == 0)
                fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
        if (fd == 1)
                fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
        if (fd == 2)
                log_perror = 0; /* No sense logging to /dev/null. */
        else if (fd != -1)

	openlog ("dhcrelay", LOG_NDELAY|LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON);

#if !defined(DEBUG)
	setlogmask (LOG_UPTO (LOG_INFO));

	/* Set up the OMAPI. */
	status = omapi_init ();
	if (status != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
		log_fatal ("Can't initialize OMAPI: %s",
			   isc_result_totext (status));

	/* Set up the OMAPI wrappers for the interface object. */
	interface_setup ();

	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-p")) {
			if (++i == argc)
				usage ();
			local_port = htons (atoi (argv [i]));
			log_debug ("binding to user-specified port %d",
			       ntohs (local_port));
		} else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-d")) {
			no_daemon = 1;
 		} else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-i")) {
			struct interface_info *tmp =
				(struct interface_info *)0;
			status = interface_allocate (&tmp, MDL);
			if (status != ISC_R_SUCCESS)
				log_fatal ("%s: interface_allocate: %s",
					   argv [i],
					   isc_result_totext (status));
			if (++i == argc) {
				usage ();
			strcpy (tmp -> name, argv [i]);
			interface_snorf (tmp, INTERFACE_REQUESTED);
			interface_dereference (&tmp, MDL);
		} else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-q")) {
			quiet = 1;
			quiet_interface_discovery = 1;
		} else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-a")) {
			add_agent_options = 1;
		} else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-c")) {
			int hcount;
			if (++i == argc)
				usage ();
			hcount = atoi(argv[i]);
			if (hcount <= 255)
				max_hop_count= hcount;
				usage ();
		} else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-A")) {
			if (++i == argc)
				usage ();
			dhcp_max_agent_option_packet_length = atoi (argv [i]);
		} else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-m")) {
			if (++i == argc)
				usage ();
			if (!strcasecmp (argv [i], "append")) {
				agent_relay_mode = forward_and_append;
			} else if (!strcasecmp (argv [i], "replace")) {
				agent_relay_mode = forward_and_replace;
			} else if (!strcasecmp (argv [i], "forward")) {
				agent_relay_mode = forward_untouched;
			} else if (!strcasecmp (argv [i], "discard")) {
				agent_relay_mode = discard;
			} else
				usage ();
		} else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "-D")) {
			drop_agent_mismatches = 1;
 		} else if (argv [i][0] == '-') {
 		    usage ();
		} else if (!strcmp (argv [i], "--version")) {
			log_info ("isc-dhcrelay-%s", PACKAGE_VERSION);
			exit (0);
 		} else {
			struct hostent *he;
			struct in_addr ia, *iap = (struct in_addr *)0;
			if (inet_aton (argv [i], &ia)) {
				iap = &ia;
			} else {
				he = gethostbyname (argv [i]);
				if (!he) {
					log_error ("%s: host unknown",
						   argv [i]);
				} else {
					iap = ((struct in_addr *)
					       he -> h_addr_list [0]);
			if (iap) {
				sp = ((struct server_list *)
				      dmalloc (sizeof *sp, MDL));
				if (!sp)
					log_fatal ("no memory for server.\n");
				sp -> next = servers;
				servers = sp;
				memcpy (&sp -> to.sin_addr,
					iap, sizeof *iap);

	if ((s = getenv ("PATH_DHCRELAY_PID"))) {
		path_dhcrelay_pid = s;

	if (!quiet) {
		log_info ("%s %s", message, PACKAGE_VERSION);
		log_info (copyright);
		log_info (arr);
		log_info (url);
	} else {
		quiet = 0;
		log_perror = 0;

	/* Default to the DHCP/BOOTP port. */
	if (!local_port) {
		ent = getservbyname ("dhcps", "udp");
		if (!ent)
			local_port = htons (67);
			local_port = ent -> s_port;
		endservent ();
	remote_port = htons (ntohs (local_port) + 1);
	/* We need at least one server. */
	if (!sp) {
		usage ();

	/* Set up the server sockaddrs. */
	for (sp = servers; sp; sp = sp -> next) {
		sp -> to.sin_port = local_port;
		sp -> to.sin_family = AF_INET;
#ifdef HAVE_SA_LEN
		sp -> to.sin_len = sizeof sp -> to;

	/* Get the current time... */

	/* Discover all the network interfaces. */
	discover_interfaces (DISCOVER_RELAY);

	/* Set up the bootp packet handler... */
	bootp_packet_handler = relay;

	/* Become a daemon... */
	if (!no_daemon) {
		int pid;
		FILE *pf;
		int pfdesc;

		log_perror = 0;

#ifdef __uClinux__
		if ((pid = vfork()) < 0)
		if ((pid = fork()) < 0)
			log_fatal ("can't fork daemon: %m");
		else if (pid)
			exit (0);

		pfdesc = open (path_dhcrelay_pid,
			       O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0644);

		if (pfdesc < 0) {
			log_error ("Can't create %s: %m", path_dhcrelay_pid);
		} else {
			pf = fdopen (pfdesc, "w");
			if (!pf)
				log_error ("Can't fdopen %s: %m",
			else {
				fprintf (pf, "%ld\n", (long)getpid ());
				fclose (pf);

		close (0);
		close (1);
		close (2);
		pid = setsid ();


	/* Start dispatching packets and timeouts... */
	dispatch ();

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
void trace_interface_input (trace_type_t *ttype, unsigned len, char *buf)
	trace_interface_packet_t *tipkt;
	struct interface_info *ip;
	struct sockaddr_in *sin;
	struct iaddr addr;
	isc_result_t status;

	if (len != sizeof *tipkt) {
		log_error ("trace interface packet size mismatch: %ld != %d",
			   (long)(sizeof *tipkt), len);
	tipkt = (trace_interface_packet_t *)buf;
	ip = (struct interface_info *)0;
	status = interface_allocate (&ip, MDL);
	if (status != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
		log_error ("trace_interface_input: %s.",
			   isc_result_totext (status));
	ip -> ifp = dmalloc (sizeof *(ip -> ifp), MDL);
	if (!ip -> ifp) {
		interface_dereference (&ip, MDL);
		status = ISC_R_NOMEMORY;
		goto foo;

	memcpy (&ip -> hw_address, &tipkt -> hw_address,
		sizeof ip -> hw_address);
	/* XXX: Without the full addresses state it's not quite a full
	 * trace.
	ip->address_count = ip->address_max = 1;
	ip->addresses = dmalloc(sizeof(*ip->addresses), MDL);
	memcpy(ip->addresses, &tipkt->primary_address, sizeof(*ip->addresses));
	memcpy (ip -> name, tipkt -> name, sizeof ip -> name);
	ip -> index = ntohl (tipkt -> index);

	interface_snorf (ip, 0);
	if (dhcp_interface_discovery_hook)
		(*dhcp_interface_discovery_hook) (ip);

	/* Fake up an ifp. */
	memcpy (ip -> ifp -> ifr_name, ip -> name, sizeof ip -> name);
#ifdef HAVE_SA_LEN
	ip -> ifp -> ifr_addr.sa_len = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in);
	sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&ip -> ifp -> ifr_addr;
	sin->sin_addr = ip->addresses[0];

	addr.len = 4;
	memcpy (addr.iabuf, &sin -> sin_addr.s_addr, addr.len);
	if (dhcp_interface_setup_hook)
		(*dhcp_interface_setup_hook) (ip, &addr);
	interface_stash (ip);

	if (!quiet_interface_discovery) {
		log_info ("Listening on Trace/%s/%s%s%s",
			  ip -> name,
			  print_hw_addr (ip -> hw_address.hbuf [0],
					 ip -> hw_address.hlen - 1,
					 &ip -> hw_address.hbuf [1]),
			  (ip -> shared_network ? "/" : ""),
			  (ip -> shared_network ?
			   ip -> shared_network -> name : ""));
		if (strcmp (ip -> name, "fallback")) {
			log_info ("Sending   on Trace/%s/%s%s%s",
				  ip -> name,
				  print_hw_addr (ip -> hw_address.hbuf [0],
						 ip -> hw_address.hlen - 1,
						 &ip -> hw_address.hbuf [1]),
				  (ip -> shared_network ? "/" : ""),
				  (ip -> shared_network ?
				   ip -> shared_network -> name : ""));
	interface_dereference (&ip, MDL);