Exemplo n.º 1
void intersectLifeLists(LifeList *cells1, LifeList *cells2, int transl) {

/* note: destroys neighborhood values */

    copyList(cells2->cellList, cells2->ncells, cells2->neighborhoods, transl);

    cells1->ncells=intersectLists(cells1->cellList, cells1->ncells,
                                  cells2->neighborhoods, cells2->ncells,

    copyList(cells1->neighborhoods, cells1->ncells, cells1->cellList, 0);
// . returns false if blocks true otherwise
// 1. read all termlists for docid range
// 2. intersect termlists to get the intersecting docids
// 3. increment docid ranges and keep going
// 4. when done return the top docids
bool Msg39::controlLoop ( ) {

	// error?
	if ( g_errno ) {
		log(LOG_LOGIC,"query: msg39: controlLoop: %s." , 
		    mstrerror(g_errno) );
		sendReply ( m_slot , this , NULL , 0 , 0 , true );
		return true; 

	if ( m_phase == 0 ) {
		// next phase
		// the starting docid...
		int64_t d0 = m_ddd;
		// int16_tcut
		int64_t delta = MAX_DOCID / (int64_t)m_r->m_numDocIdSplits;
		// advance to point to the exclusive endpoint
		m_ddd += delta;
		// ensure this is exclusive of ddd since it will be
		// inclusive in the following iteration.
		int64_t d1 = m_ddd;
		// fix rounding errors
		if ( d1 + 20LL > MAX_DOCID ) {
			d1    = MAX_DOCID;
			m_ddd = MAX_DOCID;
		// fix it
		m_r->m_minDocId = d0;
		m_r->m_maxDocId = d1; // -1; // exclude d1
		// allow posdbtable re-initialization each time to set
		// the msg2 termlist ptrs anew, otherwise we core in
		// call to PosdbTable::init() below
		//m_posdbTable.m_initialized = false;
		// reset ourselves, partially, anyway, not tmpq etc.
		// debug log
		if ( ! m_r->m_forSectionStats && m_debug )
			log("msg39: docid split phase %"INT64"-%"INT64"",d0,d1);
		// wtf?
		//if ( d0 >= d1 ) break;
		// load termlists for these docid ranges using msg2 from posdb
		if ( ! getLists() ) return false;

	if ( m_phase == 1 ) {
		// intersect the lists we loaded using a thread
		if ( ! intersectLists() ) return false;
		// error?
		if ( g_errno ) goto hadError;

	// sum up some stats
	if ( m_phase == 2 ) {
		if ( m_posdbTable.m_t1 ) {
			// . measure time to add the lists in bright green
			// . use darker green if rat is false (default OR)
			int32_t color;
			//char *label;
			color = 0x0000ff00 ;
			//label = "termlist_intersect";
			g_stats.addStat_r ( 0 , 
					    m_posdbTable.m_t1 , 
					    m_posdbTable.m_t2 , color );
		// accumulate total hits count over each docid split
		m_numTotalHits += m_posdbTable.m_docIdVoteBuf.length() / 6;
		// minus the shit we filtered out because of gbminint/gbmaxint/
		// gbmin/gbmax/gbsortby/gbrevsortby/gbsortbyint/gbrevsortbyint
		m_numTotalHits -= m_posdbTable.m_filtered;
		// error?
		if ( m_posdbTable.m_errno ) {
			// we do not need to store the intersection i guess..??
			g_errno = m_posdbTable.m_errno;
			log("query: posdbtable had error = %s",
			sendReply ( m_slot , this , NULL , 0 , 0 ,true);
			return true;
		// if we have more docid ranges remaining do more
		if ( m_ddd < m_dddEnd ) {
			m_phase = 0;
			goto loop;

	// ok, we are done, get cluster recs of the winning docids
	if ( m_phase == 3 ) {
		// . this loads them using msg51 from clusterdb
		// . if m_r->m_doSiteClustering is false it just returns true
		// . this sets m_gotClusterRecs to true if we get them
		if ( ! setClusterRecs ( ) ) return false;
		// error setting clusterrecs?
		if ( g_errno ) goto hadError;

	// process the cluster recs if we got them
	if ( m_gotClusterRecs && ! gotClusterRecs() )
		goto hadError;

	// . all done! set stats and send back reply
	// . only sends back the cluster recs if m_gotClusterRecs is true

	return true;