Exemplo n.º 1
CAMLprim value unix_mkfifo(value path, value mode)
  invalid_argument("mkfifo not implemented");
Exemplo n.º 2
CAMLprim value unix_getprotobynumber(value proto)
    invalid_argument("getprotobynumber not implemented");
Exemplo n.º 3
bfelf_loader_get_info(struct bfelf_loader_t *loader,
                      struct bfelf_file_t *ef,
                      struct section_info_t *info)
    bfelf64_sword ret = 0;
    struct bfelf_shdr *shdr = 0;
    struct e_string_t name_ctors = {".ctors", 6};
    struct e_string_t name_dtors = {".dtors", 6};
    struct e_string_t name_eh_frame = {".eh_frame", 9};

    if (!loader)
        return invalid_argument("loader == NULL");

    if (!ef)
        return invalid_argument("ef == NULL");

    if (!info)
        return invalid_argument("info == NULL");

    if (loader->relocated == 0)
        return out_of_order("you need to call bfelf_loader_relocate first");

    ret = private_get_section_by_name(ef, &name_ctors, &shdr);
    if (ret != BFELF_SUCCESS)
        goto failure;

    if (shdr != 0)
        ret = private_check_section(shdr, bfsht_progbits, bfshf_wa, 8, 0);
        if (ret != BFELF_SUCCESS)
            goto failure;

        info->ctors_addr = shdr->sh_addr + ef->exec;
        info->ctors_size = shdr->sh_size;

    ret = private_get_section_by_name(ef, &name_dtors, &shdr);
    if (ret != BFELF_SUCCESS)
        goto failure;

    if (shdr != 0)
        ret = private_check_section(shdr, bfsht_progbits, bfshf_wa, 8, 0);
        if (ret != BFELF_SUCCESS)
            goto failure;

        info->dtors_addr = shdr->sh_addr + ef->exec;
        info->dtors_size = shdr->sh_size;

    ret = private_get_section_by_name(ef, &name_eh_frame, &shdr);
    if (ret != BFELF_SUCCESS)
        goto failure;

    if (shdr != 0)
        ret = private_check_section(shdr, bfsht_progbits, bfshf_wa, 8, 0);
        if (ret != BFELF_SUCCESS)
            goto failure;

        info->eh_frame_addr = shdr->sh_addr + ef->exec;
        info->eh_frame_size = shdr->sh_size;

    return BFELF_SUCCESS;


    info->ctors_addr = 0;
    info->ctors_size = 0;

    info->dtors_addr = 0;
    info->dtors_size = 0;

    info->eh_frame_addr = 0;
    info->eh_frame_size = 0;

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 4
CAMLprim value unix_mktime(value t)
{ invalid_argument("mktime not implemented"); }
Exemplo n.º 5
bool FileGenerator::generate(std::string& msg){ throw invalid_argument("Calling abstract FileGenerator::generate() does not make sense."); }
Exemplo n.º 6
CAMLprim value unix_shutdown(value sock, value cmd)
{ invalid_argument("shutdown not implemented"); }
Exemplo n.º 7
void BaseAtlas::load (const char *current, const char *end) {
	if (!current) throw invalid_argument("current cannot be null.");
	if (!end) throw invalid_argument("end cannot be null.");

	string value;
	string tuple[4];
	BaseAtlasPage *page;
	while (current != end) {
		readLine(current, end, value);
		if (value.length() == 0) {
			page = 0;
		} else if (!page) {
			page = newAtlasPage(value);
			page->name = value;
			page->format = static_cast<Format>(indexOf(formatNames, 7, readValue(current, end, value)));

			readTuple(current, end, value, tuple);
			page->minFilter = static_cast<TextureFilter>(indexOf(textureFilterNames, 7, tuple[0]));
			page->magFilter = static_cast<TextureFilter>(indexOf(textureFilterNames, 7, tuple[1]));

			readValue(current, end, value);
			if (value == "x") {
				page->uWrap = repeat;
				page->vWrap = clampToEdge;
			} else if (value == "y") {
				page->uWrap = clampToEdge;
				page->vWrap = repeat;
			} else if (value == "xy") {
				page->uWrap = repeat;
				page->vWrap = repeat;
		} else {
			BaseAtlasRegion *region = newAtlasRegion(page);
			region->name = value;

			region->rotate = readValue(current, end, value) == "true";

			readTuple(current, end, value, tuple);
			region->x = atoi(tuple[0].c_str());
			region->y = atoi(tuple[1].c_str());

			readTuple(current, end, value, tuple);
			region->width = atoi(tuple[0].c_str());
			region->height = atoi(tuple[1].c_str());

			if (readTuple(current, end, value, tuple) == 4) { // split is optional
				region->splits = new int[4];
				region->splits[0] = atoi(tuple[0].c_str());
				region->splits[1] = atoi(tuple[1].c_str());
				region->splits[2] = atoi(tuple[2].c_str());
				region->splits[3] = atoi(tuple[3].c_str());

				if (readTuple(current, end, value, tuple) == 4) { // pad is optional, but only present with splits
					region->pads = new int[4];
					region->pads[0] = atoi(tuple[0].c_str());
					region->pads[1] = atoi(tuple[1].c_str());
					region->pads[2] = atoi(tuple[2].c_str());
					region->pads[3] = atoi(tuple[3].c_str());

					readTuple(current, end, value, tuple);

			region->originalWidth = atoi(tuple[0].c_str());
			region->originalHeight = atoi(tuple[1].c_str());

			readTuple(current, end, value, tuple);
			region->offsetX = atoi(tuple[0].c_str());
			region->offsetY = atoi(tuple[1].c_str());

			region->index = atoi(readValue(current, end, value).c_str());
Exemplo n.º 8
CAMLprim value unix_getcwd(value unit)
{ invalid_argument("getcwd not implemented"); }
Exemplo n.º 9
CAMLprim value unix_symlink(value path1, value path2)
{ invalid_argument("symlink not implemented"); }
Exemplo n.º 10
int TBitField::GetBit(const int n) const // получить значение бита
{  if ((n<0)||(n>BitLen)) throw invalid_argument("--");
   if ((pMem[GetMemIndex(n)] & GetMemMask(n))>0 ) return 1; 
   else return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
void BigNum::divmod(vector<long long>& numbers, vector<long long>& o_numbers, vector<long long>& quo, vector<long long>& rem, long long base)
  long n = o_numbers.size();
  long m = numbers.size() - n;

  vector<long long> vec_d;
  vec_d.push_back(base / ( *(o_numbers.end() - 1) + 1 ));

  vector<long long> u = full_mul(numbers, vec_d, base);
  vector<long long> v = full_mul(o_numbers, vec_d, base);

  vector<long long> bn1;
  lshift(&bn1, n+1);

  for ( int i = 0; i < m+1; ++i )
  long j = m;
  while ( j >= 0 )
    long long qs = (u[j + n] * base + u[j + n - 1]) / v[n - 1];
    long long rs = (u[j + n] * base + u[j + n - 1]) % v[n - 1];
    while ( rs < base )
      if ( qs == base || qs * v[n - 2] > base * rs + u[j + n - 2] )
        qs -= 1;
        rs += v[n - 1];
    vector<long long> vec_qs;

    vector<long long> part_u;
    vector<long long> summand = full_mul(v, vec_qs, base);
    part_u = add(u, u.begin() + j, u.begin() + j + n + 1, bn1, bn1.begin(), bn1.end(), base);
    part_u = full_sub(part_u, summand, base);

    quo[j] = qs;
    bool neg_flag;
    if ( part_u.size() > n + 1 )
      neg_flag = false;
      part_u = full_sub(part_u, bn1, base);
      neg_flag = true;

    if ( neg_flag )
      part_u = full_add(part_u, v, base);
    for ( int i = j; i < j + n; ++i )
      u[i] = part_u[i - j];

  for ( long j = m + n - 1; j > n - 1; --j )
    u[j] = 0;

  long long chk;
  rem.reserve(m + n);
  for ( long i = 0; i < n; ++i )
  short_divmod(u, vec_d[0], rem, &chk, base);
  if ( chk != 0 )
    throw invalid_argument("error while scaling back to 1/d");
Exemplo n.º 12
void TBitField::ClrBit(const int n) // очистить бит
	if ((n<0)||(n>BitLen)) throw invalid_argument("--");
Exemplo n.º 13
void TBitField::SetBit(const int n) // установить бит
	if ((n<0)||(n>BitLen)) throw invalid_argument("--");
Exemplo n.º 14
TELEM TBitField::GetMemMask(const int n) const // битовая маска для бита n
{ if (n<0) throw invalid_argument("--");
	 return 1<<n%sz;
Exemplo n.º 15
CAMLprim value unix_bind(value socket, value address)
{ invalid_argument("bind not implemented"); }
Exemplo n.º 16
CAMLprim value caml_ba_map_file(value vfd, value vkind, value vlayout,
                                value vshared, value vdim, value vstart)
  HANDLE fd, fmap;
  int flags, major_dim, mode, perm;
  intnat num_dims, i;
  intnat dim[MAX_NUM_DIMS];
  __int64 currpos, startpos, file_size, data_size;
  uintnat array_size, page, delta;
  char c;
  void * addr;
  SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo;

  fd = Handle_val(vfd);
  flags = Int_val(vkind) | Int_val(vlayout);
  startpos = Int64_val(vstart);
  num_dims = Wosize_val(vdim);
  major_dim = flags & BIGARRAY_FORTRAN_LAYOUT ? num_dims - 1 : 0;
  /* Extract dimensions from Caml array */
  num_dims = Wosize_val(vdim);
  if (num_dims < 1 || num_dims > MAX_NUM_DIMS)
    invalid_argument("Bigarray.mmap: bad number of dimensions");
  for (i = 0; i < num_dims; i++) {
    dim[i] = Long_val(Field(vdim, i));
    if (dim[i] == -1 && i == major_dim) continue;
    if (dim[i] < 0 || dim[i] > 0x7FFFFFFFL)
      invalid_argument("Bigarray.create: negative dimension");
  /* Determine file size */
  currpos = caml_ba_set_file_pointer(fd, 0, FILE_CURRENT);
  if (currpos == -1) caml_ba_sys_error();
  file_size = caml_ba_set_file_pointer(fd, 0, FILE_END);
  if (file_size == -1) caml_ba_sys_error();
  /* Determine array size in bytes (or size of array without the major
     dimension if that dimension wasn't specified) */
  array_size = bigarray_element_size[flags & BIGARRAY_KIND_MASK];
  for (i = 0; i < num_dims; i++)
    if (dim[i] != -1) array_size *= dim[i];
  /* Check if the first/last dimension is unknown */
  if (dim[major_dim] == -1) {
    /* Determine first/last dimension from file size */
    if (file_size < startpos)
      failwith("Bigarray.mmap: file position exceeds file size");
    data_size = file_size - startpos;
    dim[major_dim] = (uintnat) (data_size / array_size);
    array_size = dim[major_dim] * array_size;
    if (array_size != data_size)
      failwith("Bigarray.mmap: file size doesn't match array dimensions");
  /* Restore original file position */
  caml_ba_set_file_pointer(fd, currpos, FILE_BEGIN);
  /* Create the file mapping */
  if (Bool_val(vshared)) {
    perm = PAGE_READWRITE;
    mode = FILE_MAP_WRITE;
  } else {
    perm = PAGE_READONLY;       /* doesn't work under Win98 */
    mode = FILE_MAP_COPY;
  li.QuadPart = startpos + array_size;
  fmap = CreateFileMapping(fd, NULL, perm, li.HighPart, li.LowPart, NULL);
  if (fmap == NULL) caml_ba_sys_error();
  /* Determine offset so that the mapping starts at the given file pos */
  delta = (uintnat) (startpos % sysinfo.dwPageSize);
  /* Map the mapping in memory */
  li.QuadPart = startpos - delta;
  addr = 
    MapViewOfFile(fmap, mode, li.HighPart, li.LowPart, array_size + delta);
  if (addr == NULL) caml_ba_sys_error();
  addr = (void *) ((uintnat) addr + delta);
  /* Close the file mapping */
  /* Build and return the Caml bigarray */
  return alloc_bigarray(flags | BIGARRAY_MAPPED_FILE, num_dims, addr, dim);
Exemplo n.º 17
CAMLprim value unix_accept(value sock)
{ invalid_argument("accept not implemented"); }
Exemplo n.º 18
CAMLprim value unix_select(value readfds, value writefds, value exceptfds,
                           value timeout)
{ invalid_argument("select not implemented"); }
Exemplo n.º 19
CAMLprim value unix_getsockname(value sock)
{ invalid_argument("getsockname not implemented"); }
Exemplo n.º 20
CAMLprim value unix_initgroups(value user, value group)
{ invalid_argument("initgroups not implemented"); }
Exemplo n.º 21
void BaseAtlas::load (std::ifstream &file) {
	if (!file) throw invalid_argument("file cannot be null.");
	if (!file.is_open()) throw runtime_error("Atlas file is not open.");

Exemplo n.º 22
StatementNode *SymbolTable::GetFuncionRegisterType(string name)
        throw invalid_argument(name +" no existe.");
    return registrofunciones[name];
Exemplo n.º 23
 GroupElement * CryptoPpDlogZpSafePrime::reconstructElement(bool bCheckMembership, GroupElementSendableData * data) {
	 ZpElementSendableData * zp_data = dynamic_cast<ZpElementSendableData *>(data);
	 if (!(zp_data))
		 throw invalid_argument("data type doesn't match the group type");
	 return generateElement(bCheckMembership, vector<biginteger>({ zp_data->getX() }));
Exemplo n.º 24
TypeNode *SymbolTable::GetVariableType(string name)
    if(variables.find(name) == variables.end() )
        throw invalid_argument("Variable "+ name +" no existe.");
    return variables.at(name);
Exemplo n.º 25
CAMLprim value unix_inet_addr_of_string(value s)
{ invalid_argument("inet_addr_of_string not implemented"); }
Exemplo n.º 26
Arquivo: win32.c Projeto: OpenXT/ocaml
CAMLprim value caml_thread_self(value unit)
  if (curr_thread == NULL) invalid_argument("Thread.self: not initialized");
  return curr_thread->descr;
Exemplo n.º 27
CAMLprim value unix_gethostbyname(value name)
{ invalid_argument("gethostbyname not implemented"); }
Exemplo n.º 28
streambuf::streambuf( std::streambuf *orig ) : orig_buf_( orig ) {
  if ( !orig )
    throw invalid_argument( "null streambuf" );
Exemplo n.º 29
bfelf_file_init(char *file, uint64_t fsize, struct bfelf_file_t *ef)
    bfelf64_word i = 0;
    bfelf64_sword ret = 0;

    if (!file)
        return invalid_argument("file == NULL");

    if (!ef)
        return invalid_argument("ef == NULL");

    if (fsize == 0 || fsize < sizeof(struct bfelf64_ehdr))
        return invalid_argument("fsize invalid");

    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(struct bfelf_file_t); i++)
        ((char *)ef)[i] = 0;

    ef->file = file;
    ef->fsize = fsize;

    ef->ehdr = (struct bfelf64_ehdr *)file;
    ef->shdrtab = (struct bfelf_shdr *)(file + ef->ehdr->e_shoff);
    ef->phdrtab = (struct bfelf_phdr *)(file + ef->ehdr->e_phoff);

    ret = private_check_signature(ef);
    if (ret != BFELF_SUCCESS)
        goto failure;

    ret = private_check_support(ef);
    if (ret != BFELF_SUCCESS)
        goto failure;

    ret = private_validate_bounds(ef);
    if (ret != BFELF_SUCCESS)
        goto failure;

    ret = private_check_segments(ef);
    if (ret != BFELF_SUCCESS)
        goto failure;

    ret = private_check_sections(ef);
    if (ret != BFELF_SUCCESS)
        goto failure;

    ret = private_check_entry(ef);
    if (ret != BFELF_SUCCESS)
        goto failure;

    ret = private_symbol_table_sections(ef);
    if (ret != BFELF_SUCCESS)
        goto failure;

    ret = private_get_string_table_sections(ef);
    if (ret != BFELF_SUCCESS)
        goto failure;

    ret = private_get_symbol_tables(ef);
    if (ret != BFELF_SUCCESS)
        goto failure;

    ret = private_get_relocation_tables(ef);
    if (ret != BFELF_SUCCESS)
        goto failure;

    ret = private_get_hash_table(ef);
    if (ret != BFELF_SUCCESS)
        goto failure;

    return BFELF_SUCCESS;


    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(struct bfelf_file_t); i++)
        ((char *)ef)[i] = 0;

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 30
CAMLprim value unix_rewinddir(value d)
{ invalid_argument("rewinddir not implemented"); }