Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: match.cpp Projeto: Sebu/sprs
void Match::calcHull() {
    float points[4][2] = { {0, 0},
                            {block_->s_, 0},
                            {block_->s_, block_->s_},
                            {0, block_->s_}

    cv::Mat selection(t_.transformMat_, cv::Rect(0,0,3,2));
    cv::Mat inverted;
    invertAffineTransform(selection, inverted);

    for(int i=0; i<4; i++ ) {
        cv::Mat p = (cv::Mat_<float>(3,1) << points[i][0], points[i][1], 1);

        cv::Mat a =  inverted * p;
        Vector2f point;
        point.m_v[0] = a.at<float>(0,0);
        point.m_v[1] = a.at<float>(0,1);

    // flipped? correct orientation
    Vector2f v1 = hull_.verts[0];
    Vector2f v2 = hull_.verts[1];
    Vector2f v3 = hull_.verts[2];
    float cross = ( (v2.m_v[0] - v1.m_v[0]) * (v3.m_v[1]-v2.m_v[1])) - ( (v2.m_v[1] - v1.m_v[1]) * (v3.m_v[0]-v2.m_v[0]) );
    if (cross<0.0)
        std::reverse(hull_.verts.begin(), hull_.verts.end());

Exemplo n.º 2
void ASiftDetector::affineSkew(double tilt, double phi, Mat& img, Mat& mask, Mat& Ai)
    int h = img.rows;
    int w = img.cols;

    mask = Mat(h, w, CV_8UC1, Scalar(255));

    Mat A = Mat::eye(2,3, CV_32F);

    if(phi != 0.0)
        phi *= M_PI/180.;
        double s = sin(phi);
        double c = cos(phi);

        A = (Mat_<float>(2,2) << c, -s, s, c);

        Mat corners = (Mat_<float>(4,2) << 0, 0, w, 0, w, h, 0, h);
        Mat tcorners = corners*A.t();
        Mat tcorners_x, tcorners_y;
        std::vector<Mat> channels;
        merge(channels, tcorners);

        Rect rect = boundingRect(tcorners);
        A =  (Mat_<float>(2,3) << c, -s, -rect.x, s, c, -rect.y);

        warpAffine(img, img, A, Size(rect.width, rect.height), INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_REPLICATE);
    if(tilt != 1.0)
        double s = 0.8*sqrt(tilt*tilt-1);
        GaussianBlur(img, img, Size(0,0), s, 0.01);
        resize(img, img, Size(0,0), 1.0/tilt, 1.0, INTER_NEAREST);
        A.row(0) = A.row(0)/tilt;
    if(tilt != 1.0 || phi != 0.0)
        h = img.rows;
        w = img.cols;
        warpAffine(mask, mask, A, Size(w, h), INTER_NEAREST);
    invertAffineTransform(A, Ai);
Exemplo n.º 3
//This method should be always called BEFORE any other method call. It is not called during constructor for efficiency.
//It processes the original image to generate "processedImg" which is the actual image the class will work with.
//It applies: rescaling, rotation, equalization, filtering and color transformations.
//Should be called before extracCharacteristicPoints(). If not, it will be automatically called.
inline bool Face::init ()
    Mat& img = this->originalImg;

    Mat gray, dstnImg( cvRound (img.rows/scale), cvRound(img.cols/scale), CV_8UC1 );

    //Color conversion to grayscale.
    cvtColor( img, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY );

    //Resizing with the given scale.
    resize( gray, dstnImg, dstnImg.size(), 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR );

    //Equalizing the histogram.
    equalizeHist( dstnImg, dstnImg );

    //Gaussian Filter to get rid of noise or excesive definition. Bluring.
    if (this->bluringEnabled)
        GaussianBlur( dstnImg, dstnImg, Size(3, 3), 2, 2);

    //Rotation of the image.
    this->rMat = getRotationMatrix2D(this->rotationCenter, this->rotationAngle, 1);
    Mat smallImg2;
    warpAffine(smallImg2, dstnImg, this->rMat, dstnImg.size());

    //Generation of inverse rotation matrix for future uses. See transformPoint().

    //Storing the final preprocessed image ready to be analized for face search and inspection.
    this->processedImg = dstnImg;

    //We indicate the object has been initialized so the rest of its API is available.
    this->faceFound = false; //We have to set this to false since the "processedImg" has changed.
    return (this->initialized = true);
Exemplo n.º 4
bool CalculationThread::singleStep(int x, int y) {
    if(!seedmap) init();

    Patch* block = 0;
        block = seedmap->matchNext();
    else {
        int xlocal = ((float)x/400.0) * (seedmap->sourceImage_.size().width / blockSize_);
        int ylocal = ((float)y/400.0) * (seedmap->sourceImage_.size().height / blockSize_);

        block = seedmap->getPatch(xlocal,ylocal);

    if (!block) return false;

    if (!block->matches_) return true;
    cv::Mat tmpImage = base_.clone();

    float colorScale = 255.0 / seedmap->crit_.maxError_;
    if(!block->finalMatch_) {
        for(uint i=0; i<block->matches_->size(); i++) {

            Match* match = block->matches_->at(i);
            Polygon hull = match->hull_;

            // highlight match

            for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
                cv::line(tmpImage, hull.verts[j], hull.verts[(j+1) % 4], cv::Scalar(0,255-match->error_*colorScale,match->error_*colorScale,100));

            foreach(cv::Point2f p, block->pointsSrc_)
                cv::line(tmpImage, p+cv::Point2f(block->x_,block->y_), p+cv::Point2f(block->x_,block->y_), cv::Scalar(0,155,00,100));


    if(block->finalMatch_) {
        // highlight match
        cv::Mat selection(block->finalMatch_->t_.transformMat_, cv::Rect(0,0,3,2));
        cv::Mat inverted;
        invertAffineTransform(selection, inverted);
        for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
            for(int j=0; j<3; j++)
                std::cout << inverted.at<float>(i,j) << " ";
        for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
            std::cout << block->finalMatch_->hull_.verts[j].m_v[0] << " " << block->finalMatch_->hull_.verts[j].m_v[1] << std::endl;
        for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
            cv::line(tmpImage, block->finalMatch_->hull_.verts[j], block->finalMatch_->hull_.verts[(j+1) % 4], cv::Scalar(100,255,0,100));

    debugWidgetR->fromIpl( tmpImage, "preview" );

   cv::Mat reconstruction(seedmap->debugReconstruction());
   debugWidgetL->fromIpl( reconstruction, "reconstruction" );

    return true;