Exemplo n.º 1
void op_invert(const int op_id, const int index_start, const int write_prop) {
  operator * optr = &operator_list[op_id];
  double atime = 0., etime = 0., nrm1 = 0., nrm2 = 0.;
  int i;
  optr->iterations = 0;
  optr->reached_prec = -1.;
  g_kappa = optr->kappa;

  atime = gettime();
  if(optr->type == TMWILSON || optr->type == WILSON || optr->type == CLOVER) {
    g_mu = optr->mu;
    g_c_sw = optr->c_sw;
    if(optr->type == CLOVER) {
      if (g_cart_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 1) {
	printf("#\n# csw = %e, computing clover leafs\n", g_c_sw);
      sw_term( (const su3**) g_gauge_field, optr->kappa, optr->c_sw); 
      /* this must be EE here!   */
      /* to match clover_inv in Qsw_psi */
      sw_invert(EE, optr->mu);

    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
      if (g_cart_id == 0) {
        printf("#\n# 2 kappa mu = %e, kappa = %e, c_sw = %e\n", g_mu, g_kappa, g_c_sw);
      if(optr->type != CLOVER) {
	else {
	optr->iterations = invert_eo( optr->prop0, optr->prop1, optr->sr0, optr->sr1,
				      optr->eps_sq, optr->maxiter,
				      optr->solver, optr->rel_prec,
				      0, optr->even_odd_flag,optr->no_extra_masses, optr->extra_masses, optr->id );
	/* check result */
	M_full(g_spinor_field[4], g_spinor_field[5], optr->prop0, optr->prop1);
      else {
	optr->iterations = invert_clover_eo(optr->prop0, optr->prop1, optr->sr0, optr->sr1,
					    optr->eps_sq, optr->maxiter,
					    optr->solver, optr->rel_prec,
					    &g_gauge_field, &Qsw_pm_psi, &Qsw_minus_psi);
	/* check result */
 	Msw_full(g_spinor_field[4], g_spinor_field[5], optr->prop0, optr->prop1);

      diff(g_spinor_field[4], g_spinor_field[4], optr->sr0, VOLUME / 2);
      diff(g_spinor_field[5], g_spinor_field[5], optr->sr1, VOLUME / 2);

      nrm1 = square_norm(g_spinor_field[4], VOLUME / 2, 1);
      nrm2 = square_norm(g_spinor_field[5], VOLUME / 2, 1);
      optr->reached_prec = nrm1 + nrm2;

      /* convert to standard normalisation  */
      /* we have to mult. by 2*kappa        */
      if (optr->kappa != 0.) {
        mul_r(optr->prop0, (2*optr->kappa), optr->prop0, VOLUME / 2);
        mul_r(optr->prop1, (2*optr->kappa), optr->prop1, VOLUME / 2);
      if (optr->solver != CGMMS && write_prop) /* CGMMS handles its own I/O */
        optr->write_prop(op_id, index_start, i);
      if(optr->DownProp) {
        optr->mu = -optr->mu;
      } else 
  else if(optr->type == DBTMWILSON || optr->type == DBCLOVER) {
    g_mubar = optr->mubar;
    g_epsbar = optr->epsbar;
    g_c_sw = 0.;
    if(optr->type == DBCLOVER) {
      g_c_sw = optr->c_sw;
      if (g_cart_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 1) {
	printf("#\n# csw = %e, computing clover leafs\n", g_c_sw);
      sw_term( (const su3**) g_gauge_field, optr->kappa, optr->c_sw); 

    for(i = 0; i < SourceInfo.no_flavours; i++) {
      if(optr->type != DBCLOVER) {
	optr->iterations = invert_doublet_eo( optr->prop0, optr->prop1, optr->prop2, optr->prop3, 
					      optr->sr0, optr->sr1, optr->sr2, optr->sr3,
					      optr->eps_sq, optr->maxiter,
					      optr->solver, optr->rel_prec);
      else {
	optr->iterations = invert_cloverdoublet_eo( optr->prop0, optr->prop1, optr->prop2, optr->prop3, 
						    optr->sr0, optr->sr1, optr->sr2, optr->sr3,
						    optr->eps_sq, optr->maxiter,
						    optr->solver, optr->rel_prec);
      g_mu = optr->mubar;
      if(optr->type != DBCLOVER) {
	M_full(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], optr->prop0, optr->prop1); 
      else {
	Msw_full(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], optr->prop0, optr->prop1); 
      assign_add_mul_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], optr->prop2, -optr->epsbar, VOLUME/2);
      assign_add_mul_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], optr->prop3, -optr->epsbar, VOLUME/2);

      g_mu = -g_mu;
      if(optr->type != DBCLOVER) {
	M_full(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+4], optr->prop2, optr->prop3); 
      else {
	Msw_full(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+4], optr->prop2, optr->prop3);
      assign_add_mul_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], optr->prop0, -optr->epsbar, VOLUME/2);
      assign_add_mul_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+4], optr->prop1, -optr->epsbar, VOLUME/2);

      diff(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], optr->sr0, VOLUME/2); 
      diff(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], optr->sr1, VOLUME/2); 
      diff(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], optr->sr2, VOLUME/2); 
      diff(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+4], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+4], optr->sr3, VOLUME/2); 

      nrm1  = square_norm(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], VOLUME/2, 1); 
      nrm1 += square_norm(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], VOLUME/2, 1); 
      nrm1 += square_norm(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], VOLUME/2, 1); 
      nrm1 += square_norm(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+4], VOLUME/2, 1); 
      optr->reached_prec = nrm1;
      g_mu = g_mu1;
      /* For standard normalisation */
      /* we have to mult. by 2*kappa */
      mul_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI], (2*optr->kappa), optr->prop0, VOLUME/2);
      mul_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], (2*optr->kappa), optr->prop1, VOLUME/2);
      mul_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], (2*optr->kappa), optr->prop2, VOLUME/2);
      mul_r(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], (2*optr->kappa), optr->prop3, VOLUME/2);
      /* the final result should be stored in the convention used in */
      /* hep-lat/0606011                                             */
      /* this requires multiplication of source with                 */
      /* (1+itau_2)/sqrt(2) and the result with (1-itau_2)/sqrt(2)   */

      mul_one_pm_itau2(optr->prop0, optr->prop2, g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI], 
                       g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], -1., VOLUME/2);
      mul_one_pm_itau2(optr->prop1, optr->prop3, g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], 
                       g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], -1., VOLUME/2);
      /* write propagator */
      if(write_prop) optr->write_prop(op_id, index_start, i);

      mul_r(optr->prop0, 1./(2*optr->kappa), g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI], VOLUME/2);
      mul_r(optr->prop1, 1./(2*optr->kappa), g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], VOLUME/2);
      mul_r(optr->prop2, 1./(2*optr->kappa), g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], VOLUME/2);
      mul_r(optr->prop3, 1./(2*optr->kappa), g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], VOLUME/2);

      /* mirror source, but not for volume sources */
      if(i == 0 && SourceInfo.no_flavours == 2 && SourceInfo.type != 1) {
        if (g_cart_id == 0) {
          fprintf(stdout, "# Inversion done in %d iterations, squared residue = %e!\n",
                  optr->iterations, optr->reached_prec);
        mul_one_pm_itau2(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], optr->sr0, optr->sr2, -1., VOLUME/2);
        mul_one_pm_itau2(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], optr->sr1, optr->sr3, -1., VOLUME/2);

        mul_one_pm_itau2(optr->sr0, optr->sr2, g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+2], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI], +1., VOLUME/2);
        mul_one_pm_itau2(optr->sr1, optr->sr3, g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+3], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], +1., VOLUME/2);

      /* volume sources need only one inversion */
      else if(SourceInfo.type == 1) i++;
  else if(optr->type == OVERLAP) {
    g_mu = 0.;
    eigenvalues(&optr->no_ev, 5000, optr->ev_prec, 0, optr->ev_readwrite, nstore, optr->even_odd_flag);
/*     ov_check_locality(); */
/*      index_jd(&optr->no_ev_index, 5000, 1.e-12, optr->conf_input, nstore, 4); */


    if(g_debug_level > 3) ov_check_ginsparg_wilson_relation_strong(); 

    invert_overlap(op_id, index_start); 

    if(write_prop) optr->write_prop(op_id, index_start, 0);
  etime = gettime();
  if (g_cart_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 0) {
    fprintf(stdout, "# Inversion done in %d iterations, squared residue = %e!\n",
            optr->iterations, optr->reached_prec);
    fprintf(stdout, "# Inversion done in %1.2e sec. \n", etime - atime);
Exemplo n.º 2
void pion_norm(const int traj, const int id) {
  int i, j, z, zz, z0;
  double *Cpp;
  double res = 0.;
  double pionnorm;
  double atime, etime;
  float tmp;
#ifdef MPI
  double mpi_res = 0.;
  FILE *ofs, *ofs2;
  char *filename, *filename2, *sourcefilename;
  char buf[100];
  char buf2[100];
  char buf3[100];
  sprintf(filename2,"%s", "pion_norm.data");

  /* generate random source point */
  if(ranlxs_init == 0) {
    rlxs_init(1, 123456);
  ranlxs(&tmp, 1);
  z0 = (int)(measurement_list[id].max_source_slice*tmp);
#ifdef MPI
  MPI_Bcast(&z0, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

#ifdef MPI
  atime = MPI_Wtime();
  atime = (double)clock()/(double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

  Cpp = (double*) calloc(g_nproc_z*LZ, sizeof(double));

  printf("Doing finite Temperature online measurement\n");
  /* stochastic source in z-slice */
  source_generation_pion_zdir(g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1], 
                            z0, 0, traj);

  /* invert on the stochastic source */
  invert_eo(g_spinor_field[2], g_spinor_field[3], 
            g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1],
            1.e-14, measurement_list[id].max_iter, CG, 1, 0, 1, 0, NULL, -1);

  /* now we bring it to normal format */
  /* here we use implicitly DUM_MATRIX and DUM_MATRIX+1 */
  convert_eo_to_lexic(g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX], g_spinor_field[2], g_spinor_field[3]);
  /* now we sums only over local space for every z */
  for(z = 0; z < LZ; z++) {
    res = 0.;
    /* sum here over all points in one z-slice 
       we have to look up g_ipt*/

    j = g_ipt[0][0][0][z];
    for(i = 0; i < T*LX*LY ; i++) {
           res += _spinor_prod_re(g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX][j], g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX][j]);
           j += LZ; /* jump LZ sites in array, z ist fastest index */

#if defined MPI
    MPI_Reduce(&res, &mpi_res, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, g_mpi_z_slices);
    res = mpi_res;
    Cpp[z+g_proc_coords[3]*LZ] = +res/(g_nproc_x*LX)/(g_nproc_y*LY)/(g_nproc_t*T)*2.;

#ifdef MPI
  /* some gymnastics needed in case of parallelisation */
  if(g_mpi_z_rank == 0) {
    MPI_Gather(&Cpp[g_proc_coords[3]*LZ], LZ, MPI_DOUBLE, Cpp, LZ, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, g_mpi_ST_slices);

  /* and write everything into a file */
  if(g_mpi_z_rank == 0 && g_proc_coords[3] == 0) {
    ofs = fopen(filename, "w");
    fprintf( ofs, "1  1  0  %e  %e\n", Cpp[z0], 0.);
    for(z = 1; z < g_nproc_z*LZ/2; z++) {
      zz = (z0+z)%(g_nproc_z*LZ);
      fprintf( ofs, "1  1  %d  %e  ", z, Cpp[zz]);
      zz = (z0+g_nproc_z*LZ-z)%(g_nproc_z*LZ);
      fprintf( ofs, "%e\n", Cpp[zz]);
    zz = (z0+g_nproc_z*LZ/2)%(g_nproc_z*LZ);
    fprintf( ofs, "1  1  %d  %e  %e\n", z, Cpp[zz], 0.);
    /* sum over all Cpp to get pionnorm*/
    ofs2 = fopen(filename2, "a");
    pionnorm = 0.;
    for(z=0; z<g_nproc_z*LZ; z++){
      pionnorm += Cpp[z];
    /* normalize */
    pionnorm = pionnorm/(g_nproc_z*LZ); 
    fprintf(ofs2,"%d\t %.16e\n",traj,pionnorm);
#ifdef MPI
  etime = MPI_Wtime();
  etime = (double)clock()/(double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 0) {
    printf("PIONNORM : measurement done int t/s = %1.4e\n", etime - atime);
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {

  FILE *parameterfile=NULL;
  int c, j, is=0, ic=0;
  int x, X, y, Y, z, Z, t, tt, i, sum;
  char * filename = NULL;
  char datafilename[50];
  char parameterfilename[50];
  char conf_filename[50];
  char * input_filename = NULL;
  double plaquette_energy, nrm;
  double * norm;
  struct stout_parameters params_smear;
#ifdef _GAUGE_COPY
  int kb=0;
#ifdef MPI
  double atime=0., etime=0.;
#ifdef _KOJAK_INST
#pragma pomp inst init
#pragma pomp inst begin(main)

  DUM_DERI = 6;
  /* DUM_DERI + 2 is enough (not 7) */
  /* DUM_MATRIX + 2 is enough (not 6) */

  verbose = 0;
  g_use_clover_flag = 0;
  g_nr_of_psf = 1;

#ifdef MPI
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

  while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "h?f:o:")) != -1) {
    switch (c) {
    case 'f': 
      input_filename = calloc(200, sizeof(char));
    case 'o':
      filename = calloc(200, sizeof(char));
    case 'h':
    case '?':
  if(input_filename == NULL){
    input_filename = "hmc.input";
  if(filename == NULL){
    filename = "output";

  /* Read the input file */
  /* here we want no even/odd preconditioning */
  even_odd_flag = 0;

  /* this DBW2 stuff is not needed for the inversion ! */
  g_rgi_C1 = 0;
  if(Nsave == 0){
    Nsave = 1;
  tmlqcd_mpi_init(argc, argv);

  g_dbw2rand = 0;

#ifndef MPI
  g_dbw2rand = 0;

#ifdef _GAUGE_COPY
  j = init_gauge_field(VOLUMEPLUSRAND, 1);
  j = init_gauge_field(VOLUMEPLUSRAND, 0);
  if ( j!= 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for gauge_fields! Aborting...\n");
  j = init_geometry_indices(VOLUMEPLUSRAND);
  if ( j!= 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for geometry indices! Aborting...\n");
  if(even_odd_flag) {
    j = init_spinor_field(VOLUMEPLUSRAND/2, NO_OF_SPINORFIELDS);
  else {
    j = init_spinor_field(VOLUMEPLUSRAND, NO_OF_SPINORFIELDS);
  if ( j!= 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for spinor fields! Aborting...\n");

  g_mu = g_mu1; 
  if(g_proc_id == 0){    
    /*construct the filenames for the observables and the parameters*/
    strcpy(datafilename,filename);  strcat(datafilename,".data");
    strcpy(parameterfilename,filename);  strcat(parameterfilename,".para");
    parameterfile=fopen(parameterfilename, "w");
    write_first_messages(parameterfile, 0, 1);

  /* define the geometry */

  /* define the boundary conditions for the fermion fields */

  j = init_dirac_halfspinor();
  if ( j!= 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for halffield! Aborting...\n");
  if(g_sloppy_precision_flag == 1) {
    j = init_dirac_halfspinor32();
    if ( j!= 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory for 32-Bit halffield! Aborting...\n");
#  if (defined _PERSISTENT)
#  endif
  norm = (double*)calloc(3.*LX/2.+T/2., sizeof(double));

  for(j=0;j<Nmeas; j++) {
    sprintf(conf_filename,"%s.%.4d", gauge_input_filename, nstore);
    if (g_proc_id == 0){
      printf("Reading Gauge field from file %s\n", conf_filename); fflush(stdout);
    if (g_proc_id == 0){
      printf("done!\n"); fflush(stdout);
#ifdef MPI
#ifdef _GAUGE_COPY

    /* Compute minimal eigenvalues, if wanted */
    if(compute_evs != 0) {
      eigenvalues(&no_eigenvalues, 1000, eigenvalue_precision, 0, compute_evs, nstore, even_odd_flag);
    /*compute the energy of the gauge field*/
    plaquette_energy = measure_gauge_action();

    if(g_proc_id == 0) {
      printf("The plaquette value is %e\n", plaquette_energy/(6.*VOLUME*g_nproc)); fflush(stdout);
    if (use_stout_flag == 1){
      params_smear.rho = stout_rho;
      params_smear.iterations = stout_no_iter;
      if (stout_smear((su3_tuple*)(g_gauge_field[0]), &params_smear, (su3_tuple*)(g_gauge_field[0])) != 0)
        exit(1) ;
      g_update_gauge_copy = 1;
      g_update_gauge_energy = 1;
      g_update_rectangle_energy = 1;
      plaquette_energy = measure_gauge_action();

      if (g_proc_id == 0) {
        printf("# The plaquette value after stouting is %e\n", plaquette_energy / (6.*VOLUME*g_nproc));

    source_spinor_field(g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1], 0, 0);
    convert_eo_to_lexic(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI], g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1]);
    D_psi(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI]);
    if(even_odd_flag) {
      i = invert_eo(g_spinor_field[2], g_spinor_field[3], g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1], 
		    solver_precision, max_solver_iterations, solver_flag, g_relative_precision_flag,
		    sub_evs_cg_flag, even_odd_flag);
      convert_eo_to_lexic(g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1], g_spinor_field[2], g_spinor_field[3]);

    for(i = 0; i < 3*LX/2+T/2; i++){
      norm[i] = 0.;
    for(x = 0; x < LX; x++){
      if(x > LX/2) X = LX-x;
      else X = x;
      for(y = 0; y < LY; y++){
	if(y > LY/2) Y = LY-y;
	else Y = y;
	for(z = 0; z < LZ; z++){
	  if(z > LZ/2) Z = LZ-z;
	  else Z = z;
	  for(t = 0; t < T; t++){
	    if(t > T/2) tt = T - t;
	    else tt = t;
	    sum = X + Y + Z + tt;
	    _spinor_norm_sq(nrm, g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1][ g_ipt[t][x][y][z] ]);
/* 	    _spinor_norm_sq(nrm, qprop[0][0][1][ g_ipt[t][x][y][z] ]); */
 	    printf("%e %e\n", g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1][ g_ipt[t][x][y][z] ].s0.c0.re, g_spinor_field[DUM_DERI+1][ g_ipt[t][x][y][z] ].s0.c0.im);
	    nrm = sqrt( nrm );
	    printf("%1.12e\n", nrm);
	    if(nrm > norm[sum]) norm[sum] = nrm;
    for(i = 0; i < 3*L/2+T/2; i++){
      printf("%d %1.12e\n", i, norm[i]);

#ifdef MPI
#ifdef _KOJAK_INST
#pragma pomp inst end(main)
Exemplo n.º 4
void online_measurement(const int traj, const int id) {
  int i, j, t, tt, t0;
  double *Cpp, *Cpa, *Cp4;
  double res = 0., respa = 0., resp4 = 0.;
  double atime, etime;
  float tmp;
#ifdef MPI
  double mpi_res = 0., mpi_respa = 0., mpi_resp4 = 0.;
  FILE *ofs;
  char *filename;
  char buf[100];
  spinor phi;
  sprintf(filename,"%s%.6d", "onlinemeas." ,traj);

  /* generate random timeslice */
  if(ranlxs_init == 0) {
    rlxs_init(1, 123456);
  ranlxs(&tmp, 1);
  t0 = (int)(measurement_list[id].max_source_slice*tmp);
#ifdef MPI
  MPI_Bcast(&t0, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  if(g_debug_level > 1 && g_proc_id == 0) {
    printf("# timeslice set to %d (T=%d) for online measurement\n", t0, g_nproc_t*T);
    printf("# online measurements parameters: kappa = %g, mu = %g\n", g_kappa, g_mu/2./g_kappa);
#ifdef MPI
  atime = MPI_Wtime();
  atime = (double)clock()/(double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

  Cpp = (double*) calloc(g_nproc_t*T, sizeof(double));
  Cpa = (double*) calloc(g_nproc_t*T, sizeof(double));
  Cp4 = (double*) calloc(g_nproc_t*T, sizeof(double));

  source_generation_pion_only(g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1], 
			      t0, 0, traj);

  invert_eo(g_spinor_field[2], g_spinor_field[3], 
	    g_spinor_field[0], g_spinor_field[1],
	    1.e-14, measurement_list[id].max_iter, CG, 1, 0, 1, 0, NULL, -1);

  /* now we bring it to normal format */
  /* here we use implicitly DUM_MATRIX and DUM_MATRIX+1 */
  convert_eo_to_lexic(g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX], g_spinor_field[2], g_spinor_field[3]);
  /* now we sum only over local space for every t */
  for(t = 0; t < T; t++) {
    j = g_ipt[t][0][0][0];
    res = 0.;
    respa = 0.;
    resp4 = 0.;
    for(i = j; i < j+LX*LY*LZ; i++) {
      res += _spinor_prod_re(g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX][j], g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX][j]);
      _gamma0(phi, g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX][j]);
      respa += _spinor_prod_re(g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX][j], phi);
      _gamma5(phi, phi);
      resp4 += _spinor_prod_im(g_spinor_field[DUM_MATRIX][j], phi);

#if defined MPI
    MPI_Reduce(&res, &mpi_res, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, g_mpi_time_slices);
    res = mpi_res;
    MPI_Reduce(&respa, &mpi_respa, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, g_mpi_time_slices);
    respa = mpi_respa;
    MPI_Reduce(&resp4, &mpi_resp4, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, 0, g_mpi_time_slices);
    resp4 = mpi_resp4;
    Cpp[t+g_proc_coords[0]*T] = +res/(g_nproc_x*LX)/(g_nproc_y*LY)/(g_nproc_z*LZ)*2.;
    Cpa[t+g_proc_coords[0]*T] = -respa/(g_nproc_x*LX)/(g_nproc_y*LY)/(g_nproc_z*LZ)*2.;
    Cp4[t+g_proc_coords[0]*T] = +resp4/(g_nproc_x*LX)/(g_nproc_y*LY)/(g_nproc_z*LZ)*2.;

#ifdef MPI
  /* some gymnastics needed in case of parallelisation */
  if(g_mpi_time_rank == 0) {
    MPI_Gather(&Cpp[g_proc_coords[0]*T], T, MPI_DOUBLE, Cpp, T, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, g_mpi_SV_slices);
    MPI_Gather(&Cpa[g_proc_coords[0]*T], T, MPI_DOUBLE, Cpa, T, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, g_mpi_SV_slices);
    MPI_Gather(&Cp4[g_proc_coords[0]*T], T, MPI_DOUBLE, Cp4, T, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, g_mpi_SV_slices);

  /* and write everything into a file */
  if(g_mpi_time_rank == 0 && g_proc_coords[0] == 0) {
    ofs = fopen(filename, "w");
    fprintf( ofs, "1  1  0  %e  %e\n", Cpp[t0], 0.);
    for(t = 1; t < g_nproc_t*T/2; t++) {
      tt = (t0+t)%(g_nproc_t*T);
      fprintf( ofs, "1  1  %d  %e  ", t, Cpp[tt]);
      tt = (t0+g_nproc_t*T-t)%(g_nproc_t*T);
      fprintf( ofs, "%e\n", Cpp[tt]);
    tt = (t0+g_nproc_t*T/2)%(g_nproc_t*T);
    fprintf( ofs, "1  1  %d  %e  %e\n", t, Cpp[tt], 0.);

    fprintf( ofs, "2  1  0  %e  %e\n", Cpa[t0], 0.);
    for(t = 1; t < g_nproc_t*T/2; t++) {
      tt = (t0+t)%(g_nproc_t*T);
      fprintf( ofs, "2  1  %d  %e  ", t, Cpa[tt]);
      tt = (t0+g_nproc_t*T-t)%(g_nproc_t*T);
      fprintf( ofs, "%e\n", Cpa[tt]);
    tt = (t0+g_nproc_t*T/2)%(g_nproc_t*T);
    fprintf( ofs, "2  1  %d  %e  %e\n", t, Cpa[tt], 0.);

    fprintf( ofs, "6  1  0  %e  %e\n", Cp4[t0], 0.);
    for(t = 1; t < g_nproc_t*T/2; t++) {
      tt = (t0+t)%(g_nproc_t*T);
      fprintf( ofs, "6  1  %d  %e  ", t, Cp4[tt]);
      tt = (t0+g_nproc_t*T-t)%(g_nproc_t*T);
      fprintf( ofs, "%e\n", Cp4[tt]);
    tt = (t0+g_nproc_t*T/2)%(g_nproc_t*T);
    fprintf( ofs, "6  1  %d  %e  %e\n", t, Cp4[tt], 0.);
  free(Cpp); free(Cpa); free(Cp4);
#ifdef MPI
  etime = MPI_Wtime();
  etime = (double)clock()/(double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  if(g_proc_id == 0 && g_debug_level > 0) {
    printf("ONLINE: measurement done int t/s = %1.4e\n", etime - atime);