Exemplo n.º 1
// Data output
bool CWaveOut::Output(float *pData, int nSamples, int scaleFactor)
 // routine check
 if ((pData == NULL)|| (nSamples < 1)) return(false);
 // have we started ?
 if (m_Dev == NULL) return(false);
 // have we free block ?
 if ((m_B[m_Idx].dwFlags & WHDR_INQUEUE) == WHDR_INQUEUE) return(false);
 // if we have too much samples, cut it
 if (nSamples > m_MaxBlockSamples) nSamples = m_MaxBlockSamples;
 // convert data into shorts
 ippsConvert_32f16s_Sfs((Ipp32f *)pData, (Ipp16s *)m_B[m_Idx].lpData, nSamples*m_Fmt.nChannels, ippRndNear, scaleFactor);

 // set right data length
 m_B[m_Idx].dwBufferLength = m_Fmt.nBlockAlign * nSamples;
 // schedule it to play
 if (waveOutWrite(m_Dev, m_B+m_Idx, sizeof(m_B[m_Idx])) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) return(false);
 // goto to the next block
 m_Idx = (m_Idx + 1) % m_nBlock;
 // success
Exemplo n.º 2
static USC_Status CancelEcho(USC_Handle handle, short *pSin, short *pRin, short *pSout)
   ECFP_Handle_Header *ecfp_header;
   USC_Handle *obj_ec;
   int framesize;
   Ipp32f r_in_32f_cur[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
   Ipp32f s_in_32f_cur[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
   Ipp32f s_out_32f_cur[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];

   if(handle==NULL) return USC_InvalidHandler;
   if(pSin==NULL) return USC_BadDataPointer;
   if(pRin==NULL) return USC_BadDataPointer;
   if(pSout==NULL) return USC_BadDataPointer;

   ecfp_header = (ECFP_Handle_Header*)handle;
   obj_ec = (USC_Handle*)((char*)handle + sizeof(ECFP_Handle_Header));
   if(ecfp_header->algType == EC_SUBBAND) framesize = SUBBAND_FRAME_SIZE;
   else if(ecfp_header->algType == EC_FULLBAND) framesize = FULLBAND_FRAME_SIZE;
   else framesize = FASTSBBAND_FRAME_SIZE;

   ippsConvert_16s32f_Sfs((Ipp16s *)pRin, r_in_32f_cur, framesize, 0);
   ippsConvert_16s32f_Sfs((Ipp16s *)pSin, s_in_32f_cur, framesize, 0);
   ecfp_header->fun.ec_ProcessFrame(obj_ec, r_in_32f_cur, s_in_32f_cur, s_out_32f_cur);
   ippsConvert_32f16s_Sfs(s_out_32f_cur, (Ipp16s *)pSout, framesize, ippRndZero, 0);

   return USC_NoError;

Exemplo n.º 3
static USC_Status CancelEcho(USC_Handle handle, Ipp16s *pSin, Ipp16s *pRin, Ipp16s *pSout)
   ECFP_Handle_Header *ecfp_header;
   USC_Handle *obj_ec;
   Ipp32s framesize;
   Ipp32f r_in_32f_cur[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
   Ipp32f s_in_32f_cur[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
   Ipp32f s_out_32f_cur[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
   //Ipp64f noisePwr;
   //int    dstFlag,j;
   if(handle==NULL) return USC_InvalidHandler;
   if(pSin==NULL) return USC_BadDataPointer;
   if(pRin==NULL) return USC_BadDataPointer;
   if(pSout==NULL) return USC_BadDataPointer;

   ecfp_header = (ECFP_Handle_Header*)handle;
   obj_ec = (USC_Handle*)((Ipp8s*)handle + ALIGN(sizeof(ECFP_Handle_Header)));
   framesize = FRAME_SIZE_10ms;
   ippsConvert_16s32f_Sfs((Ipp16s *)pRin, r_in_32f_cur, framesize, 0);
   ippsConvert_16s32f_Sfs((Ipp16s *)pSin, s_in_32f_cur, framesize, 0);
   //if (ecfp_header->dcFlag)
   //    ippsSubC_32f_I(ecfp_header->dcOffset,s_in_32f_cur, framesize);
   //    for (j=0;j<framesize;j+=16){
   //        ippsFilterNoiseDetect_EC_32f64f((const Ipp32f  *)&s_in_32f_cur[j],&noisePwr,
   //            &ecfp_header->dcOffset,&dstFlag,ecfp_header->nrSin);
   //    }
   ecfp_header->fun.ec_ProcessFrame(obj_ec, r_in_32f_cur, s_in_32f_cur, s_out_32f_cur);
   ippsConvert_32f16s_Sfs(s_out_32f_cur, (Ipp16s *)pSout, framesize, ippRndZero, 0);

   return USC_NoError;
