Exemplo n.º 1
void KeySig::draw(QPainter* p) const
      for (const KeySym& ks: _sig.keySymbols())
            drawSymbol(ks.sym, p, QPointF(ks.pos.x(), ks.pos.y()));
      if (!parent() && (isAtonal() || isCustom()) && _sig.keySymbols().empty()) {
            // empty custom or atonal key signature - draw something for palette
            drawSymbol(SymId::timeSigX, p, QPointF(symWidth(SymId::timeSigX) * -0.5, 2.0 * spatium()));
Exemplo n.º 2
void KeySigEvent::print() const
      qDebug("<KeySigEvent: ");
      if (!isValid())
      else {
            if (isAtonal())
            else if (custom())
                  qDebug("accidental %d>", int(_key));
Exemplo n.º 3
bool KeySigEvent::operator==(const KeySigEvent& e) const
      if (e._custom != _custom || e._mode != _mode)
            return false;
      if (_custom && !isAtonal()) {
            if (e._keySymbols.size() != _keySymbols.size())
                  return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < _keySymbols.size(); ++i) {
                  if (e._keySymbols[i].sym != _keySymbols[i].sym)
                        return false;
                  // TODO: position matters
            return true;
      return e._key == _key;
Exemplo n.º 4
QString KeySig::accessibleInfo() const
      QString keySigType;
      if (isAtonal())
            return QString("%1: %2").arg(Element::accessibleInfo()).arg(qApp->translate("MuseScore", keyNames[15]));
      else if (isCustom())
            return tr("%1: Custom").arg(Element::accessibleInfo());

      if (key() == Key::C)
            return QString("%1: %2").arg(Element::accessibleInfo()).arg(qApp->translate("MuseScore", keyNames[14]));
      int keyInt = static_cast<int>(key());
      if (keyInt < 0)
            keySigType = qApp->translate("MuseScore", keyNames[(7 + keyInt) * 2 + 1]);
            keySigType = qApp->translate("MuseScore", keyNames[(keyInt - 1) * 2]);
      return QString("%1: %2").arg(Element::accessibleInfo()).arg(keySigType);
Exemplo n.º 5
void KeySig::layout()
      qreal _spatium = spatium();

      if (isCustom() && !isAtonal()) {
            for (KeySym& ks: _sig.keySymbols()) {
                  ks.pos = ks.spos * _spatium;

      if (staff() && !staff()->genKeySig())     // no key sigs on TAB staves

      // determine current clef for this staff
      ClefType clef = ClefType::G;
      if (staff())
            clef = staff()->clef(segment()->tick());

      int accidentals = 0, naturals = 0;
      int t1 = int(_sig.key());
      switch (qAbs(t1)) {
            case 7: accidentals = 0x7f; break;
            case 6: accidentals = 0x3f; break;
            case 5: accidentals = 0x1f; break;
            case 4: accidentals = 0xf;  break;
            case 3: accidentals = 0x7;  break;
            case 2: accidentals = 0x3;  break;
            case 1: accidentals = 0x1;  break;
            case 0: accidentals = 0;    break;
                  qDebug("illegal t1 key %d", t1);

      // manage display of naturals:
      // naturals are shown if there is some natural AND prev. measure has no section break
      // AND style says they are not off
      // OR key sig is CMaj/Amin (in which case they are always shown)

      bool naturalsOn = false;
      Measure* prevMeasure = measure() ? measure()->prevMeasure() : 0;

      // If we're not force hiding naturals (Continuous panel), use score style settings
      if (!_hideNaturals)
            naturalsOn = (prevMeasure && !prevMeasure->sectionBreak()
               && (score()->styleI(StyleIdx::keySigNaturals) != int(KeySigNatural::NONE))) || (t1 == 0);

      // Don't repeat naturals if shown in courtesy
      if (prevMeasure && prevMeasure->findSegment(Segment::Type::KeySigAnnounce, segment()->tick())
          && !segment()->isKeySigAnnounceType())
            naturalsOn = false;
      if (track() == -1)
            naturalsOn = false;

      int coffset = 0;
      Key t2      = Key::C;
      if (naturalsOn) {
            t2 = staff()->key(segment()->tick() - 1);
            if (t2 == Key::C)
                  naturalsOn = false;
            else {
                  switch (qAbs(int(t2))) {
                        case 7: naturals = 0x7f; break;
                        case 6: naturals = 0x3f; break;
                        case 5: naturals = 0x1f; break;
                        case 4: naturals = 0xf;  break;
                        case 3: naturals = 0x7;  break;
                        case 2: naturals = 0x3;  break;
                        case 1: naturals = 0x1;  break;
                        case 0: naturals = 0;    break;
                              qDebug("illegal t2 key %d", int(t2));
                  // remove redundant naturals
                  if (!((t1 > 0) ^ (t2 > 0)))
                        naturals &= ~accidentals;
                  if (t2 < 0)
                        coffset = 7;

      // naturals should go BEFORE accidentals if style says so
      // OR going from sharps to flats or vice versa (i.e. t1 & t2 have opposite signs)

      bool prefixNaturals =
            && (score()->styleI(StyleIdx::keySigNaturals) == int(KeySigNatural::BEFORE) || t1 * int(t2) < 0);

      // naturals should go AFTER accidentals if they should not go before!
      bool suffixNaturals = naturalsOn && !prefixNaturals;

      const signed char* lines = ClefInfo::lines(clef);

      // add prefixed naturals, if any

      qreal xo = 0.0;
      if (prefixNaturals) {
            for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
                  if (naturals & (1 << i)) {
                        addLayout(SymId::accidentalNatural, xo, lines[i + coffset]);
                        xo += 1.0;
      // add accidentals
      static const qreal sspread = 1.0;
      static const qreal fspread = 1.0;

      switch(t1) {
            case 7:  addLayout(SymId::accidentalSharp, xo + 6.0 * sspread, lines[6]);
            case 6:  addLayout(SymId::accidentalSharp, xo + 5.0 * sspread, lines[5]);
            case 5:  addLayout(SymId::accidentalSharp, xo + 4.0 * sspread, lines[4]);
            case 4:  addLayout(SymId::accidentalSharp, xo + 3.0 * sspread, lines[3]);
            case 3:  addLayout(SymId::accidentalSharp, xo + 2.0 * sspread, lines[2]);
            case 2:  addLayout(SymId::accidentalSharp, xo + 1.0 * sspread, lines[1]);
            case 1:  addLayout(SymId::accidentalSharp, xo,                 lines[0]);
            case -7: addLayout(SymId::accidentalFlat, xo + 6.0 * fspread, lines[13]);
            case -6: addLayout(SymId::accidentalFlat, xo + 5.0 * fspread, lines[12]);
            case -5: addLayout(SymId::accidentalFlat, xo + 4.0 * fspread, lines[11]);
            case -4: addLayout(SymId::accidentalFlat, xo + 3.0 * fspread, lines[10]);
            case -3: addLayout(SymId::accidentalFlat, xo + 2.0 * fspread, lines[9]);
            case -2: addLayout(SymId::accidentalFlat, xo + 1.0 * fspread, lines[8]);
            case -1: addLayout(SymId::accidentalFlat, xo,                 lines[7]);
            case 0:
                  qDebug("illegal t1 key %d", t1);
      // add suffixed naturals, if any
      if (suffixNaturals) {
            xo += qAbs(t1);               // skip accidentals
            if (t1 > 0) {                 // after sharps, add a little more space
                  xo += 0.15;
                  // if last sharp (t1) is above next natural (t1+1)...
                  if (lines[t1] < lines[t1+1])
                        xo += 0.2;        // ... add more space
            for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
                  if (naturals & (1 << i)) {
                        addLayout(SymId::accidentalNatural, xo, lines[i + coffset]);
                        xo += 1.0;

      // compute bbox
      for (KeySym& ks : _sig.keySymbols()) {
            ks.pos = ks.spos * _spatium;