 * add x as a new member to this set. 
 * If x is already a member, then self should not be changed
 * Be sure to restore the design invariant property that elemnts[] remains sorted
 * (yes, you can assume it is sorted when the function is called, that's what an invariant is all about)
void insertSet(Set* self, int x) {
	int* setArr = (int*)malloc((self->len+1) * sizeof(int)); //allocate space for the new set
	int i = 0;
	bool isInserted = false; //just checking if x has already been inserted into the set
	//if self is empty dont check just insert
	if (isEmptySet(self)) {
		self->len += 1; //increment length
		setArr[0] = x; //insert
	else {
		while (i < (self->len)) {
			if (self->elements[i] == x) { //if any element of the set is eql to x return
			else {
				//if the ith element is less than x then 
				if (self->elements[i] < x) {
					setArr[i] = self->elements[i];
				else { //if ith element is greater than x then 
					setArr[i] = x; //ith becomes x and the rest of the elements will be coppied
					isInserted = true;
					for (int j = i; j < self->len; j++)
						setArr[j + 1] = self->elements[j]; //j+1 is because x has been inserted
					self->len += 1; //update the set length
					i = self->len; //to break the while loop
					free(self->elements); //after finihsing setting up the temp set free up the old set
		//if x hasn't already been inserted, then do it
		if (isInserted == false) {
			setArr[self->len] = x; //insert
			self->len++; //increment length
	self->elements = setArr; //copy the new array to the set

Exemplo n.º 2
/* remove all elements from self that are not also elements of other */
void intersectFromSet(Set* self, const Set* other) {
	if (isEmptySet(self)) { return; }	//can't remove anything from empty set
	if (isEqualToSet (self, other)) { return; }	//all elements aready in common
	if (isSubsetOf (self, other)) { return; }	//everything in self is in other, nothing to remove
	if (self == other) { return; }	//all elements already in common

	/*code here*/	//have two sets (one a copy of self), if they don't match increase other index until they do, if they match add to self and increase both indicies
	//might have to recreate remove code/subset code here
	Set copy_set;
	createCopySet (&copy_set, self);
	copy_set.capacity = copy_set.len;
	destroySet (self);
	self->elements = (int*) malloc (copy_set.capacity * sizeof (int));	//copy original set into copy_set and rebuild self

	int copy_index = 0;
	int other_index = 0;
	int self_index = 0;

	while (copy_index < copy_set.len && other_index < other->len) {
		if (copy_set.elements[copy_index] < other->elements[other_index]) {
			copy_index += 1;
		else if (copy_set.elements[copy_index] > other->elements[other_index]) {
			other_index += 1;
		else if (copy_set.elements[copy_index] == other->elements[other_index]) {
			self->elements[self_index] = copy_set.elements[copy_index];
			self_index += 1;
			copy_index += 1;
			other_index += 1;
	self->len = self_index;
	self->capacity = copy_set.capacity;
	destroySet (&copy_set);

	//assert (checkValidSet (self));	//test code, remove later
Exemplo n.º 3
MyConstantRange binaryOr(const MyConstantRange &Other) const {
  if (isEmptySet() || Other.isEmptySet())
    return MyConstantRange(getBitWidth(), /*isFullSet=*/false);

  if (!isWrappedSet() && !Other.isWrappedSet() && !isFullSet() && !Other.isFullSet()) {
    unsigned width1 = ((getUpper() - 1) ^ getLower()).getActiveBits();
    unsigned width2 = ((Other.getUpper() - 1) ^ Other.getLower()).getActiveBits();
    APInt res1 = getLower().lshr(width1) << width1;
    APInt res2 = Other.getLower().lshr(width2) << width2;
    APInt res_high1 = getLower();
    APInt res_high2 = Other.getLower();
    if ((res1 | res2).isNullValue() && (res_high1 | res_high2).isAllOnesValue()) {
        return MyConstantRange(getBitWidth(), /*isFullSet=*/true);
    return MyConstantRange(res1 | res2, (res_high1 | res_high2) + 1);

  APInt umax = APIntOps::umax(getUnsignedMin(), Other.getUnsignedMin());
  if (umax.isNullValue())
    return MyConstantRange(getBitWidth(), /*isFullSet=*/true);
  return MyConstantRange(std::move(umax), APInt::getNullValue(getBitWidth()));
Exemplo n.º 4
MyConstantRange binaryAnd(const ConstantRange &Other) const {
  if (isEmptySet() || Other.isEmptySet())
    return MyConstantRange(getBitWidth(), /*isFullSet=*/false);

  if (!isWrappedSet() && !Other.isWrappedSet() && !isFullSet() && !Other.isFullSet()) {
    unsigned width1 = ((getUpper() - 1) ^ getLower()).logBase2() + 1;
    unsigned width2 = ((Other.getUpper() - 1) ^ Other.getLower()).logBase2() + 1;
    APInt res1 = getLower().lshr(width1) << width1;
    APInt res2 = Other.getLower().lshr(width2) << width2;
    APInt res_high1 = getLower();
    APInt res_high2 = Other.getLower();
    if ((res1 & res2).isNullValue() && (res_high1 & res_high2).isAllOnesValue()) {
        return MyConstantRange(getBitWidth(), /*isFullSet=*/true);
    return MyConstantRange(res1 & res2, (res_high1 & res_high2) + 1);

  APInt umin = APIntOps::umin(Other.getUnsignedMax(), getUnsignedMax());
  if (umin.isAllOnesValue())
    return MyConstantRange(getBitWidth(), /*isFullSet=*/true);
  return MyConstantRange(APInt::getNullValue(getBitWidth()), std::move(umin) + 1);
Exemplo n.º 5
/* remove all elements from self that are also elements of other */
void subtractFromSet(Set* self, const Set* other) {
	if (isEmptySet(self)) { return; }	//can't remove anything from empty set
	if (isEmptySet(other)) { return; }	//nothing to remove from self
	if (isSubsetOf (self, other)) {
		createEmptySet (self);
	/*code here*/	//have two sets (one a copy of self),

	//might have to recreate remove code/subset code here
	/*Set intersect_set;
	createCopySet (&intersect_set, self);
	intersect_set.capacity = intersect_set.len;
	intersectFromSet (&intersect_set, other);	//create temporary set with intersection of self and other
	Set copy_set;
	createCopySet (&copy_set, self);
	copy_set.capacity = copy_set.len;
	destroySet (self);
	self->elements = (int*) malloc (copy_set.capacity * sizeof (int));	//copy original set into copy_set and rebuild self

	/*int intersect_index = 0;
	int self_index = 0;
	int copy_index = 0;

	while (copy_index < copy_set.len) {
		if (copy_set.elements[copy_index] == intersect_set.elements[intersect_index]) {
			intersect_index += 1;
			copy_index += 1;
		else if (intersect_index >= intersect_set.len || copy_set.elements[copy_index] < intersect_set.elements[intersect_index]) {
			self->elements[self_index] = copy_set.elements[copy_index];
			copy_index += 1;
			self_index += 1;
		else if (copy_set.elements[copy_index] > intersect_set.elements[intersect_index]) {
			intersect_index += 1;

	int copy_index = 0;
	int self_index = 0;
	int other_index = 0;

	while (copy_index < copy_set.len) {
		if (other_index >= other->len || copy_set.elements[copy_index] < other->elements[other_index]) {
			self->elements[self_index] = copy_set.elements[copy_index];
			self_index += 1;
			copy_index += 1;
		else if (copy_set.elements[copy_index] > other->elements[other_index]) {
			other_index += 1;
		else {
			copy_index += 1;
			other_index += 1;

	self->len = self_index;
	self->capacity = copy_set.capacity;
	destroySet (&copy_set);
	/*destroySet (&intersect_set);*/

	//assert (checkValidSet (self));	//test code, remove later
/* add all elements of other to self (obviously, without creating duplicate elements) */
void unionInSet(Set* self, const Set* other) {
	int* temp =(int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * (self->len + other->len)); //create a temp arr
	int* tempAddress = temp; //copy of the temp for later reference
	int i = 0, j = 0, newLen = 0; //two indeces for both sets
								  //search throguh the sets until we reached the end of either of the sets
	//if the 1st set is empty then return the second set
	if (isEmptySet(self)) {
		//if both are empty just return the first set
		if (isEmptySet(self) && isEmptySet(other)) {
			free(temp); //freeup temporary
		self->len = other->len;
		//copy elements of other to temp one by one
		for (int i = 0; i < other->len; i++){
			temp[i] = other->elements[i];
		self->elements = temp; //update address of self
		temp = tempAddress = 0;
	//if the second set is zero just return
	if (isEmptySet(other)) {
		free(temp); //free up temporary coz unused
	while (i != self->len && j != other->len) {
		if (self->elements[i] < other->elements[j]) {
			*temp = self->elements[i]; // if both elements are eql then it gonna be added to the intersection set (i.e. temp)
			++temp; //increment temp
			++newLen; //increment the length of the intersection set
			++i; //if ith el of self is less then move to the next el
		else {
			if (other->elements[j] < self->elements[i]) {
				*temp = other->elements[j]; // if both elements are eql then it gonna be added to the intersection set (i.e. temp)
				++temp; //increment temp
				++newLen; //increment the length of the intersection set
				++j; //if jth el of other is less then move to the next el
			else {
				*temp = self->elements[i]; // if both elements are eql then it gonna be added to the intersection set (i.e. temp)
				++temp; //increment temp
				++newLen; //increment the length of the intersection set
				++i;  //increment conters
	//if either hasn't finished
	if (i != self->len) {
		while (i != self->len) {
			*temp = self->elements[i]; // if both elements are eql then it gonna be added to the intersection set (i.e. temp)
			++temp; //increment temp
			++newLen; //increment the length of the intersection set
			++i; //if ith el of self is less then move to the next el
	if (j != other->len) {
		while(j != other->len) {
			*temp = other->elements[j]; // if both elements are eql then it gonna be added to the intersection set (i.e. temp)
			++temp; //increment temp
			++newLen; //increment the length of the intersection set
			++j; //if jth el of other is less then move to the next el
	free(self->elements); //free up the old set before setting it eql to the new set
	self->elements = tempAddress; //update the address of  intersection set
	tempAddress = temp = 0; //destroy the pointer
	self->len = newLen; //update the length of intersection set
Exemplo n.º 7
void specialCaseTests(void) {
	Set empty;
	Set universal;
	int i;
	Set s;
	Set r;
	for (i = 0; i < maximum_set_size; i += 1) {
	  insertSet(&universal, i);
	checkCase(&subtractFromSet, &universal, &universal, &empty);
	checkCase(&unionInSet, &universal, &universal, &universal);
	checkCase(&intersectFromSet, &universal, &universal, &universal);
	checkCase(&intersectFromSet, &universal, &empty, &empty);
	checkCase(&intersectFromSet, &empty, &universal, &empty);
	checkCase(&unionInSet, &universal, &empty, &universal);
	checkCase(&unionInSet, &empty, &universal, &universal);
	checkCase(&unionInSet, &empty, &empty, &empty);
	checkCase(&subtractFromSet, &empty, &empty, &empty);
	checkCase(&intersectFromSet, &empty, &empty, &empty);
	for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
		insertSet(&s, i);
	assert(s.len == 10);
	for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
	  assert(isMemberSet(&s, i));
	for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
	  removeSet(&s, i);
	  removeSet(&s, i);
	  assert(s.len == 9 - i); 
	for (i = 0; i < number_of_tests; i += 1) {
	  assert(isSubsetOf(&empty, &s));
	  assert(!isSubsetOf(&s, &empty));
	  assert(isSubsetOf(&s, &universal));
	  assert(!isSubsetOf(&universal, &s));

		checkCase(&intersectFromSet, &empty, &s, &empty);
		checkCase(&intersectFromSet, &s, &empty, &empty);
		checkCase(&intersectFromSet, &universal, &s, &s);
		checkCase(&intersectFromSet, &s, &universal, &s);

		checkCase(&unionInSet, &universal, &s, &universal);
		checkCase(&unionInSet, &s, &universal, &universal);

		checkCase(&subtractFromSet, &s, &empty, &s);
		assignSet(&r, &universal);
		subtractFromSet(&r, &s); // r = u - s;
		checkCase(&subtractFromSet, &universal, &r, &s); // (u - (u - s) == s)
		checkCase(&unionInSet, &s, &r, &universal); // s + (u - s) == u
		checkCase(&unionInSet, &r, &s, &universal); // (u - s) + s == u
	printf("The special case tests have been passed\n"); 
Exemplo n.º 8
TEST(Test05, SpecialCaseTests)
        Set empty;
        Set universal;
        Set s;
        Set r;
        int i;


        for (i = 0; i < MAX_SET_SIZE; i++)
            insertSet(&universal, i);

        ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&subtractFromSet, &universal, &universal, &empty));
        ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&unionInSet, &universal, &universal, &universal));
        ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&intersectFromSet, &universal, &universal, &universal));
        ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&intersectFromSet, &universal, &empty, &empty));
        ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&intersectFromSet, &empty, &universal, &empty));
        ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&unionInSet, &universal, &empty, &universal));
        ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&unionInSet, &empty, &universal, &universal));
        ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&unionInSet, &empty, &empty, &empty));
        ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&subtractFromSet, &empty, &empty, &empty));
        ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&intersectFromSet, &empty, &empty, &empty));


        for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            insertSet(&s, i);

        ASSERT_TRUE(s.len == 10);

        for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            ASSERT_TRUE(isMemberSet(&s, i));

        for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            removeSet(&s, i);
            removeSet(&s, i);
            ASSERT_TRUE(s.len == 9 - i);


        for (i = 0; i < NUM_TESTS; i++)
            ASSERT_TRUE(isSubsetOf(&empty, &s));
            ASSERT_FALSE(isSubsetOf(&s, &empty));
            ASSERT_TRUE(isSubsetOf(&s, &universal));
            ASSERT_FALSE(isSubsetOf(&universal, &s));

            ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&intersectFromSet, &empty, &s, &empty));
            ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&intersectFromSet, &s, &empty, &empty));
            ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&intersectFromSet, &universal, &s, &s));
            ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&intersectFromSet, &s, &universal, &s));

            ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&unionInSet, &universal, &s, &universal));
            ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&unionInSet, &s, &universal, &universal));

            ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&subtractFromSet, &s, &empty, &s));

            assignSet(&r, &universal);
            subtractFromSet(&r, &s);
            ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&subtractFromSet, &universal, &r, &s));
            ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&unionInSet, &s, &r, &universal));
            ASSERT_TRUE(checkCaseNew(&unionInSet, &r, &s, &universal));
