Exemplo n.º 1
bool Compiler2Pass::ValidateToken(const uint rulepathIDX, const uint activeRuleID)
	int tokenlength = 0;
	// assume the test is going to fail
	bool Passed = false;
	uint TokenID = mRootRulePath[rulepathIDX].mTokenID;
	// only validate token if context is correct
	if (mSymbolTypeLib[TokenID].mContextKey & mActiveContexts) {
		// if terminal token then compare text of symbol with what is in source
		if ( mSymbolTypeLib[TokenID].mRuleID == 0){

			if (positionToNextSymbol()) {
				// if Token is supposed to be a number then check if its a numerical constant
				if (TokenID == mValueID) {
					float constantvalue;
					if(Passed = isFloatValue(constantvalue, tokenlength)) {
				// compare token symbol text with source text
				else Passed = isSymbol(mRootRulePath[rulepathIDX].mSymbol, tokenlength);
				if(Passed) {
					TokenInst newtoken;
					// push token onto end of container
					newtoken.mID = TokenID;
					newtoken.mNTTRuleID = activeRuleID;
					newtoken.mLine = mCurrentLine;
					newtoken.mPos = mCharPos;

					// update source position
					mCharPos += tokenlength;

					// allow token instruction to change the ActiveContexts
					// use token contexts pattern to clear ActiveContexts pattern bits
					mActiveContexts &= ~mSymbolTypeLib[TokenID].mContextPatternClear;
					// use token contexts pattern to set ActiveContexts pattern bits
					mActiveContexts |= mSymbolTypeLib[TokenID].mContextPatternSet;

		// else a non terminal token was found
		else {

			// execute rule for non-terminal
			// get rule_ID for index into  rulepath to be called
			Passed = processRulePath(mSymbolTypeLib[TokenID].mRuleID);

	return Passed;

void CompositorScriptCompilerTests::testIsFloatValue(void)
  struct testfloatresult{
    const String teststr;
    const float fvalue;
    const size_t charsize;
    testfloatresult(const String& _teststr, const float _fvalue, const size_t _charsize)
        : teststr(_teststr)
        , fvalue(_fvalue)
        , charsize(_charsize)

  testfloatresult testfloatresults[] = {
    testfloatresult("1 test", 1.0f, 1),
    testfloatresult("2.3f test", 2.3f, 3),
    testfloatresult("-0.5 test", -0.5f, 4),
    testfloatresult(" 23.6 test", 23.6f, 5),
    testfloatresult("  -0.021 test", -0.021f, 8),
    testfloatresult("12 test", 12.0f, 2),
    testfloatresult("3test", 3.0f, 1)

  float fvalue = 0;
  size_t charsize = 0;
  mCharPos = 0;
  size_t testsize = ARRAYSIZE(testfloatresults);
  for(size_t resultID=0; resultID<testsize; resultID++)
    mSource = &testfloatresults[resultID].teststr;
    isFloatValue(fvalue, charsize);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test " + StringConverter::toString(resultID) + " value returned: " + StringConverter::toString(fvalue)
        , fvalue == testfloatresults[resultID].fvalue);
    CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE( "test " + StringConverter::toString(resultID) + " char size returned: " + StringConverter::toString(charsize)
        , charsize == testfloatresults[resultID].charsize);
