Exemplo n.º 1
int SHAMapTreeNode::getBranchCount () const
    assert (isInner ());
    int count = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
        if (!isEmptyBranch (i))

    return count;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool alex::Sphere::intersect(const alex::Ray &ray, cv::Vec3d &intersection, cv::Vec3d &normalVecN, bool &outsideIn) const {
  double t = (this->position - ray.getStartPoint()).dot(ray.getDirectionN());
  auto nearestPoint = ray.getStartPoint() + ray.getDirectionN() * t;

  if (!isInner(nearestPoint))
    return false;

  double nearestDis = cv::norm(nearestPoint - this->position);
  auto nearestPointToIntersection = sqrt(this->radius * this->radius - nearestDis * nearestDis);

  auto vec = ray.getDirectionN() * nearestPointToIntersection;
  outsideIn = !isInner(ray.getStartPoint());

  if (outsideIn && t < 0)
    return false;

  intersection = outsideIn ? nearestPoint - vec : nearestPoint + vec;
  normalVecN = outsideIn ? intersection - this->position : this->position - intersection;
  return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
// TODO A quoi sert "nb_nonlinear_vars" ?
int LinearRelaxXTaylor::X_Linearization(const IntervalVector& box, int ctr, corner_point cpoint,
		IntervalVector& G, int id_point, int& nb_nonlinear_vars, LinearSolver& lp_solver) {

	CmpOp op= sys.ctrs[ctr].op;

	if(op!=EQ && isInner(box, sys, ctr)) return 0; //the constraint is satisfied

	int cont=0;
	if(ctr==goal_ctr) op = LEQ;
	if(op==EQ) {
		cont+=X_Linearization(box, ctr, cpoint, LEQ, G, id_point, nb_nonlinear_vars, lp_solver);
		cont+=X_Linearization(box, ctr, cpoint, GEQ, G, id_point, nb_nonlinear_vars, lp_solver);
	} else
		cont+=X_Linearization(box, ctr, cpoint, op,  G, id_point, nb_nonlinear_vars, lp_solver);

	return cont;
Exemplo n.º 4
std::string SHAMapTreeNode::getString () const
    std::string ret = "NodeID(";
    ret += lexicalCastThrow <std::string> (getDepth ());
    ret += ",";
    ret += getNodeID ().GetHex ();
    ret += ")";

    if (isInner ())
        for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
            if (!isEmptyBranch (i))
                ret += "\nb";
                ret += lexicalCastThrow <std::string> (i);
                ret += " = ";
                ret += mHashes[i].GetHex ();

    if (isLeaf ())
        if (mType == tnTRANSACTION_NM)
            ret += ",txn\n";
        else if (mType == tnTRANSACTION_MD)
            ret += ",txn+md\n";
        else if (mType == tnACCOUNT_STATE)
            ret += ",as\n";
            ret += ",leaf\n";

        ret += "  Tag=";
        ret += getTag ().GetHex ();
        ret += "\n  Hash=";
        ret += mHash.GetHex ();
        ret += "/";
        ret += lexicalCast <std::string> (mItem->peekSerializer ().getDataLength ());

    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 5
 void dump() const {
   llvm::dbgs() << "<" << (isInner() ? "" : "inner")
                << (containsRead() ? "" : "containsRead") << ">\n";
Exemplo n.º 6
/*NOTE: bad design*/
void readExtraCons(char *bin_fname) {
    int dbg = 0;
    FILE *fcons;
    char fname[256], str[256], token[256];
    int pos;
    int idL1, idL2, k; 
    loop_t *l1, *l2; 

    sprintf(fname,"%s.econ",bin_fname);//extra constraint
    fcons = fopen(fname,"r");
    if (!fcons) return;
    while (fgets(str,256,fcons)!=0) { 
        pos = 0;
        getNextToken(token, str, &pos, " ");
        if (dbg) {
            fprintf(dbgAddr,"Cons Type %s",token);fflush(dbgAddr);
        if (strcmp(token,"eql")==0) {
            //format: eql L1_id L2_id k 
            //relative loop bound: lp bound L1 = lp iteration L2 + k
            sscanf(str+pos,"%d %d %d", &idL1, &idL2, &k);
            l1 = loops[idL1];
            l2 = loops[idL2];
            if (isInner(idL1,idL2) == 0) {
                printf("\nWrong RLB cons: L%d is not inner loop of L%d",
                        l1->id, l2->id);
            l1->rId = l2->id;
            l1->rBound = k;
            l1->rType = EQL_LB;
            if (dbg) {
                fprintf(dbgAddr,"\nEqual outer interation bound:"); 
                fprintf(dbgAddr," LB L%d <= LI L%d + %d", idL1, idL2, k);
        else if (strcmp(token,"inv")==0) {
            //format: inv L1_id L2_id k 
            //inverse loop bound: lp bound L1 = k - lp iteration L2
            sscanf(str+pos,"%d %d %d", &idL1, &idL2, &k);
            l1 = loops[idL1];
            l2 = loops[idL2];
            if (isInner(l1->id,l2->id) == 0) {
                printf("\nWrong RLB cons: L%d is not inner loop of L%d",
                        l1->id, l2->id);
            l1->rId = l2->id;
            l1->rBound = k;
            l1->rType = INV_LB;
            if (dbg) {
                fprintf(dbgAddr,"\nInverse outer interation bound:"); 
                fprintf(dbgAddr," LB L%d <= %d - LI L%d", idL1, k, idL2);
        else {
            fprintf(dbgAddr,"\nUnknown constraint: %s",str); 