Exemplo n.º 1
void Token::print() const {
	if( eol() ) std::cout << "NEWLINE" ;
	else if( eof() ) std::cout << "ENDMARKER" ;
	else if( indent() ) std::cout << "INDENT";
	else if( dedent() ) std::cout << "DEDENT";
	else if( isOpenBrace() ) std::cout << " { ";
	else if( isCloseBrace() ) std::cout << " } ";
	else if( isComma() ) std::cout << " , ";
	else if( isPeriod()) std::cout<< ".";
	else if( isEqual() ) std::cout << " == ";
	else if( isNotEqual() ) std::cout << " != ";
	else if( isLessThan() ) std::cout << " < ";
	else if( isGreaterThan() ) std::cout << " > ";
	else if( isLessThanEqual() ) std::cout << " <= ";
	else if( isGreaterThanEqual() ) std::cout << " >= ";
	else if( isOpenParen() )  std::cout << " ( " ;
	else if( isCloseParen() )  std::cout << " ) " ;
	else if( isAssignmentOperator() )  std::cout << " = ";
	else if( isColon() )  std::cout << " : " ;
	else if( isMultiplicationOperator() )  std::cout << " * " ;
	else if( isAdditionOperator() )  std::cout << " + ";
	else if( isSubtractionOperator() )  std::cout << " - ";
	else if( isModuloOperator() )  std::cout << " % ";
	else if( isDivisionOperator() )  std::cout << " / ";
	else if( isFloorDivision() ) std::cout << " // ";
	else if( isOpenBrack() ) std::cout<< "[";
	else if( isCloseBrack() ) std::cout<< "]";
	else if( isName() )  std::cout << getName();
	else if( isKeyword() ) std::cout << getKeyword();
	else if( isWholeNumber() ) std::cout << getWholeNumber();
	else if( isFloat() ) std::cout << getFloat();
	else if( isString() ) std::cout << getString();
	else if( isCall() ) std::cout << "CALL " << getName();
	else if( isSub() ) std::cout << "ARRAY SUB " << getName();
	else if( isAppend() ) std::cout << "ARRAY APPEND " << getName();
	else if( isPop() ) std::cout << "ARRAY POP " << getName();
	else std::cout << "Uninitialized token.\n";
Exemplo n.º 2
dirnode* DirTree::getDir(string p)
// Try to obtain a directory given its name.
    vector<string>* path_toks = tokenizeV(p.substr((root->name).size()),"/");

    // Set the current node to the root of the directory tree, and start an
    // iterator on the current node's directory list.
    dirnode* currnode = root;
    list<dirnode*>::iterator d = currnode->dirs.begin();

    // While there are still more paths to navigate...
    for (size_t i = 0; i < path_toks->size();)
        // Scan the directory list for the current directory.
        for (; d != currnode->dirs.end() && strcmp(path_toks->at(i).c_str(),(*d)->name.c_str()) != 0 && !isLessThan(path_toks->at(i),(*d)->name); d++);

        // If current directory exists, go to it.
        if (d != currnode->dirs.end() && strcmp(path_toks->at(i).c_str(),(*d)->name.c_str()) == 0)
            currnode = *d;
            d = currnode->dirs.begin();
        // If current directory does not exist, return null
            return NULL;

    return *d;
Exemplo n.º 3
ompl::base::PlannerStatus ompl::geometric::LBTRRT::solve(const base::PlannerTerminationCondition &ptc)
    // update goal and check validity
    base::Goal                 *goal   = pdef_->getGoal().get();
    base::GoalSampleableRegion *goal_s = dynamic_cast<base::GoalSampleableRegion*>(goal);

    if (!goal)
        OMPL_ERROR("%s: Goal undefined", getName().c_str());
        return base::PlannerStatus::INVALID_GOAL;

    // update start and check validity
    while (const base::State *st = pis_.nextStart())
        Motion *motion = new Motion(si_);
        si_->copyState(motion->state_, st);
        motion->id_ = nn_->size();

    if (nn_->size() == 0)
        OMPL_ERROR("%s: There are no valid initial states!", getName().c_str());
        return base::PlannerStatus::INVALID_START;

    if (nn_->size() > 1)
        OMPL_ERROR("%s: There are multiple start states - currently not supported!", getName().c_str());
        return base::PlannerStatus::INVALID_START;

    if (!sampler_)
        sampler_ = si_->allocStateSampler();

    OMPL_INFORM("%s: Starting planning with %u states already in datastructure", getName().c_str(), nn_->size());

    Motion *solution  = lastGoalMotion_;
    Motion *approxSol = nullptr;
    double  approxdif = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    // e*(1+1/d)  K-nearest constant, as used in RRT*
    double k_rrg      = boost::math::constants::e<double>() +
                        boost::math::constants::e<double>() / (double)si_->getStateDimension();

    Motion *rmotion   = new Motion(si_);
    base::State *rstate = rmotion->state_;
    base::State *xstate = si_->allocState();
    unsigned int statesGenerated = 0;

    bestCost_ = lastGoalMotion_ ? lastGoalMotion_->costApx_ : std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    while (ptc() == false)
        /* sample random state (with goal biasing) */
        if (goal_s && rng_.uniform01() < goalBias_ && goal_s->canSample())

        /* find closest state in the tree */
        Motion *nmotion = nn_->nearest(rmotion);
        base::State *dstate = rstate;

        /* find state to add */
        double d = si_->distance(nmotion->state_, rstate);
        if (d == 0) // this takes care of the case that the goal is a single point and we re-sample it multiple times
        if (d > maxDistance_)
            si_->getStateSpace()->interpolate(nmotion->state_, rstate, maxDistance_ / d, xstate);
            dstate = xstate;

        if (checkMotion(nmotion->state_, dstate))
            /* create a motion */
            Motion *motion = new Motion(si_);
            si_->copyState(motion->state_, dstate);

            /* update fields */
            double distN = distanceFunction(nmotion, motion);

            motion->id_ = nn_->size();
            motion->parentApx_ = nmotion;

            std::list<std::size_t> dummy;
            lowerBoundGraph_.addEdge(nmotion->id_, motion->id_, distN, false, dummy);

            motion->costLb_ = nmotion->costLb_ + distN;
            motion->costApx_ = nmotion->costApx_ + distN;

            std::vector<Motion*> nnVec;
            unsigned int k = std::ceil(k_rrg * log((double)(nn_->size() + 1)));
            nn_->nearestK(motion, k, nnVec);
            nn_->add(motion); // if we add the motion before the nearestK call, we will get ourselves...

            IsLessThan isLessThan(this, motion);
            std::sort(nnVec.begin(), nnVec.end(), isLessThan);

            //  Rewiring Part (i) - find best parent of motion //
            if (motion->parentApx_ != nnVec.front())
                for (std::size_t i(0); i < nnVec.size(); ++i)
                    Motion *potentialParent = nnVec[i];
                    double dist = distanceFunction(potentialParent, motion);
                    considerEdge(potentialParent, motion, dist);

            //  Rewiring Part (ii)                                              //
            //  check if motion may be a better parent to one of its neighbors  //
            for (std::size_t i(0); i < nnVec.size(); ++i)
                Motion *child = nnVec[i];
                double dist = distanceFunction(motion, child);
                considerEdge(motion, child, dist);

            double dist = 0.0;
            bool sat = goal->isSatisfied(motion->state_, &dist);

            if (sat)
                approxdif = dist;
                solution = motion;
            if (dist < approxdif)
                approxdif = dist;
                approxSol = motion;

            if (solution != nullptr && bestCost_ != solution->costApx_)
                OMPL_INFORM("%s: approximation cost = %g", getName().c_str(),
                bestCost_ = solution->costApx_;

    bool solved = false;
    bool approximate = false;

    if (solution == nullptr)
        solution = approxSol;
        approximate = true;

    if (solution != nullptr)
        lastGoalMotion_ = solution;

        /* construct the solution path */
        std::vector<Motion*> mpath;
        while (solution != nullptr)
            solution = solution->parentApx_;

        /* set the solution path */
        PathGeometric *path = new PathGeometric(si_);
        for (int i = mpath.size() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; --i)
        // Add the solution path.
        base::PathPtr bpath(path);
        base::PlannerSolution psol(bpath);
        if (approximate)
        solved = true;

    if (rmotion->state_)
    delete rmotion;

    OMPL_INFORM("%s: Created %u states", getName().c_str(), statesGenerated);

    return base::PlannerStatus(solved, approximate);
 bool isGreaterThan(TreeNode *node, int val) {
     return node == NULL ||
         (node->val > val && isGreaterThan(node->right, node->val) &&
          isGreaterThan(node->left, val) &&
          isLessThan(node->left, node->val));
 bool isValidBST(TreeNode* root) {
     return root == NULL ||
         (isLessThan(root->left, root->val) &&
         isGreaterThan(root->right, root->val));
Exemplo n.º 6
void Galaxy::buildByName()
// Build a galaxy by organizing files by their names.
	list<filenode*> sorted_files;
	list<list<filenode*>*> file_lists;
	size_t charindex = 0;
	// Sort the galaxy's file list by name of the files.
	list<filenode*>::iterator i = files->begin();
	list<filenode*>::iterator j;
	while (sorted_files.size() < files->size())
		j = sorted_files.begin();
		for(;j != sorted_files.end() && isLessThan((*j)->name,(*i)->name);j++);
		if (j == sorted_files.end())	sorted_files.push_back(*i);
		else							sorted_files.insert(j,(*i));
	// Done sorting the sectors.
	// Preliminary test. Go through the sorted list, and see at what index do
	// the file names start being different.
	i = sorted_files.end();
	filenode *b = (*(sorted_files.begin()));
	for (charindex = 0; i == sorted_files.end(); charindex++)
		for (i = sorted_files.begin(); i != sorted_files.end(); i++)
			if (charindex < (*i)->name.size() && charindex < b->name.size())
				if ((*i)->name[charindex] != b->name[charindex])
	// End preliminary test.
	// Begin splitting sorted list.
	i = sorted_files.begin();
	list<filenode*>* temp = new list<filenode*>;
	j = i;
	while (j != sorted_files.end())
		if (charindex >= (*j)->name.size() || charindex >= (*i)->name.size() || (*j)->name[charindex] != (*i)->name[charindex])
			temp = new list<filenode*>;
		i = j;
	// End splitting sorted list.
	// Start making the sectors.
	float arc_begin = 0;
	float arc_width = 0;
	cout << "creating sectors divided by name\n";
	for (list<list<filenode*>*>::iterator i = file_lists.begin(); i != file_lists.end(); i++)
		string name = (*((*i)->begin()))->name;
		name = name.substr(0,charindex);
		arc_begin += arc_width;
		arc_width = 360.0*((float)(*i)->size()/(float)sorted_files.size());
		sectors->push_back(new GSector(NULL,(*i),radius,arc_begin,arc_width,name));
	// End making sectors.