Exemplo n.º 1
void get_en_image(pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> &cloud)
    char flag = 'g';
    int i = 0;
    while(flag != 'q')
        ostringstream conv;
        conv << i;
        cout<<"Capturing new calibration image from the ensenso stereo vision camera."<<endl;
        ///Read the Ensenso stereo cameras:
        try {
            // Initialize NxLib and enumerate cameras

            // Reference to the first camera in the node BySerialNo
            NxLibItem root;
            NxLibItem camera = root[itmCameras][itmBySerialNo][0];

            // Open the Ensenso
            NxLibCommand open(cmdOpen);
            open.parameters()[itmCameras] = camera[itmSerialNumber].asString();

            // Capture an image
            NxLibCommand (cmdCapture).execute();

            // Stereo matching task
            NxLibCommand (cmdComputeDisparityMap).execute ();

            // Convert disparity map into XYZ data for each pixel
            NxLibCommand (cmdComputePointMap).execute ();

            // Get info about the computed point map and copy it into a std::vector
            double timestamp;
            std::vector<float> pointMap;
            int width, height;
            camera[itmImages][itmRaw][itmLeft].getBinaryDataInfo (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &timestamp);  // Get raw image timestamp
            camera[itmImages][itmPointMap].getBinaryDataInfo (&width, &height, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            camera[itmImages][itmPointMap].getBinaryData (pointMap, 0);

            // Copy point cloud and convert in meters
            //cloud.header.stamp = getPCLStamp (timestamp);
            cloud.resize (height * width);
            cloud.width = width;
            cloud.height = height;
            cloud.is_dense = false;

            // Copy data in point cloud (and convert milimeters in meters)
            for (size_t i = 0; i < pointMap.size (); i += 3)
              cloud.points[i / 3].x = pointMap[i] / 1000.0;
              cloud.points[i / 3].y = pointMap[i + 1] / 1000.0;
              cloud.points[i / 3].z = pointMap[i + 2] / 1000.0;

            NxLibCommand (cmdRectifyImages).execute();

            // Save images
            NxLibCommand saveImage(cmdSaveImage);
            //   raw left
            saveImage.parameters()[itmNode] = camera[itmImages][itmRaw][itmLeft].path;
            saveImage.parameters()[itmFilename] = "calib_en/raw_left" + conv.str()+".png";
            //   raw right
            /*saveImage.parameters()[itmNode] = camera[itmImages][itmRaw][itmRight].path;
            saveImage.parameters()[itmFilename] = "calib_en/raw_right.png";
            //   rectified left
            saveImage.parameters()[itmNode] = camera[itmImages][itmRectified][itmLeft].path;
            saveImage.parameters()[itmFilename] = "calib_en/rectified_left.png";
            //   rectified right
            saveImage.parameters()[itmNode] = camera[itmImages][itmRectified][itmRight].path;
            saveImage.parameters()[itmFilename] = "calib_en/rectified_right.png";
        } catch (NxLibException& e) { // Display NxLib API exceptions, if any
            printf("An NxLib API error with code %d (%s) occurred while accessing item %s.\n", e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorText().c_str(), e.getItemPath().c_str());
            if (e.getErrorCode() == NxLibExecutionFailed) printf("/Execute:\n%s\n", NxLibItem(itmExecute).asJson(true).c_str());
        /*catch (NxLibException &ex)
            ensensoExceptionHandling (ex, "grabSingleCloud");
        catch (...) { // Display other exceptions
            printf("Something, somewhere went terribly wrong!\n");

        /*cout<<"Plug in the RGB camera and press any key to continue."<<endl;
        cout<<"Capturing new calibration image from the ensenso RGB camera."<<endl;

        ///Read the IDS RGB Camera attached to the Ensenso stereo camera
        HIDS hCam = 0;
        printf("Success-Code: %d\n",IS_SUCCESS);
        //Kamera öffnen
        INT nRet = is_InitCamera (&hCam, NULL);
        printf("Status Init %d\n",nRet);

        //Pixel-Clock setzen
        UINT nPixelClockDefault = 9;
        nRet = is_PixelClock(hCam, IS_PIXELCLOCK_CMD_SET,

        printf("Status is_PixelClock %d\n",nRet);

        //Farbmodus der Kamera setzen
        //INT colorMode = IS_CM_CBYCRY_PACKED;
        INT colorMode = IS_CM_BGR8_PACKED;

        nRet = is_SetColorMode(hCam,colorMode);
        printf("Status SetColorMode %d\n",nRet);

        UINT formatID = 4;
        //Bildgröße einstellen -> 2592x1944
        nRet = is_ImageFormat(hCam, IMGFRMT_CMD_SET_FORMAT, &formatID, 4);
        printf("Status ImageFormat %d\n",nRet);

        //Speicher für Bild alloziieren
        char* pMem = NULL;
        int memID = 0;
        nRet = is_AllocImageMem(hCam, 1280, 1024, 24, &pMem, &memID);
        printf("Status AllocImage %d\n",nRet);

        //diesen Speicher aktiv setzen
        nRet = is_SetImageMem(hCam, pMem, memID);
        printf("Status SetImageMem %d\n",nRet);

        //Bilder im Kameraspeicher belassen
        INT displayMode = IS_SET_DM_DIB;
        nRet = is_SetDisplayMode (hCam, displayMode);
        printf("Status displayMode %d\n",nRet);

        //Bild aufnehmen
        nRet = is_FreezeVideo(hCam, IS_WAIT);
        printf("Status is_FreezeVideo %d\n",nRet);

        //Bild aus dem Speicher auslesen und als Datei speichern
        String path = "./calib_en/snap_BGR"+conv.str()+".png";
        std::wstring widepath;
        for(int i = 0; i < path.length(); ++i)
          widepath += wchar_t (path[i] );

        IMAGE_FILE_PARAMS ImageFileParams;
        ImageFileParams.pwchFileName = &widepath[0];
        ImageFileParams.pnImageID = NULL;
        ImageFileParams.ppcImageMem = NULL;
        ImageFileParams.nQuality = 0;
        ImageFileParams.nFileType = IS_IMG_PNG;

        nRet = is_ImageFile(hCam, IS_IMAGE_FILE_CMD_SAVE, (void*) &ImageFileParams, sizeof(ImageFileParams));
        printf("Status is_ImageFile %d\n",nRet);

        //Kamera wieder freigeben
        cout<<"To quit capturing calibration images, choose q. Else, choose any other letter."<<endl;
        cin >> flag;
Exemplo n.º 2
void UEyeCaptureInterface::SpinThread::run()
    qDebug("new frame thread running");
    while (capInterface->spinRunning.tryLock()) {

        if (capInterface->sync == SOFT_SYNC || capInterface->sync == FRAME_HARD_SYNC) {
    	   // printf("Both cameras fire!!!\n");
            ueyeTrace(is_FreezeVideo (capInterface->rightCamera.mCamera, IS_DONT_WAIT));
            ueyeTrace(is_FreezeVideo (capInterface->leftCamera .mCamera, IS_DONT_WAIT));

        int result = IS_SUCCESS;

        while ((result = capInterface->rightCamera.waitUEyeFrameEvent(INFINITE)) != IS_SUCCESS)
            SYNC_PRINT(("WaitFrameEvent failed for right camera\n"));
        //SYNC_PRINT(("Got right frame\n"));

        while ((result = capInterface->leftCamera .waitUEyeFrameEvent(INFINITE)) != IS_SUCCESS)
            SYNC_PRINT(("WaitFrameEvent failed for left camera\n"));
        //SYNC_PRINT(("Got left frame\n"));

        /* If we are here seems like both new cameras produced frames*/

        int bufIDL, bufIDR;
        char *rawBufferLeft  = NULL;
        char *rawBufferRight = NULL;
        HIDS mCameraLeft;
        HIDS mCameraRight;

        mCameraLeft = capInterface->leftCamera.mCamera;
        is_GetActSeqBuf(mCameraLeft, &bufIDL, NULL, &rawBufferLeft);
        is_LockSeqBuf (mCameraLeft, IS_IGNORE_PARAMETER, rawBufferLeft);
        mCameraRight = capInterface->rightCamera.mCamera;
        is_GetActSeqBuf(mCameraRight, &bufIDR, NULL, &rawBufferRight);
        is_LockSeqBuf (mCameraRight, IS_IGNORE_PARAMETER, rawBufferRight);

       // SYNC_PRINT(("We have locked buffers [%d and %d]\n", bufIDL, bufIDR));

        /* Now exchange the buffer that is visible from */
            UEYEIMAGEINFO imageInfo;

            if (capInterface->currentLeft)
                is_UnlockSeqBuf (mCameraLeft, IS_IGNORE_PARAMETER, (char *)capInterface->currentLeft->buffer);
            is_GetImageInfo (mCameraLeft, bufIDL, &imageInfo, sizeof(UEYEIMAGEINFO));
            capInterface->currentLeft = capInterface->leftCamera.getDescriptorByAddress(rawBufferLeft);
            capInterface->currentLeft->internalTimestamp = imageInfo.u64TimestampDevice;
            capInterface->currentLeft->pcTimestamp = imageInfo.TimestampSystem;

            if (capInterface->currentRight)
                is_UnlockSeqBuf (mCameraRight, IS_IGNORE_PARAMETER, (char *)capInterface->currentRight->buffer);
            is_GetImageInfo (mCameraRight, bufIDR, &imageInfo, sizeof(UEYEIMAGEINFO));
            capInterface->currentRight = capInterface->rightCamera.getDescriptorByAddress(rawBufferRight);
            capInterface->currentRight->internalTimestamp = imageInfo.u64TimestampDevice;
            capInterface->currentRight->pcTimestamp = imageInfo.TimestampSystem;


            capInterface->triggerSkippedCount = is_CameraStatus (mCameraRight, IS_TRIGGER_MISSED, IS_GET_STATUS);
       /* For statistics */
        if (capInterface->lastFrameTime.usecsTo(PreciseTimer()) != 0)
           capInterface->frameDelay = capInterface->lastFrameTime.usecsToNow();
        capInterface->lastFrameTime = PreciseTimer::currentTime();

        frame_data_t frameData;
        frameData.timestamp = (capInterface->currentLeft->usecsTimeStamp() / 2) + (capInterface->currentRight->usecsTimeStamp() / 2);

        if (capInterface->shouldStopSpinThread)
            qDebug("Break command received");

    qDebug("new frame thread finished");
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs, const mxArray*prhs[] )

    /* Check for proper number of arguments */
    if (!(nrhs == 2)) 
        mexErrMsgTxt("You have to give me two inputs"); 
    if (!mxIsStruct(prhs[1]))
        mexErrMsgTxt("That second input has to be an image structure, you know.");
    int error = 0;
    int BitsPerPixel = 8;
    HCAM hCam = *(HCAM *)mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
    //Freeze the video feed for frame grab to prevent split frames
    error = is_FreezeVideo( hCam, IS_WAIT );
    if (error !=IS_SUCCESS)
       mexErrMsgTxt("Error freezing video");  
    int image_field = mxGetFieldNumber(prhs[1],"image");
    int pointer_field = mxGetFieldNumber(prhs[1],"pointer");
    int ID_field = mxGetFieldNumber(prhs[1],"id");

    mxArray *p_output_image = mxGetFieldByNumber(prhs[1],0,image_field);
    char *p_output = (char *)mxGetPr(p_output_image);
    mxArray *ppointer_field = mxGetFieldByNumber(prhs[1],0,pointer_field);
    char *p_image = (char *)*(int *)mxGetPr(ppointer_field);
    mxArray *pID_field = mxGetFieldByNumber(prhs[1],0,ID_field);
    int *ID = (int *)mxGetPr(pID_field); 
    error =  is_CopyImageMem (hCam, p_image, *ID, p_output);
    if (error !=IS_SUCCESS)
       mexErrMsgTxt("Error copying image data to output");  
    //If a variable is supplied on the LHS, use it to output image frame data
    if (nlhs == 1)
    IS_RECT rectAOI;
    INT nX, nY;
    error = is_AOI(hCam, IS_AOI_IMAGE_GET_AOI, (void*)&rectAOI, sizeof(rectAOI));
    if (error == IS_SUCCESS)
    nX = rectAOI.s32Width;
    nY = rectAOI.s32Height;

        mxArray *p_output_image_new = mxCreateNumericMatrix(nX, nY, mxUINT8_CLASS, mxREAL);
        p_output = (char *)mxGetPr(p_output_image_new);           
        error =  is_CopyImageMem (hCam, p_image, *ID, p_output);
        if (error !=IS_SUCCESS)
           mexErrMsgTxt("Error copying image data to output");  
        //Set mex function output
        plhs[0] = p_output_image_new;