Exemplo n.º 1
do_dc_takeover(long long action,
               enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
               enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
               enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data)
    int rc = pcmk_ok;
    xmlNode *cib = NULL;
    GListPtr gIter = NULL;
    const char *cluster_type = name_for_cluster_type(get_cluster_type());

    crm_info("Taking over DC status for this partition");
    set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_THE_DC);

    for (gIter = stonith_cleanup_list; gIter != NULL; gIter = gIter->next) {
        char *target = gIter->data;
        crm_node_t *target_node = crm_get_peer(0, target);
        const char *uuid = crm_peer_uuid(target_node);

        crm_notice("Marking %s, target of a previous stonith action, as clean", target);
        send_stonith_update(NULL, target, uuid);
    stonith_cleanup_list = NULL;

    if (is_classic_ais_cluster()) {
        send_ais_text(crm_class_quorum, NULL, TRUE, NULL, crm_msg_ais);

    if (voted != NULL) {
        crm_trace("Destroying voted hash");
        voted = NULL;

    set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_JOIN_OK);
    set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_INVOKE_PE);

    fsa_cib_conn->cmds->set_master(fsa_cib_conn, cib_scope_local);

    cib = create_xml_node(NULL, XML_TAG_CIB);
    crm_xml_add(cib, XML_ATTR_CRM_VERSION, CRM_FEATURE_SET);
    fsa_cib_update(XML_TAG_CIB, cib, cib_quorum_override, rc, NULL);
    fsa_register_cib_callback(rc, FALSE, NULL, feature_update_callback);

    update_attr_delegate(fsa_cib_conn, cib_none, XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                         "dc-version", VERSION "-" BUILD_VERSION, FALSE, NULL);

    update_attr_delegate(fsa_cib_conn, cib_none, XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                         "cluster-infrastructure", cluster_type, FALSE, NULL);

Exemplo n.º 2
static uint32_t
    int lpc = 0;
    uint32_t procs = 0;

    if(is_classic_ais_cluster()) {
        procs |= crm_proc_plugin;

    for (lpc = 0; lpc < SIZEOF(pcmk_children); lpc++) {
        if (pcmk_children[lpc].pid != 0) {
            procs |= pcmk_children[lpc].flag;
    return procs;
Exemplo n.º 3
char *
pcmk_message_common_cs(cpg_handle_t handle, uint32_t nodeid, uint32_t pid, void *content,
                        uint32_t *kind, const char **from)
    char *data = NULL;
    AIS_Message *msg = (AIS_Message *) content;

    if(handle) {
        /* 'msg' came from CPG not the plugin
         * Do filtering and field massaging
        uint32_t local_nodeid = get_local_nodeid(handle);
        const char *local_name = get_local_node_name();

        if (msg->sender.id > 0 && msg->sender.id != nodeid) {
            crm_err("Nodeid mismatch from %d.%d: claimed nodeid=%u", nodeid, pid, msg->sender.id);
            return NULL;

        } else if (msg->host.id != 0 && (local_nodeid != msg->host.id)) {
            /* Not for us */
            crm_trace("Not for us: %u != %u", msg->host.id, local_nodeid);
            return NULL;
        } else if (msg->host.size != 0 && safe_str_neq(msg->host.uname, local_name)) {
            /* Not for us */
            crm_trace("Not for us: %s != %s", msg->host.uname, local_name);
            return NULL;

        msg->sender.id = nodeid;
        if (msg->sender.size == 0) {
            crm_node_t *peer = crm_get_peer(nodeid, NULL);

            if (peer == NULL) {
                crm_err("Peer with nodeid=%u is unknown", nodeid);

            } else if (peer->uname == NULL) {
                crm_err("No uname for peer with nodeid=%u", nodeid);

            } else {
                crm_notice("Fixing uname for peer with nodeid=%u", nodeid);
                msg->sender.size = strlen(peer->uname);
                memset(msg->sender.uname, 0, MAX_NAME);
                memcpy(msg->sender.uname, peer->uname, msg->sender.size);

    crm_trace("Got new%s message (size=%d, %d, %d)",
              msg->is_compressed ? " compressed" : "",
              ais_data_len(msg), msg->size, msg->compressed_size);

    if (kind != NULL) {
        *kind = msg->header.id;
    if (from != NULL) {
        *from = msg->sender.uname;

    if (msg->is_compressed && msg->size > 0) {
        int rc = BZ_OK;
        char *uncompressed = NULL;
        unsigned int new_size = msg->size + 1;

        if (check_message_sanity(msg, NULL) == FALSE) {
            goto badmsg;

        crm_trace("Decompressing message data");
        uncompressed = calloc(1, new_size);
        rc = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress(uncompressed, &new_size, msg->data, msg->compressed_size, 1, 0);

        if (rc != BZ_OK) {
            crm_err("Decompression failed: %d", rc);
            goto badmsg;

        CRM_ASSERT(rc == BZ_OK);
        CRM_ASSERT(new_size == msg->size);

        data = uncompressed;

    } else if (check_message_sanity(msg, data) == FALSE) {
        goto badmsg;

    } else if (safe_str_eq("identify", data)) {
        int pid = getpid();
        char *pid_s = crm_itoa(pid);

        send_cluster_text(crm_class_cluster, pid_s, TRUE, NULL, crm_msg_ais);
        return NULL;

    } else {
        data = strdup(msg->data);

    if (msg->header.id != crm_class_members) {
        /* Is this even needed anymore? */
        crm_get_peer(msg->sender.id, msg->sender.uname);

    if (msg->header.id == crm_class_rmpeer) {
        uint32_t id = crm_int_helper(data, NULL);

        crm_info("Removing peer %s/%u", data, id);
        reap_crm_member(id, NULL);
        return NULL;

    } else if (is_classic_ais_cluster()) {

    crm_trace("Payload: %.200s", data);
    return data;

    crm_err("Invalid message (id=%d, dest=%s:%s, from=%s:%s.%d):"
            " min=%d, total=%d, size=%d, bz2_size=%d",
            msg->id, ais_dest(&(msg->host)), msg_type2text(msg->host.type),
            ais_dest(&(msg->sender)), msg_type2text(msg->sender.type),
            msg->sender.pid, (int)sizeof(AIS_Message),
            msg->header.size, msg->size, msg->compressed_size);

    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 4
do_election_count_vote(long long action,
                       enum crmd_fsa_cause cause,
                       enum crmd_fsa_state cur_state,
                       enum crmd_fsa_input current_input, fsa_data_t * msg_data)
    struct timeval your_age;
    int age;
    int election_id = -1;
    int log_level = LOG_INFO;
    gboolean use_born_on = FALSE;
    gboolean done = FALSE;
    gboolean we_loose = FALSE;
    const char *op = NULL;
    const char *vote_from = NULL;
    const char *your_version = NULL;
    const char *election_owner = NULL;
    const char *reason = "unknown";
    crm_node_t *our_node = NULL, *your_node = NULL;
    ha_msg_input_t *vote = fsa_typed_data(fsa_dt_ha_msg);

    static time_t last_election_loss = 0;

    /* if the membership copy is NULL we REALLY shouldnt be voting
     * the question is how we managed to get here.

    CRM_CHECK(msg_data != NULL, return);
    CRM_CHECK(crm_peer_cache != NULL, return);
    CRM_CHECK(vote != NULL, crm_err("Bogus data from %s", msg_data->origin); return);
    CRM_CHECK(vote->msg != NULL, crm_err("Bogus data from %s", msg_data->origin); return);

    your_age.tv_sec = 0;
    your_age.tv_usec = 0;

    op = crm_element_value(vote->msg, F_CRM_TASK);
    vote_from = crm_element_value(vote->msg, F_CRM_HOST_FROM);
    your_version = crm_element_value(vote->msg, F_CRM_VERSION);
    election_owner = crm_element_value(vote->msg, F_CRM_ELECTION_OWNER);
    crm_element_value_int(vote->msg, F_CRM_ELECTION_ID, &election_id);
    crm_element_value_int(vote->msg, F_CRM_ELECTION_AGE_S, (int *)&(your_age.tv_sec));
    crm_element_value_int(vote->msg, F_CRM_ELECTION_AGE_US, (int *)&(your_age.tv_usec));

    CRM_CHECK(vote_from != NULL, vote_from = fsa_our_uname);

    your_node = crm_get_peer(0, vote_from);
    our_node = crm_get_peer(0, fsa_our_uname);

    if (voted == NULL) {
        crm_debug("Created voted hash");
        voted = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal,
                                      g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);

    if (is_heartbeat_cluster()) {
        use_born_on = TRUE;
    } else if (is_classic_ais_cluster()) {
        use_born_on = TRUE;

    age = crm_compare_age(your_age);

    if (cur_state == S_STARTING) {
        reason = "Still starting";
        we_loose = TRUE;

    } else if (our_node == NULL || crm_is_peer_active(our_node) == FALSE) {
        reason = "We are not part of the cluster";
        log_level = LOG_ERR;
        we_loose = TRUE;

    } else if (election_id != current_election_id && crm_str_eq(fsa_our_uuid, election_owner, TRUE)) {
        log_level = LOG_DEBUG_2;
        reason = "Superceeded";
        done = TRUE;

    } else if (your_node == NULL || crm_is_peer_active(your_node) == FALSE) {
        /* Possibly we cached the message in the FSA queue at a point that it wasn't */
        reason = "Peer is not part of our cluster";
        log_level = LOG_WARNING;
        done = TRUE;

    } else if (crm_str_eq(op, CRM_OP_NOVOTE, TRUE)) {
        char *op_copy = strdup(op);
        char *uname_copy = strdup(vote_from);

        CRM_ASSERT(crm_str_eq(fsa_our_uuid, election_owner, TRUE));

        /* update the list of nodes that have voted */
        g_hash_table_replace(voted, uname_copy, op_copy);
        reason = "Recorded";
        done = TRUE;

    } else if (crm_str_eq(vote_from, fsa_our_uname, TRUE)) {
        char *op_copy = strdup(op);
        char *uname_copy = strdup(vote_from);

        CRM_ASSERT(crm_str_eq(fsa_our_uuid, election_owner, TRUE));

        /* update ourselves in the list of nodes that have voted */
        g_hash_table_replace(voted, uname_copy, op_copy);
        reason = "Recorded";
        done = TRUE;

    } else if (compare_version(your_version, CRM_FEATURE_SET) < 0) {
        reason = "Version";
        we_loose = TRUE;

    } else if (compare_version(your_version, CRM_FEATURE_SET) > 0) {
        reason = "Version";

    } else if (age < 0) {
        reason = "Uptime";
        we_loose = TRUE;

    } else if (age > 0) {
        reason = "Uptime";

        /* TODO: Check for y(our) born < 0 */
    } else if (use_born_on && your_node->born < our_node->born) {
        reason = "Born";
        we_loose = TRUE;

    } else if (use_born_on && your_node->born > our_node->born) {
        reason = "Born";

    } else if (fsa_our_uname == NULL) {
        reason = "Unknown host name";
        we_loose = TRUE;

    } else if (strcasecmp(fsa_our_uname, vote_from) > 0) {
        reason = "Host name";
        we_loose = TRUE;

    } else {
        reason = "Host name";
        CRM_ASSERT(strcmp(fsa_our_uname, vote_from) != 0);
/* cant happen...
 *	} else if(strcasecmp(fsa_our_uname, vote_from) == 0) {
 * default...
 *	} else { // strcasecmp(fsa_our_uname, vote_from) < 0
 *		we win

    if (done) {
        do_crm_log(log_level + 1, "Election %d (current: %d, owner: %s): Processed %s from %s (%s)",
                   election_id, current_election_id, election_owner, op, vote_from, reason);

    } else if (we_loose) {
        xmlNode *novote = create_request(CRM_OP_NOVOTE, NULL, vote_from,
                                         CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, NULL);

        do_crm_log(log_level, "Election %d (owner: %s) lost: %s from %s (%s)",
                   election_id, election_owner, op, vote_from, reason);

        if (fsa_input_register & R_THE_DC) {
            crm_trace("Give up the DC to %s", vote_from);
            register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_RELEASE_DC, NULL);

        } else if (cur_state != S_STARTING) {
            crm_trace("We werent the DC anyway");
            register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_PENDING, NULL);

        crm_xml_add(novote, F_CRM_ELECTION_OWNER, election_owner);
        crm_xml_add_int(novote, F_CRM_ELECTION_ID, election_id);

        send_cluster_message(crm_get_peer(0, vote_from), crm_msg_crmd, novote, TRUE);

        fsa_cib_conn->cmds->set_slave(fsa_cib_conn, cib_scope_local);

        last_election_loss = time(NULL);

    } else {
        do_crm_log(log_level, "Election %d (owner: %s) pass: %s from %s (%s)",
                   election_id, election_owner, op, vote_from, reason);

        if (last_election_loss) {
            time_t tm_now = time(NULL);

            if (tm_now - last_election_loss < (time_t) loss_dampen) {
                crm_info("Election %d ignore: We already lost an election less than %ds ago (%s)",
                         election_id, loss_dampen, ctime(&last_election_loss));
            last_election_loss = 0;

        register_fsa_input(C_FSA_INTERNAL, I_ELECTION, NULL);
        voted = NULL;
enum election_result
election_count_vote(election_t *e, xmlNode *vote, bool can_win)
    int age = 0;
    int election_id = -1;
    int log_level = LOG_INFO;
    gboolean use_born_on = FALSE;
    gboolean done = FALSE;
    gboolean we_loose = FALSE;
    const char *op = NULL;
    const char *from = NULL;
    const char *reason = "unknown";
    const char *election_owner = NULL;
    crm_node_t *our_node = NULL, *your_node = NULL;

    static int election_wins = 0;

    xmlNode *novote = NULL;
    time_t tm_now = time(NULL);
    static time_t expires = 0;
    static time_t last_election_loss = 0;

    /* if the membership copy is NULL we REALLY shouldn't be voting
     * the question is how we managed to get here.

    CRM_CHECK(vote != NULL, return election_error);

    if(e == NULL) {
        crm_info("Not voting in election: not initialized");
        return election_lost;

    } else if(crm_peer_cache == NULL) {
        crm_info("Not voting in election: no peer cache");
        return election_lost;

    op = crm_element_value(vote, F_CRM_TASK);
    from = crm_element_value(vote, F_CRM_HOST_FROM);
    election_owner = crm_element_value(vote, F_CRM_ELECTION_OWNER);
    crm_element_value_int(vote, F_CRM_ELECTION_ID, &election_id);

    your_node = crm_get_peer(0, from);
    our_node = crm_get_peer(0, e->uname);

    if (e->voted == NULL) {
        crm_debug("Created voted hash");
        e->voted = g_hash_table_new_full(crm_str_hash, g_str_equal,
                                         g_hash_destroy_str, g_hash_destroy_str);

    if (is_heartbeat_cluster()) {
        use_born_on = TRUE;
    } else if (is_classic_ais_cluster()) {
        use_born_on = TRUE;

    if(can_win == FALSE) {
        reason = "Not eligible";
        we_loose = TRUE;

    } else if (our_node == NULL || crm_is_peer_active(our_node) == FALSE) {
        reason = "We are not part of the cluster";
        log_level = LOG_ERR;
        we_loose = TRUE;

    } else if (election_id != e->count && crm_str_eq(our_node->uuid, election_owner, TRUE)) {
        log_level = LOG_TRACE;
        reason = "Superseded";
        done = TRUE;

    } else if (your_node == NULL || crm_is_peer_active(your_node) == FALSE) {
        /* Possibly we cached the message in the FSA queue at a point that it wasn't */
        reason = "Peer is not part of our cluster";
        log_level = LOG_WARNING;
        done = TRUE;

    } else if (crm_str_eq(op, CRM_OP_NOVOTE, TRUE)) {
        char *op_copy = strdup(op);
        char *uname_copy = strdup(from);

        CRM_ASSERT(crm_str_eq(our_node->uuid, election_owner, TRUE));

        /* update the list of nodes that have voted */
        g_hash_table_replace(e->voted, uname_copy, op_copy);
        reason = "Recorded";
        done = TRUE;

    } else {
        struct timeval your_age;
        const char *your_version = crm_element_value(vote, F_CRM_VERSION);
        int tv_sec = 0;
        int tv_usec = 0;

        crm_element_value_int(vote, F_CRM_ELECTION_AGE_S, &tv_sec);
        crm_element_value_int(vote, F_CRM_ELECTION_AGE_US, &tv_usec);

        your_age.tv_sec = tv_sec;
        your_age.tv_usec = tv_usec;

        age = crm_compare_age(your_age);
        if (crm_str_eq(from, e->uname, TRUE)) {
            char *op_copy = strdup(op);
            char *uname_copy = strdup(from);

            CRM_ASSERT(crm_str_eq(our_node->uuid, election_owner, TRUE));

            /* update ourselves in the list of nodes that have voted */
            g_hash_table_replace(e->voted, uname_copy, op_copy);
            reason = "Recorded";
            done = TRUE;

        } else if (compare_version(your_version, CRM_FEATURE_SET) < 0) {
            reason = "Version";
            we_loose = TRUE;

        } else if (compare_version(your_version, CRM_FEATURE_SET) > 0) {
            reason = "Version";

        } else if (age < 0) {
            reason = "Uptime";
            we_loose = TRUE;

        } else if (age > 0) {
            reason = "Uptime";

            /* TODO: Check for y(our) born < 0 */
        } else if (use_born_on && your_node->born < our_node->born) {
            reason = "Born";
            we_loose = TRUE;

        } else if (use_born_on && your_node->born > our_node->born) {
            reason = "Born";

        } else if (e->uname == NULL) {
            reason = "Unknown host name";
            we_loose = TRUE;

        } else if (strcasecmp(e->uname, from) > 0) {
            reason = "Host name";
            we_loose = TRUE;

        } else {
            reason = "Host name";
            CRM_ASSERT(strcasecmp(e->uname, from) < 0);
/* can't happen...
 *	} else if(strcasecmp(e->uname, from) == 0) {

    if (expires < tm_now) {
        election_wins = 0;
        expires = tm_now + STORM_INTERVAL;

    } else if (done == FALSE && we_loose == FALSE) {
        int peers = 1 + g_hash_table_size(crm_peer_cache);

        /* If every node has to vote down every other node, thats N*(N-1) total elections
         * Allow some leway before _really_ complaining
        if (election_wins > (peers * peers)) {
            crm_warn("Election storm detected: %d elections in %d seconds", election_wins,
            election_wins = 0;
            expires = tm_now + STORM_INTERVAL;
            crm_write_blackbox(0, NULL);

    if (done) {
        do_crm_log(log_level + 1, "Election %d (current: %d, owner: %s): Processed %s from %s (%s)",
                   election_id, e->count, election_owner, op, from, reason);
        return e->state;

    } else if(we_loose == FALSE) {
        do_crm_log(log_level, "Election %d (owner: %s) pass: %s from %s (%s)",
                   election_id, election_owner, op, from, reason);

        if (last_election_loss == 0
            || tm_now - last_election_loss > (time_t) loss_dampen) {

            last_election_loss = 0;

            /* Start a new election by voting down this, and other, peers */
            e->state = election_start;
            return e->state;

        crm_info("Election %d ignore: We already lost an election less than %ds ago (%s)",
                 election_id, loss_dampen, ctime(&last_election_loss));

    novote = create_request(CRM_OP_NOVOTE, NULL, from,
                            CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, CRM_SYSTEM_CRMD, NULL);

    do_crm_log(log_level, "Election %d (owner: %s) lost: %s from %s (%s)",
               election_id, election_owner, op, from, reason);


    crm_xml_add(novote, F_CRM_ELECTION_OWNER, election_owner);
    crm_xml_add_int(novote, F_CRM_ELECTION_ID, election_id);

    send_cluster_message(your_node, crm_msg_crmd, novote, TRUE);

    last_election_loss = tm_now;
    e->state = election_lost;
    return e->state;
Exemplo n.º 6
static void
crmd_cs_dispatch(cpg_handle_t handle,
                         const struct cpg_name *groupName,
                         uint32_t nodeid, uint32_t pid, void *msg, size_t msg_len)
    int seq = 0;
    xmlNode *xml = NULL;
    const char *seq_s = NULL;
    crm_node_t *peer = NULL;
    enum crm_proc_flag flag = crm_proc_cpg;

    uint32_t kind = 0;
    const char *from = NULL;
    char *data = pcmk_message_common_cs(handle, nodeid, pid, msg, &kind, &from);

    if(data == NULL) {
    xml = string2xml(data);
    if (xml == NULL) {
        crm_err("Could not parse message content (%d): %.100s", kind, data);

    switch (kind) {
        case crm_class_members:
            seq_s = crm_element_value(xml, "id");
            seq = crm_int_helper(seq_s, NULL);
            set_bit(fsa_input_register, R_PEER_DATA);

            /* fall through */
        case crm_class_quorum:
            crm_update_quorum(crm_have_quorum, FALSE);
            if (AM_I_DC) {
                const char *votes = crm_element_value(xml, "expected");

                if (votes == NULL || check_number(votes) == FALSE) {
                    crm_log_xml_err(xml, "Invalid quorum/membership update");

                } else {
                    int rc = update_attr_delegate(fsa_cib_conn,
                                                  cib_quorum_override | cib_scope_local |
                                                  XML_CIB_TAG_CRMCONFIG, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                                                  XML_ATTR_EXPECTED_VOTES, votes, FALSE, NULL);

                    crm_info("Setting expected votes to %s", votes);
                    if (pcmk_ok > rc) {
                        crm_err("Quorum update failed: %s", pcmk_strerror(rc));

        case crm_class_cluster:
            crm_xml_add(xml, F_ORIG, from);
            /* crm_xml_add_int(xml, F_SEQ, wrapper->id); Fake? */

            if (is_heartbeat_cluster()) {
                flag = crm_proc_heartbeat;

            } else if (is_classic_ais_cluster()) {
                flag = crm_proc_plugin;

            peer = crm_get_peer(0, from);
            if (is_not_set(peer->processes, flag)) {
                /* If we can still talk to our peer process on that node,
                 * then its also part of the corosync membership
                crm_warn("Receiving messages from a node we think is dead: %s[%d]", peer->uname,
                crm_update_peer_proc(__FUNCTION__, peer, flag, ONLINESTATUS);

        case crm_class_rmpeer:
            /* Ignore */

        case crm_class_notify:
        case crm_class_nodeid:
            crm_err("Unexpected message class (%d): %.100s", kind, data);

            crm_err("Invalid message class (%d): %.100s", kind, data);
