Exemplo n.º 1
 static inline AA1 case_1(AA1 & x,  int32_t sn, const AA1 & n)
   typedef typename meta::scalar_of<AA1>::type sA1; 
   /*		Power series expansion		*/
   AA1 eqzx = is_eqz(x);
   x = seladd(is_eqz(x), x, One<A1>()); //loop is infinite for x == 0
   sA1 psi1 = Zero<sA1>(); 
   for( int32_t i=sn-1; i; --i )  psi1 += rec((sA1)i);
   AA1 psi = -Euler<A1>()-nt2::log(x)+splat<A1>(psi1); 
   AA1 t; 
   AA1 z = -x;
   AA1 xk = Zero<A1>();
   AA1 yk = One<A1>();
   AA1 pk = One<A1>() - n;
   AA1 ans = ( sn == 1 ) ? Zero<A1>() : rec(pk);
     xk += One<AA1>();
     yk *= z/xk;
     pk += One<AA1>();
     ans = seladd(is_nez(pk), ans, yk/pk); 
     t = select(is_nez(ans), nt2::abs(yk/ans), One<AA1>());
   while( nt2::bitwise_any(gt(t, Halfeps<A1>())));
   return seladd(eqzx,(nt2::powi(z, sn-1) * psi / nt2::gamma(n)) - ans, Inf<A1>());
   //TO DO pow->powi and gamma splatted from scalar or mere factorial call
Exemplo n.º 2
        static inline A0 kernel_atan(const  A0& a0)
          if (is_eqz(a0))  return Zero<A0>();
          if (is_inf(a0))  return Pio_2<A0>(); 
          A0 x = nt2::abs(a0);
          A0 y;   
          if( x >single_constant<A0,0x401a827a>())//2.414213562373095 )  /* tan 3pi/8 */
              y = Pio_2<A0>();
              x = -rec(x);

          else if( x > single_constant<A0,0x3ed413cd>()) //0.4142135623730950f ) /* tan pi/8 */
              y = Pio_4<A0>();
              x = minusone(x)/oneplus(x);
            y = 0.0;

          A0 z = sqr(x);
          A0 z1 = madd(z,  single_constant<A0,0x3da4f0d1>(),single_constant<A0,0xbe0e1b85>());
          A0 z2 = madd(z,  single_constant<A0,0x3e4c925f>(),single_constant<A0,0xbeaaaa2a>());
          z1 = madd(z1, sqr(z), z2);
          return  add(y, madd(x, mul( z1, z), x));
//        y +=
//          ((( 8.05374449538e-2 * z
//              - 1.38776856032E-1) * z
//            + 1.99777106478E-1) * z
//           - 3.33329491539E-1) * z * x
//          + x;

Exemplo n.º 3
	static inline A0 sina(const A0& a0)
	  static const sint_type de = sizeof(sint_type)*8-1;
	  if (is_invalid(a0)) return Nan<A0>();
	  A0 x =  nt2::abs(a0);
	  if (redu_t::replacement_needed(x))
	      return redu_t::sin_replacement(a0);
	      A0 xr = Nan<A0>(), xc;
	      int_type n = redu_t::reduce(x, xr, xc);
	      int_type swap_bit = n&One<int_type>();
	      A0 sign_bit = b_xor(bitofsign(a0), shli(n&Two<int_type>(), de-1));
	      A0 z = sqr(xr);
	      if (is_eqz(swap_bit))
		  z = eval_t::sin_eval(z, xr, xc);
		  z = eval_t::cos_eval(z, xr, xc);
	      return b_xor(z,sign_bit);
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: d_log.hpp Projeto: faldah/nt2
	static inline A0 log10(const A0& a0)
	  if (a0 == Inf<A0>()) return a0;
	  if (is_eqz(a0)) return Minf<A0>();
	  if (nt2::is_nan(a0)||is_ltz(a0)) return Nan<A0>();
	  A0 dk, hfsq, s, R, f;
	  kernel_log(a0, dk, hfsq, s, R, f);
	  return -(hfsq-(s*(hfsq+R))-f)*Invlog_10<A0>()+dk*Log_2olog_10<A0>();
Exemplo n.º 5
 static inline A0 log(const A0& a0)
   // ln(2)hi  =  6.93147180369123816490e-01  or  0x3fe62e42fee00000
   // ln(2)lo  =  1.90821492927058770002e-10  or  0x3dea39ef35793c76
   if (a0 == Inf<A0>()) return a0;
   if (is_eqz(a0)) return nt2::Minf<A0>();
   if (nt2::is_nan(a0)||nt2::is_ltz(a0)) return nt2::Nan<A0>();
   A0 dk, hfsq, s, R, f;
   kernel_log(a0, dk, hfsq, s, R, f);
   return  nt2::mul(dk, double_constant<A0, 0x3fe62e42fee00000ll>())-
     ((hfsq-(s*(hfsq+R)+nt2::mul(dk,double_constant<A0, 0x3dea39ef35793c76ll>())))-f);
Exemplo n.º 6
	static inline A0 tana(const A0& a0, const regular&)
	  if (is_invalid(a0)||redu_t::tan_invalid(a0)) return Nan<A0>();
	  if (is_eqz(a0)) return a0;
	  const A0 x =  nt2::abs(a0);
	  A0 xr = Nan<A0>(), xc, y;
	  const int_type n = redu_t::reduce(x, xr, xc);
	  y = eval_t::tan_eval(xr, xc, 1-((n&1)<<1));
	  // 1 -- n even
	  //-1 -- n odd
	  return b_xor(y, bitofsign(a0));
Exemplo n.º 7
 static inline A0 finalize(const A0& a0, const A0& y)
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(test, nt2::is_ltz(a0));
   BOOST_AUTO_TPL(test, nt2::logical_or(nt2::is_ltz(a0), nt2::is_nan(a0)));
   A0 y1 = nt2::if_nan_else(test, y);
   y1 = if_else(nt2::is_equal(a0, nt2::Inf<A0>()), a0, y1);
   return if_else(is_eqz(a0), nt2::Minf<A0>(), y1);
Exemplo n.º 8
	static inline A0 log(const A0& a0)
	  typedef typename meta::strip<A0>::type stA0; 
	  if (a0 == Inf<stA0>()) return a0;
	  if (is_eqz(a0)) return Minf<stA0>();
	  if (nt2::is_nan(a0)||is_ltz(a0)) return Nan<stA0>();
	  A0 x, fe, x2, y;
	  kernel_log(a0, fe, x, x2, y);
	  y = madd(fe, single_constant<stA0, 0xb95e8083>(), y);
	  y = madd(Mhalf<stA0>(), x2, y);
	  A0 z  = x + y;
	  return madd(single_constant<stA0, 0x3f318000>(), fe, z);
Exemplo n.º 9
	static inline A0 log2(const A0& a0)
	  typedef typename meta::strip<A0>::type stA0; 
	  if (a0 == Inf<stA0>()) return a0;
	  if (is_eqz(a0)) return Minf<stA0>();
	  if (nt2::is_nan(a0)||is_ltz(a0)) return Nan<stA0>();
	  A0 x, fe, x2, y;
	  kernel_log(a0, fe, x, x2, y);
	  y =  madd(Mhalf<stA0>(),x2, y);
	  // multiply log of fraction by log2(e)
	  A0 z = madd( x
		       , single_constant<stA0, 0x3ee2a8ed>()
		       , mul(y,single_constant<stA0, 0x3ee2a8ed>())// 0.44269504088896340735992
	  return ((z+y)+x)+fe;
Exemplo n.º 10
	static inline A0 log10(const A0& a0)
	  typedef typename meta::strip<A0>::type stA0; 
	  if (a0 == Inf<stA0>()) return a0;
	  if (is_eqz(a0)) return Minf<stA0>();
	  if (nt2::is_nan(a0)||is_ltz(a0)) return Nan<stA0>();
	  A0 x, fe, x2, y;
	  kernel_log(a0, fe, x, x2, y);
	  y =  amul(y, Mhalf<stA0>(), x2);
	  // multiply log of fraction by log10(e) and base 2 exponent by log10(2)
	  A0 z = mul(x+y, single_constant<stA0, 0x3a37b152>());//7.00731903251827651129E-4f // log10(e)lo
	  z = amul(z, y, single_constant<stA0, 0x3ede0000>()); //4.3359375E-1f	       // log10(e)hi
	  z = amul(z, x, single_constant<stA0, 0x3ede0000>());
	  z = amul(z, fe, single_constant<stA0, 0x39826a14>());//3.0078125E-1f              // log10(2)hi
	  return amul(z, fe, single_constant<stA0, 0x3e9a0000 >());//2.48745663981195213739E-4f // log10(2)lo
Exemplo n.º 11
	static inline A0 atan(const  A0& a0)
	  //	static const A0 tanpio8 = double_constant<double, 0x3fda827999fcef31ll>();
	  if (is_eqz(a0))  return a0;
	  if (is_inf(a0)) return Pio_2<A0>()*sign(a0);
	  A0 x =  nt2::abs(a0);
	  A0 y;
	  A0 flag = (x >  double_constant<double,0x4003504f333f9de6ll>());
	  if (flag)
	      y =  Pio_2<A0>();
	      x =  -rec(x);
	  else if ((x <=  double_constant<double,0x3fe51eb851eb851fll>()))
	      y = Zero<A0>();
	      y = Pio_4<A0>();
	      flag = Half<A0>();
	      x = minusone(x)/oneplus(x);
	  A0 z = sqr(x);
	  z = z*horner< NT2_HORNER_COEFF_T(stype, 5,
              horner< NT2_HORNER_COEFF_T(stype, 6,
	  z = madd(x, z, x);
	  static const A0 morebits = double_constant<double,0x3c91a62633145c07ll>();
	  z += flag * morebits;
	  y = y + z;
	  if( is_ltz(a0) )  y = -y;
Exemplo n.º 12
	static inline A0 tana(const A0& a0)
	  if (is_invalid(a0)||redu_t::tan_invalid(a0)) return Nan<A0>();
	  if (is_eqz(a0)) return a0;
	  A0 x =  nt2::abs(a0);
	  if (redu_t::replacement_needed(x))
	      return redu_t::tan_replacement(a0);
	      A0 xr = Nan<A0>(), xc, y;
	      int_type n = redu_t::reduce(x, xr, xc);
	      y = eval_t::tan_eval(xr, xc, 1-((n&1)<<1));
	      // 1 -- n even
	      //-1 -- n odd
	      return b_xor(y, bitofsign(a0));
Exemplo n.º 13
	static inline A0 cota(const A0& a0)
	  A0 x =  scale(a0);
	  return  b_or(b_or(not_in_range(a0), is_eqz(a0)), rec(eval_t::base_tancot_eval(x)));