Exemplo n.º 1
bool SimplexFltr::is_floater() {
    bool isfltr=false;
    for(int i=0; i<d; i++)
        if(is_floater(i,1) || is_floater(i,-1)) {
    //now free all of the gsl_vex that remain
    for(int i=0; i<ftis.size(); i++) gsl_vector_free(ftis[i]);
    for(int i=0; i<gjs.size(); i++) gsl_vector_free(gjs[i]);
    return isfltr;
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Does falling drawbridge or portcullis miss etmp?
static boolean e_missed(struct entity *etmp, boolean chunks)
	int misses;

	if (automiss(etmp))
		return TRUE;

	if (is_flyer(etmp->edata) &&
	    (is_u(etmp)? !Sleeping :
	     (etmp->emon->mcanmove && !etmp->emon->msleeping)))
						 /* flying requires mobility */
		misses = 5;	/* out of 8 */
	else if (is_floater(etmp->edata) ||
		    (is_u(etmp) && Levitation))	 /* doesn't require mobility */
		misses = 3;
	else if (chunks && is_pool(level, etmp->ex, etmp->ey))
		misses = 2;				    /* sitting ducks */
		misses = 0;

	if (is_db_wall(etmp->ex, etmp->ey))
		misses -= 3;				    /* less airspace */

	return (boolean)((misses >= rnd(8))? TRUE : FALSE);
Exemplo n.º 3
bool SphereConNet2D::rm_floaters_once() {
	bool removed = false;//whether any were removed
	for(int i=0; i<torus.get_N(); i++)
		//only need to check the ones we haven't already set as floaters
				 rm(i); removed = true;
	return removed;
Exemplo n.º 4
const char *
stagger(const struct permonst *ptr, const char *def)
    int capitalize = 2 + (*def == highc(*def));

    return (is_floater(ptr) ? levitate[capitalize]
            : (is_flyer(ptr) &&
               ptr->msize <= MZ_SMALL) ? flys[capitalize] :
            (is_flyer(ptr) && ptr->msize > MZ_SMALL) ?
            flyl[capitalize] : slithy(ptr) ? slither[capitalize] :
            amorphous(ptr) ? ooze[capitalize] : !ptr->mmove ?
            immobile[capitalize] : nolimbs(ptr) ? crawl[capitalize] : def);

Exemplo n.º 5
 * Simple-minded "can it be here?" routine
static boolean e_survives_at(struct entity *etmp, int x, int y)
	if (noncorporeal(etmp->edata))
		return TRUE;
	if (is_pool(level, x, y))
		return (boolean)((is_u(etmp) &&
				(Wwalking || Amphibious || Swimming ||
				Flying || Levitation)) ||
			is_swimmer(etmp->edata) || is_flyer(etmp->edata) ||
	/* must force call to lava_effects in e_died if is_u */
	if (is_lava(level, x, y))
		return (boolean)((is_u(etmp) && (Levitation || Flying)) ||
			    likes_lava(etmp->edata) || is_flyer(etmp->edata));
	if (is_db_wall(x, y))
		return((boolean)(is_u(etmp) ? Passes_walls :
	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 6
static void do_entity(struct entity *etmp)
	int newx, newy, at_portcullis, oldx, oldy;
	boolean must_jump = FALSE, relocates = FALSE, e_inview;
	struct rm *crm;

	if (!etmp->edata)

	e_inview = e_canseemon(level, etmp);
	oldx = etmp->ex;
	oldy = etmp->ey;
	at_portcullis = is_db_wall(oldx, oldy);
	crm = &level->locations[oldx][oldy];

	if (automiss(etmp) && e_survives_at(etmp, oldx, oldy)) {
		if (e_inview && (at_portcullis || IS_DRAWBRIDGE(crm->typ)))
			pline("The %s passes through %s!",
			      at_portcullis ? "portcullis" : "drawbridge",
		if (is_u(etmp)) spoteffects(FALSE);
	if (e_missed(etmp, FALSE)) {
		if (at_portcullis)
			pline("The portcullis misses %s!",
		if (e_survives_at(etmp, oldx, oldy))
		else {
			if (at_portcullis)
				must_jump = TRUE;
				relocates = TRUE; /* just ride drawbridge in */
	} else {
		if (crm->typ == DRAWBRIDGE_DOWN) {
			pline("%s crushed underneath the drawbridge.",
			      E_phrase(etmp, "are"));		  /* no jump */
			e_died(etmp, e_inview? 3 : 2, CRUSHING);/* no corpse */
			return;   /* Note: Beyond this point, we know we're  */
		}		  /* not at an opened drawbridge, since all  */
		must_jump = TRUE; /* *missable* creatures survive on the     */
	}			  /* square, and all the unmissed ones die.  */
	if (must_jump) {
	    if (at_portcullis) {
		if (e_jumps(etmp)) {
		    relocates = TRUE;
		} else {
		    if (e_inview)
			pline("%s crushed by the falling portcullis!",
			      E_phrase(etmp, "are"));
		    else if (flags.soundok)
			You_hear("a crushing sound.");
		    e_died(etmp, e_inview? 3 : 2, CRUSHING);
		    /* no corpse */
	    } else { /* tries to jump off bridge to original square */
		relocates = !e_jumps(etmp);

 * Here's where we try to do relocation.  Assumes that etmp is not arriving
 * at the portcullis square while the drawbridge is falling, since this square
 * would be inaccessible (i.e. etmp started on drawbridge square) or
 * unnecessary (i.e. etmp started here) in such a situation.
	newx = oldx;
	newy = oldy;
	find_drawbridge(&newx, &newy);
	if ((newx == oldx) && (newy == oldy))
		get_wall_for_db(&newx, &newy);
	if (relocates && (e_at(newx, newy))) {

 * Standoff problem:  one or both entities must die, and/or both switch
 * places.  Avoid infinite recursion by checking first whether the other
 * entity is staying put.  Clean up if we happen to move/die in recursion.
		struct entity *other;

		other = e_at(newx, newy);
		if (e_survives_at(other, newx, newy) && automiss(other)) {
			relocates = FALSE;	      /* "other" won't budge */
		} else {

			while ((e_at(newx, newy) != 0) &&
			       (e_at(newx, newy) != etmp))
			if (e_at(oldx, oldy) != etmp) {
	if (relocates && !e_at(newx, newy)) {/* if e_at() entity = worm tail */
		if (!is_u(etmp)) {
			remove_monster(level, etmp->ex, etmp->ey);
			place_monster(etmp->emon, newx, newy);
		} else {
			u.ux = newx;
			u.uy = newy;
		etmp->ex = newx;
		etmp->ey = newy;
		e_inview = e_canseemon(level, etmp);
	if (is_db_wall(etmp->ex, etmp->ey)) {
		if (e_inview) {
			if (is_u(etmp)) {
				pline("You tumble towards the closed portcullis!");
				if (automiss(etmp))
					pline("You pass through it!");
					pline("The drawbridge closes in...");
			} else
				pline("%s behind the drawbridge.",
				      E_phrase(etmp, "disappear"));
		if (!e_survives_at(etmp, etmp->ex, etmp->ey)) {
			killer_format = KILLED_BY_AN;
			killer = "closing drawbridge";
			e_died(etmp, 0, CRUSHING);	       /* no message */
	} else {
		if (is_pool(level, etmp->ex, etmp->ey) && !e_inview)
			if (flags.soundok)
				You_hear("a splash.");
		if (e_survives_at(etmp, etmp->ex, etmp->ey)) {
			if (e_inview && !is_flyer(etmp->edata) &&
				pline("%s from the bridge.",
				      E_phrase(etmp, "fall"));
		if (is_pool(level, etmp->ex, etmp->ey) || is_lava(level, etmp->ex, etmp->ey))
		    if (e_inview && !is_u(etmp)) {
			/* drown() will supply msgs if nec. */
			boolean lava = is_lava(level, etmp->ex, etmp->ey);

			if (Hallucination)
			    pline("%s the %s and disappears.",
				  E_phrase(etmp, "drink"),
				  lava ? "lava" : "moat");
			    pline("%s into the %s.",
				  E_phrase(etmp, "fall"),
				  lava ? "lava" : "moat");
		killer_format = NO_KILLER_PREFIX;
		killer = "fell from a drawbridge";
		e_died(etmp, e_inview ? 3 : 2,      /* CRUSHING is arbitrary */
		       (is_pool(level, etmp->ex, etmp->ey)) ? DROWNING :
		       (is_lava(level, etmp->ex, etmp->ey)) ? BURNING :
						       CRUSHING); /*no corpse*/
Exemplo n.º 7
/* Returns an object slot mask giving all the reasons why the given
   player/monster might have the given property, limited by "reasons", an object
   slot mask (W_EQUIP, INTRINSIC, and ANY_PROPERTY are the most likely values
   here, but you can specify slots individually if you like). */
m_has_property(const struct monst *mon, enum youprop property,
               unsigned reasons, boolean even_if_blocked)
    unsigned rv = 0;
    struct obj *otmp;

    /* The general case for equipment */
    rv |= mworn_extrinsic(mon, property);

    if (mon == &youmonst) {
        /* Intrinsics */
        if (u.uintrinsic[property] & TIMEOUT)
            rv |= W_MASK(os_timeout);
        rv |= u.uintrinsic[property] & (INTRINSIC | I_SPECIAL);

        /* Birth options */
        if (property == BLINDED && flags.permablind)
            rv |= W_MASK(os_birthopt);
        if (property == HALLUC && flags.permahallu)
            rv |= W_MASK(os_birthopt);
        if (property == UNCHANGING && flags.polyinit_mnum != -1)
            rv |= W_MASK(os_birthopt);

    } else {
        /* Monster tempraries are boolean flags.

           TODO: Monsters with no eyes are not considered blind. This doesn't
           make much sense. However, changing it would be a major balance
           change (due to Elbereth), and so it has been left alone for now. */
        if (property == BLINDED && (!mon->mcansee || mon->mblinded))
            rv |= W_MASK(os_timeout);
        if (property == FAST && mon->mspeed == MFAST)
            rv |= (mon->permspeed == FAST ?
                   W_MASK(os_polyform) : W_MASK(os_outside));
        if (property == INVIS && mon->perminvis && !pm_invisible(mon->data))
            rv |= W_MASK(os_outside);
        if (property == STUNNED && mon->mstun)
            rv |= W_MASK(os_timeout);
        if (property == CONFUSION && mon->mconf)
            rv |= W_MASK(os_timeout);

    /* Polyform / monster intrinsic */
    /* TODO: Change the monster data code into something that doesn't require a
       giant switch statement or ternary chain to get useful information from
       it. We use a ternary chain here because it cuts down on repetitive code
       and so is easier to read. */
    if (property == FIRE_RES     ? resists_fire(mon)                     :
        property == COLD_RES     ? resists_cold(mon)                     :
        property == SLEEP_RES    ? resists_sleep(mon)                    :
        property == DISINT_RES   ? resists_disint(mon)                   :
        property == SHOCK_RES    ? resists_elec(mon)                     :
        property == POISON_RES   ? resists_poison(mon)                   :
        property == DRAIN_RES    ? resists_drli(mon)                     :
        property == SICK_RES     ? mon->data->mlet == S_FUNGUS ||
                                   mon->data == &mons[PM_GHOUL]          :
        property == ANTIMAGIC    ? resists_magm(mon)                     :
        property == ACID_RES     ? resists_acid(mon)                     :
        property == STONE_RES    ? resists_ston(mon)                     :
        property == STUNNED      ? u.umonnum == PM_STALKER ||
                                   mon->data->mlet == S_BAT              :
        property == BLINDED      ? !haseyes(mon->data)                   :
        property == HALLUC       ? Upolyd && dmgtype(mon->data, AD_HALU) :
        property == SEE_INVIS    ? perceives(mon->data)                  :
        property == TELEPAT      ? telepathic(mon->data)                 :
        property == INFRAVISION  ? infravision(mon->data)                :
        /* Note: This one assumes that there's no way to permanently turn
           visible when you're in stalker form (i.e. mummy wrappings only). */
        property == INVIS        ? pm_invisible(mon->data)               :
        property == TELEPORT     ? can_teleport(mon->data)               :
        property == LEVITATION   ? is_floater(mon->data)                 :
        property == FLYING       ? is_flyer(mon->data)                   :
        property == SWIMMING     ? is_swimmer(mon->data)                 :
        property == PASSES_WALLS ? passes_walls(mon->data)               :
        property == REGENERATION ? regenerates(mon->data)                :
        property == REFLECTING   ? mon->data == &mons[PM_SILVER_DRAGON]  :
        property == TELEPORT_CONTROL  ? control_teleport(mon->data)      :
        property == MAGICAL_BREATHING ? amphibious(mon->data)            :
        rv |= W_MASK(os_polyform);

    if (mon == &youmonst) {
        /* External circumstances */
        if (property == BLINDED && u_helpless(hm_unconscious))
            rv |= W_MASK(os_circumstance);

        /* Riding */
        if (property == FLYING && u.usteed && is_flyer(u.usteed->data))
            rv |= W_MASK(os_saddle);
        if (property == SWIMMING && u.usteed && is_swimmer(u.usteed->data))
            rv |= W_MASK(os_saddle);

    /* Overrides */
    if (!even_if_blocked) {
        if (property == BLINDED) {
            for (otmp = m_minvent(mon); otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
                if (otmp->oartifact == ART_EYES_OF_THE_OVERWORLD &&
                    otmp->owornmask & W_MASK(os_tool))
                    rv &= (unsigned)(W_MASK(os_circumstance) |

        if (property == WWALKING && Is_waterlevel(m_mz(mon)))
            rv &= (unsigned)(W_MASK(os_birthopt));
        if (mworn_blocked(mon, property))
            rv &= (unsigned)(W_MASK(os_birthopt));

    return rv & reasons;
Exemplo n.º 8
/* Stop riding the current steed */
dismount_steed(int reason)
    struct monst *mtmp;
    struct obj *otmp;
    coord cc;
    const char *verb = "fall";
    boolean repair_leg_damage = TRUE;
    unsigned save_utrap = u.utrap;
    boolean have_spot = landing_spot(&cc, reason, 0);

    mtmp = u.usteed;    /* make a copy of steed pointer */
    /* Sanity check */
    if (!mtmp)  /* Just return silently */

    /* Check the reason for dismounting */
    otmp = which_armor(mtmp, os_saddle);
    switch (reason) {
        verb = "are thrown";
        pline("You %s off of %s!", verb, mon_nam(mtmp));
        if (!have_spot)
            have_spot = landing_spot(&cc, reason, 1);
        losehp(rn1(10, 10), "killed in a riding accident");
        set_wounded_legs(LEFT_SIDE, (int)LWounded_legs + rn1(5, 5));
        set_wounded_legs(RIGHT_SIDE, (int)RWounded_legs + rn1(5, 5));
        repair_leg_damage = FALSE;
        pline("You can no longer ride %s.", mon_nam(u.usteed));
        if (!have_spot)
            have_spot = landing_spot(&cc, reason, 1);
        /* caller displays message */
        /* hero has just died... */
        /* no messages, just make it so */
        if (otmp && otmp->cursed) {
            pline("You can't.  The saddle %s cursed.",
                  otmp->bknown ? "is" : "seems to be");
            otmp->bknown = TRUE;
        if (!have_spot) {
            pline("You can't. There isn't anywhere for you to stand.");
        if (!mtmp->mnamelth) {
            pline("You've been through the dungeon on %s with no name.",
            if (Hallucination)
                pline("It felt good to get out of the rain.");
        } else
            pline("You dismount %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
    /* While riding these refer to the steed's legs so after dismounting they
       refer to the player's legs once again. */
    if (repair_leg_damage)
        LWounded_legs = RWounded_legs = 0;

    /* Release the steed and saddle */
    u.usteed = 0;
    u.ugallop = 0L;

    /* Set player and steed's position.  Try moving the player first unless
       we're in the midst of creating a bones file. */
    if (reason == DISMOUNT_BONES) {
        /* move the steed to an adjacent square */
        if (enexto(&cc, level, u.ux, u.uy, mtmp->data))
            rloc_to(mtmp, cc.x, cc.y);
        else    /* evidently no room nearby; move steed elsewhere */
            rloc(mtmp, FALSE);
    if (!DEADMONSTER(mtmp)) {
        place_monster(mtmp, u.ux, u.uy);
        if (!Engulfed && !u.ustuck && have_spot) {
            const struct permonst *mdat = mtmp->data;

            /* The steed may drop into water/lava */
            if (!is_flyer(mdat) && !is_floater(mdat) && !is_clinger(mdat)) {
                if (is_pool(level, u.ux, u.uy)) {
                    if (!Underwater)
                        pline("%s falls into the %s!", Monnam(mtmp),
                              surface(u.ux, u.uy));
                    if (!is_swimmer(mdat) && !amphibious(mdat)) {
                } else if (is_lava(level, u.ux, u.uy)) {
                    pline("%s is pulled into the lava!", Monnam(mtmp));
                    if (!likes_lava(mdat)) {
            /* Steed dismounting consists of two steps: being moved to another
               square, and descending to the floor.  We have functions to do
               each of these activities, but they're normally called
               individually and include an attempt to look at or pick up the
               objects on the floor: teleds() --> spoteffects() --> pickup()
               float_down() --> pickup() We use this kludge to make sure there
               is only one such attempt. Clearly this is not the best way to do
               it.  A full fix would involve having these functions not call
               pickup() at all, instead calling them first and calling pickup()
               afterwards.  But it would take a lot of work to keep this change
               from having any unforseen side effects (for instance, you would
               no longer be able to walk onto a square with a hole, and
               autopickup before falling into the hole). */
            /* [ALI] No need to move the player if the steed died. */
            if (!DEADMONSTER(mtmp)) {
                /* Keep steed here, move the player to cc; teleds() clears
                   u.utrap */
                in_steed_dismounting = TRUE;
                teleds(cc.x, cc.y, TRUE);
                in_steed_dismounting = FALSE;

                /* Put your steed in your trap */
                if (save_utrap)
            /* Couldn't... try placing the steed */
        } else if (enexto(&cc, level, u.ux, u.uy, mtmp->data)) {
            /* Keep player here, move the steed to cc */
            rloc_to(mtmp, cc.x, cc.y);
            /* Player stays put */
            /* Otherwise, kill the steed */
        } else {

    /* Return the player to the floor */
    if (reason != DISMOUNT_ENGULFED) {
        in_steed_dismounting = TRUE;
        in_steed_dismounting = FALSE;
        turnstate.vision_full_recalc = TRUE;
    } else
        /* polearms behave differently when not mounted */
        if (uwep && is_pole(uwep))
            u.bashmsg = FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 9
/* Start riding, with the given monster */
mount_steed(struct monst * mtmp,        /* The animal */
            boolean force)
{   /* Quietly force this animal */
    struct obj *otmp;
    const struct permonst *ptr;

    /* Sanity checks */
    if (u.usteed) {
        pline("You are already riding %s.", mon_nam(u.usteed));
        return FALSE;

    /* Is the player in the right form? */
    if (Hallucination && !force) {
        pline("Maybe you should find a designated driver.");
        return FALSE;
    /* While riding Wounded_legs refers to the steed's, not the hero's legs.
       That opens up a potential abuse where the player can mount a steed, then
       dismount immediately to heal leg damage, because leg damage is always
       healed upon dismount (Wounded_legs context switch). By preventing a hero
       with Wounded_legs from mounting a steed, the potential for abuse is
       minimized, if not eliminated altogether. */
    if (Wounded_legs) {
        pline("Your %s are in no shape for riding.",
        if (force && wizard && yn("Heal your legs?") == 'y')
            LWounded_legs = RWounded_legs = 0;
            return FALSE;

    if (Upolyd &&
            (!humanoid(youmonst.data) || verysmall(youmonst.data) ||
             bigmonst(youmonst.data) || slithy(youmonst.data))) {
        pline("You won't fit on a saddle.");
        return FALSE;
    if (!force && (near_capacity() > SLT_ENCUMBER)) {
        pline("You can't do that while carrying so much stuff.");
        return FALSE;

    /* Can the player reach and see the monster? */
    if (!mtmp ||
            (!force &&
             ((Blind && !Blind_telepat) || mtmp->mundetected ||
              mtmp->m_ap_type == M_AP_FURNITURE ||
              mtmp->m_ap_type == M_AP_OBJECT))) {
        pline("I see nobody there.");
        return FALSE;

    struct test_move_cache cache;

    if (Engulfed || u.ustuck || u.utrap || Punished ||
            !test_move(u.ux, u.uy, mtmp->mx - u.ux, mtmp->my - u.uy, 0,
                       TEST_MOVE, &cache)) {
        if (Punished || !(Engulfed || u.ustuck || u.utrap))
            pline("You are unable to swing your %s over.", body_part(LEG));
            pline("You are stuck here for now.");
        return FALSE;

    /* Is this a valid monster? */
    otmp = which_armor(mtmp, os_saddle);
    if (!otmp) {
        pline("%s is not saddled.", Monnam(mtmp));
        return FALSE;
    ptr = mtmp->data;
    if (touch_petrifies(ptr) && !Stone_resistance) {
        pline("You touch %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
                                msgcat("attempting to ride ", an(mtmp->data->mname))));
    if (!mtmp->mtame || mtmp->isminion) {
        pline("I think %s would mind.", mon_nam(mtmp));
        return FALSE;
    if (mtmp->mtrapped) {
        struct trap *t = t_at(level, mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);

        pline("You can't mount %s while %s's trapped in %s.", mon_nam(mtmp),
              mhe(mtmp), t ? an(trapexplain[t->ttyp - 1]) : "ice");
        return FALSE;

    if (!force && !Role_if(PM_KNIGHT) && !(--mtmp->mtame)) {
        /* no longer tame */
        newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
        pline("%s resists%s!", Monnam(mtmp),
              mtmp->mleashed ? " and its leash comes off" : "");
        if (mtmp->mleashed)
            m_unleash(mtmp, FALSE);
        return FALSE;
    if (!force && Underwater && !is_swimmer(ptr)) {
        pline("You can't ride that creature while under water.");
        return FALSE;
    if (!can_saddle(mtmp) || !can_ride(mtmp)) {
        pline("You can't ride such a creature.");
        return 0;

    /* Is the player impaired? */
    if (!force && !is_floater(ptr) && !is_flyer(ptr) && Levitation &&
            !Lev_at_will) {
        pline("You cannot reach %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
        return FALSE;
    if (!force && uarm && is_metallic(uarm) && greatest_erosion(uarm)) {
        pline("Your %s armor is too stiff to be able to mount %s.",
              uarm->oeroded ? "rusty" : "corroded", mon_nam(mtmp));
        return FALSE;
    if (!force &&
            (Confusion || Fumbling || Glib || Wounded_legs || otmp->cursed ||
             ((u.ulevel + mtmp->mtame < rnd(MAXULEV / 2 + 5)) &&
              (!Role_if(PM_KNIGHT))))) {
        if (Levitation) {
            pline("%s slips away from you.", Monnam(mtmp));
            return FALSE;
        pline("You slip while trying to get on %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));

        const char *buf = msgcat(
                              "slipped while mounting ",
                              /* "a saddled mumak" or "a saddled pony called Dobbin" */
                              x_monnam(mtmp, ARTICLE_A, NULL,
                                       SUPPRESS_IT | SUPPRESS_INVISIBLE |
                                       SUPPRESS_HALLUCINATION, TRUE));
        losehp(rn1(5, 10), buf);
        return FALSE;

    /* Success */
    if (!force) {
        if (Levitation && !is_floater(ptr) && !is_flyer(ptr))
            /* Must have Lev_at_will at this point */
            pline("%s magically floats up!", Monnam(mtmp));
        pline("You mount %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
    /* setuwep handles polearms differently when you're mounted */
    if (uwep && is_pole(uwep))
        u.bashmsg = TRUE;
    u.usteed = mtmp;
    remove_monster(level, mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
    teleds(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, TRUE);
    return TRUE;