Exemplo n.º 1
int main( int ac, char** av )
        comma::command_line_options options( ac, av, usage );
        const std::vector< std::string >& names = options.unnamed( "--no-discard,--verbose,-v,--no-flush,--output-number-of-clients,--clients,--exit-on-no-clients,-e", "-.+" );
        if( names.empty() ) { std::cerr << "io-publish: please specify at least one stream; use '-' for stdout" << std::endl; return 1; }
        const boost::array< comma::signal_flag::signals, 2 > signals = { { comma::signal_flag::sigint, comma::signal_flag::sigterm } };
        comma::signal_flag is_shutdown( signals );
        publish p( names
                 , options.value( "-s,--size", 0 ) * options.value( "-m,--multiplier", 1 )
                 , !options.exists( "--no-discard" )
                 , !options.exists( "--no-flush" )
                 , options.exists( "--output-number-of-clients,--clients" )
                 , options.exists( "--exit-on-no-clients,-e" ) );
        //ProfilerStart( "io-publish.prof" ); {
        while( std::cin.good() && !is_shutdown && p.read() );
        //ProfilerStop(); }
        if( is_shutdown ) { std::cerr << "io-publish: interrupted by signal" << std::endl; }
        return 0;
    catch( std::exception& ex )
        if( comma::last_error::value() == EINTR || comma::last_error::value() == EBADF ) { return 0; }
        std::cerr << "io-publish: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
    catch( ... )
        if( comma::last_error::value() == EINTR || comma::last_error::value() == EBADF ) { return 0; }
        std::cerr << "io-publish: unknown exception" << std::endl;
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main( int ac, char** av )
        const boost::array< comma::signal_flag::signals, 2 > signals = { { comma::signal_flag::sigint, comma::signal_flag::sigterm } };
        comma::signal_flag is_shutdown( signals );
        comma::command_line_options options( ac, av );
        if( options.exists( "--help" ) || options.exists( "-h" ) ) { usage(); }
        std::vector< std::string > names = options.unnamed( "--no-discard,--verbose,-v,--no-flush", "-n,--number,-m,--multiplier,-b,--buffer,-s,--size" );
        unsigned int n = options.value( "-n,--number", 0 );
        unsigned int packet_size = options.value( "-s,--size", 0 ) * options.value( "-m,--multiplier", 1 );
        unsigned int buffer_size = options.value( "-b,--buffer", 0 );
        bool discard = !options.exists( "--no-discard" );
        bool flush = !options.exists( "--no-flush" );
        bool binary = packet_size != 0;
        if( names.empty() ) { std::cerr << "io-publish: please specify at least one file ('-' for stdout)" << std::endl; usage(); }
        if( binary )
            //ProfilerStart( "io-publish.prof" ); {
            comma::io::applications::publish publish( names, n, buffer_size, packet_size, discard );
            while( !is_shutdown && publish.read_bytes() );
            //ProfilerStop(); }
            comma::io::applications::publish publish( names, n, 1, 0, discard, flush );
            while( !is_shutdown && std::cin.good() && !std::cin.eof() ) { publish.read_line(); }
        if( is_shutdown ) { std::cerr << "io-publish: interrupted by signal" << std::endl; }
        return 0;
    catch( std::exception& ex )
        #ifndef WIN32
        if( comma::last_error::value() == EINTR || comma::last_error::value() == EBADF ) { return 0; }
        std::cerr << "io-publish: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
    catch( ... )
        #ifndef WIN32
        if( comma::last_error::value() == EINTR || comma::last_error::value() == EBADF ) { return 0; }
        std::cerr << "io-publish: unknown exception" << std::endl;
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
GraphListener::remove_node(rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeGraphInterface * node_graph)
  if (!node_graph) {
    throw std::invalid_argument("node is nullptr");
  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> shutdown_lock(shutdown_mutex_);
  if (is_shutdown()) {
    // If shutdown, then the run loop has been joined, so we can remove them directly.
    return remove_node_(&node_graph_interfaces_, node_graph);
  // Otherwise, first interrupt and lock against the run loop to safely remove the node.
  // Acquire the nodes mutex using the barrier to prevent the run loop from
  // re-locking the nodes mutex after being interrupted.
  // Store the now acquired node_graph_interfaces_mutex_ in the scoped lock using adopt_lock.
  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> nodes_lock(node_graph_interfaces_mutex_, std::adopt_lock);
  remove_node_(&node_graph_interfaces_, node_graph);
Exemplo n.º 4
int main( int ac, char** av )
        comma::signal_flag is_shutdown(comma::signal_flag::hard);
        comma::command_line_options options( ac, av, usage );

        if( options.exists( "--bash-completion" )) bash_completion( ac, av );
        options.assert_mutually_exclusive( "--by-lower,--by-upper,--nearest,--realtime" );
        if( options.exists( "--by-upper" )) { method = how::by_upper; }
        if( options.exists( "--nearest" )) { method = how::nearest; }
        if( options.exists( "--realtime" )) { method = how::realtime; }
        timestamp_only = options.exists( "--timestamp-only,--time-only" );
        select_only = options.exists( "--do-not-append,--select" );
        if( select_only && timestamp_only ) { std::cerr << "csv-time-join: --timestamp-only specified with --select, ignoring --timestamp-only" << std::endl; }
        bool discard_bounding = options.exists( "--discard-bounding" );
        boost::optional< unsigned int > buffer_size = options.optional< unsigned int >( "--buffer" );
        if( options.exists( "--bound" ) ) { bound = boost::posix_time::microseconds( static_cast<unsigned int>(options.value< double >( "--bound" ) * 1000000 )); }
        stdin_csv = comma::csv::options( options, "t" );

        std::vector< std::string > unnamed = options.unnamed(
            "--binary,-b,--delimiter,-d,--fields,-f,--bound,--buffer,--verbose,-v" );
        std::string properties;
        bool stdin_first = true;
        switch( unnamed.size() )
            case 0:
                std::cerr << "csv-time-join: please specify bounding source" << std::endl;
                return 1;
            case 1:
                properties = unnamed[0];
            case 2:
                if( unnamed[0] == "-" ) { properties = unnamed[1]; }
                else if( unnamed[1] == "-" ) { properties = unnamed[0]; stdin_first = false; }
                else { std::cerr << "csv-time-join: expected either '- <bounding>' or '<bounding> -'; got : " << comma::join( unnamed, ' ' ) << std::endl; return 1; }
                std::cerr << "csv-time-join: expected either '- <bounding>' or '<bounding> -'; got : " << comma::join( unnamed, ' ' ) << std::endl;
                return 1;
        comma::name_value::parser parser( "filename" );
        bounding_csv = parser.get< comma::csv::options >( properties );
        if( bounding_csv.fields.empty() ) { bounding_csv.fields = "t"; }

        comma::csv::input_stream< Point > stdin_stream( std::cin, stdin_csv );
        #ifdef WIN32
        if( stdin_csv.binary() ) { _setmode( _fileno( stdout ), _O_BINARY ); }
        #endif // #ifdef WIN32

        comma::io::istream bounding_istream( comma::split( properties, ';' )[0]
                                           , bounding_csv.binary() ? comma::io::mode::binary : comma::io::mode::ascii );
        comma::csv::input_stream< Point > bounding_stream( *bounding_istream, bounding_csv );

        #ifndef WIN32
        comma::io::select select;
        comma::io::select bounding_stream_select;
        select.read().add( 0 );
        select.read().add( bounding_istream.fd() );
        bounding_stream_select.read().add( bounding_istream.fd() );
        #endif // #ifndef WIN32

        const Point* p = NULL;

        if( method == how::realtime )
            #ifndef WIN32
            bool end_of_input = false;
            bool end_of_bounds = false;
            boost::optional<timestring_t> joined_line;
            while (!is_shutdown && !end_of_input)
                if ( !bounding_stream.ready() && !stdin_stream.ready() )
                if ( !is_shutdown && !end_of_input && ( stdin_stream.ready() || ( select.check() && select.read().ready( comma::io::stdin_fd ) ) ) )
                    p = stdin_stream.read();
                    if( p )
                        timestring_t input_line = std::make_pair( get_time( *p ), stdin_stream.last() );
                        if( joined_line ) { output( input_line, *joined_line, stdin_first ); }
                        comma::verbose << "end of input stream" << std::endl;
                        end_of_input = true;
                if ( !is_shutdown && !end_of_bounds &&
                   ( bounding_stream.ready() || ( select.check() && select.read().ready( bounding_istream.fd() ))))
                    p = bounding_stream.read();
                    if( p )
                        joined_line = std::make_pair( get_time( *p ), bounding_stream.last() );
                        comma::verbose << "end of bounding stream" << std::endl;
                        end_of_bounds = true;
            if (is_shutdown) { comma::verbose << "got a signal" << std::endl; return 0; }
            COMMA_THROW(comma::exception, "--realtime mode not supported in WIN32");
            std::deque<timestring_t> bounding_queue;
            bool next = true;
            bool bounding_data_available;
            bool upper_bound_added = false;

            // add a fake entry for an lower bound to allow stdin before first bound to match
            bounding_queue.push_back( std::make_pair( boost::posix_time::neg_infin, "" ));

            while( ( stdin_stream.ready() || ( std::cin.good() && !std::cin.eof() ) ) )
                if( !std::cin.good() ) { select.read().remove( 0 ); }
                if( !bounding_istream->good() ) { select.read().remove( bounding_istream.fd() ); }
                bounding_data_available = bounding_stream.ready() || ( bounding_istream->good() && !bounding_istream->eof() );
                #ifdef WIN32
                bool bounding_stream_ready = true;
                bool stdin_stream_ready = true;
                #else // #ifdef WIN32
                //check so we do not block
                bool bounding_stream_ready = bounding_stream.ready();
                bool stdin_stream_ready = stdin_stream.ready();

                if( next )
                    if( !bounding_stream_ready || !stdin_stream_ready )
                        if( !bounding_stream_ready && !stdin_stream_ready )
                            select.wait( boost::posix_time::milliseconds(10) );
                        if( select.read().ready( bounding_istream.fd() )) { bounding_stream_ready = true; }
                        if( select.read().ready(0) ) { stdin_stream_ready=true; }
                    if( !bounding_stream_ready )
                        bounding_stream_select.wait( boost::posix_time::milliseconds(10) );
                        if( bounding_stream_select.read().ready( bounding_istream.fd() )) { bounding_stream_ready=true; }
                #endif //#ifdef WIN32

                //keep storing available bounding data
                if( bounding_stream_ready )
                    if( !buffer_size || bounding_queue.size() < *buffer_size || discard_bounding )
                        const Point* q = bounding_stream.read();
                        if( q )
                            bounding_queue.push_back( std::make_pair( get_time( *q ), bounding_stream.last() ));
                    if( buffer_size && bounding_queue.size() > *buffer_size && discard_bounding )
                if( !upper_bound_added && bounding_istream->eof() )
                    // add a fake entry for an upper bound to allow stdin data above last bound to match
                    bounding_queue.push_back( std::make_pair( boost::posix_time::pos_infin, "" ));
                    upper_bound_added = true;

                //if we are done with the last bounded point get next
                if( next )
                    if(!stdin_stream_ready) { continue; }
                    p = stdin_stream.read();
                    if( !p ) { break; }

                boost::posix_time::ptime t = get_time(*p);
                //get bound
                    if( t < bounding_queue[1].first ) { break; }

                    //bound not found
                    //do we have more data?
                    if(!bounding_data_available) { break; }

                //bound available

                if( method == how::by_lower && t < bounding_queue.front().first )
                    next = true;

                bool is_first = ( method == how::by_lower )
                    || ( method == how::nearest && ( t - bounding_queue[0].first ) < ( bounding_queue[1].first - t ));

                const timestring_t& chosen_bound = is_first ? bounding_queue[0] : bounding_queue[1];;
                timestring_t input_line = std::make_pair( t, stdin_stream.last() );

                output( input_line, chosen_bound, stdin_first );
        return 0;     
    catch( std::exception& ex ) { std::cerr << "csv-time-join: " << ex.what() << std::endl; }
    catch( ... ) { std::cerr << "csv-time-join: unknown exception" << std::endl; }