global_variable& global_variable::operator =(uint32_t v) { assert(is_vaild()); assert(!is_array()); ptr_->value_ = v; return *this; }
bool reader::entry::extract_to_buffer(void* buf, size_t len) { assert(is_vaild()); if (is_directory()) return false; const int open_result = unzOpenCurrentFile(zip_file()); if (open_result != UNZ_OK) return false; bool success = true; const int num_bytes_read = unzReadCurrentFile(zip_file(), buf, len); if (num_bytes_read == 0) { // Reached the end of the file. } else if (num_bytes_read < 0) { // If num_bytes_read < 0, then it's a specific UNZ_* error code. success = false; } unzCloseCurrentFile(zip_file()); return success; }
global_variable::array_entry* global_variable::entry() const { assert(is_vaild()); assert(is_array()); return (array_entry*)ptr_->value_; }
global_variable::operator uint32_t const& () const { assert(is_vaild()); assert(!is_array()); return ptr_->value_; }
OPCODE_VARIABLE_TYPE global_variable::type() const { assert(is_vaild()); return static_cast<OPCODE_VARIABLE_TYPE>(ptr_->type_); }