Exemplo n.º 1
* is_become_king
* input : int row, int col, player_e turn
* output : TRUE/FALSE
* functionality : returns TRUE a the disc should be king (after a move) else return FALSE
bool is_become_king(int row, int col, player_e turn){

	bool king;
	color_e mine;

	king = FALSE;

	if (turn == USER)
		mine = user.color;
		mine = computer.color;

	if (mine == WHITE)
		if (((row == BOARD_SIZE - 1) && (is_empty_position(row, col)) && (is_valid_position(row, col))))
			king = TRUE;
		if (((row == 0) && (is_empty_position(row, col)) && (is_valid_position(row, col))))
			king = TRUE;

	return king;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool MapCollision::small_step(float &x, float &y, float step_x, float step_y, MOVEMENTTYPE movement_type, bool is_hero) {
	if (is_valid_position(x + step_x, y + step_y, movement_type, is_hero)) {
		x += step_x;
		y += step_y;
		assert(is_valid_position(x,y,movement_type, is_hero));
		return true;
	else {
		return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool MapCollision::small_step_forced_slide_along_grid(float &x, float &y, float step_x, float step_y, MOVEMENTTYPE movement_type, bool is_hero) {
	if (is_valid_position(x + step_x, y, movement_type, is_hero)) { // slide along wall
		if (step_x == 0) return true;
		x += step_x;
		assert(is_valid_position(x,y,movement_type, is_hero));
	else if (is_valid_position(x, y + step_y, movement_type, is_hero)) {
		if (step_y == 0) return true;
		y += step_y;
		assert(is_valid_position(x,y,movement_type, is_hero));
	else {
		return false;
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
* remove_disc
* input : int row, int col, player_e rm_from_this_player
* output : int
		-1 if the position is not valid.
		 1 discwas removed successfully.
* functionality : removes a given disc on the board 
int remove_disc(int row, int col, player_e rm_from_this_player){

	if (!is_valid_position(row, col))
		return -1;

	game_board[row][col] = EMPTY;
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 5
bool MapCollision::small_step_forced_slide(float &x, float &y, float step_x, float step_y, MOVEMENTTYPE movement_type, bool is_hero) {
	// is there a singular obstacle or corner we can step around?
	// only works if we are moving straight
	const float epsilon = 0.01f;
	if (step_x != 0) {
		assert(step_y == 0);
		float dy = y - static_cast<float>(floor(y));

		if (is_valid_tile(int(x), int(y) + 1, movement_type, is_hero)
				&& is_valid_tile(int(x) + sgn(step_x), int(y) + 1, movement_type, is_hero)
				&& dy > 0.5) {
			y += std::min(1 - dy + epsilon, float(fabs(step_x)));
		else if (is_valid_tile(int(x), int(y) - 1, movement_type, is_hero)
				 && is_valid_tile(int(x) + sgn(step_x), int(y) - 1, movement_type, is_hero)
				 && dy < 0.5) {
			y -= std::min(dy + epsilon, float(fabs(step_x)));
		else {
			return false;
		assert(is_valid_position(x,y,movement_type, is_hero));
	else if (step_y != 0) {
		assert(step_x == 0);
		float dx = x - static_cast<float>(floor(x));

		if (is_valid_tile(int(x) + 1, int(y), movement_type, is_hero)
				&& is_valid_tile(int(x) + 1, int(y) + sgn(step_y), movement_type, is_hero)
				&& dx > 0.5) {
			x += std::min(1 - dx + epsilon, float(fabs(step_y)));
		else if (is_valid_tile(int(x) - 1, int(y), movement_type, is_hero)
				 && is_valid_tile(int(x) - 1, int(y) + sgn(step_y), movement_type, is_hero)
				 && dx < 0.5) {
			x -= std::min(dx + epsilon, float(fabs(step_y)));
		else {
			return false;
	else {
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
* set_disc
* input : char char_on_board, int row, int col, color_e tool_color, type_e tool_type
* output : int 
			-1 standart function failed.
			 1 seccesfull set on the board.
* functionality : sets a given disc on the board updates compuer's and user's men and kings linked list
* return : -1 if the was memory allocation problems, 1 seccesfull set on the board 
int set_disc(char char_on_board, int row, int col, color_e tool_color, type_e tool_type)
	coordinate_t *temp_linkedlist;

	if ((!is_valid_position(row, col)))
		return 1;
	game_board[row][col] = char_on_board;
	if (State == GAME_STATE)
		if (user.color == tool_color)
			temp_linkedlist = creat_linkedList_pointer(tool_type, USER);
			if (tool_type == KING)
			temp_linkedlist = creat_linkedList_pointer(tool_type, COMPUTER);
			if (tool_type == KING)

		temp_linkedlist = updating_linked_list(row, col, temp_linkedlist);
		if (temp_linkedlist == NULL)
			return -1;
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Given a target, trys to return one of the 8+ adjacent tiles
 * Returns the retargeted position on success, returns the original position on failure
FPoint MapCollision::get_random_neighbor(Point target, int range, bool ignore_blocked) {
	FPoint new_target = target;
	std::vector<FPoint> valid_tiles;

	for (int i=-range; i<=range; i++) {
		for (int j=-range; j<=range; j++) {
			if (i == 0 && j == 0) continue; // skip the middle tile
			new_target.x = static_cast<float>(target.x + i) + 0.5f;
			new_target.y = static_cast<float>(target.y + j) + 0.5f;
			if (is_valid_position(new_target.x,new_target.y,MOVEMENT_NORMAL,false) || ignore_blocked)

	if (!valid_tiles.empty())
		return valid_tiles[rand() % valid_tiles.size()];
		return target;
Exemplo n.º 8
 * Does not have the "slide" submovement that move() features
 * Line can be arbitrary angles.
bool MapCollision::line_check(const float& x1, const float& y1, const float& x2, const float& y2, int check_type, MOVEMENTTYPE movement_type) {
	float x = x1;
	float y = y1;
	float dx = static_cast<float>(fabs(x2 - x1));
	float dy = static_cast<float>(fabs(y2 - y1));
	float step_x;
	float step_y;
	int steps = (int)std::max(dx, dy);

	if (dx > dy) {
		step_x = 1;
		step_y = dy / dx;
	else {
		step_y = 1;
		step_x = dx / dy;
	// fix signs
	if (x1 > x2) step_x = -step_x;
	if (y1 > y2) step_y = -step_y;

	if (check_type == CHECK_SIGHT) {
		for (int i=0; i<steps; i++) {
			x += step_x;
			y += step_y;
			if (is_wall(x, y))
				return false;
	else if (check_type == CHECK_MOVEMENT) {
		for (int i=0; i<steps; i++) {
			x += step_x;
			y += step_y;
			if (!is_valid_position(x, y, movement_type, false))
				return false;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
* is_enemy_position
* input : int row, int col
* output : TRUE/FALSE
* functionality : returns TRUE a given coordinate is enemy's coordinate else return FALSE
bool is_enemy_position(int row, int col){
	char tool;
	bool enemy;
	color_e mine;

	enemy = FALSE;
	tool = game_board[row][col];

	if ((is_valid_position(row, col)) && (game_board[row][col] != EMPTY))
		if (Turn == USER)
			mine = user.color;
			mine = computer.color;

		if (mine == WHITE)
			if ((tool == BLACK_M) || (tool == BLACK_K))
				enemy = TRUE;
			if ((tool == WHITE_M) || (tool == WHITE_K))
				enemy = TRUE;
	return enemy;
Exemplo n.º 10
bool Util::is_valid_position(const Pose &pose)
	return is_valid_position(round(pose.x), round(pose.y), GlobalState::cost_map.config);
Exemplo n.º 11
bool Util::is_valid_position(const Pose &pose, const carmen_map_config_t &map_config)
	return is_valid_position(round(pose.x), round(pose.y), map_config);
Exemplo n.º 12
bool Util::is_valid_position(const int &x, const int &y)
	return is_valid_position(x, y, GlobalState::cost_map.config);
Exemplo n.º 13
document_abner(DocumentEdit *edit, DocumentPosition begin, DocumentPosition end)
    hale_assert_input(begin <= end);

    auto document = edit->document;
    hale_assert(is_valid_position(document, begin));
    hale_assert(is_valid_position(document, end));

    edit->offset_begin = position_to_offset(document, begin);
    edit->offset_end = position_to_offset(document, end);

    edit->length = edit->offset_end - edit->offset_begin;
    if (edit->length == 0) {

    edit->type = DocumentEdit::Remove;
    edit->pos_begin = begin;
    edit->pos_end = end;

    edit->block_changed = begin.block;
    edit->blocks_changed_count = edit->pos_end.block - edit->pos_begin.block;

    if (!edit->undo)
        UndoWriter writer(&edit->document->undo, Document::UndoEvent_Remove);
        undo_write(writer.undo, &edit->offset_begin, sizeof(memi));
        undo_write(writer.undo, &edit->length, sizeof(memi));
        void *text = undo_write(writer.undo, edit->length * sizeof(ch));
        document_text(document, edit->offset_begin, edit->length, (ch*)text, edit->length);

    _buffer_remove(&document->buffer, edit->offset_begin, edit->length);
    if (edit->blocks_changed_count) {
                      edit->pos_end.block - edit->pos_begin.block);

        edit->blocks_changed_at = begin.block + 1;
    } else {
        edit->blocks_changed_at = begin.block;

    for (memi i = begin.block;
         i != vector_count(document->blocks);
        document->blocks[i].end -= edit->length;

    document->blocks[edit->block_changed].flags = 0;

    // Move the parser head
    if (document_parser_set_head(document, edit->pos_begin.block)) {
        // TODO(cohen): If the time distance between caret types is small,
        //              do not parse immediately.
        document_parse(document, 0.01f);

Exemplo n.º 14
document_insert(DocumentEdit *edit, DocumentPosition position, ch *text, memi text_length)

//#ifdef _DEBUG
//    for (memi i = 0; i < text_length; i++) {
//        hale_assert(text[i] != '\r');
//    }

    auto document = edit->document;
    memi old_document_end = _buffer_length(document->buffer);
    hale_assert(is_valid_position(document, position));

    edit->type = DocumentEdit::Insert;
    // edit->undo_head = document->undo->writingHead();
    edit->offset_begin = position_to_offset(document, position);

    Vector<memi> offsets;
    if (!edit->undo)
        UndoWriter writer(&edit->document->undo, Document::UndoEvent_Insert);
        undo_write(writer.undo, &edit->offset_begin, sizeof(memi));
        memi length_index = writer.undo->data.count;
        undo_write(writer.undo, &edit->length, sizeof(memi));

        text_length = convert_and_insert(edit, text, text_length, &offsets);
        *((memi*)(writer.undo->data.ptr + length_index)) = text_length;
        text_length = convert_and_insert(edit, text, text_length, &offsets);

    edit->offset_end = edit->offset_begin + text_length;
    edit->length = text_length;

    edit->blocks_changed_count = vector_count(offsets);

    if (edit->blocks_changed_count == 0) {
        edit->block_changed = position.block;
        edit->blocks_changed_at = position.block;
    } else if (position.position == 0) {
        // Inserting at the beginning of a block.

        if (edit->offset_begin == 0) {
            // Inserting at document begin.
            edit->block_changed = position.block + vector_count(offsets);
            edit->blocks_changed_at = position.block;
        } else if (edit->offset_begin == old_document_end) {
            // If we're inserting at the end of the document to an empty block.
            edit->block_changed = position.block;
            edit->blocks_changed_at = position.block + 1;
        } else {
            // Anywhere at the block begin.
            // If we're inserting at the beginning of a block,
            // it's quite possible, that actually nothing changes.
            // But that depend on the things that use this notification.
            edit->block_changed = position.block + vector_count(offsets);
            edit->blocks_changed_at = position.block;
    } else {
        // Inside the block
        edit->block_changed = position.block;
        edit->blocks_changed_at = position.block + 1;

    // Blocks

    if (edit->blocks_changed_count > 0)
        Document::Block block = {};

        // We're inserting this *before* the position.block.

        for (memi i = 0; i != edit->blocks_changed_count; i++) {
            document->blocks[position.block + i].end = offsets[i];

    for (memi i = position.block + edit->blocks_changed_count;
         i != vector_count(document->blocks);
        document->blocks[i].end += text_length;

    document->blocks[edit->block_changed].flags = 0;

    edit->pos_begin = position;
    edit->pos_end = position_plus_offset(document, edit->pos_begin, text_length);

    // _write_undo(edit, Document::UndoEvent_Insert, edit->offset_begin, text_length);

    // Mark all views' layout to be invalid.
    document->view_flags = HALE_DOCUMENT_VIEW_LAYOUT_INVALID;
    // Invalidate block
    // Call this before we go for document_parse, so that the view's
    // is actually updated.

    // Move the parser head
    if (document_parser_set_head(document, edit->pos_begin.block)) {
        // TODO(cohen): If the time distance between inserts is small,
        //              do not parse immediately.
        document_parse(document, 0.01f);