Exemplo n.º 1
void were_change(struct monst *mon)
	if (!is_were(mon->data))

	if (is_human(mon->data)) {
	    if (!Protection_from_shape_changers &&
		!rn2(night() ? (flags.moonphase == FULL_MOON ?  3 : 30)
			     : (flags.moonphase == FULL_MOON ? 10 : 50))) {
		new_were(mon);		/* change into animal form */
		if (flags.soundok && !canseemon(mon)) {
		    const char *howler;

		    switch (mon->mnum) {
		    case PM_WEREWOLF:	howler = "wolf";    break;
		    case PM_WEREJACKAL: howler = "jackal";  break;
		    default:		howler = NULL; break;
		    if (howler)
			You_hear("a %s howling at the moon.", howler);
	} else if (!rn2(30) || Protection_from_shape_changers) {
	    new_were(mon);		/* change back into human form */
Exemplo n.º 2
/* returns TRUE if monster is especially affected by silver weapons */
hates_silver(const struct permonst * ptr)
    return ((boolean)
            (is_were(ptr) || ptr->mlet == S_VAMPIRE || is_demon(ptr) ||
             ptr == &mons[PM_SHADE] || (ptr->mlet == S_IMP &&
                                        ptr != &mons[PM_TENGU])));
Exemplo n.º 3
/* returns TRUE if monster is drain-life resistant */
boolean resists_drli(struct monst *mon)
	const struct permonst *ptr = mon->data;
	struct obj *wep = ((mon == &youmonst) ? uwep : MON_WEP(mon));

	return (boolean)(is_undead(ptr) || is_demon(ptr) || is_were(ptr) ||
			 ptr == &mons[PM_DEATH] ||
			 (wep && wep->oartifact && defends(AD_DRLI, wep)));
Exemplo n.º 4
void you_unwere(boolean purify)
	if (purify) {
	    pline("You feel purified.");
	    u.ulycn = NON_PM;	/* cure lycanthropy */
	if (!Unchanging && is_were(youmonst.data) &&
		(!Polymorph_control || yn("Remain in beast form?") == 'n'))
Exemplo n.º 5
/* returns 1 if polymorph successful */
int polymon(int mntmp)
	boolean sticky = sticks(youmonst.data) && u.ustuck && !u.uswallow,
		was_blind = !!Blind, dochange = FALSE;
	boolean could_pass_walls = Passes_walls;
	int mlvl;

	if (mvitals[mntmp].mvflags & G_GENOD) {	/* allow G_EXTINCT */
		pline("You feel rather %s-ish.",mons[mntmp].mname);
		exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
		return 0;

	/* KMH, conduct */

	if (!Upolyd) {
		/* Human to monster; save human stats */
		u.macurr = u.acurr;
		u.mamax = u.amax;
		u.mfemale = flags.female;
	} else {
		/* Monster to monster; restore human stats, to be
		 * immediately changed to provide stats for the new monster
		u.acurr = u.macurr;
		u.amax = u.mamax;
		flags.female = u.mfemale;

	if (youmonst.m_ap_type) {
	    /* stop mimicking immediately */
	    if (multi < 0) unmul("");
	} else if (mons[mntmp].mlet != S_MIMIC) {
	    /* as in polyman() */
	    youmonst.m_ap_type = M_AP_NOTHING;
	if (is_male(&mons[mntmp])) {
		if (flags.female) dochange = TRUE;
	} else if (is_female(&mons[mntmp])) {
		if (!flags.female) dochange = TRUE;
	} else if (!is_neuter(&mons[mntmp]) && mntmp != u.ulycn) {
		if (!rn2(10)) dochange = TRUE;
	if (dochange) {
		flags.female = !flags.female;
		pline("You %s %s%s!",
		    (u.umonnum != mntmp) ? "turn into a" : "feel like a new",
		    (is_male(&mons[mntmp]) || is_female(&mons[mntmp])) ? "" :
			flags.female ? "female " : "male ",
	} else {
		if (u.umonnum != mntmp)
			pline("You turn into %s!", an(mons[mntmp].mname));
			pline("You feel like a new %s!", mons[mntmp].mname);
	if (Stoned && poly_when_stoned(&mons[mntmp])) {
		/* poly_when_stoned already checked stone golem genocide */
		pline("You turn to stone!");
		mntmp = PM_STONE_GOLEM;
		Stoned = 0;
		delayed_killer = 0;

	u.mtimedone = rn1(500, 500);
	u.umonnum = mntmp;

	/* New stats for monster, to last only as long as polymorphed.
	 * Currently only strength gets changed.
	if (strongmonst(&mons[mntmp])) ABASE(A_STR) = AMAX(A_STR) = STR18(100);

	if (Stone_resistance && Stoned) { /* [email protected] */
		Stoned = 0;
		delayed_killer = 0;
		pline("You no longer seem to be petrifying.");
	if (Sick_resistance && Sick) {
		make_sick(0L, NULL, FALSE, SICK_ALL);
		pline("You no longer feel sick.");
	if (Slimed) {
	    if (flaming(youmonst.data)) {
		pline("The slime burns away!");
		Slimed = 0L;
		iflags.botl = 1;
	    } else if (mntmp == PM_GREEN_SLIME) {
		/* do it silently */
		Slimed = 0L;
		iflags.botl = 1;
	if (nohands(youmonst.data)) Glib = 0;

	mlvl = adj_lev(&mons[mntmp]);
	 * We can't do the above, since there's no such thing as an
	 * "experience level of you as a monster" for a polymorphed character.
	mlvl = (int)mons[mntmp].mlevel;
	if (youmonst.data->mlet == S_DRAGON && mntmp >= PM_GRAY_DRAGON) {
		u.mhmax = In_endgame(&u.uz) ? (8*mlvl) : (4*mlvl + dice(mlvl,4));
	} else if (is_golem(youmonst.data)) {
		u.mhmax = golemhp(mntmp);
	} else {
		if (!mlvl) u.mhmax = rnd(4);
		else u.mhmax = dice(mlvl, 8);
		if (is_home_elemental(&u.uz, &mons[mntmp])) u.mhmax *= 3;
	u.mh = u.mhmax;

	if (u.ulevel < mlvl) {
	/* Low level characters can't become high level monsters for long */
		u.mtimedone = u.mtimedone * u.ulevel / mlvl;

	if (uskin && mntmp != armor_to_dragon(uskin->otyp))
	if (hides_under(youmonst.data))
		u.uundetected = OBJ_AT(u.ux, u.uy);
	else if (youmonst.data->mlet == S_EEL)
		u.uundetected = is_pool(level, u.ux, u.uy);
		u.uundetected = 0;

	if (u.utraptype == TT_PIT) {
	    if (could_pass_walls && !Passes_walls) {
		u.utrap = rn1(6,2);
	    } else if (!could_pass_walls && Passes_walls) {
		u.utrap = 0;
	if (was_blind && !Blind) {	/* previous form was eyeless */
	    Blinded = 1L;
	    make_blinded(0L, TRUE);	/* remove blindness */
	newsym(u.ux,u.uy);		/* Change symbol */

	if (!sticky && !u.uswallow && u.ustuck && sticks(youmonst.data)) u.ustuck = 0;
	else if (sticky && !sticks(youmonst.data)) uunstick();
	if (u.usteed) {
	    if (touch_petrifies(u.usteed->data) &&
	    		!Stone_resistance && rnl(3)) {
	    	char buf[BUFSZ];

	    	pline("No longer petrifying-resistant, you touch %s.",
	    	sprintf(buf, "riding %s", an(u.usteed->data->mname));
	    if (!can_ride(u.usteed)) dismount_steed(DISMOUNT_POLY);

	if (flags.verbose) {
	    static const char use_thec[] = "Use the command #%s to %s.";
	    static const char monsterc[] = "monster";
	    if (can_breathe(youmonst.data))
		pline(use_thec,monsterc,"use your breath weapon");
	    if (attacktype(youmonst.data, AT_SPIT))
		pline(use_thec,monsterc,"spit venom");
	    if (youmonst.data->mlet == S_NYMPH)
		pline(use_thec,monsterc,"remove an iron ball");
	    if (attacktype(youmonst.data, AT_GAZE))
		pline(use_thec,monsterc,"gaze at monsters");
	    if (is_hider(youmonst.data))
	    if (is_were(youmonst.data))
		pline(use_thec,monsterc,"summon help");
	    if (webmaker(youmonst.data))
		pline(use_thec,monsterc,"spin a web");
	    if (u.umonnum == PM_GREMLIN)
		pline(use_thec,monsterc,"multiply in a fountain");
	    if (is_unicorn(youmonst.data))
		pline(use_thec,monsterc,"use your horn");
	    if (is_mind_flayer(youmonst.data))
		pline(use_thec,monsterc,"emit a mental blast");
	    if (youmonst.data->msound == MS_SHRIEK) /* worthless, actually */
	    if (lays_eggs(youmonst.data) && flags.female)
		pline(use_thec,"sit","lay an egg");
	/* you now know what an egg of your type looks like */
	if (lays_eggs(youmonst.data)) {
	    /* make queen bees recognize killer bee eggs */
	    learn_egg_type(egg_type_from_parent(u.umonnum, TRUE));
	if ((!Levitation && !u.ustuck && !Flying &&
	    (is_pool(level, u.ux,u.uy) || is_lava(level, u.ux,u.uy))) ||
	   (Underwater && !Swimming))
	if (Passes_walls && u.utrap && u.utraptype == TT_INFLOOR) {
	    u.utrap = 0;
	    pline("The rock seems to no longer trap you.");
	} else if (likes_lava(youmonst.data) && u.utrap && u.utraptype == TT_LAVA) {
	    u.utrap = 0;
	    pline("The lava now feels soothing.");
	if (amorphous(youmonst.data) || is_whirly(youmonst.data) || unsolid(youmonst.data)) {
	    if (Punished) {
		pline("You slip out of the iron chain.");
	if (u.utrap && (u.utraptype == TT_WEB || u.utraptype == TT_BEARTRAP) &&
		(amorphous(youmonst.data) || is_whirly(youmonst.data) || unsolid(youmonst.data) ||
		  (youmonst.data->msize <= MZ_SMALL && u.utraptype == TT_BEARTRAP))) {
	    pline("You are no longer stuck in the %s.",
		    u.utraptype == TT_WEB ? "web" : "bear trap");
	    /* probably should burn webs too if PM_FIRE_ELEMENTAL */
	    u.utrap = 0;
	if (webmaker(youmonst.data) && u.utrap && u.utraptype == TT_WEB) {
	    pline("You orient yourself on the web.");
	    u.utrap = 0;
	iflags.botl = 1;
	vision_full_recalc = 1;
	exercise(A_CON, FALSE);
	exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
void polyself(boolean forcecontrol)
	char buf[BUFSZ];
	int old_light, new_light;
	int mntmp = NON_PM;
	int tries=0;
	boolean draconian = (uarm &&
				uarm->otyp >= GRAY_DRAGON_SCALE_MAIL &&
				uarm->otyp <= YELLOW_DRAGON_SCALES);
	boolean iswere = (u.ulycn >= LOW_PM || is_were(youmonst.data));
	boolean isvamp = (youmonst.data->mlet == S_VAMPIRE || u.umonnum == PM_VAMPIRE_BAT);
	boolean was_floating = (Levitation || Flying);

        if (!Polymorph_control && !forcecontrol && !draconian && !iswere && !isvamp) {
	    if (rn2(20) > ACURR(A_CON)) {
		pline("You shudder for a moment.");
		losehp(rnd(30), "system shock", KILLED_BY_AN);
		exercise(A_CON, FALSE);
	old_light = Upolyd ? emits_light(youmonst.data) : 0;

	if (Polymorph_control || forcecontrol) {
		do {
			getlin("Become what kind of monster? [type the name]",
			mntmp = name_to_mon(buf);
			if (mntmp < LOW_PM)
				pline("I've never heard of such monsters.");
			/* Note:  humans are illegal as monsters, but an
			 * illegal monster forces newman(), which is what we
			 * want if they specified a human.... */
			else if (!polyok(&mons[mntmp]) && !your_race(&mons[mntmp]))
				pline("You cannot polymorph into that.");
			else break;
		} while (++tries < 5);
		if (tries==5) pline("That's enough tries!");
		/* allow skin merging, even when polymorph is controlled */
		if (draconian &&
		    (mntmp == armor_to_dragon(uarm->otyp) || tries == 5))
		    goto do_merge;
	} else if (draconian || iswere || isvamp) {
		/* special changes that don't require polyok() */
		if (draconian) {
			mntmp = armor_to_dragon(uarm->otyp);
			if (!(mvitals[mntmp].mvflags & G_GENOD)) {
				/* allow G_EXTINCT */
				pline("You merge with your scaly armor.");
				uskin = uarm;
				uarm = NULL;
				/* save/restore hack */
				uskin->owornmask |= I_SPECIAL;
		} else if (iswere) {
			if (is_were(youmonst.data))
				mntmp = PM_HUMAN; /* Illegal; force newman() */
				mntmp = u.ulycn;
		} else {
			if (youmonst.data->mlet == S_VAMPIRE)
				mntmp = PM_VAMPIRE_BAT;
				mntmp = PM_VAMPIRE;
		/* if polymon fails, "you feel" message has been given
		   so don't follow up with another polymon or newman */
		if (mntmp == PM_HUMAN) newman();	/* werecritter */
		else polymon(mntmp);
		goto made_change;    /* maybe not, but this is right anyway */

	if (mntmp < LOW_PM) {
		tries = 0;
		do {
			/* randomly pick an "ordinary" monster */
			mntmp = rn1(SPECIAL_PM - LOW_PM, LOW_PM);
		} while ((!polyok(&mons[mntmp]) || is_placeholder(&mons[mntmp]))
				&& tries++ < 200);

	/* The below polyok() fails either if everything is genocided, or if
	 * we deliberately chose something illegal to force newman().
	if (!polyok(&mons[mntmp]) || !rn2(5) || your_race(&mons[mntmp]))
	else if (!polymon(mntmp)) return;

	if (!uarmg) selftouch("No longer petrify-resistant, you");

	new_light = Upolyd ? emits_light(youmonst.data) : 0;
	if (old_light != new_light) {
	    if (old_light)
		del_light_source(level, LS_MONSTER, &youmonst);
	    if (new_light == 1) ++new_light;  /* otherwise it's undetectable */
	    if (new_light)
		new_light_source(level, u.ux, u.uy, new_light,
				 LS_MONSTER, &youmonst);
	if (is_pool(level, u.ux,u.uy) && was_floating && !(Levitation || Flying) &&
		!breathless(youmonst.data) && !amphibious(youmonst.data) &&
		!Swimming) drown();