/* is this a "match anything" id */ bool any_id(const struct id *a) { a = resolve_myid(a); switch (a->kind) { case ID_NONE: return TRUE; /* wildcard */ case ID_IPV4_ADDR: case ID_IPV6_ADDR: return isanyaddr(&a->ip_addr); case ID_FQDN: case ID_USER_FQDN: case ID_DER_ASN1_DN: case ID_KEY_ID: return FALSE; default: bad_case(a->kind); } /* NOTREACHED */ return FALSE; }
bool subnetisnone(const ip_subnet *sn) { ip_address base; networkof(sn, &base); return isanyaddr(&base) && subnetishost(sn); }
int idtoa(const struct id *id, char *dst, size_t dstlen) { int n; id = resolve_myid(id); switch (id->kind) { case ID_MYID: n = snprintf(dst, dstlen, "%s", "%myid"); break; case ID_FROMCERT: n = snprintf(dst, dstlen, "%s", "%fromcert"); break; case ID_NONE: n = snprintf(dst, dstlen, "%s", "(none)"); break; case ID_IPV4_ADDR: case ID_IPV6_ADDR: if(isanyaddr(&id->ip_addr)) { dst[0]='\0'; strncat(dst, "%any", dstlen); n = strlen(dst); } else { n = (int)addrtot(&id->ip_addr, 0, dst, dstlen) - 1; } break; case ID_FQDN: n = snprintf(dst, dstlen, "@%.*s", (int)id->name.len, id->name.ptr); break; case ID_USER_FQDN: n = snprintf(dst, dstlen, "%.*s", (int)id->name.len, id->name.ptr); break; case ID_DER_ASN1_DN: n = dntoa(dst, dstlen, id->name); break; case ID_KEY_ID: passert(dstlen > 4); dst[0]='@'; dst[1]='#'; dstlen-=2; dst+=2; n = keyidtoa(dst, dstlen, id->name); n+= 2; break; default: n = snprintf(dst, dstlen, "unknown id kind %d", id->kind); break; } /* "Sanitize" string so that log isn't endangered: * replace unprintable characters with '?'. */ if (n > 0) { for ( ; *dst != '\0'; dst++) if (!isprint(*dst)) *dst = '?'; } return n; }
void confwrite_side(FILE *out, struct starter_conn *conn, struct starter_end *end, char *side) { char databuf[2048]; /* good for a 12288 bit rsa key */ int keyingtype; if(conn->manualkey) { keyingtype=kv_manual; } else { keyingtype=kv_auto; } switch(end->addrtype) { case KH_NOTSET: /* nothing! */ break; case KH_DEFAULTROUTE: fprintf(out, "\t%s=%%defaultroute\n",side); break; case KH_ANY: fprintf(out, "\t%s=%%any\n",side); break; case KH_IFACE: if(end->strings_set[KSCF_IP]) { fprintf(out, "\t%s=%s\n",side, end->strings[KSCF_IP]); } break; case KH_OPPO: fprintf(out, "\t%s=%%opportunistic\n",side); break; case KH_OPPOGROUP: fprintf(out, "\t%s=%%opportunisticgroup\n",side); break; case KH_GROUP: fprintf(out, "\t%s=%%group\n",side); break; case KH_IPHOSTNAME: if(end->strings_set[KSCF_IP]) { fprintf(out, "\t%s=%s\n",side, end->strings[KSCF_IP]); } break; case KH_IPADDR: addrtot(&end->addr, 0, databuf, ADDRTOT_BUF); fprintf(out, "\t%s=%s\n", side, databuf); break; } if(end->strings_set[KSCF_ID] && end->id) { fprintf(out, "\t%sid=\"%s\"\n", side, end->id); } switch(end->nexttype) { case KH_NOTSET: /* nothing! */ break; case KH_DEFAULTROUTE: fprintf(out, "\t%snexthop=%%defaultroute\n",side); break; case KH_IPADDR: addrtot(&end->nexthop, 0, databuf, ADDRTOT_BUF); fprintf(out, "\t%snexthop=%s\n", side, databuf); break; default: break; } if(end->has_client) { if(isvalidsubnet(&end->subnet) && (!subnetishost(&end->subnet) || !addrinsubnet(&end->addr, &end->subnet))) { subnettot(&end->subnet, 0, databuf, SUBNETTOT_BUF); fprintf(out, "\t%ssubnet=%s\n", side, databuf); } } if(end->rsakey1) { fprintf(out, "\t%srsakey=%s\n", side, end->rsakey1); } if(end->rsakey2) { fprintf(out, "\t%srsakey2=%s\n", side, end->rsakey2); } if(end->port || end->protocol) { char b2[32]; strcpy(b2, "%any"); strcpy(databuf, "%any"); if(end->port) { sprintf(b2, "%u", end->port); } if(end->protocol) { sprintf(databuf, "%u", end->protocol); } fprintf(out, "\t%sprotoport=%s/%s\n", side, databuf, b2); } if(end->cert) { fprintf(out, "\t%scert=%s\n", side, end->cert); } if(!isanyaddr(&end->sourceip)) { addrtot(&end->sourceip, 0, databuf, ADDRTOT_BUF); fprintf(out, "\t%ssourceip=%s\n", side, databuf); } confwrite_int(out, side, kv_conn|kv_leftright, keyingtype, end->options, end->options_set, end->strings); confwrite_str(out, side, kv_conn|kv_leftright, keyingtype, end->strings, end->strings_set); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { __u32 spi = 0; int c; ip_said said; const char *error_s; char ipsaid_txt[SATOT_BUF]; int outif = 0; int error = 0; ssize_t io_error; int argcount = argc; pid_t mypid; int listenreply = 0; unsigned char authalg, encryptalg; struct sadb_ext *extensions[K_SADB_EXT_MAX + 1]; struct sadb_msg *pfkey_msg; char *edst_opt, *spi_opt, *proto_opt, *af_opt, *said_opt, *dst_opt, *src_opt; u_int32_t natt; u_int16_t sport, dport; uint32_t life[life_maxsever][life_maxtype]; char *life_opt[life_maxsever][life_maxtype]; struct stat sts; struct sadb_builds sab; progname = argv[0]; mypid = getpid(); natt = 0; sport = 0; dport = 0; tool_init_log(); zero(&said); /* OK: no pointer fields */ edst_opt = spi_opt = proto_opt = af_opt = said_opt = dst_opt = src_opt = NULL; { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < life_maxsever; i++) { for (j = 0; j < life_maxtype; j++) { life_opt[i][j] = NULL; life[i][j] = 0; } } } while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "" /*"H:P:Z:46dcA:E:e:s:a:w:i:D:S:hvgl:+:f:"*/, longopts, 0)) != EOF) { unsigned long u; err_t ugh; switch (c) { case 'g': debug = TRUE; pfkey_lib_debug = PF_KEY_DEBUG_PARSE_MAX; /* paul: this is a plutoism? cur_debugging = 0xffffffff; */ argcount--; break; case 'R': listenreply = 1; argcount--; break; case 'r': dumpsaref = 1; argcount--; break; case 'b': /* set the SAref to use */ ugh = ttoulb(optarg, 0, 0, INT_MAX, &u); if (ugh != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid SAREFi parameter \"%s\": %s\n", progname, optarg, ugh); exit(1); } saref_me = u; argcount--; break; case 'B': /* set the SAref to use for outgoing packets */ ugh = ttoulb(optarg, 0, 0, INT_MAX, &u); if (ugh != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid SAREFo parameter \"%s\": %s\n", progname, optarg, ugh); exit(1); } saref_him = u; argcount--; break; case 'O': /* set interface from which packet should arrive */ ugh = ttoulb(optarg, 0, 0, INT_MAX, &u); if (ugh != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid outif parameter \"%s\": %s\n", progname, optarg, ugh); exit(1); } outif = u; argcount--; break; case 'l': { static const char combine_fmt[] = "%s --label %s"; size_t room = strlen(argv[0]) + sizeof(combine_fmt) + strlen(optarg); progname = malloc(room); snprintf(progname, room, combine_fmt, argv[0], optarg); tool_close_log(); tool_init_log(); argcount -= 2; break; } case 'H': if (alg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Only one of '--ah', '--esp', '--comp', '--ip4', '--ip6', '--del' or '--clear' options permitted.\n", progname); exit(1); } if (streq(optarg, "hmac-md5-96")) { alg = XF_AHHMACMD5; } else if (streq(optarg, "hmac-sha1-96")) { alg = XF_AHHMACSHA1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown authentication algorithm '%s' follows '--ah' option.\n", progname, optarg); exit(1); } if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: Algorithm %d selected.\n", progname, alg); } break; case 'P': if (alg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Only one of '--ah', '--esp', '--comp', '--ip4', '--ip6', '--del' or '--clear' options permitted.\n", progname); exit(1); } alg = decode_esp(optarg); if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: Algorithm %d selected.\n", progname, alg); } break; case 'Z': if (alg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Only one of '--ah', '--esp', '--comp', '--ip4', '--ip6', '--del' or '--clear' options permitted.\n", progname); exit(1); } if (streq(optarg, "deflate")) { alg = XF_COMPDEFLATE; } else if (streq(optarg, "lzs")) { alg = XF_COMPLZS; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown compression algorithm '%s' follows '--comp' option.\n", progname, optarg); exit(1); } if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: Algorithm %d selected.\n", progname, alg); } break; case '4': if (alg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Only one of '--ah', '--esp', '--comp', '--ip4', '--ip6', '--del' or '--clear' options permitted.\n", progname); exit(1); } alg = XF_IP4; address_family = AF_INET; if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: Algorithm %d selected.\n", progname, alg); } break; case '6': if (alg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Only one of '--ah', '--esp', '--comp', '--ip4', '--ip6', '--del' or '--clear' options permitted.\n", progname); exit(1); } alg = XF_IP6; address_family = AF_INET6; if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: Algorithm %d selected.\n", progname, alg); } break; case 'd': if (alg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Only one of '--ah', '--esp', '--comp', '--ip4', '--ip6', '--del' or '--clear' options permitted.\n", progname); exit(1); } alg = XF_DEL; if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: Algorithm %d selected.\n", progname, alg); } break; case 'c': if (alg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Only one of '--ah', '--esp', '--comp', '--ip4', '--ip6', '--del' or '--clear' options permitted.\n", progname); exit(1); } alg = XF_CLR; if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: Algorithm %d selected.\n", progname, alg); } break; case 'e': if (said_opt) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, EDST parameter redefined:%s, already defined in SA:%s\n", progname, optarg, said_opt); exit(1); } if (edst_opt) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, EDST parameter redefined:%s, already defined as:%s\n", progname, optarg, edst_opt); exit(1); } error_s = ttoaddr(optarg, 0, address_family, &edst); if (error_s != NULL) { if (error_s) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, %s converting --edst argument:%s\n", progname, error_s, optarg); exit(1); } } edst_opt = optarg; if (debug) { ipstr_buf b; fprintf(stdout, "%s: edst=%s.\n", progname, ipstr(&edst, &b)); } break; case 's': if (said_opt != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, SPI parameter redefined:%s, already defined in SA:%s\n", progname, optarg, said_opt); exit(1); } if (spi_opt != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, SPI parameter redefined:%s, already defined as:%s\n", progname, optarg, spi_opt); exit(1); } ugh = ttoulb(optarg, 0, 0, 0xFFFFFFFFul, &u); if (ugh == NULL && u < 0x100) ugh = "0 - 0xFF are reserved"; if (ugh != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid SPI parameter \"%s\": %s\n", progname, optarg, ugh); exit(1); } spi = u; spi_opt = optarg; break; case 'p': if (said_opt != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, PROTO parameter redefined:%s, already defined in SA:%s\n", progname, optarg, said_opt); exit(1); } if (proto_opt != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, PROTO parameter redefined:%s, already defined as:%s\n", progname, optarg, proto_opt); exit(1); } if (streq(optarg, "ah")) { proto = SA_AH; } else if (streq(optarg, "esp")) { proto = SA_ESP; } else if (streq(optarg, "tun")) { proto = SA_IPIP; } else if (streq(optarg, "comp")) { proto = SA_COMP; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid PROTO parameter: %s\n", progname, optarg); exit(1); } proto_opt = optarg; break; case 'a': if (said_opt) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, ADDRESS FAMILY parameter redefined:%s, already defined in SA:%s\n", progname, optarg, said_opt); exit(1); } if (af_opt) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, ADDRESS FAMILY parameter redefined:%s, already defined as:%s\n", progname, optarg, af_opt); exit(1); } if (streq(optarg, "inet")) { address_family = AF_INET; /* currently we ensure that all addresses belong to the same address family */ anyaddr(address_family, &dst); anyaddr(address_family, &edst); anyaddr(address_family, &src); } else if (streq(optarg, "inet6")) { address_family = AF_INET6; /* currently we ensure that all addresses belong to the same address family */ anyaddr(address_family, &dst); anyaddr(address_family, &edst); anyaddr(address_family, &src); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid ADDRESS FAMILY parameter: %s.\n", progname, optarg); exit(1); } af_opt = optarg; break; case 'I': if (said_opt) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, SAID parameter redefined:%s, already defined in SA:%s\n", progname, optarg, said_opt); exit(1); } if (proto_opt) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, PROTO parameter redefined in SA:%s, already defined as:%s\n", progname, optarg, proto_opt); exit(1); } if (edst_opt) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, EDST parameter redefined in SA:%s, already defined as:%s\n", progname, optarg, edst_opt); exit(1); } if (spi_opt) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, SPI parameter redefined in SA:%s, already defined as:%s\n", progname, optarg, spi_opt); exit(1); } error_s = ttosa(optarg, 0, &said); if (error_s != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, %s converting --sa argument:%s\n", progname, error_s, optarg); exit(1); } if (debug) { satot(&said, 0, ipsaid_txt, sizeof(ipsaid_txt)); fprintf(stdout, "%s: said=%s.\n", progname, ipsaid_txt); } /* init the src and dst with the same address family */ if (address_family == 0) { address_family = addrtypeof(&said.dst); } else if (address_family != addrtypeof(&said.dst)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, specified address family (%d) is different that of SAID: %s\n", progname, address_family, optarg); exit(1); } anyaddr(address_family, &dst); anyaddr(address_family, &edst); anyaddr(address_family, &src); said_opt = optarg; break; case 'A': decode_blob(optarg, "Authentication Key", &authkey, &authkeylen); break; case 'E': decode_blob(optarg, "Encryption Key", &enckey, &enckeylen); break; case 'w': { err_t ugh = ttoul(optarg, 0, 0, &replay_window); if (ugh != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid replay_window parameter: %s\n", progname, ugh); exit(1); } if (!(1 <= replay_window && replay_window <= 64)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed -- Illegal window size: arg=%s, replay_window=%lu, must be 1 <= size <= 64.\n", progname, optarg, replay_window); exit(1); } } break; case 'i': decode_blob(optarg, "IV", &iv, &ivlen); break; case 'D': if (dst_opt) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, DST parameter redefined:%s, already defined as:%s\n", progname, optarg, dst_opt); exit(1); } error_s = ttoaddr(optarg, 0, address_family, &dst); if (error_s != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, %s converting --dst argument:%s\n", progname, error_s, optarg); exit(1); } dst_opt = optarg; if (debug) { ipstr_buf b; fprintf(stdout, "%s: dst=%s.\n", progname, ipstr(&dst, &b)); } break; case 'F': /* src port */ { unsigned long u; err_t ugh = ttoulb(optarg, 0, 0, 0xFFFF, &u); if (ugh != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid source port parameter \"%s\": %s\n", progname, optarg, ugh); exit(1); } sport = u; } break; case 'G': /* dst port */ { unsigned long u; err_t ugh = ttoulb(optarg, 0, 0, 0xFFFF, &u); if (ugh != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid destination port parameter \"%s\": %s\n", progname, optarg, ugh); exit(1); } dport = u; } break; case 'N': /* nat-type */ if (strcaseeq(optarg, "nonesp")) { natt = ESPINUDP_WITH_NON_ESP; } else if (strcaseeq(optarg, "none")) { natt = 0; } else { /* ??? what does this do? Where is it documented? */ unsigned long u; err_t ugh = ttoulb(optarg, 0, 0, 0xFFFFFFFFul, &u); if (ugh != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid character in natt parameter \"%s\": %s\n", progname, optarg, ugh); exit(1); } natt = u; } break; case 'S': if (src_opt) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, SRC parameter redefined:%s, already defined as:%s\n", progname, optarg, src_opt); exit(1); } error_s = ttoaddr(optarg, 0, address_family, &src); if (error_s != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error, %s converting --src argument:%s\n", progname, error_s, optarg); exit(1); } src_opt = optarg; if (debug) { ipstr_buf b; fprintf(stdout, "%s: src=%s.\n", progname, ipstr(&src, &b)); } break; case 'h': usage(progname, stdout); exit(0); case '?': usage(progname, stderr); exit(1); case 'v': fprintf(stdout, "%s, %s\n", progname, ipsec_version_code()); exit(1); case 'f': if (parse_life_options(life, life_opt, optarg) != 0) exit(1); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized option '%c', update option processing.\n", progname, c); exit(1); } } if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: All options processed.\n", progname); } if (stat("/proc/net/pfkey", &sts) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: NETKEY does not use the ipsec spi command. Use 'ip xfrm' instead.\n", progname); exit(1); } if (argcount == 1) { int ret = 1; if ((stat("/proc/net/ipsec_spi", &sts)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: No spi - no IPsec support in kernel (are the modules loaded?)\n", progname); } else { ret = system("cat /proc/net/ipsec_spi"); ret = ret != -1 && WIFEXITED(ret) ? WEXITSTATUS(ret) : 1; } exit(ret); } switch (alg) { case XF_OTHER_ALG: /* validate keysizes */ if (proc_read_ok) { const struct sadb_alg *alg_p; size_t keylen, minbits, maxbits; alg_p = kernel_alg_sadb_alg_get(SADB_SATYPE_ESP, SADB_EXT_SUPPORTED_ENCRYPT, esp_info->encryptalg); assert(alg_p != NULL); keylen = enckeylen * 8; minbits = alg_p->sadb_alg_minbits; maxbits = alg_p->sadb_alg_maxbits; /* * if explicit keylen told in encrypt algo, eg "aes128" * check actual keylen "equality" */ if (esp_info->enckeylen && esp_info->enckeylen != keylen) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid encryption keylen=%d, " "required %d by encrypt algo string=\"%s\"\n", progname, (int)keylen, (int)esp_info->enckeylen, alg_string); exit(1); } /* thanks DES for this sh*t */ if (minbits > keylen || maxbits < keylen) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid encryption keylen=%d, " "must be between %d and %d bits\n", progname, (int)keylen, (int)minbits, (int)maxbits); exit(1); } alg_p = kernel_alg_sadb_alg_get(SADB_SATYPE_ESP, SADB_EXT_SUPPORTED_AUTH, esp_info->authalg); assert(alg_p); keylen = authkeylen * 8; minbits = alg_p->sadb_alg_minbits; maxbits = alg_p->sadb_alg_maxbits; if (minbits > keylen || maxbits < keylen) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid auth keylen=%d, " "must be between %d and %d bits\n", progname, (int)keylen, (int)minbits, (int)maxbits); exit(1); } } /* * ??? this break was added in a2791fda77a5cfcc6bc992fbc5019f4448112f88 * It is likely correct, but we're not sure. * Luckily this code is probably never used. */ break; case XF_IP4: case XF_IP6: case XF_DEL: case XF_COMPDEFLATE: case XF_COMPLZS: if (!said_opt) { if (isanyaddr(&edst)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: SA destination not specified.\n", progname); exit(1); } if (!spi) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: SA SPI not specified.\n", progname); exit(1); } if (!proto) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: SA PROTO not specified.\n", progname); exit(1); } initsaid(&edst, htonl(spi), proto, &said); } else { proto = said.proto; spi = ntohl(said.spi); edst = said.dst; } if ((address_family != 0) && (address_family != addrtypeof(&said.dst))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Defined address family and address family of SA missmatch.\n", progname); exit(1); } if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: SA valid.\n", progname); } break; case XF_CLR: break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s: No action chosen. See '%s --help' for usage.\n", progname, progname); exit(1); } switch (alg) { case XF_CLR: case XF_DEL: case XF_IP4: case XF_IP6: case XF_COMPDEFLATE: case XF_COMPLZS: case XF_OTHER_ALG: break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s: No action chosen. See '%s --help' for usage.\n", progname, progname); exit(1); } if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: Algorithm ok.\n", progname); } pfkey_sock = pfkey_open_sock_with_error(); if (pfkey_sock < 0) exit(1); /* Build an SADB_ADD message to send down. */ /* It needs <base, SA, address(SD), key(AE)> minimum. */ /* Lifetime(HS) could be added before addresses. */ pfkey_extensions_init(extensions); error = pfkey_msg_hdr_build(&extensions[0], alg == XF_DEL ? SADB_DELETE : alg == XF_CLR ? SADB_FLUSH : SADB_ADD, proto2satype(proto), 0, ++pfkey_seq, mypid); if (error != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Trouble building message header, error=%d.\n", progname, error); pfkey_extensions_free(extensions); exit(1); } switch (alg) { case XF_OTHER_ALG: authalg = esp_info->authalg; if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: debug: authalg=%d\n", progname, authalg); } break; default: authalg = SADB_AALG_NONE; } switch (alg) { case XF_COMPDEFLATE: encryptalg = SADB_X_CALG_DEFLATE; break; case XF_COMPLZS: encryptalg = SADB_X_CALG_LZS; break; case XF_OTHER_ALG: encryptalg = esp_info->encryptalg; if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: debug: encryptalg=%d\n", progname, encryptalg); } break; default: encryptalg = SADB_EALG_NONE; } /* IE: pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_type == SADB_FLUSH */ if (!(alg == XF_CLR)) { sab.sa_base.sadb_sa_len = 0; sab.sa_base.sadb_sa_exttype = SADB_EXT_SA; sab.sa_base.sadb_sa_spi = htonl(spi); sab.sa_base.sadb_sa_replay = replay_window; sab.sa_base.sadb_sa_state = K_SADB_SASTATE_MATURE; sab.sa_base.sadb_sa_auth = authalg; sab.sa_base.sadb_sa_encrypt = encryptalg; sab.sa_base.sadb_sa_flags = 0; sab.sa_base.sadb_x_sa_ref = IPSEC_SAREF_NULL; sab.sa_base.sadb_x_reserved[0] = 0; sab.sa_base.sadb_x_reserved[1] = 0; sab.sa_base.sadb_x_reserved[2] = 0; sab.sa_base.sadb_x_reserved[3] = 0; error = pfkey_sa_builds(&extensions[SADB_EXT_SA], sab); if (error != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Trouble building sa extension, error=%d.\n", progname, error); pfkey_extensions_free(extensions); exit(1); } if (saref_me || saref_him) { error = pfkey_saref_build(&extensions[ K_SADB_X_EXT_SAREF], saref_me, saref_him); if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Trouble building saref extension, error=%d.\n", progname, error); pfkey_extensions_free(extensions); exit(1); } } if (outif != 0) { error = pfkey_outif_build(&extensions[ SADB_X_EXT_PLUMBIF], outif); if (error != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Trouble building outif extension, error=%d.\n", progname, error); pfkey_extensions_free(extensions); exit(1); } } if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: extensions[0]=0p%p previously set with msg_hdr.\n", progname, extensions[0]); } if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: assembled SA extension, pfkey msg authalg=%d encalg=%d.\n", progname, authalg, encryptalg); } if (debug) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < life_maxsever; i++) { for (j = 0; j < life_maxtype; j++) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: i=%d, j=%d, life_opt[%d][%d]=0p%p, life[%d][%d]=%d\n", progname, i, j, i, j, life_opt[i][j], i, j, life[i][j]); } } } emit_lifetime("lifetime_s", SADB_EXT_LIFETIME_SOFT, extensions, life_opt[life_soft], life[life_soft]); emit_lifetime("lifetime_h", SADB_EXT_LIFETIME_HARD, extensions, life_opt[life_hard], life[life_hard]); if (debug) { ipstr_buf b; fprintf(stdout, "%s: assembling address_s extension (%s).\n", progname, ipstr(&src, &b)); } error = pfkey_address_build(&extensions[SADB_EXT_ADDRESS_SRC], SADB_EXT_ADDRESS_SRC, 0, 0, sockaddrof(&src)); if (error != 0) { ipstr_buf b; fprintf(stderr, "%s: Trouble building address_s extension (%s), error=%d.\n", progname, ipstr(&src, &b), error); pfkey_extensions_free(extensions); exit(1); } error = pfkey_address_build(&extensions[SADB_EXT_ADDRESS_DST], SADB_EXT_ADDRESS_DST, 0, 0, sockaddrof(&edst)); if (error != 0) { ipstr_buf b; fprintf(stderr, "%s: Trouble building address_d extension (%s), error=%d.\n", progname, ipstr(&edst, &b), error); pfkey_extensions_free(extensions); exit(1); } switch (alg) { /* Allow no auth ... after all is local root decision 8) */ case XF_OTHER_ALG: if (!authalg) break; error = pfkey_key_build(&extensions[SADB_EXT_KEY_AUTH], SADB_EXT_KEY_AUTH, authkeylen * 8, authkey); if (error != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Trouble building key_a extension, error=%d.\n", progname, error); pfkey_extensions_free(extensions); exit(1); } if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: key_a extension assembled.\n", progname); } break; default: break; } switch (alg) { case XF_OTHER_ALG: if (enckeylen == 0) { if (debug) fprintf(stdout, "%s: key not provided (NULL alg?).\n", progname); break; } error = pfkey_key_build(&extensions[SADB_EXT_KEY_ENCRYPT], SADB_EXT_KEY_ENCRYPT, enckeylen * 8, enckey); if (error != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Trouble building key_e extension, error=%d.\n", progname, error); pfkey_extensions_free(extensions); exit(1); } if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: key_e extension assembled.\n", progname); } break; default: break; } } if (natt != 0) { bool success; int err; err = pfkey_x_nat_t_type_build(&extensions[ K_SADB_X_EXT_NAT_T_TYPE], natt); success = pfkey_build(err, "pfkey_nat_t_type Add ESP SA", ipsaid_txt, extensions); if (!success) return FALSE; if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "setting natt_type to %d\n", natt); if (sport != 0) { err = pfkey_x_nat_t_port_build( &extensions[K_SADB_X_EXT_NAT_T_SPORT], K_SADB_X_EXT_NAT_T_SPORT, sport); success = pfkey_build(err, "pfkey_nat_t_sport Add ESP SA", ipsaid_txt, extensions); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "setting natt_sport to %d\n", sport); if (!success) return FALSE; } if (dport != 0) { err = pfkey_x_nat_t_port_build( &extensions[K_SADB_X_EXT_NAT_T_DPORT], K_SADB_X_EXT_NAT_T_DPORT, dport); success = pfkey_build(err, "pfkey_nat_t_dport Add ESP SA", ipsaid_txt, extensions); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "setting natt_dport to %d\n", dport); if (!success) return FALSE; } #if 0 /* not yet implemented */ if (natt != 0 && !isanyaddr(&natt_oa)) { ip_str_buf b; success = pfkeyext_address(SADB_X_EXT_NAT_T_OA, &natt_oa, "pfkey_nat_t_oa Add ESP SA", ipsaid_txt, extensions); if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "setting nat_oa to %s\n", ipstr(&natt_oa, &b)); if (!success) return FALSE; } #endif } if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: assembling pfkey msg....\n", progname); } error = pfkey_msg_build(&pfkey_msg, extensions, EXT_BITS_IN); if (error != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Trouble building pfkey message, error=%d.\n", progname, error); pfkey_extensions_free(extensions); pfkey_msg_free(&pfkey_msg); exit(1); } if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: assembled.\n", progname); } if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: writing pfkey msg.\n", progname); } io_error = write(pfkey_sock, pfkey_msg, pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_len * IPSEC_PFKEYv2_ALIGN); if (io_error < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: pfkey write failed (errno=%d): ", progname, errno); pfkey_extensions_free(extensions); pfkey_msg_free(&pfkey_msg); switch (errno) { case EACCES: fprintf(stderr, "access denied. "); if (getuid() == 0) fprintf(stderr, "Check permissions. Should be 600.\n"); else fprintf(stderr, "You must be root to open this file.\n"); break; case EUNATCH: fprintf(stderr, "Netlink not enabled OR KLIPS not loaded.\n"); break; case EBUSY: fprintf(stderr, "KLIPS is busy. Most likely a serious internal error occured in a previous command. Please report as much detail as possible to development team.\n"); break; case EINVAL: fprintf(stderr, "Invalid argument, check kernel log messages for specifics.\n"); break; case ENODEV: fprintf(stderr, "KLIPS not loaded or enabled.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "No device?!?\n"); break; case ENOBUFS: fprintf(stderr, "No kernel memory to allocate SA.\n"); break; case ESOCKTNOSUPPORT: fprintf(stderr, "Algorithm support not available in the kernel. Please compile in support.\n"); break; case EEXIST: fprintf(stderr, "SA already in use. Delete old one first.\n"); break; case ENOENT: fprintf(stderr, "device does not exist. See Libreswan installation procedure.\n"); break; case ENXIO: case ESRCH: fprintf(stderr, "SA does not exist. Cannot delete.\n"); break; case ENOSPC: fprintf(stderr, "no room in kernel SAref table. Cannot process request.\n"); break; case ESPIPE: fprintf(stderr, "kernel SAref table internal error. Cannot process request.\n"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown socket write error %d (%s). Please report as much detail as possible to development team.\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } exit(1); } else if (io_error != (ssize_t)(pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_len * IPSEC_PFKEYv2_ALIGN)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: pfkey write truncated to %d bytes\n", progname, (int)io_error); pfkey_extensions_free(extensions); pfkey_msg_free(&pfkey_msg); exit(1); } if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: pfkey command written to socket.\n", progname); } if (pfkey_msg != NULL) { pfkey_extensions_free(extensions); pfkey_msg_free(&pfkey_msg); } if (debug) { fprintf(stdout, "%s: pfkey message buffer freed.\n", progname); } if (authkey != NULL) { memset(authkey, 0, authkeylen); free(authkey); } if (enckey != NULL) { memset(enckey, 0, enckeylen); free(enckey); } if (iv != NULL) { memset(iv, 0, ivlen); free(iv); } if (listenreply || saref_me || dumpsaref) { ssize_t readlen; unsigned char pfkey_buf[PFKEYv2_MAX_MSGSIZE]; while ((readlen = read(pfkey_sock, pfkey_buf, sizeof(pfkey_buf))) > 0) { struct sadb_ext *extensions[K_SADB_EXT_MAX + 1]; pfkey_extensions_init(extensions); pfkey_msg = (struct sadb_msg *)pfkey_buf; /* first, see if we got enough for an sadb_msg */ if ((size_t)readlen < sizeof(struct sadb_msg)) { if (debug) { printf("%s: runt packet of size: %ld (<%lu)\n", progname, (long)readlen, (unsigned long)sizeof(struct sadb_msg)); } continue; } /* okay, we got enough for a message, print it out */ if (debug) { printf("%s: pfkey v%d msg received. type=%d(%s) seq=%d len=%d pid=%d errno=%d satype=%d(%s)\n", progname, pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_version, pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_type, pfkey_v2_sadb_type_string(pfkey_msg-> sadb_msg_type), pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_seq, pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_len, pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_pid, pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_errno, pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_satype, satype2name(pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_satype)); } if (readlen != (ssize_t)(pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_len * IPSEC_PFKEYv2_ALIGN)) { if (debug) { printf("%s: packet size read from socket=%d doesn't equal sadb_msg_len %u * %u; message not decoded\n", progname, (int)readlen, (unsigned)pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_len, (unsigned)IPSEC_PFKEYv2_ALIGN); } continue; } if (pfkey_msg_parse(pfkey_msg, NULL, extensions, EXT_BITS_OUT)) { if (debug) { printf("%s: unparseable PF_KEY message.\n", progname); } continue; } if (debug) { printf("%s: parseable PF_KEY message.\n", progname); } if ((pid_t)pfkey_msg->sadb_msg_pid == mypid) { if (saref_me || dumpsaref) { struct sadb_x_saref *s = (struct sadb_x_saref *) extensions[ K_SADB_X_EXT_SAREF]; if (s != NULL) { printf("%s: saref=%d/%d\n", progname, s->sadb_x_saref_me, s->sadb_x_saref_him); } } break; } } } (void) close(pfkey_sock); /* close the socket */ if (debug || listenreply) printf("%s: exited normally\n", progname); exit(0); }
static int initiate_a_connection(struct connection *c , void *arg) { struct initiate_stuff *is = (struct initiate_stuff *)arg; int whackfd = is->whackfd; lset_t moredebug = is->moredebug; enum crypto_importance importance = is->importance; int success = 0; set_cur_connection(c); /* turn on any extra debugging asked for */ c->extra_debugging |= moredebug; if (!oriented(*c)) { loglog(RC_ORIENT, "We cannot identify ourselves with either end of this connection."); } else if (NEVER_NEGOTIATE(c->policy)) { loglog(RC_INITSHUNT , "cannot initiate an authby=never connection"); } else if (c->kind != CK_PERMANENT) { if (isanyaddr(&c->spd.that.host_addr)) { #ifdef DYNAMICDNS if (c->dnshostname != NULL) { loglog(RC_NOPEERIP, "cannot initiate connection without resolved dynamic peer IP address, will keep retrying"); success = 1; c->policy |= POLICY_UP; } else #endif loglog(RC_NOPEERIP, "cannot initiate connection without knowing peer IP address (kind=%s)" , enum_show(&connection_kind_names, c->kind)); } else loglog(RC_WILDCARD, "cannot initiate connection with ID wildcards (kind=%s)" , enum_show(&connection_kind_names, c->kind)); } else { /* We will only request an IPsec SA if policy isn't empty * (ignoring Main Mode items). * This is a fudge, but not yet important. * If we are to proceed asynchronously, whackfd will be NULL_FD. */ c->policy |= POLICY_UP; if(c->policy & (POLICY_ENCRYPT|POLICY_AUTHENTICATE)) { struct alg_info_esp *alg = c->alg_info_esp; struct db_sa *phase2_sa = kernel_alg_makedb(c->policy, alg, TRUE); if(alg != NULL && phase2_sa == NULL) { whack_log(RC_NOALGO, "can not initiate: no acceptable kernel algorithms loaded"); reset_cur_connection(); close_any(is->whackfd); return 0; } free_sa(phase2_sa); } { whackfd = dup(whackfd); ipsecdoi_initiate(whackfd, c, c->policy, 1 , SOS_NOBODY, importance , NULL_POLICY ); success = 1; } } reset_cur_connection(); return success; }