Exemplo n.º 1
SEXP CBinIt2(MatrixType x, index_type nr, SEXP pcols,
             SEXP B1addr, SEXP B2addr)

  index_type i, j, k;

  double *pB1 = NUMERIC_DATA(B1addr); 
  double *pB2 = NUMERIC_DATA(B2addr);
  double min1 = pB1[0];
  double min2 = pB2[0];
  double max1 = pB1[1];
  double max2 = pB2[1];
  index_type nbins1 = (index_type) pB1[2];
  index_type nbins2 = (index_type) pB2[2];

  double *cols = NUMERIC_DATA(pcols);
  index_type col1 = (index_type) cols[0] - 1;
  index_type col2 = (index_type) cols[1] - 1;

  int good;
  T *pc1 = x[col1];
  T *pc2 = x[col2];

  SEXP Rret;
  Rret = PROTECT(NEW_NUMERIC(nbins1*nbins2));
  double *ret = NUMERIC_DATA(Rret);

  for (i=0; i<nbins1; i++) {
    for (j=0; j<nbins2; j++) {
      ret[j*nbins1+i] = 0.0;

  for (k=0; k<nr; k++) {
    if ( !isna(pc1[k]) && !isna(pc2[k]) ){
      good = 1;
      if ( (((double)pc1[k])>=min1) && (((double)pc1[k])<=max1) ) {
        i = (index_type) ( nbins1 * (((double)pc1[k])-min1) / (max1-min1) );
        if (i==nbins1) i--;
      } else { good = 0; }
      if ( (((double)pc2[k])>=min2) & (((double)pc2[k])<=max2) ) {
        j = (index_type) ( nbins2 * (((double)pc2[k])-min2) / (max2-min2) );
        if (j==nbins2) j--;
      } else { good = 0; }
      if (good == 1) {
    } // End only do work in there isn't an NA value
  } // End looping over all rows.

Exemplo n.º 2
Rboolean tmean(T *x, index_type n, double *value, Rboolean narm, T NA_VALUE)
  LDOUBLE s = 0.0;
  index_type i;
  Rboolean updated = (Rboolean)TRUE;
  std::size_t naCount=0;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    if (!isna(static_cast<T>(x[i])))
			s += x[i];
    else if (!narm) {
      *value = NA_REAL;
  if (n-naCount > 0) s /= (LDOUBLE)(n-naCount);
  else s = NA_REAL;
  *value = (double) s;

Exemplo n.º 3
Rboolean tprod(T *x, int n, double *value, Rboolean narm, T NA_VALUE)
  bool firstVal=false;
  index_type i;
  Rboolean updated = (Rboolean)FALSE;

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    if (!isna(static_cast<T>(x[i]))) {
      if (!firstVal) 
        s = x[i];
      else s *= x[i];
      if(!updated) updated = (Rboolean)TRUE;
    else if (!narm) {
      if(!updated) updated = (Rboolean)TRUE;
      *value = NA_REAL;
  *value = s;

Exemplo n.º 4
Rboolean tsum(T *x, index_type n, double *value, Rboolean narm, T NA_VALUE)
  index_type i;
  Rboolean updated = (Rboolean)TRUE;
  bool firstValue=false;

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    if (!isna(static_cast<T>(x[i]))) {
      if (!firstValue) 
        s = x[i];
      else s += x[i];
    } else if (!narm) {
      *value = NA_REAL;
  // Note the change from the standard isum, always returning double now.
  *value = s;

Exemplo n.º 5
SEXP CBinIt1(MatrixType x, index_type nr, SEXP pcol, SEXP Baddr)

  index_type i, k;

  double *pB = NUMERIC_DATA(Baddr); 
  double min = pB[0];
  double max = pB[1];
  index_type nbins = (index_type) pB[2];

  index_type col = (index_type) NUMERIC_VALUE(pcol) - 1;

  int good;
  T *pc = x[col];

  SEXP Rret;
  Rret = PROTECT(NEW_NUMERIC(nbins));
  double *ret = NUMERIC_DATA(Rret);

  for (i=0; i<nbins; i++) {
    ret[i] = 0.0;
  for (k=0; k<nr; k++) {
    if ( !isna(pc[k]) ){
      good = 1;
      if ( (((double)pc[k])>=min) && (((double)pc[k])<=max) ) {
        i = (index_type) ( nbins * (((double)pc[k])-min) / (max-min) );
        if (i==(index_type)nbins) i--;
      } else { good = 0; }
      if (good == 1) {
    } // End only do work in there isn't an NA value
  } // End looping over all rows.


Exemplo n.º 6
Rboolean tmax(T *x, index_type n, int *value, Rboolean narm, T NA_VALUE)
  index_type i;
  int s = NA_INTEGER/* -Wall */;
  bool firstVal = false;
  Rboolean updated = (Rboolean)TRUE;

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    if (!isna(static_cast<T>(x[i]))) {
      if (!updated || s < x[i] || !firstVal) {
        s = x[i];
        if(!updated) updated = (Rboolean)TRUE;
        if (!firstVal) firstVal=true;
    } else if (!narm) {
      *value = NA_INTEGER;
  *value = s;
Exemplo n.º 7
Rboolean tvar(T *x, index_type n, double *value, Rboolean narm, T NA_VALUE)
  if (n < 1) 
    *value = NA_REAL;
    return (Rboolean)TRUE;
  tmean(x, n, value, narm, NA_VALUE);
  double avg = *value;
  index_type i;
  Rboolean updated = (Rboolean)TRUE;
  index_type naCount=0;
  double sum=0.0;
  T addNum;
  for (i=0; i < n; ++i) {
    addNum = static_cast<T>(x[i]);
    if (isna(addNum)) {
      if ( (Rboolean)narm == TRUE )
        *value = NA_REAL;
        return updated;
      sum += (static_cast<double>(addNum) - avg) * 
      (static_cast<double>(addNum) - avg);
  if (n-naCount > 1) *value = sum/((double)(n-naCount)-1.0);
  else *value = NA_REAL;

Exemplo n.º 8
RS_PostgreSQL_CopyInDataframe(Con_Handle * conHandle, SEXP x, SEXP nrow, SEXP ncol)
    S_EVALUATOR RS_DBI_connection * con;
    int nr, nc, i, j;
    const char *cna ="\\N", *tmp=NULL /* -Wall */;
    char cdec = '.';

    PGconn *my_connection;
    int pqretcode;
    nr = asInteger(nrow);
    nc = asInteger(ncol);
    const int buff_threshold = 8000;

    con = RS_DBI_getConnection(conHandle);
    my_connection = (PGconn *) con->drvConnection;

    if(isVectorList(x)) { /* A data frame */
        R_StringBuffer rstrbuf = {NULL, 0, 10000};
        char *strBuf  = Calloc(buff_threshold * 2 + 2, char); /* + 2 for '\t' or '\n' plus '\0'*/
        char *strendp = strBuf;
        SEXP *levels;
        *strendp = '\0';

        R_AllocStringBuffer(10000, &rstrbuf);
	/* handle factors internally, check integrity */
	levels = (SEXP *) R_alloc(nc, sizeof(SEXP));
	for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) {
            SEXP xj;
	    xj = VECTOR_ELT(x, j);
	    if(LENGTH(xj) != nr)
		error(("corrupt data frame -- length of column %d does not not match nrows"), j+1);
	    if(inherits(xj, "factor")) {
		levels[j] = getAttrib(xj, R_LevelsSymbol);
	    } else levels[j] = R_NilValue;

	for(i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
	    for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) {
                SEXP xj;
		xj = VECTOR_ELT(x, j);
		if(j > 0){
                    *strendp++ =  '\t';/*need no size count check here*/
		if(isna(xj, i)) tmp = cna;
		else {
		    if(!isNull(levels[j])) {
			/* We cannot assume factors have integer levels */
			if(TYPEOF(xj) == INTSXP){
                            tmp = EncodeElementS(levels[j], INTEGER(xj)[i] - 1,
                                                 &rstrbuf, cdec);
			}else if(TYPEOF(xj) == REALSXP){
                            tmp = EncodeElementS(levels[j], REAL(xj)[i] - 1,
                                                 &rstrbuf, cdec);
			    error("column %s claims to be a factor but does not have numeric codes", j+1);
		    } else {
			tmp = EncodeElementS(xj, i, 
					     &rstrbuf, cdec);
                    size_t n;
                    size_t len = strendp - strBuf;
                    n = strlen(tmp);
                    if (len + n < buff_threshold){
                        memcpy(strendp, tmp, n);/* we already know the length */
                        strendp += n;
                    }else if(n < buff_threshold){ /*copy and flush*/
                        memcpy(strendp, tmp, n);/* we already know the length */
                        pqretcode = PQputCopyData(my_connection, strBuf, len + n);
              	        chkpqcopydataerr(my_connection, pqretcode);
                        strendp = strBuf;
                    }else{ /*flush and copy current*/
                        if(len > 0){
                            pqretcode = PQputCopyData(my_connection, strBuf, len);
                            chkpqcopydataerr(my_connection, pqretcode);
                            strendp = strBuf;
                        pqretcode = PQputCopyData(my_connection, tmp, n);
                        chkpqcopydataerr(my_connection, pqretcode);
            *strendp = '\n'; strendp +=1; *strendp='\0';
        pqretcode = PQputCopyData(my_connection, strBuf, strendp - strBuf);
        chkpqcopydataerr(my_connection, pqretcode);
    PQputCopyEnd(my_connection, NULL);
    return R_NilValue;
Exemplo n.º 9
SEXP writetable(SEXP call, SEXP op, SEXP args, SEXP env)
    SEXP x, sep, rnames, eol, na, dec, quote, xj;
    int nr, nc, i, j, qmethod;
    Rboolean wasopen, quote_rn = FALSE, *quote_col;
    Rconnection con;
    const char *csep, *ceol, *cna, *sdec, *tmp=NULL /* -Wall */;
    char cdec;
    SEXP *levels;
    R_StringBuffer strBuf = {NULL, 0, MAXELTSIZE};
    wt_info wi;
    RCNTXT cntxt;

    args = CDR(args);

    x = CAR(args);		   args = CDR(args);
    /* this is going to be a connection open or openable for writing */
    if(!inherits(CAR(args), "connection"))
	error(_("'file' is not a connection"));
    con = getConnection(asInteger(CAR(args))); args = CDR(args);
	error(_("cannot write to this connection"));
    wasopen = con->isopen;
    if(!wasopen) {
	strcpy(con->mode, "wt");
	if(!con->open(con)) error(_("cannot open the connection"));
    nr = asInteger(CAR(args));	   args = CDR(args);
    nc = asInteger(CAR(args));	   args = CDR(args);
    rnames = CAR(args);		   args = CDR(args);
    sep = CAR(args);		   args = CDR(args);
    eol = CAR(args);		   args = CDR(args);
    na = CAR(args);		   args = CDR(args);
    dec = CAR(args);		   args = CDR(args);
    quote = CAR(args);		   args = CDR(args);
    qmethod = asLogical(CAR(args));

    if(nr == NA_INTEGER) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "nr");
    if(nc == NA_INTEGER) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "nc");
    if(!isNull(rnames) && !isString(rnames))
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "rnames");
    if(!isString(sep)) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "sep");
    if(!isString(eol)) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "eol");
    if(!isString(na)) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "na");
    if(!isString(dec)) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "dec");
    if(qmethod == NA_LOGICAL) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "qmethod");
    csep = translateChar(STRING_ELT(sep, 0));
    ceol = translateChar(STRING_ELT(eol, 0));
    cna = translateChar(STRING_ELT(na, 0));
    sdec = translateChar(STRING_ELT(dec, 0));
    if(strlen(sdec) != 1)
	error(_("'dec' must be a single character"));
    cdec = sdec[0];
    quote_col = (Rboolean *) R_alloc(nc, sizeof(Rboolean));
    for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) quote_col[j] = FALSE;
    for(i = 0; i < length(quote); i++) { /* NB, quote might be NULL */
	int this = INTEGER(quote)[i];
	if(this == 0) quote_rn = TRUE;
	if(this >  0) quote_col[this - 1] = TRUE;
    R_AllocStringBuffer(0, &strBuf);
    wi.savedigits = R_print.digits; R_print.digits = DBL_DIG;/* MAX precision */
    wi.con = con;
    wi.wasopen = wasopen;
    wi.buf = &strBuf;
    begincontext(&cntxt, CTXT_CCODE, call, R_BaseEnv, R_BaseEnv,
		 R_NilValue, R_NilValue);
    cntxt.cend = &wt_cleanup;
    cntxt.cenddata = &wi;

    if(isVectorList(x)) { /* A data frame */

	/* handle factors internally, check integrity */
	levels = (SEXP *) R_alloc(nc, sizeof(SEXP));
	for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) {
	    xj = VECTOR_ELT(x, j);
	    if(LENGTH(xj) != nr)
		error(_("corrupt data frame -- length of column %d does not not match nrows"), j+1);
	    if(inherits(xj, "factor")) {
		levels[j] = getAttrib(xj, R_LevelsSymbol);
	    } else levels[j] = R_NilValue;

	for(i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
	    if(i % 1000 == 999) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
		Rconn_printf(con, "%s%s",
			     EncodeElement2(rnames, i, quote_rn, qmethod,
					    &strBuf, cdec), csep);
	    for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) {
		xj = VECTOR_ELT(x, j);
		if(j > 0) Rconn_printf(con, "%s", csep);
		if(isna(xj, i)) tmp = cna;
		else {
		    if(!isNull(levels[j])) {
			/* We do not assume factors have integer levels,
			   although they should. */
			if(TYPEOF(xj) == INTSXP)
			    tmp = EncodeElement2(levels[j], INTEGER(xj)[i] - 1,
						 quote_col[j], qmethod,
						 &strBuf, cdec);
			else if(TYPEOF(xj) == REALSXP)
			    tmp = EncodeElement2(levels[j], 
						 (int) (REAL(xj)[i] - 1),
						 quote_col[j], qmethod,
						 &strBuf, cdec);
			    error("column %s claims to be a factor but does not have numeric codes", j+1);
		    } else {
			tmp = EncodeElement2(xj, i, quote_col[j], qmethod,
					     &strBuf, cdec);
		    /* if(cdec) change_dec(tmp, cdec, TYPEOF(xj)); */
		Rconn_printf(con, "%s", tmp);
	    Rconn_printf(con, "%s", ceol);

    } else { /* A matrix */

	    UNIMPLEMENTED_TYPE("write.table, matrix method", x);
	/* quick integrity check */
	if(LENGTH(x) != nr * nc)
	    error(_("corrupt matrix -- dims not not match length"));

	for(i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
	    if(i % 1000 == 999) R_CheckUserInterrupt();
		Rconn_printf(con, "%s%s",
			     EncodeElement2(rnames, i, quote_rn, qmethod,
					    &strBuf, cdec), csep);
	    for(j = 0; j < nc; j++) {
		if(j > 0) Rconn_printf(con, "%s", csep);
		if(isna(x, i + j*nr)) tmp = cna;
		else {
		    tmp = EncodeElement2(x, i + j*nr, quote_col[j], qmethod,
					&strBuf, cdec);
		    /* if(cdec) change_dec(tmp, cdec, TYPEOF(x)); */
		Rconn_printf(con, "%s", tmp);
	    Rconn_printf(con, "%s", ceol);

    return R_NilValue;