int KexiRelationsTableFieldList::globalY(const QString &item) { Q3ListViewItem *i = findItem(item, 0); if (!i) return -1; int y = itemRect(i).y() + (itemRect(i).height() / 2); if (contentsY() > itemPos(i)) y = 0; else if (y == 0) y = height(); return mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, y)).y(); }
QRect KexiRelationsTableFieldList::drawItemHighlighter(QPainter *painter, Q3ListViewItem *item) { #ifdef __GNUC__ #warning TODO KexiRelationsTableFieldList::drawItemHighlighter() OK? #endif if (painter) { QStyleOptionFocusRect option; option.initFrom(this); option.rect = itemRect(item); option.state |= QStyle::State_FocusAtBorder; style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_FrameFocusRect, &option, painter, this); } return itemRect(item); }
void SearchInputHighlight::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter painter(this); painter.setPen(SearchInputHighlightLineColor); painter.setBrush(SearchInputHighlightNormalBgColor); painter.drawRect(0, 0, width()-1, height()-1); for (int i = 0; i < m_instruments.count(); i++) { QRect itemRect(1, SearchInputHighlightItemMargin + i*SearchInputHighlightItemHeight, width()-2, SearchInputHighlightItemHeight); if (i == currentIndex()) { painter.fillRect(itemRect, SearchInputHighlightActiveBgColor); painter.setPen(SearchInputHighlightActiveTextColor); } else { painter.setPen(SearchInputHighlightNormalTextColor); } QRect textRect = itemRect; textRect.setLeft(SearchInputHighlightItemMargin); textRect.setRight(width()-SearchInputHighlightItemMargin); painter.drawText(textRect, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, m_instruments[i].name); } }
QRegion PieView::itemRegion(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (!index.isValid()) return QRegion(); if (index.column() != 1) return itemRect(index); if (model()->data(index).toDouble() <= 0.0) return QRegion(); double startAngle = 0.0; for (int row = 0; row < model()->rowCount(rootIndex()); ++row) { QModelIndex sliceIndex = model()->index(row, 1, rootIndex()); double value = model()->data(sliceIndex).toDouble(); if (value > 0.0) { double angle = 360*value/totalValue; if (sliceIndex == index) { QPainterPath slicePath; slicePath.moveTo(totalSize/2, totalSize/2); slicePath.arcTo(margin, margin, margin+pieSize, margin+pieSize, startAngle, angle); slicePath.closeSubpath(); return QRegion(slicePath.toFillPolygon().toPolygon()); } startAngle += angle; } } return QRegion(); }
void LineItem::updateChildGeometry(const QRectF &oldParentRect, const QRectF &newParentRect) { // parent has been resized: update the line's dimensions: // we would like to have lines in terms of relative endpoint locations, // but instead they are in terms of length (relative to parent width) // and angle, relative to the parent. qreal theta = rotationAngle()*M_PI/180.0; qreal oldL = relativeWidth()*oldParentRect.width(); // we want to keep the endpoints fixed relative to the parent, so // we need to calculate new lengths and angles. qreal newDx = cos(theta)*oldL*newParentRect.width()/oldParentRect.width(); qreal newDy = sin(theta)*oldL*newParentRect.height()/oldParentRect.height(); qreal newWidth = sqrt(newDx*newDx + newDy*newDy); QTransform transform; transform.rotate(atan2(newDy, newDx)*180.0/M_PI); // my brain hurts less for rotations when we center the object at 0,0 QRectF itemRect(-newWidth*0.5, -rect().height()*0.5, newWidth, rect().height()); // we don't now what the parents's origin is, so, add .x() and .y() setPos(relativeCenter().x() * newParentRect.width() + newParentRect.x(), relativeCenter().y() * newParentRect.height()+ newParentRect.y()); setViewRect(itemRect, true); setTransform(transform); setRelativeWidth(newWidth / newParentRect.width()); }
void WindowTree::onRenderItem( RenderContext & context, const RectInt & window, PointInt & pos, Item * pItem ) { WindowStyle * pStyle = windowStyle(); ASSERT( pStyle ); Font * pFont = windowStyle()->font(); ASSERT( pFont ); // get the depth of this item int depth = itemDepth( pItem ); // determine the X position based on it's depth pos.x = window.left + (depth * m_Indent); // get the size of the label text SizeInt labelSize( pFont->size( pItem->sLabel ) ); // determine the height of this item int height = (int)(labelSize.height + TREE_ITEM_BUFFER); RectInt itemRect( window.left, pos.y, window.right, pos.y + height ); // check if this item is highlighted or not if ( m_CursorInWindow && itemRect.inRect( m_LastCursorPosition ) ) onHighlight( pItem ); PrimitiveMaterial::push( context.display(), WHITE, PrimitiveMaterial::ALPHA ); if ( pItem->dwFlags & BUTTON ) { bool expanded = (pItem->dwFlags & EXPANDED) != 0; Color backColor( expanded ? pStyle->backColor() * TREE_SHADE_COLOR : pStyle->backColor() ); Color shadeColor( expanded ? pStyle->borderColor() * TREE_LIGHT_COLOR : pStyle->borderColor() * TREE_SHADE_COLOR ); Color lightColor( expanded ? pStyle->borderColor() * TREE_SHADE_COLOR : pStyle->borderColor() * TREE_LIGHT_COLOR ); // render the button pushBackground( context, itemRect, backColor, TREE_BUTTON_STYLE, TREE_BUTTON_BORDER ); pushBorder( context, itemRect, lightColor, shadeColor, TREE_BUTTON_STYLE, TREE_BUTTON_BORDER ); // draw glow around this object if the mouse is currently over this button if ( m_pCursorOver == pItem ) pushGlow( context, itemRect, TREE_GLOW_SIZE, TREE_GLOW_INNER, TREE_GLOW_OUTER, TREE_BUTTON_STYLE, TREE_BUTTON_BORDER ); // place the label in the center of the button PointInt labelPos( - PointInt( labelSize.width / 2, labelSize.height / 2 ) ); // draw the label Font::push( context.display(), pFont, labelPos, pItem->sLabel, pItem->cColor ); } else { if ( m_pSelected == pItem ) pushBackground( context, itemRect, pStyle->highColor(), 0, 0 ); if ( m_pCursorOver == pItem ) pushGlow( context, itemRect, TREE_GLOW_SIZE, TREE_GLOW_INNER, TREE_GLOW_OUTER, 0, 0 ); PointInt labelPos( pos.x, (int)(pos.y + (TREE_ITEM_BUFFER / 2)) ); // render the label text` Font::push( context.display(), pFont, labelPos, pItem->sLabel, pItem->cColor ); } // move y down pos.y += (int)(height + WINDOW_TREE_SPACING); }
/// /// PAINTING FUNCTIONS /// void XProcessTablePrivate::drawBackground(QPainter *painter) { painter->save(); painter->setPen(XPT::Color::PenColor); int initY = 0; int counter = 0; while(initY < height()) { if(counter++ % 2 == 0) { painter->setBrush(XPT::Color::LightColor); } else { painter->setBrush(XPT::Color::DarkColor); } QRect itemRect(QPoint(0,initY),QPoint(width(),initY + XPT::Constant::RowHeight)); painter->drawRect(itemRect); // increment initY initY += XPT::Constant::RowHeight; } painter->restore(); }
void WaterfallImageRenderer::layout() { if (!m_image || m_image->size().isEmpty()) { return; } const QSize &itemSize = GlobalConfig::instance()->galleryItemSize(); const QSize &imageSize = m_image->size(); qreal imageWidth = itemSize.width() - 2 * WaterfallImageRenderer::PADDING; qreal factor = imageWidth / imageSize.width(); qreal imageHeight = imageSize.height() * factor; m_imageRect.setSize(QSize(imageWidth, imageHeight)); m_imageRect.moveTo( WaterfallImageRenderer::PADDING, WaterfallImageRenderer::PADDING ); m_borderRect.setSize(m_imageRect.size() + QSize(2 * WaterfallImageRenderer::BORDER, 2 * WaterfallImageRenderer::BORDER)); m_borderRect.moveTo(m_imageRect.topLeft() - QPoint(WaterfallImageRenderer::BORDER, WaterfallImageRenderer::BORDER)); QRect itemRect(0, 0, m_imageRect.width() + 2 * WaterfallImageRenderer::PADDING, m_imageRect.height() + 2 * WaterfallImageRenderer::PADDING ); m_boundingRect = itemRect; }
QList<quint32> MainView2D::selectFixturesRect(QRectF rect) { QList<quint32>fxList; if (rect.width() == 0 || rect.height() == 0) return fxList; QMap<quint32, QQuickItem *>::const_iterator i = m_itemsMap.constBegin(); while (i != m_itemsMap.constEnd()) { QQuickItem *fxItem = i.value(); qreal itemXPos = fxItem->property("x").toReal(); qreal itemYPos = fxItem->property("y").toReal(); qreal itemWidth = fxItem->property("width").toReal(); qreal itemHeight = fxItem->property("height").toReal(); QRectF itemRect(itemXPos, itemYPos, itemWidth, itemHeight); qDebug() << "Rect:" << rect << "itemRect:" << itemRect; if (rect.contains(itemRect)) { if (fxItem->property("isSelected").toBool() == false) { fxItem->setProperty("isSelected", true); fxList.append(i.key()); } } ++i; } return fxList; }
void DirContent::new_dir() { cout << "DirContentView new_dir" << endl; char *fn="new_dir"; if(fn) { DirContentViewItem *i=new DirContentViewItem(this,fn); //ensureItemVisible(item); //FOListView::rename_item(item); le_ = new RenameLineEdit(this); int header_height = header()->height(); header_height =0; QRect r = itemRect(i); r.setTop( + frameWidth() + 1 + header_height + 20); r.setBottom( r.bottom() + frameWidth() + header_height + 20); r.setLeft( r.left() + cal_step_size(i)); le_->setGeometry( r ); le_->setText("abc"); le_->setFocus(); le_->show(); } }
QModelIndex ImageView::indexAt(const QPoint &point) const { if (!model()) return QModelIndex(); // Transform the view coordinates into contents widget coordinates. int wx = point.x() + horizontalScrollBar()->value(); int wy = point.y() + verticalScrollBar()->value(); int rows = model()->rowCount(); QRect rect = itemRect(model()->index(0,0)); int itemWidth = rect.width(); int itemHeight = rect.height(); int nx = wx / itemWidth; int ny = wy / itemHeight; if (nx>m_columns) return QModelIndex(); int c = ny*m_columns+nx; if (c>rows) return QModelIndex(); return model()->index(c,0); }
void ListBox::addItem(string text, glm::vec2 textureSize, glm::vec3 color, GLuint texID) { int index = m_items.size(); int offset_x = m_rect.x + m_curColNum * m_itemWidth; int offset_y = m_rect.y + m_curRowNum * m_itemHeight; Rect itemRect(offset_x, offset_y, m_itemWidth, m_itemHeight); Rect modelRect; modelRect.x = itemRect.x + (itemRect.w - textureSize.x) * 0.5; modelRect.y = itemRect.y + (itemRect.h - textureSize.y) * 0.33; modelRect.w = textureSize.x; modelRect.h = textureSize.y; ListBoxItem item(text, textureSize, itemRect, modelRect, color, texID); m_items.push_back(item); if(m_curColNum == m_colNum-1) { m_curRowNum++; m_curColNum = 0; } else m_curColNum++; }
void CFeedIcoItemListCtrl::OnLvnHotTrack(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { // vista+ 系统的经典主题和vista-系统的 必须要加此消息 if (thePrefs.GetWindowsVersion() >= _WINVER_VISTA_ && IsThemeEnabled()) return; LPNMLISTVIEW pNMLV = reinterpret_cast<LPNMLISTVIEW>(pNMHDR); // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here *pResult = 0; int nCurrentHotItemIndex = GetHotItem(); if (nCurrentHotItemIndex == m_nLastHotItemIndex) return; if (-1 != nCurrentHotItemIndex) {// move into the hot item m_nLastHotItemIndex = nCurrentHotItemIndex; } else {// move out of the hot item nCurrentHotItemIndex = m_nLastHotItemIndex; m_nLastHotItemIndex = -1; } CRect itemRect(0,0,0,0); GetItemRect(nCurrentHotItemIndex, &itemRect, LVIR_BOUNDS); InvalidateRect(&itemRect); }
void FOListView::rename_item(QListViewItem *i) { if (le_==0) { le_ = new RenameLineEdit(this); connect(le_, SIGNAL(lost_focus()), this, SLOT(rename())); } rename_item_=(FOListViewItem *)i; qDebug("in rename_item(QListViewItem *i)"); int header_height = header()->height(); QRect r = itemRect(i); r.setTop( + frameWidth() + 1 + header_height); r.setBottom( r.bottom() + frameWidth() + header_height); r.setLeft( r.left() + cal_step_size(i)); //r.setWidth( current( 0 ) ); ensureItemVisible(i); horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(0); horizontalScrollBar()->setEnabled(false); verticalScrollBar()->setEnabled(false); le_->setGeometry( r ); QString fn=i->text(0); if (fn[fn.length()-1]=='/') fn.remove(fn.length()-1,1); le_->setText(fn); le_->selectAll(); le_->show(); le_->setFocus(); }
void MapBG::Render(Draw* w) { if (_currLevel < 0 || _currLevel >= _levels.GetCount() || !GetTopRender()) return; MipMapLevel& level = _levels[_currLevel]; Point offset = GetTopRender()->GetPageOffset(); Rect page = GetTopRender()->GetPageRect(); Point lt = GetTopRender()->GetPagePos(); for (int i = 0; i < level.GetMipMaps().GetCount(); ++i) { Rect itemRect(level.GetMipMaps().GetKey(i), level.GetBlockSize()); if (page.Intersects(itemRect)) if (level.GetMipMaps()[i]) { level.GetMipMaps()[i] ->Render(w, itemRect .Offseted(-lt) .Offseted(offset)); } } IMapRender::Render(w); }
void SelectProjectScreen::openProjectGui() { Gui::label(Rect(centerPanel.x + PADDING, centerPanel.y + PADDING, 300, 30), "Select project to open:"); if(Gui::button(Rect(centerPanel.x + centerPanel.width - 100 - PADDING, centerPanel.y + centerPanel.height - 25 - PADDING, 100, 25), "Open") == true) { openButtonClicked(); } int yPad = 50; Rect selectRect(centerPanel.x + PADDING, centerPanel.y + yPad, centerPanel.width - (PADDING * 2), centerPanel.height - (yPad * 2)); Gui::box(selectRect, ""); for(int i = 0; i < projects.size(); i++) { Rect itemRect(selectRect.x, selectRect.y + (20 * i), selectRect.width, 20); if( == selectedProject) { Gui::box(itemRect,; } else { Gui::label(itemRect,; } if(Input::getMouseButtonDown(0) == true && itemRect.contains(Input::getMousePosition()) == true) { selectedProject =; } } }
void tst_QGraphicsEffect::boundingRect() { // No source; empty bounding rect. CustomEffect *effect = new CustomEffect; QCOMPARE(effect->boundingRect(), QRectF()); // Install effect on QGraphicsItem. QRectF itemRect(0, 0, 100, 100); QGraphicsRectItem *item = new QGraphicsRectItem; item->setRect(itemRect); item->setGraphicsEffect(effect); int margin = effect->margin(); QCOMPARE(effect->boundingRect(), itemRect.adjusted(-margin, -margin, margin, margin)); QCOMPARE(effect->boundingRect(), effect->boundingRectFor(itemRect)); // Make sure disabling/enabling the effect doesn't change the bounding rect. effect->setEnabled(false); QCOMPARE(effect->boundingRect(), itemRect.adjusted(-margin, -margin, margin, margin)); QCOMPARE(effect->boundingRect(), effect->boundingRectFor(itemRect)); effect->setEnabled(true); QCOMPARE(effect->boundingRect(), itemRect.adjusted(-margin, -margin, margin, margin)); QCOMPARE(effect->boundingRect(), effect->boundingRectFor(itemRect)); // Change effect margins. effect->setMargin(margin = 20); QCOMPARE(effect->boundingRect(), itemRect.adjusted(-margin, -margin, margin, margin)); QCOMPARE(effect->boundingRect(), effect->boundingRectFor(itemRect)); // Uninstall effect on QGraphicsItem. QPointer<CustomEffect> ptr = effect; item->setGraphicsEffect(0); QVERIFY(!ptr); delete item; }
void PropertyEditor::showDefaultsButton(bool show) { int y = viewportToContents(QPoint(0, itemRect(m_editItem).y())).y(); QRect geometry(columnWidth(0), y, columnWidth(1), m_editItem->height()); m_defaults->resize(m_baseRowHeight, m_baseRowHeight); if (!show) { if (m_currentEditor) { if (m_currentEditor->leavesTheSpaceForRevertButton()) { geometry.setWidth(geometry.width() - m_defaults->width()); } m_currentEditor->resize(geometry.width(), geometry.height()); } m_defaults->hide(); return; } QPoint p = contentsToViewport(QPoint(0, geometry.y())); m_defaults->move(geometry.x() + geometry.width() - m_defaults->width(), p.y()); if (m_currentEditor) { m_currentEditor->move(m_currentEditor->x(), p.y()); m_currentEditor->resize(geometry.width() - m_defaults->width(), geometry.height()); } m_defaults->show(); }
void CFeedIcoItemListCtrl::DrawItems(CDC & dcMem, const CRect & rectClip, const CRect & rectClient) { //CImageList* pImgList = GetImageList(LVSIL_NORMAL); CFont * pListFont = GetFont(); dcMem.SelectObject(pListFont); dcMem.SetTextColor(RGB(0,0,0)); CRect itemRect(0,0,0,0); CString strTaskName; int nItemCount = GetItemCount() - 1; int nHoverIndex = GetHotItem();//Hover for ( ; nItemCount >= 0; nItemCount-- ) { int nItemIndex = nItemCount; GetItemRect(nItemIndex, &itemRect, LVIR_BOUNDS); CRect rtIntersect; rtIntersect.IntersectRect(rectClip,itemRect); if (rtIntersect.IsRectEmpty())//判断此ITEM是否在重绘区域内,不在的话则直接continue continue; CRect rectPoster;//封面RECT GetItemRect(nItemIndex, &rectPoster, LVIR_ICON); //绘制海报 if( nHoverIndex == nItemIndex || GetItemState(nItemIndex, ODA_SELECT) == ODA_SELECT ) {//Hover if (m_imageRss_PosterSelBg) m_imageRss_PosterSelBg->Draw(dcMem.m_hDC, rectPoster.left + 11, - 8); } else {//Normal if (m_imageRss_PosterBg) m_imageRss_PosterBg->Draw(dcMem.m_hDC, rectPoster.left + 15, - 4); } CRssFeed* pFeed = (CRssFeed*)GetItemData(nItemIndex); if (pFeed->m_pPosterImage)//绘制海报 pFeed->m_pPosterImage->Draw(dcMem.m_hDC, rectPoster.left + 20, + 1); else if (m_imageRss_PosterDefault)//绘制默认海报 m_imageRss_PosterDefault->Draw(dcMem.m_hDC, rectPoster.left + 20, + 1); //strTaskName = pFeed->m_strTitle; strTaskName = GetItemText(nItemCount, 0); CRect rectNameStr;//宽度146 GetItemRect(nItemIndex, &rectNameStr, LVIR_LABEL); rectNameStr.OffsetRect(0,5);//拉开标题和Poster的距离 dcMem.DrawText(strTaskName, -1, &rectNameStr, DT_CENTER | DT_WORDBREAK ); //if (pImgList) // pImgList->Draw(&MemDC,nItem,CPoint(itemRect.left+5,,ILD_TRANSPARENT); } }
void ImageView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { //QItemSelectionModel *selections = selectionModel(); QStyleOptionViewItem option = viewOptions(); //QStyle::State state = option.state; //QBrush background = option.palette.base(); QPen foreground(option.palette.color(QPalette::WindowText)); //QBrush highlight(option.palette.color(QPalette::Highlight)); //p.fillRect(event->rect(),background); if (!model()) return; QPainter p(viewport()); int n = model()->rowCount(); p.translate(-horizontalOffset(),-verticalOffset()); for (int i=0;i<n;i++) { QModelIndex index = model()->index(i,0); QRect rect = itemRect(index); p.setPen(foreground); //p.drawRect(rect); QVariant decoration = model()->data(index,Qt::DecorationRole); if (decoration.type() == QVariant::Pixmap) { QPixmap pixmap = qvariant_cast<QPixmap>(decoration); if (!pixmap.isNull()) { QSize pixmapSize = pixmap.size(); QSize itemSize = rect.size(); pixmapSize.scale(itemSize,Qt::KeepAspectRatio); QSize rest = (itemSize - pixmapSize)/2; QRect pixmapRect(QPoint(rest.width(),rest.height()),pixmapSize); pixmapRect.translate(rect.topLeft()); p.drawPixmap(pixmapRect,pixmap); } } if (index == currentIndex()) { QColor color(option.palette.color(QPalette::Highlight)); color.setAlpha(100); p.fillRect(rect,color); } //qDebug() << rect << foreground.color() << background.color(); //p.drawText(rect,Qt::AlignCenter,QString::number(i)); } event->accept(); }
void PropertyEditor::createEditor(PropertyEditorItem * i) { int y = viewportToContents(QPoint(0, itemRect(i).y())).y(); QRect geometry(columnWidth(0), y, columnWidth(1), i->height()); delete m_currentEditor; m_editItem = i; PropertySubEditor *editor = 0; switch (i->type()) { case Variant::Type::String: editor = new PropertyEditorInput(viewport(), i->property()); break; case Variant::Type::Port: case Variant::Type::Pin: case Variant::Type::Combo: case Variant::Type::VarName: case Variant::Type::Select: case Variant::Type::PenStyle: case Variant::Type::PenCapStyle: case Variant::Type::SevenSegment: case Variant::Type::KeyPad: editor = new PropertyEditorList(viewport(), i->property()); break; case Variant::Type::FileName: editor = new PropertyEditorFile(viewport(), i->property()); break; case Variant::Type::Int: editor = new PropertyEditorSpin(viewport(), i->property()); break; case Variant::Type::Double: editor = new PropertyEditorDblSpin(viewport(), i->property()); break; case Variant::Type::Color: editor = new PropertyEditorColor(viewport(), i->property()); break; case Variant::Type::Bool: editor = new PropertyEditorBool(viewport(), i->property()); break; case Variant::Type::Raw: case Variant::Type::Multiline: case Variant::Type::RichText: case Variant::Type::None: break; } if (editor) { addChild(editor); moveChild(editor, geometry.x(), geometry.y()); editor->show(); editor->setFocus(); } m_currentEditor = editor; showDefaultsButton(i->property()->changed()); }
QRect LinearView::itemViewportRect(const QModelIndex &index) const { QRect rect = itemRect(index); QRect result(rect.left() - horizontalScrollBar()->value(), - verticalScrollBar()->value(), rect.width(), viewport()->height()); return result; }
QRect PieView::visualRect(const QModelIndex &index) const { QRect rect = itemRect(index); if (rect.isValid()) return QRect(rect.left() - horizontalScrollBar()->value(), - verticalScrollBar()->value(), rect.width(), rect.height()); else return rect; }
void VariableTree::maybeTip(const QPoint &p) { VarItem * item = dynamic_cast<VarItem*>( itemAt(p) ); if (item != 0) { QRect r = itemRect(item); if (r.isValid()) { tip(r, item->tipText()); } } }
void LogListView::slotQueryToolTip(const QPoint& viewportPos, QRect& viewportRect, QString& text) { if (const LogListViewItem* item = static_cast<LogListViewItem*>(itemAt(viewportPos))) { viewportRect = itemRect(item); text = item->m_logInfo.createToolTipText(); } }
int KexiRelationsTableFieldList::globalY(const QString &item) { QAbstractItemModel *themodel = model(); QModelIndex idx; for (int i = 0; i < themodel->rowCount(); ++i) { idx = themodel->index(i, 0); QVariant data = themodel->data(idx); if (data.toString() == item) { break; } } if (idx.isValid()) { QRect r = this->rectForIndex(idx); int y = r.y() + r.height()/2; //Not sure what this line is supposed to it to check if the item is visible? if (visualRect(idx).y() > viewport()->height()) { y = 0; } else if (y == 0) { y = height(); } return mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, y)).y(); } return -1; #if 0 QModelIndexList list = themodel->match() Q3ListViewItem *i = findItem(item, 0); if (!i) return -1; int y = itemRect(i).y() + (itemRect(i).height() / 2); if (contentsY() > itemPos(i)) y = 0; else if (y == 0) y = height(); return mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, y)).y(); #endif }
void CardView::tryShowFullText() { d->mTimer->stop(); // if we have an item QPoint cpos = viewportToContents( viewport()->mapFromGlobal( QCursor::pos() ) ); CardViewItem *item = itemAt( cpos ); if ( item ) { // query it for a value to display QPoint ipos = cpos - itemRect( item ).topLeft(); item->showFullString( ipos, d->mTip ); } }
void TEnhancedListBox :: DrawItem ( DRAWITEMSTRUCT far & drawInfo ) { char table [100] ; /* buffer de travail */ TDC drawDC(drawInfo.hDC); /* zones de dessin */ TRect itemRect(drawInfo.rcItem.left,,drawInfo.rcItem.right,drawInfo.rcItem.bottom); TRect BaseRect = itemRect ; char * pchar ; bool useinvert = ( drawInfo. itemState & ODS_SELECTED ) ; if ( drawInfo. itemID >= Nb_display ) return ; if ( ! boolpopup ) /* redimensionnement ? */ { TRect deplace ; boolpopup = TRUE ; Parent -> GetWindowRect ( deplace ) ; /* basee sur le parent */ deplace. right -= deplace. left ; deplace. left = -1 ; deplace. bottom -= deplace. top ; deplace. top = -1 ; deplace. right += GetSystemMetrics ( SM_CXVSCROLL ) ; /* cache scroller */ MoveWindow ( deplace, TRUE ) ; } TListBox :: GetString ( table, drawInfo. itemID ) ; drawDC. FillRect ( itemRect, TBrush ( TColor ( ::GetSysColor ( useinvert ? COLOR_HIGHLIGHT : COLOR_WINDOW ) ) ) ) ; if ( useinvert ) { SetTextColor ( drawDC, GetSysColor ( COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT ) ) ; SetBkColor ( drawDC, GetSysColor ( COLOR_HIGHLIGHT ) ) ; } else { SetTextColor ( drawDC, GetSysColor ( COLOR_WINDOWTEXT ) ) ; SetBkColor ( drawDC, GetSysColor ( COLOR_WINDOW ) ) ; } itemRect. left += 3 ; /* écriture formatée */ drawDC. DrawText ( table , -1, itemRect, DT_VCENTER ) ; itemRect. left += x1 ; pchar = memo [ base_display + drawInfo. itemID ] ; while ( * pchar && * pchar != ' ' && * pchar != '\t' ) pchar ++ ; while ( * pchar == ' ' || * pchar == '\t' ) pchar ++ ; if ( * pchar ) drawDC. DrawText( pchar , -1, itemRect, DT_VCENTER ) ; }
void CurrentFrameGraphicsItem::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* /*option*/, QWidget* /*widget*/) { QRectF itemRect(boundingRect().x()+1, boundingRect().y()+1, boundingRect().width()-1, boundingRect().height()-1); QLinearGradient gradient(0,0,0, itemRect.height() ); gradient.setSpread(QGradient::ReflectSpread); gradient.setColorAt(0.0, Qt::green); gradient.setColorAt(1.0, Qt::green); QBrush brush(gradient); painter->setBrush(gradient); painter->setOpacity(0.5); painter->drawRect(itemRect); setVisible(true); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TBool CMmGridContainer::ItemIsVisible( TInt aItemIndex ) const { CListBoxView* v = iGrid->View(); TRect itemRect( v->ItemPos( aItemIndex ), v->ItemSize( aItemIndex ) ); TRect viewRect = v->ViewRect(); TBool isVisible = EFalse; if ( itemRect.Intersects( viewRect ) ) { TRect intersection = itemRect; intersection.Intersection( viewRect ); isVisible = intersection.Height() > 1 && intersection.Width() > 1; } return isVisible; }