Exemplo n.º 1
feedlist_selection_changed (nodePtr node)
	debug_enter ("feedlist_selection_changed");

	debug1 (DEBUG_GUI, "new selected node: %s", node?node_get_title (node):"none");
	if (node != SELECTED) {

		/* When the user selects a feed in the feed list we
		   assume that he got notified of the new items or
		   isn't interested in the event anymore... */
		if (0 != feedlist->priv->newCount)
			feedlist_reset_new_item_count ();

		/* Unload visible items. */
		itemlist_unload (TRUE);
		/* Load items of new selected node. */
		SELECTED = node;
		if (SELECTED) {
			itemlist_set_view_mode (node_get_view_mode (SELECTED));		
			itemlist_load (SELECTED);
		} else {
			itemview_clear ();

	debug_exit ("feedlist_selection_changed");
Exemplo n.º 2
 * The "Hide read items" button has been clicked. Here we change the
 * preference and, if the selected node is a folder, we reload the
 * itemlist. The item selection is lost by this.
on_folderhidereadbtn_toggled (GtkToggleButton *togglebutton, gpointer user_data)
    nodePtr		displayedNode;
    gboolean	enabled;

    displayedNode = itemlist_get_displayed_node ();

    enabled = gtk_toggle_button_get_active (togglebutton);
    conf_set_bool_value (FOLDER_DISPLAY_HIDE_READ, enabled);

    if (displayedNode && IS_FOLDER (displayedNode)) {
        itemlist_unload (FALSE);
        itemlist_load (displayedNode);

        /* Note: For simplicity when toggling this preference we
           accept that the current item selection is lost. */