Exemplo n.º 1
countcat(int *tags, int n,int *ncat,int nclass)
/* simple frequency count of integer array */

    int i, k;
    ivzero(ncat, nclass) ;
    for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++)  {
        k = tags[i] ;
        if ( (k<0) || (k >= nclass))
            fatalx("(countcat) bounds error\n") ;
        ++ncat[k] ;
Exemplo n.º 2
void ransamp(int *samp, int nsamp, double *p, int plen) 
 pick nsamp elements from random distribution 
 uses randis but array is at least sorted optimally 
    double *px ;  
    int *indx ;
    double y ;
    int i, j, k ;

    if (plen<=1) { 
     ivzero(samp, nsamp) ;
     return ;

    ZALLOC(px, plen, double) ;
    ZALLOC(indx, plen, int) ;

    y = asum(p, plen) ;
    vst(px, p, -1.0/y, plen) ;       
    sortit(px, indx, plen) ;
    vst(px, px, -1.0, plen) ;

    for (i=0; i<nsamp; i++) {  
 really need binary chop picker 
     j = randis(px, plen) ;
     if (j<0) {  
      for (k=0; k<plen; k++) {  
       printf("zz %d %d %12.6f  %12.6f\n",k, indx[k], p[k], px[k]) ;
      fatalx("bad ransamp\n") ;
     k = indx[j] ;  
     samp[i] = k ;

    free (px) ;
    free (indx) ;

Exemplo n.º 3
int main() 
  int n=50,  m=16, a=5  ;
  int k, t, iter ;
  int hist[100] ;
  double y  ;

  ivzero(hist, 100) ;
  for (iter =1 ; iter <= 10000; ++iter) { 
   t = ranhprob(n, a, m) ;
   ++hist[t] ;
  for (k=0; k<=a ; ++k) { 
   y = exp(loghprob(n, a, m, k)) ;
   printf("%3d %3d %9.3f\n", k, hist[k], y) ;

Exemplo n.º 4
void ranmultinom(int *samp, int n, double *p, int len) 
// multinomial sample p is prob dist  n samples returned
// work is O(len^2) which is silly 
  int x ;
  double *pp ;

  if (len==0) return ;   
  ivzero(samp, len) ;
  if (n<=0) return ;

   if (len==1)  { 
    samp[0] = n ;
    return ;

   ZALLOC(pp, len, double) ;
   copyarr(p, pp, len) ;
   bal1(pp, len) ;

   samp[0] = x = ranbinom(n, pp[0]) ;
   ranmultinom(samp+1, n-x, p+1, len-1) ;
   free(pp) ;
double unbiasedest(int *ndx, int ndsize, int **counts) 
 ndx is ndsize array containing small integers coding pop index of each bracket (pop0 assumed)
 thus ndsize = 4   ndx = (1,1,1,1) codes (p_0-p_1)^4  
 thus ndsize = 4   ndx = (1,1,2,3) codes (p_0-p_1)^2  (p_0-p_2)  (p_0-p_3)

 counts [][] is integer array containing   counts[k][0] is count for variant allele for pop k
                                           counts[k][1] is count for reference allele for pop k

  double xtop, xbot, yest, y ;  
  int popind[20] ;
  int popmax, j, k, n, nmax, a, t, s ;
  int *tcounts ; 
  double **xmomest, yp ;

  ivmaxmin(ndx, ndsize, &popmax, NULL)  ;  
  //printf("popmax: %d\n", popmax) ;
  ZALLOC(tcounts, popmax+1, int) ;

  for (j=0; j <= popmax; ++j)  { 
   tcounts[j] = counts[j][0] + counts[j][1] ;

/** unbiased estimate of p_j^k */
  xmomest = initarray_2Ddouble(popmax+1, ndsize, 0.0) ;
  for (j=0; j<= popmax; ++j)  {
    xmomest[j][0] = 1.0 ;
   for (k=1; k<=ndsize; ++k)   { 
    xtop = ifall(counts[j][0], k) ;
    xbot = ifall(tcounts[j], k) ;
    if (xbot <= 0.1)  xmomest[j][k] = -10000.0 ; 
    else xmomest[j][k] = (double)  xtop / (double) xbot ;
    //printf("zz %3d %3d %9.3f\n", j, k, xmomest[j][k] ) ;
  nmax = (1<<(ndsize)) -1 ;
  yest = 0.0 ;
//printf("nmax: %d\n", nmax) ;

  for (n=0; n<= nmax; ++n) { 
   t = n ;
   ivzero(popind, popmax+1) ;
   for (k=0; k<ndsize; ++k) {
    a = 0 ; 
    s = t & 1 ;  
    t = t >> 1 ;
    if (s==1) a = ndx[k] ; 
    ++popind[a] ;
   yp = 1.0 ;
   for (j=0; j<=popmax; ++j) {  
    t = popind[j] ;  
    s = 0 ; if (j>0) s = t % 2 ;  // flags sign 
    y = xmomest[j][t] ;  

    if (y < -1.0) { 
     free(tcounts) ;
     free2D(&xmomest, popmax+1) ;
     return (-10000.0) ;

    if (s==1) y = -y ;
    yp *=  y ;
   //printf(" %12.6f ", yp) ;
   //printimat(popind, 1, popmax+1) ; 
   yest += yp ;

  if (fabs(yest) >= 100) yest = -10000 ;

  free(tcounts) ;
  free2D(&xmomest, popmax+1) ;
  return (yest) ;

Exemplo n.º 6
double fstcol(double *estn, double *estd, SNP *cupt, 
  int *xindex, int *xtypes, int nrows, int type1, int type2) 
   int c1[2], c2[2], *cc ;
   int *rawcol ;
   int k, g, i ; 
   double ya, yb, yaa, ybb, p1, p2, en, ed ;
   double z, zz, h1, h2, yt ;
   int **ccc ;
   static int ncall = 0 ;

   ++ncall ; 
   ccc = initarray_2Dint(nrows, 2, 0) ;
   ZALLOC(rawcol, nrows, int) ;

   getrawcolx(ccc, cupt, xindex, nrows, indivmarkers)  ;
   getrawcol(rawcol, cupt, xindex, nrows) ;                 

   ivzero(c1, 2) ;
   ivzero(c2, 2) ;

   for (i=0; i< nrows; i++)  { 
    k = xtypes[i] ;
    cc = NULL ;
    if (k==type1) cc = c1 ; 
    if (k==type2) cc = c2 ; 
    if (cc == NULL) continue ;
    g = ccc[i][0] ;
    if (ncall < 1000)  { 
//    printf("zz %d  %d %d\n", rawcol[i], ccc[i][0], ccc[i][1]) ;
    if (g<0) continue ;  
    ivvp(cc, cc, ccc[i], 2) ;

   if (ncall < 0)  {
    printf("qqq\n") ;
    printimat(c1, 1, 2) ;
    printimat(c2, 1, 2) ;

   ya = c1[0] ;
   yb = c1[1] ;
   yaa = c2[0] ;
   ybb = c2[1] ;
   z = ya + yb ;
   zz = yaa+ybb ;
   if ((z<1.1) || (zz<1.1)) { 
    *estn = 0.0 ;
    *estd = -1.0 ;
    free(rawcol) ;
    free2Dint(&ccc, nrows) ;
    return 0.0;

   yt = ya+yb ;
   p1 = ya/yt ;       
   h1 = ya*yb/(yt*(yt-1.0)) ;

   yt = yaa+ybb ;
   p2 = yaa/yt ;         
   h2 = yaa*ybb/(yt*(yt-1.0)) ;

   en = (p1-p2)*(p1-p2) ;  
   en -= h1/z ; 
   en -= h2/zz ; 
   ed = en ; 
   ed += h1 ; 
   ed += h2 ;

   *estn = en ; 
   *estd = ed ; 

   free(rawcol) ;
   free2Dint(&ccc, nrows) ;
   return z + zz ;

Exemplo n.º 7
double oldfstcol(double *estn, double *estd, SNP *cupt, 
  int *xindex, int *xtypes, int nrows, int type1, int type2) 
   int c1[2], c2[2], *cc ;
   int *rawcol ;
   int k, g, i ; 
   double ya, yb, yaa, ybb, p1, p2, en, ed ;
   double z, zz, h1, h2, yt ;
   static int ncall = 0; 

   ++ncall ;
   ZALLOC(rawcol, nrows, int) ;

   getrawcol(rawcol, cupt, xindex, nrows)  ;

   ivzero(c1, 2) ;
   ivzero(c2, 2) ;

   for (i=0; i< nrows; i++)  { 
    k = xtypes[i] ;
    cc = NULL ;
    if (k==type1) cc = c1 ; 
    if (k==type2) cc = c2 ; 
    if (cc == NULL) continue ;
    g = rawcol[i] ;
    if (g<0) continue ;  
    cc[0] += g ; 
    cc[1] += 2-g ;
   if (ncall < 0) {
    printf("qq2\n") ;
    printimat(c1, 1, 2) ;
    printimat(c2, 1, 2) ;

   ya = c1[0] ;
   yb = c1[1] ;
   yaa = c2[0] ;
   ybb = c2[1] ;
   z = ya + yb ;
   zz = yaa+ybb ;
   if ((z<0.1) || (zz<0.1)) { 
    *estn = 0.0 ;
    *estd = -1.0 ;
    free(rawcol) ;
    return 0.0;

   yt = ya+yb ;
   p1 = ya/yt ;       
   h1 = ya*yb/(yt*(yt-1.0)) ;

   yt = yaa+ybb ;
   p2 = yaa/yt ;         
   h2 = yaa*ybb/(yt*(yt-1.0)) ;

   en = (p1-p2)*(p1-p2) ;  
   en -= h1/z ; 
   en -= h2/zz ; 
   ed = en ; 
   ed += h1 ; 
   ed += h2 ;

   *estn = en ; 
   *estd = ed ; 

   free(rawcol) ;
   return z + zz ;

Exemplo n.º 8
dotpops(double *X, char **eglist, int numeg, int *xtypes, int nrows) 
      double *pp, *npp, val, yy ;
      int *popsize ;
      int i, j, k1, k2 ;

     if (fstonly) return ;
     ZALLOC(pp, numeg * numeg, double) ;
     ZALLOC(npp, numeg * numeg, double) ;
     popsize = xpopsize; 

     ivzero(popsize, numeg) ;

     for (i=0; i<nrows; i++) { 
      k1 = xtypes[i] ;
      ++popsize[k1] ;
      for (j=i+1; j<nrows; j++) { 
       k2 = xtypes[j] ;
       if (k1 < 0) fatalx("bug\n") ;
       if (k2 < 0) fatalx("bug\n") ;
       if (k1>=numeg) fatalx("bug\n") ;
       if (k2>=numeg) fatalx("bug\n") ;
       val = X[i*nrows+i] + X[j*nrows+j] - 2.0*X[i*nrows+j] ;
       pp[k1*numeg+k2] += val ;
       pp[k2*numeg+k1] += val ;
       ++npp[k1*numeg+k2]  ;
       ++npp[k2*numeg+k1]  ;
     vsp(npp, npp, 1.0e-8, numeg*numeg) ;
     vvd(pp, pp, npp, numeg*numeg) ;
// and normalize so that mean on diagonal is 1 
     yy = trace(pp, numeg) / (double) numeg ;
     vst(pp, pp, 1.0/yy, numeg*numeg) ;
     printf("\n## Average divergence between populations:");
     if (numeg<=10) {
      printf("\n") ;
      printf("%10s", "") ;
      for (k1=0; k1<numeg; ++k1) {  
       printf(" %10s", eglist[k1]) ;
      printf("  %10s", "popsize") ;
      printf("\n") ;
      for (k2=0; k2<numeg; ++k2) {  
       printf("%10s", eglist[k2]) ;
       for (k1=0; k1<numeg; ++k1) {  
        val = pp[k1*numeg+k2] ;
        printf(" %10.3f", val) ;
       printf("  %10d", popsize[k2]) ;
       printf("\n") ;
     else {   // numeg >= 10 
      printf("\n") ;
      for (k2=0; k2<numeg; ++k2) {  
       for (k1=k2; k1<numeg; ++k1) {  
        printf("dotp: %10s", eglist[k2]) ;
        printf(" %10s", eglist[k1]) ;
        val = pp[k1*numeg+k2] ;
        printf(" %10.3f", val) ;
        printf("    %10d", popsize[k2]) ;
        printf(" %10d", popsize[k1]) ;
        printf("\n") ;
    printf("\n") ;
    printf("\n") ;
    fflush(stdout) ;

    free(pp) ;
    free(npp) ;
