Exemplo n.º 1
static jack_rack_t* initialise_jack_rack( mlt_properties properties, int channels )
	jack_rack_t *jackrack = NULL;
	char *resource = mlt_properties_get( properties, "resource" );
	if ( !resource && mlt_properties_get( properties, "src" ) )
		resource = mlt_properties_get( properties, "src" );

	// Start JackRack
	if ( resource || mlt_properties_get_int64( properties, "_pluginid" ) )
		// Create JackRack without Jack client name so that it only uses LADSPA
		jackrack = jack_rack_new( NULL, channels );
		mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "jackrack", jackrack, 0,
			(mlt_destructor) jack_rack_destroy, NULL );

		if ( resource )
			// Load JACK Rack XML file
			jack_rack_open_file( jackrack, resource );
		else if ( mlt_properties_get_int64( properties, "_pluginid" ) )
			// Load one LADSPA plugin by its UniqueID
			unsigned long id = mlt_properties_get_int64( properties, "_pluginid" );
			plugin_desc_t *desc = plugin_mgr_get_any_desc( jackrack->plugin_mgr, id );
			plugin_t *plugin;
			if ( desc && ( plugin = jack_rack_instantiate_plugin( jackrack, desc ) ) )
				plugin->enabled = TRUE;
				process_add_plugin( jackrack->procinfo, plugin );
				mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "instances", plugin->copies );
				mlt_log_error( properties, "failed to load plugin %lu\n", id );
				return jackrack;

			if ( plugin && plugin->desc && plugin->copies == 0 )
				mlt_log_warning( properties, "Not compatible with %d channels. Requesting %d channels instead.\n", channels, plugin->desc->channels );
				jackrack = initialise_jack_rack( properties, plugin->desc->channels );
	return jackrack;
Exemplo n.º 2
static jack_rack_t* initialise_jack_rack( mlt_properties properties, int channels )
	jack_rack_t *jackrack = NULL;
	char *resource = mlt_properties_get( properties, "resource" );
	if ( !resource && mlt_properties_get( properties, "src" ) )
		resource = mlt_properties_get( properties, "src" );

	// Propogate these for the Jack processing callback
	mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "channels", channels );

	// Start JackRack
	if ( resource )
		// Create JackRack without Jack client name so that it only uses LADSPA
		jackrack = jack_rack_new( NULL, channels );
		mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "jackrack", jackrack, 0,
			(mlt_destructor) jack_rack_destroy, NULL );
		jack_rack_open_file( jackrack, resource );
	return jackrack;
Exemplo n.º 3
static void initialise_jack_ports( mlt_properties properties )
	int i;
	char mlt_name[67], rack_name[30];
	jack_port_t **port = NULL;
	jack_client_t *jack_client = mlt_properties_get_data( properties, "jack_client", NULL );
	jack_nframes_t jack_buffer_size = jack_get_buffer_size( jack_client );
	// Propagate these for the Jack processing callback
	int channels = mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "channels" );

	// Start JackRack
	if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "src" ) )
		snprintf( rack_name, sizeof( rack_name ), "jackrack%d", getpid() );
		jack_rack_t *jackrack = jack_rack_new( rack_name, mlt_properties_get_int( properties, "channels" ) );
		jack_rack_open_file( jackrack, mlt_properties_get( properties, "src" ) );		
		mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "jackrack", jackrack, 0,
			(mlt_destructor) jack_rack_destroy, NULL );
		mlt_properties_set( properties, "_rack_client_name", rack_name );
		// We have to set this to something to prevent re-initialization.
		mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "jackrack", jack_client, 0, NULL, NULL );
	// Allocate buffers and ports
	jack_ringbuffer_t **output_buffers = mlt_pool_alloc( sizeof( jack_ringbuffer_t *) * channels );
	jack_ringbuffer_t **input_buffers = mlt_pool_alloc( sizeof( jack_ringbuffer_t *) * channels );
	jack_port_t **jack_output_ports = mlt_pool_alloc( sizeof(jack_port_t *) * channels );
	jack_port_t **jack_input_ports = mlt_pool_alloc( sizeof(jack_port_t *) * channels );
	float **jack_output_buffers = mlt_pool_alloc( sizeof(float *) * jack_buffer_size );
	float **jack_input_buffers = mlt_pool_alloc( sizeof(float *) * jack_buffer_size );

	// Set properties - released inside filter_close
	mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "output_buffers", output_buffers,
		sizeof( jack_ringbuffer_t *) * channels, mlt_pool_release, NULL );
	mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "input_buffers", input_buffers,
		sizeof( jack_ringbuffer_t *) * channels, mlt_pool_release, NULL );
	mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "jack_output_ports", jack_output_ports,
		sizeof( jack_port_t *) * channels, mlt_pool_release, NULL );
	mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "jack_input_ports", jack_input_ports,
		sizeof( jack_port_t *) * channels, mlt_pool_release, NULL );
	mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "jack_output_buffers", jack_output_buffers,
		sizeof( float *) * channels, mlt_pool_release, NULL );
	mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "jack_input_buffers", jack_input_buffers,
		sizeof( float *) * channels, mlt_pool_release, NULL );
	// Register Jack ports
	for ( i = 0; i < channels; i++ )
		int in;
		output_buffers[i] = jack_ringbuffer_create( BUFFER_LEN * sizeof(float) );
		input_buffers[i] = jack_ringbuffer_create( BUFFER_LEN * sizeof(float) );
		snprintf( mlt_name, sizeof( mlt_name ), "obuf%d", i );
		mlt_properties_set_data( properties, mlt_name, output_buffers[i],
			BUFFER_LEN * sizeof(float), (mlt_destructor) jack_ringbuffer_free, NULL );
		snprintf( mlt_name, sizeof( mlt_name ), "ibuf%d", i );
		mlt_properties_set_data( properties, mlt_name, input_buffers[i],
			BUFFER_LEN * sizeof(float), (mlt_destructor) jack_ringbuffer_free, NULL );
		for ( in = 0; in < 2; in++ )
			snprintf( mlt_name, sizeof( mlt_name ), "%s_%d", in ? "in" : "out", i + 1);
			port = ( in ? &jack_input_ports[i] : &jack_output_ports[i] );
			*port =  jack_port_register( jack_client, mlt_name, JACK_DEFAULT_AUDIO_TYPE,
				( in ? JackPortIsInput : JackPortIsOutput ) | JackPortIsTerminal, 0 );
	// Start Jack processing
	pthread_mutex_lock( &g_activate_mutex );
	jack_activate( jack_client );
	pthread_mutex_unlock( &g_activate_mutex  );

	// Establish connections
	for ( i = 0; i < channels; i++ )
		int in;
		for ( in = 0; in < 2; in++ )
			port = ( in ? &jack_input_ports[i] : &jack_output_ports[i] );
			snprintf( mlt_name, sizeof( mlt_name ), "%s", jack_port_name( *port ) );

			snprintf( rack_name, sizeof( rack_name ), "%s_%d", in ? "in" : "out", i + 1 );
			if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, "_rack_client_name" ) )
				snprintf( rack_name, sizeof( rack_name ), "%s:%s_%d", mlt_properties_get( properties, "_rack_client_name" ), in ? "out" : "in", i + 1);
			else if ( mlt_properties_get( properties, rack_name ) )
				snprintf( rack_name, sizeof( rack_name ), "%s", mlt_properties_get( properties, rack_name ) );
				snprintf( rack_name, sizeof( rack_name ), "%s:%s_%d", mlt_properties_get( properties, "client_name" ), in ? "out" : "in", i + 1);
			if ( in )
				mlt_log_verbose( NULL, "JACK connect %s to %s\n", rack_name, mlt_name );
				jack_connect( jack_client, rack_name, mlt_name );
				mlt_log_verbose( NULL, "JACK connect %s to %s\n", mlt_name, rack_name );
				jack_connect( jack_client, mlt_name, rack_name );
Exemplo n.º 4
static jack_rack_t* initialise_jack_rack( mlt_properties properties, int channels )
	jack_rack_t *jackrack = NULL;
	char *resource = mlt_properties_get( properties, "resource" );
	if ( !resource && mlt_properties_get( properties, "src" ) )
		resource = mlt_properties_get( properties, "src" );

	// Start JackRack
	if ( resource || mlt_properties_get_int64( properties, "_pluginid" ) )
		// Create JackRack without Jack client name so that it only uses LADSPA
		jackrack = jack_rack_new( NULL, channels );
		mlt_properties_set_data( properties, "jackrack", jackrack, 0,
			(mlt_destructor) jack_rack_destroy, NULL );

		if ( resource )
			// Load JACK Rack XML file
			jack_rack_open_file( jackrack, resource );
		else if ( mlt_properties_get_int64( properties, "_pluginid" ) )
			// Load one LADSPA plugin by its UniqueID
			unsigned long id = mlt_properties_get_int64( properties, "_pluginid" );
			plugin_desc_t *desc = plugin_mgr_get_any_desc( jackrack->plugin_mgr, id );
			plugin_t *plugin;
			if ( desc && ( plugin = jack_rack_instantiate_plugin( jackrack, desc ) ) )
				plugin->enabled = TRUE;
				process_add_plugin( jackrack->procinfo, plugin );
				mlt_properties_set_int( properties, "instances", plugin->copies );
				mlt_log_error( properties, "failed to load plugin %lu\n", id );
				return jackrack;

			if ( plugin && plugin->desc && plugin->copies == 0 )
				// Calculate the number of channels that will work with this plugin
				int request_channels = plugin->desc->channels;
				while ( request_channels < channels )
					request_channels += plugin->desc->channels;

				if ( request_channels != channels )
					// Try to load again with a compatible number of channels.
					mlt_log_warning( properties, "Not compatible with %d channels. Requesting %d channels instead.\n",
						channels, request_channels );
					jack_rack_destroy( jackrack );
					jackrack = initialise_jack_rack( properties, request_channels );
					mlt_log_error( properties, "Invalid plugin configuration: %lu\n", id );
					return jackrack;

			if ( plugin && plugin->desc && plugin->copies )
				mlt_log_debug( properties, "Plugin Initialized. Channels: %lu\tCopies: %d\tTotal: %lu\n", plugin->desc->channels, plugin->copies, jackrack->channels );
	return jackrack;