Exemplo n.º 1
static int qrcode_process(uint8_t* frame, int width, int height, int size)
	init_display(width, height);

	if (!initialized  || process_changed) {
		initialized = true;
		process_changed = false;

	prepare_display(frame, width, height, size);

	if (qr_detector.detect(*grey_img)) {
		std::vector<vpImagePoint> pol = qr_detector.getPolygon(0);
		vpRect bbox = qr_detector.getBBox(0);
		vpDisplay::displayRectangle(*display_img, bbox, vpColor::green);
		vpDisplay::displayText(*display_img, (int)(bbox.getTop()-10), (int)bbox.getLeft(),
			"Message: \"" + qr_detector.getMessage(0) + "\"",

		for (size_t j = 0; j < pol.size(); j++) {
			vpDisplay::displayCross(*display_img, pol[j], 14, vpColor::red, 3);
			std::ostringstream number;
			number << j;
			vpDisplay::displayText(*display_img, pol[j]+vpImagePoint(10,0),
				number.str(), vpColor::blue);
		double x = 0;
		double y = 0;
		bbox.getCenter(x, y);

		std::string msg = qr_detector.getMessage(0);
		char cstr[SIZE_MESSAGE];
		strncpy(cstr, msg.c_str(),SIZE_MESSAGE);

		jakopter_com_write_float(com_out, 0, (float)bbox.getSize());
		jakopter_com_write_float(com_out, 4, (float)x);
		jakopter_com_write_float(com_out, 8, (float)y);
		jakopter_com_write_int(com_out, 12, strlen(cstr)+1);
		jakopter_com_write_buf(com_out, 16, cstr, SIZE_MESSAGE);

	int bat = jakopter_com_read_int(com_in, 0);
	std::ostringstream bat_str;
	bat_str << bat;
	vpDisplay::displayText(*display_img, (int)display_img->getHeight()-25, 10,
		"Battery : " + bat_str.str() + " %", vpColor::red);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
static int face_process(uint8_t* frame, int width, int height, int size)
	//alt_tree, lbpcascade
	std::string face_cascade_script = "/usr/share/opencv/lbpcascades/lbpcascade_frontalface.xml";

	init_display(width, height);

	if (!initialized  || process_changed) {
		initialized = true;
		process_changed = false;

	prepare_display(frame, width, height, size);

	//compute face detection
	bool face_found = face_detector.detect(*grey_img);
	if (face_found) {
		std::ostringstream text;
		text << "Found " << face_detector.getNbObjects() << " face(s)";
		vpDisplay::displayText(*display_img, 10, 10, text.str(), vpColor::red);
		//we get the first face in the list, which is also the biggest
		std::vector<vpImagePoint> p = face_detector.getPolygon(0);
		vpRect bbox = face_detector.getBBox(0);
		vpDisplay::displayRectangle(*display_img, bbox, vpColor::green, false, 4);
		vpDisplay::displayText(*display_img, (int)bbox.getTop()-10, (int)bbox.getLeft(),
			"Message: \"" + face_detector.getMessage(0) + "\"",

		double x = 0;
		double y = 0;
		bbox.getCenter(x, y);

		jakopter_com_write_float(com_out, 0, (float)bbox.getSize());
		jakopter_com_write_float(com_out, 4, (float)x);
		jakopter_com_write_float(com_out, 8, (float)y);
	int bat = jakopter_com_read_int(com_in, 0);
	std::ostringstream bat_str;
	bat_str << bat;
	vpDisplay::displayText(*display_img, (int)display_img->getHeight()-25, 10,
		"Battery : " + bat_str.str() + " %", vpColor::red);


	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
int visp_init()
	com_in = jakopter_com_add_channel(CHANNEL_DISPLAY, VISP_COM_IN_SIZE);
	if (com_in == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "[~][Display] Couldn't create com channel in.\n");
		return -1;
	com_out = jakopter_com_add_channel(CHANNEL_CALLBACK, VISP_COM_OUT_SIZE);
	if (com_out == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "[~][Display] Couldn't create com channel out.\n");
		return -1;
	jakopter_com_write_float(com_out, 0, 0.0);
	jakopter_com_write_float(com_out, 4, 0.0);
	jakopter_com_write_float(com_out, 8, 0.0);
	prev_update = 0;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
//FBO analyse frame on the server once a while // port is 5000
// WARNING this routine is not thread safe
int analyse_video(uint8_t* frame, int width, int height, int size){
  static int call_count = 0;
  static int init_callback_done=0;
  static int sockfd = 0;

  //fprintf(stderr,"Calling sample_video (call count = %d)\n",call_count);
  jakopter_com_write_int(com_out, 0, call_count); // in all cases need to return the call back instance
  if (init_callback_done){
    int doit = jakopter_com_read_int(com_in, 28);
    if (doit) {
      receiveLargeData(sockfd, resultBuffer, ANALYSIS_BUFFER_SIZE);
      int coord_i_min = *((int *) &(resultBuffer[0]));
      int coord_j_min = *((int *) &(resultBuffer[4]));
      double valx = *((double *) &(resultBuffer[8]));
      int samplenum = *((int *) &(resultBuffer[16]));
      // show it on the video also
      //printf("server answer sample %d result %d %d %f\n",samplenum,  coord_i_min, coord_j_min, valx);
      //Return result and status here
      jakopter_com_write_int(com_out, 4, samplenum);
      jakopter_com_write_int(com_out, 8, coord_i_min);
      jakopter_com_write_int(com_out, 12, coord_j_min);
      jakopter_com_write_float(com_out, 16, valx);
  } else {
    call_count = 0;
    init_callback_done = 1;
    // Open the socket
    sockfd = openSocket((char *) "localhost",5000);    
    jakopter_com_write_int(com_out, 4, -1);
    jakopter_com_write_int(com_out, 8, 0);
    jakopter_com_write_int(com_out, 12, 0);
    jakopter_com_write_float(com_out, 16, 0.0);
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * \brief Receive the navdata from the drone and write it in NAVDATA_CHANNEL.
  * \return the result of recvfrom
int recv_cmd()
	socklen_t len = sizeof(addr_drone_navdata);
	int ret = recvfrom(sock_navdata, &data, sizeof(data), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&addr_drone_navdata, &len);
	size_t offset = 0;

	switch (data.demo.tag) {
		case TAG_DEMO:
			jakopter_com_write_int(nav_channel, offset, data.demo.vbat_flying_percentage);
			offset += sizeof(data.demo.vbat_flying_percentage);
			jakopter_com_write_int(nav_channel, offset, data.demo.altitude);
			offset += sizeof(data.demo.altitude);
			jakopter_com_write_float(nav_channel, offset, data.demo.theta);
			offset += sizeof(data.demo.theta);
			jakopter_com_write_float(nav_channel, offset, data.demo.phi);
			offset += sizeof(data.demo.phi);
			jakopter_com_write_float(nav_channel, offset, data.demo.psi);
			offset += sizeof(data.demo.psi);
			jakopter_com_write_float(nav_channel, offset, data.demo.vx);
			offset += sizeof(data.demo.vx);
			jakopter_com_write_float(nav_channel, offset, data.demo.vy);
			offset += sizeof(data.demo.vy);
			jakopter_com_write_float(nav_channel, offset, data.demo.vz);


	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 6
int jakopter_com_write_float_lua(lua_State* L)
	lua_Integer id     = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
	lua_Integer offset = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
	float value  = luaL_checknumber(L, 3);

	jakopter_com_channel_t* cc = jakopter_com_get_channel(id);
	if (cc == NULL)
		return luaL_error(L, "[~][lua] com_channel of id %d doesn't exist", id);

	jakopter_com_write_float(cc, offset, value);
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
int video_display_init()
	com_in = jakopter_com_add_channel(CHANNEL_DISPLAY, DISPLAY_COM_IN_SIZE);
	if (com_in == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "[~][Display] Couldn't create com channel.\n");
		return -1;
	com_out = jakopter_com_add_channel(CHANNEL_CALLBACK, DISPLAY_COM_OUT_SIZE);
	if (com_out == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "[~][Display] Couldn't create com channel out.\n");
		return -1;
	jakopter_com_write_float(com_out, 0, 0.0);
	jakopter_com_write_int(com_in, 28, -1);
	jakopter_com_write_int(com_in, 32, -1);
	jakopter_com_write_int(com_in, 36, -1);
	jakopter_com_write_int(com_in, 40, -1);
	prev_update = 0;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
int count_blue_px(uint8_t* frame, int width, int height, int size)
	//size = width*height*3/2
	int y_size = width*height;

	int param = jakopter_com_read_int(com_in, 28);
	int brightness = (param > -1 && param <= 256) ? param : 70;

	param = jakopter_com_read_int(com_in, 32);
	int darkness = (param > -1 && param <= 256) ? param : 256;

	param = jakopter_com_read_int(com_in, 36);
	int cr_u = (param > -1 && param <= 256) ? param : 127;

	param = jakopter_com_read_int(com_in, 40);
	int cr_v = (param > -1 && param <= 256) ? param : 127;

	int h = 0;
	float count = 0.0;
	while (h < height) {
		int w = 0;
		while (w < width) {
			int y = *(frame + (h * width + w));
			int u = *(frame + ((h / 2) * (width / 2) + (w / 2) + y_size));
			int v = *(frame + ((h / 2) * (width / 2) + (w / 2) + y_size + (y_size / 4)));
			if (y > brightness && y < darkness && u >= cr_u && v <= cr_v)
				count += 1.0;

		//printf("%.2f\n", count);
	count = count / (float)width;
	//printf("%.2f\n", count);

	jakopter_com_write_float(com_out, 0, count);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * \brief Receive the navdata from the drone and write it in NAVDATA_CHANNEL.
  * \return the result of recvfrom
static int recv_cmd()
	socklen_t len = sizeof(addr_drone_navdata);

	int ret = recvfrom(sock_navdata, &data, sizeof(data), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&addr_drone_navdata, &len);
	size_t offset = 0;

	//fprintf(stderr,"FBO: Receiving navdata (%d)\n", data.demo.altitude); // use altitude

	switch (data.demo.tag) {
		case TAG_DEMO:
			jakopter_com_write_int(nav_channel, offset, data.demo.vbat_flying_percentage);
			offset += sizeof(data.demo.vbat_flying_percentage);
			jakopter_com_write_int(nav_channel, offset, data.demo.altitude);
			offset += sizeof(data.demo.altitude);
			jakopter_com_write_float(nav_channel, offset, data.demo.theta);
			offset += sizeof(data.demo.theta);
			jakopter_com_write_float(nav_channel, offset, data.demo.phi);
			offset += sizeof(data.demo.phi);
			jakopter_com_write_float(nav_channel, offset, data.demo.psi);
			offset += sizeof(data.demo.psi);
			jakopter_com_write_float(nav_channel, offset, data.demo.vx);
			offset += sizeof(data.demo.vx);
			jakopter_com_write_float(nav_channel, offset, data.demo.vy);
			offset += sizeof(data.demo.vy);
			jakopter_com_write_float(nav_channel, offset, data.demo.vz);


	// ADDED: Display navdatas for debug purpose

	return ret;