Exemplo n.º 1
/* This callback handles Janus API requests */
static int janus_websockets_common_callback(
		struct lws *wsi,
		enum lws_callback_reasons reason,
		void *user, void *in, size_t len, gboolean admin)
	const char *log_prefix = admin ? "AdminWSS" : "WSS";
	janus_websockets_client *ws_client = (janus_websockets_client *)user;
	switch(reason) {
			/* Is there any filtering we should apply? */
			char ip[256];
			lws_get_peer_simple(wsi, ip, 256);
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%s-%p] WebSocket connection opened from %s\n", log_prefix, wsi, ip);
			char name[256];
			lws_get_peer_addresses(wsi, lws_get_socket_fd(wsi), name, 256, ip, 256);
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%s-%p] WebSocket connection opened from %s by %s\n", log_prefix, wsi, ip, name);
			if(!janus_websockets_is_allowed(ip, admin)) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%s-%p] IP %s is unauthorized to connect to the WebSockets %s API interface\n", log_prefix, wsi, ip, admin ? "Admin" : "Janus");
				/* Close the connection */
				return -1;
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%s-%p] WebSocket connection accepted\n", log_prefix, wsi);
			if(ws_client == NULL) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%s-%p] Invalid WebSocket client instance...\n", log_prefix, wsi);
				return -1;
			/* Prepare the session */
			ws_client->wsi = wsi;
			ws_client->messages = g_async_queue_new();
			ws_client->buffer = NULL;
			ws_client->buflen = 0;
			ws_client->bufpending = 0;
			ws_client->bufoffset = 0;
			g_atomic_int_set(&ws_client->destroyed, 0);
			ws_client->ts = janus_transport_session_create(ws_client, NULL);
			/* Let us know when the WebSocket channel becomes writeable */
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%s-%p]   -- Ready to be used!\n", log_prefix, wsi);
			/* Notify handlers about this new transport */
			if(notify_events && gateway->events_is_enabled()) {
				json_t *info = json_object();
				json_object_set_new(info, "event", json_string("connected"));
				json_object_set_new(info, "admin_api", admin ? json_true() : json_false());
				json_object_set_new(info, "ip", json_string(ip));
				gateway->notify_event(&janus_websockets_transport, ws_client->ts, info);
			return 0;
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "[%s-%p] Got %zu bytes:\n", log_prefix, wsi, len);
			if(ws_client == NULL || ws_client->wsi == NULL) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%s-%p] Invalid WebSocket client instance...\n", log_prefix, wsi);
				return -1;
				return 0;
			/* Is this a new message, or part of a fragmented one? */
			const size_t remaining = lws_remaining_packet_payload(wsi);
			if(ws_client->incoming == NULL) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "[%s-%p] First fragment: %zu bytes, %zu remaining\n", log_prefix, wsi, len, remaining);
				ws_client->incoming = g_malloc(len+1);
				memcpy(ws_client->incoming, in, len);
				ws_client->incoming[len] = '\0';
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "%s\n", ws_client->incoming);
			} else {
				size_t offset = strlen(ws_client->incoming);
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "[%s-%p] Appending fragment: offset %zu, %zu bytes, %zu remaining\n", log_prefix, wsi, offset, len, remaining);
				ws_client->incoming = g_realloc(ws_client->incoming, offset+len+1);
				memcpy(ws_client->incoming+offset, in, len);
				ws_client->incoming[offset+len] = '\0';
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "%s\n", ws_client->incoming+offset);
			if(remaining > 0 || !lws_is_final_fragment(wsi)) {
				/* Still waiting for some more fragments */
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "[%s-%p] Waiting for more fragments\n", log_prefix, wsi);
				return 0;
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "[%s-%p] Done, parsing message: %zu bytes\n", log_prefix, wsi, strlen(ws_client->incoming));
			/* If we got here, the message is complete: parse the JSON payload */
			json_error_t error;
			json_t *root = json_loads(ws_client->incoming, 0, &error);
			ws_client->incoming = NULL;
			/* Notify the core, passing both the object and, since it may be needed, the error */
			gateway->incoming_request(&janus_websockets_transport, ws_client->ts, NULL, admin, root, &error);
			return 0;
			if(ws_client == NULL || ws_client->wsi == NULL) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "[%s-%p] Invalid WebSocket client instance...\n", log_prefix, wsi);
				return -1;
			if(!g_atomic_int_get(&ws_client->destroyed) && !g_atomic_int_get(&stopping)) {
				/* Check if we have a pending/partial write to complete first */
				if(ws_client->buffer && ws_client->bufpending > 0 && ws_client->bufoffset > 0
						&& !g_atomic_int_get(&ws_client->destroyed) && !g_atomic_int_get(&stopping)) {
					JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "[%s-%p] Completing pending WebSocket write (still need to write last %d bytes)...\n",
						log_prefix, wsi, ws_client->bufpending);
					int sent = lws_write(wsi, ws_client->buffer + ws_client->bufoffset, ws_client->bufpending, LWS_WRITE_TEXT);
					JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "[%s-%p]   -- Sent %d/%d bytes\n", log_prefix, wsi, sent, ws_client->bufpending);
					if(sent > -1 && sent < ws_client->bufpending) {
						/* We still couldn't send everything that was left, we'll try and complete this in the next round */
						ws_client->bufpending -= sent;
						ws_client->bufoffset += sent;
					} else {
						/* Clear the pending/partial write queue */
						ws_client->bufpending = 0;
						ws_client->bufoffset = 0;
					/* Done for this round, check the next response/notification later */
					return 0;
				/* Shoot all the pending messages */
				char *response = g_async_queue_try_pop(ws_client->messages);
				if(response && !g_atomic_int_get(&ws_client->destroyed) && !g_atomic_int_get(&stopping)) {
					/* Gotcha! */
					int buflen = LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING + strlen(response) + LWS_SEND_BUFFER_POST_PADDING;
					if (buflen > ws_client->buflen) {
						/* We need a larger shared buffer */
						JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "[%s-%p] Re-allocating to %d bytes (was %d, response is %zu bytes)\n", log_prefix, wsi, buflen, ws_client->buflen, strlen(response));
						ws_client->buflen = buflen;
						ws_client->buffer = g_realloc(ws_client->buffer, buflen);
					memcpy(ws_client->buffer + LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING, response, strlen(response));
					JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "[%s-%p] Sending WebSocket message (%zu bytes)...\n", log_prefix, wsi, strlen(response));
					int sent = lws_write(wsi, ws_client->buffer + LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING, strlen(response), LWS_WRITE_TEXT);
					JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "[%s-%p]   -- Sent %d/%zu bytes\n", log_prefix, wsi, sent, strlen(response));
					if(sent > -1 && sent < (int)strlen(response)) {
						/* We couldn't send everything in a single write, we'll complete this in the next round */
						ws_client->bufpending = strlen(response) - sent;
						ws_client->bufoffset = LWS_SEND_BUFFER_PRE_PADDING + sent;
						JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "[%s-%p]   -- Couldn't write all bytes (%d missing), setting offset %d\n",
							log_prefix, wsi, ws_client->bufpending, ws_client->bufoffset);
					/* We can get rid of the message */
					/* Done for this round, check the next response/notification later */
					return 0;
			return 0;
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%s-%p] WS connection down, closing\n", log_prefix, wsi);
			janus_websockets_destroy_client(ws_client, wsi, log_prefix);
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%s-%p]   -- closed\n", log_prefix, wsi);
			return 0;
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%s-%p] WS connection down, destroying\n", log_prefix, wsi);
			janus_websockets_destroy_client(ws_client, wsi, log_prefix);
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "[%s-%p]   -- destroyed\n", log_prefix, wsi);
			return 0;
			if(wsi != NULL) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "[%s-%p] %d (%s)\n", log_prefix, wsi, reason, janus_websockets_reason_string(reason));
			} else {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "[%s] %d (%s)\n", log_prefix, reason, janus_websockets_reason_string(reason));
	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int janus_mqtt_init(janus_transport_callbacks *callback, const char *config_path) {
	if(callback == NULL || config_path == NULL) {
		/* Invalid arguments */
		return -1;

	/* Initializing context */
	janus_mqtt_context *ctx = g_malloc0(sizeof(struct janus_mqtt_context));
	ctx->gateway = callback;
	context_ = ctx;
	/* Prepare the transport session (again, just one) */
	mqtt_session = janus_transport_session_create(context_, NULL);

	/* Read configuration */
	char filename[255];
	g_snprintf(filename, 255, "%s/%s.cfg", config_path, JANUS_MQTT_PACKAGE);
	JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Configuration file: %s\n", filename);
	janus_config *config = janus_config_parse(filename);
	if(config != NULL) {

	/* Handle configuration */
	janus_config_item *url_item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "url");
	const char *url = g_strdup((url_item && url_item->value) ? url_item->value : "tcp://localhost:1883");

	janus_config_item *client_id_item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "client_id");
	const char *client_id = g_strdup((client_id_item && client_id_item->value) ? client_id_item->value : "guest");

	janus_config_item *username_item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "username");
	ctx->connect.username = g_strdup((username_item && username_item->value) ? username_item->value : "guest");

	janus_config_item *password_item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "password");
	ctx->connect.password = g_strdup((password_item && password_item->value) ? password_item->value : "guest");

	janus_config_item *json_item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "json");
	if(json_item && json_item->value) {
		/* Check how we need to format/serialize the JSON output */
		if(!strcasecmp(json_item->value, "indented")) {
			/* Default: indented, we use three spaces for that */
			json_format_ = JSON_INDENT(3) | JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER;
		} else if(!strcasecmp(json_item->value, "plain")) {
			/* Not indented and no new lines, but still readable */
			json_format_ = JSON_INDENT(0) | JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER;
		} else if(!strcasecmp(json_item->value, "compact")) {
			/* Compact, so no spaces between separators */
		} else {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Unsupported JSON format option '%s', using default (indented)\n", json_item->value);
			json_format_ = JSON_INDENT(3) | JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER;

	/* Check if we need to send events to handlers */
	janus_config_item *events = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "events");
	if(events != NULL && events->value != NULL)
		notify_events = janus_is_true(events->value);
	if(!notify_events && callback->events_is_enabled()) {
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Notification of events to handlers disabled for %s\n", JANUS_MQTT_NAME);

	/* Check if we need to enable SSL support */
	janus_config_item *ssl = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "ssl_enable");
	if(ssl && ssl->value && janus_is_true(ssl->value)) {
		if(strstr(url, "ssl://") != url)
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "SSL enabled, but MQTT url doesn't start with ssl://...\n");

		ctx->ssl_enable = TRUE;

		janus_config_item *cacertfile = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "cacertfile");
		if(!cacertfile || !cacertfile->value) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Missing CA certificate for MQTT integration...\n");
			goto error;
		ctx->cacert_file = g_strdup(cacertfile->value);

		janus_config_item *certfile = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "certfile");
		ctx->cert_file = (certfile && certfile->value) ? g_strdup(certfile->value) : NULL;

		janus_config_item *keyfile = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "keyfile");
		ctx->key_file = (keyfile && keyfile->value) ? g_strdup(keyfile->value) : NULL;

		if(ctx->cert_file && !ctx->key_file) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Certificate is set but key isn't for MQTT integration...\n");
			goto error;
		if(!ctx->cert_file && ctx->key_file) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Key is set but certificate isn't for MQTT integration...\n");
			goto error;

		janus_config_item *verify = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "verify_peer");
		ctx->verify_peer = (verify && verify->value && janus_is_true(verify->value)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	} else {
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "MQTT SSL support disabled\n");
		if(strstr(url, "ssl://") == url)
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "SSL disabled, but MQTT url starts with ssl:// instead of tcp://...\n");

	/* Connect configuration */
	janus_config_item *keep_alive_interval_item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "keep_alive_interval");
	ctx->connect.keep_alive_interval = (keep_alive_interval_item && keep_alive_interval_item->value) ? atoi(keep_alive_interval_item->value) : 20;

	janus_config_item *cleansession_item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "cleansession");
	ctx->connect.cleansession = (cleansession_item && cleansession_item->value) ? atoi(cleansession_item->value) : 0;

	/* Disconnect configuration */
	janus_config_item *disconnect_timeout_item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "disconnect_timeout");
	ctx->disconnect.timeout = (disconnect_timeout_item && disconnect_timeout_item->value) ? atoi(disconnect_timeout_item->value) : 100;

	janus_config_item *enable_item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "enable");
	if(enable_item && enable_item->value && janus_is_true(enable_item->value)) {
		janus_mqtt_api_enabled_ = TRUE;

		/* Subscribe configuration */
			janus_config_item *topic_item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "subscribe_topic");
			if(!topic_item || !topic_item->value) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Missing topic for incoming messages for MQTT integration...\n");
				goto error;
			ctx->subscribe.topic = g_strdup(topic_item->value);

			janus_config_item *qos_item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "subscribe_qos");
			ctx->subscribe.qos = (qos_item && qos_item->value) ? atoi(qos_item->value) : 1;

		/* Publish configuration */
			janus_config_item *topic_item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "publish_topic");
			if(!topic_item || !topic_item->value) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Missing topic for outgoing messages for MQTT integration...\n");
				goto error;
			ctx->publish.topic = g_strdup(topic_item->value);

			janus_config_item *qos_item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "publish_qos");
			ctx->publish.qos = (qos_item && qos_item->value) ? atoi(qos_item->value) : 1;
	} else {
		janus_mqtt_api_enabled_ = FALSE;
		ctx->subscribe.topic = NULL;
		ctx->publish.topic = NULL;

	/* Admin configuration */
	janus_config_item *admin_enable_item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "admin", "admin_enable");
	if(admin_enable_item && admin_enable_item->value && janus_is_true(admin_enable_item->value)) {
		janus_mqtt_admin_api_enabled_ = TRUE;

		/* Admin subscribe configuration */
			janus_config_item *topic_item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "admin", "subscribe_topic");
			if(!topic_item || !topic_item->value) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Missing topic for incoming admin messages for MQTT integration...\n");
				goto error;
			ctx->admin.subscribe.topic = g_strdup(topic_item->value);

			janus_config_item *qos_item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "admin", "subscribe_qos");
			ctx->admin.subscribe.qos = (qos_item && qos_item->value) ? atoi(qos_item->value) : 1;

		/* Admin publish configuration */
			janus_config_item *topic_item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "admin", "publish_topic");
			if(!topic_item || !topic_item->value) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Missing topic for outgoing admin messages for MQTT integration...\n");
				goto error;
			ctx->admin.publish.topic = g_strdup(topic_item->value);

			janus_config_item *qos_item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "admin", "publish_qos");
			ctx->admin.publish.qos = (qos_item && qos_item->value) ? atoi(qos_item->value) : 1;
	} else {
		janus_mqtt_admin_api_enabled_ = FALSE;
		ctx->admin.subscribe.topic = NULL;
		ctx->admin.publish.topic = NULL;

	if(!janus_mqtt_api_enabled_ && !janus_mqtt_admin_api_enabled_) {
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "MQTT support disabled for both Janus and Admin API, giving up\n");
		goto error;

	/* Creating a client */
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Can't connect to MQTT broker: error creating client...\n");
		goto error;
			janus_mqtt_client_delivery_complete) != MQTTASYNC_SUCCESS) {
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Can't connect to MQTT broker: error setting up callbacks...\n");
		goto error;

	/* Connecting to the broker */
	int rc = janus_mqtt_client_connect(ctx);
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Can't connect to MQTT broker, return code: %d\n", rc);
		goto error;

	return 0;

	/* If we got here, something went wrong */
	g_free((char *)url);
	g_free((char *)client_id);

	return -1;
Exemplo n.º 3
/* Transport implementation */
int janus_rabbitmq_init(janus_transport_callbacks *callback, const char *config_path) {
	if(g_atomic_int_get(&stopping)) {
		/* Still stopping from before */
		return -1;
	if(callback == NULL || config_path == NULL) {
		/* Invalid arguments */
		return -1;

	/* This is the callback we'll need to invoke to contact the Janus core */
	gateway = callback;

	/* Read configuration */
	char filename[255];
	g_snprintf(filename, 255, "%s/%s.jcfg", config_path, JANUS_RABBITMQ_PACKAGE);
	JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Configuration file: %s\n", filename);
	janus_config *config = janus_config_parse(filename);
	if(config == NULL) {
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Couldn't find .jcfg configuration file (%s), trying .cfg\n", JANUS_RABBITMQ_PACKAGE);
		g_snprintf(filename, 255, "%s/%s.cfg", config_path, JANUS_RABBITMQ_PACKAGE);
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Configuration file: %s\n", filename);
		config = janus_config_parse(filename);
	if(config != NULL)
	janus_config_category *config_general = janus_config_get_create(config, NULL, janus_config_type_category, "general");
	janus_config_category *config_admin = janus_config_get_create(config, NULL, janus_config_type_category, "admin");

	janus_config_item *item = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "json");
	if(item && item->value) {
		/* Check how we need to format/serialize the JSON output */
		if(!strcasecmp(item->value, "indented")) {
			/* Default: indented, we use three spaces for that */
			json_format = JSON_INDENT(3) | JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER;
		} else if(!strcasecmp(item->value, "plain")) {
			/* Not indented and no new lines, but still readable */
			json_format = JSON_INDENT(0) | JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER;
		} else if(!strcasecmp(item->value, "compact")) {
			/* Compact, so no spaces between separators */
		} else {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Unsupported JSON format option '%s', using default (indented)\n", item->value);
			json_format = JSON_INDENT(3) | JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER;

	/* Check if we need to send events to handlers */
	janus_config_item *events = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "events");
	if(events != NULL && events->value != NULL)
		notify_events = janus_is_true(events->value);
	if(!notify_events && callback->events_is_enabled()) {
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Notification of events to handlers disabled for %s\n", JANUS_RABBITMQ_NAME);

	/* Handle configuration, starting from the server details */
	item = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "host");
	if(item && item->value)
		rmqhost = g_strdup(item->value);
		rmqhost = g_strdup("localhost");
	int rmqport = AMQP_PROTOCOL_PORT;
	item = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "port");
	if(item && item->value)
		rmqport = atoi(item->value);

	/* Credentials and Virtual Host */
	item = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "vhost");
	if(item && item->value)
		vhost = g_strdup(item->value);
		vhost = g_strdup("/");
	item = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "username");
	if(item && item->value)
		username = g_strdup(item->value);
		username = g_strdup("guest");
	item = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "password");
	if(item && item->value)
		password = g_strdup(item->value);
		password = g_strdup("guest");

	/* SSL config*/
	gboolean ssl_enabled = FALSE;
	gboolean ssl_verify_peer = FALSE;
	gboolean ssl_verify_hostname = FALSE;
	item = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "ssl_enabled");
	if(item == NULL) {
		/* Try legacy property */
		item = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "ssl_enable");
		if (item && item->value) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Found deprecated 'ssl_enable' property, please update it to 'ssl_enabled' instead\n");
	if(!item || !item->value || !janus_is_true(item->value)) {
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "RabbitMQ SSL support disabled\n");
	} else {
		ssl_enabled = TRUE;
		item = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "ssl_cacert");
		if(item && item->value)
			ssl_cacert_file = g_strdup(item->value);
		item = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "ssl_cert");
		if(item && item->value)
			ssl_cert_file = g_strdup(item->value);
		item = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "ssl_key");
		if(item && item->value)
			ssl_key_file = g_strdup(item->value);
		item = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "ssl_verify_peer");
		if(item && item->value && janus_is_true(item->value))
			ssl_verify_peer = TRUE;
		item = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "ssl_verify_hostname");
		if(item && item->value && janus_is_true(item->value))
			ssl_verify_hostname = TRUE;

	/* Now check if the Janus API must be supported */
	item = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "enabled");
	if(item == NULL) {
		/* Try legacy property */
		item = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "enable");
		if (item && item->value) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Found deprecated 'enable' property, please update it to 'enabled' instead\n");
	if(!item || !item->value || !janus_is_true(item->value)) {
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "RabbitMQ support disabled (Janus API)\n");
	} else {
		/* Parse configuration */
		item = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "to_janus");
		if(!item || !item->value) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Missing name of incoming queue for RabbitMQ integration...\n");
			goto error;
		to_janus = g_strdup(item->value);
		item = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "from_janus");
		if(!item || !item->value) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Missing name of outgoing queue for RabbitMQ integration...\n");
			goto error;
		from_janus = g_strdup(item->value);
		item = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "janus_exchange");
		if(!item || !item->value) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Missing name of outgoing exchange for RabbitMQ integration, using default\n");
		} else {
			janus_exchange = g_strdup(item->value);
		if (janus_exchange == NULL) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "RabbitMQ support for Janus API enabled, %s:%d (%s/%s)\n", rmqhost, rmqport, to_janus, from_janus);
		} else {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "RabbitMQ support for Janus API enabled, %s:%d (%s/%s) exch: (%s)\n", rmqhost, rmqport, to_janus, from_janus, janus_exchange);
		rmq_janus_api_enabled = TRUE;
	/* Do the same for the admin API */
	item = janus_config_get(config, config_admin, janus_config_type_item, "admin_enabled");
	if(item == NULL) {
		/* Try legacy property */
		item = janus_config_get(config, config_general, janus_config_type_item, "admin_enable");
		if (item && item->value) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Found deprecated 'admin_enable' property, please update it to 'admin_enabled' instead\n");
	if(!item || !item->value || !janus_is_true(item->value)) {
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "RabbitMQ support disabled (Admin API)\n");
	} else {
		/* Parse configuration */
		item = janus_config_get(config, config_admin, janus_config_type_item, "to_janus_admin");
		if(!item || !item->value) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Missing name of incoming queue for RabbitMQ integration...\n");
			goto error;
		to_janus_admin = g_strdup(item->value);
		item = janus_config_get(config, config_admin, janus_config_type_item, "from_janus_admin");
		if(!item || !item->value) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Missing name of outgoing queue for RabbitMQ integration...\n");
			goto error;
		from_janus_admin = g_strdup(item->value);
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "RabbitMQ support for Admin API enabled, %s:%d (%s/%s)\n", rmqhost, rmqport, to_janus_admin, from_janus_admin);
		rmq_admin_api_enabled = TRUE;
	if(!rmq_janus_api_enabled && !rmq_admin_api_enabled) {
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "RabbitMQ support disabled for both Janus and Admin API, giving up\n");
		goto error;
	} else {
		/* FIXME We currently support a single application, create a new janus_rabbitmq_client instance */
		rmq_client = g_malloc0(sizeof(janus_rabbitmq_client));
		/* Connect */
		rmq_client->rmq_conn = amqp_new_connection();
		amqp_socket_t *socket = NULL;
		int status;
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Creating RabbitMQ socket...\n");
		if (ssl_enabled) {
			socket = amqp_ssl_socket_new(rmq_client->rmq_conn);
			if(socket == NULL) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Can't connect to RabbitMQ server: error creating socket...\n");
				goto error;
			if(ssl_verify_peer) {
				amqp_ssl_socket_set_verify_peer(socket, 1);
			} else {
				amqp_ssl_socket_set_verify_peer(socket, 0);
			if(ssl_verify_hostname) {
				amqp_ssl_socket_set_verify_hostname(socket, 1);
			} else {
				amqp_ssl_socket_set_verify_hostname(socket, 0);
			if(ssl_cacert_file) {
				status = amqp_ssl_socket_set_cacert(socket, ssl_cacert_file);
				if(status != AMQP_STATUS_OK) {
					JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Can't connect to RabbitMQ server: error setting CA certificate... (%s)\n", amqp_error_string2(status));
					goto error;
			if(ssl_cert_file && ssl_key_file) {
				status = amqp_ssl_socket_set_key(socket, ssl_cert_file, ssl_key_file);
				if(status != AMQP_STATUS_OK) {
					JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Can't connect to RabbitMQ server: error setting key... (%s)\n", amqp_error_string2(status));
					goto error;
		} else {
			socket = amqp_tcp_socket_new(rmq_client->rmq_conn);
			if(socket == NULL) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Can't connect to RabbitMQ server: error creating socket...\n");
				goto error;
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Connecting to RabbitMQ server...\n");
		status = amqp_socket_open(socket, rmqhost, rmqport);
		if(status != AMQP_STATUS_OK) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Can't connect to RabbitMQ server: error opening socket... (%s)\n", amqp_error_string2(status));
			goto error;
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Logging in...\n");
		amqp_rpc_reply_t result = amqp_login(rmq_client->rmq_conn, vhost, 0, 131072, 0, AMQP_SASL_METHOD_PLAIN, username, password);
		if(result.reply_type != AMQP_RESPONSE_NORMAL) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Can't connect to RabbitMQ server: error logging in... %s, %s\n", amqp_error_string2(result.library_error), amqp_method_name(result.reply.id));
			goto error;
		rmq_client->rmq_channel = 1;
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Opening channel...\n");
		amqp_channel_open(rmq_client->rmq_conn, rmq_client->rmq_channel);
		result = amqp_get_rpc_reply(rmq_client->rmq_conn);
		if(result.reply_type != AMQP_RESPONSE_NORMAL) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Can't connect to RabbitMQ server: error opening channel... %s, %s\n", amqp_error_string2(result.library_error), amqp_method_name(result.reply.id));
			goto error;
		rmq_client->janus_exchange = amqp_empty_bytes;
		if(janus_exchange != NULL) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Declaring exchange...\n");
			rmq_client->janus_exchange = amqp_cstring_bytes(janus_exchange);
			amqp_exchange_declare(rmq_client->rmq_conn, rmq_client->rmq_channel, rmq_client->janus_exchange, amqp_cstring_bytes(JANUS_RABBITMQ_EXCHANGE_TYPE), 0, 0, 0, 0, amqp_empty_table);
			result = amqp_get_rpc_reply(rmq_client->rmq_conn);
			if(result.reply_type != AMQP_RESPONSE_NORMAL) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Can't connect to RabbitMQ server: error diclaring exchange... %s, %s\n", amqp_error_string2(result.library_error), amqp_method_name(result.reply.id));
				goto error;
		rmq_client->janus_api_enabled = FALSE;
		if(rmq_janus_api_enabled) {
			rmq_client->janus_api_enabled = TRUE;
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Declaring incoming queue... (%s)\n", to_janus);
			rmq_client->to_janus_queue = amqp_cstring_bytes(to_janus);
			amqp_queue_declare(rmq_client->rmq_conn, rmq_client->rmq_channel, rmq_client->to_janus_queue, 0, 0, 0, 0, amqp_empty_table);
			result = amqp_get_rpc_reply(rmq_client->rmq_conn);
			if(result.reply_type != AMQP_RESPONSE_NORMAL) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Can't connect to RabbitMQ server: error declaring queue... %s, %s\n", amqp_error_string2(result.library_error), amqp_method_name(result.reply.id));
				goto error;
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Declaring outgoing queue... (%s)\n", from_janus);
			rmq_client->from_janus_queue = amqp_cstring_bytes(from_janus);
			amqp_queue_declare(rmq_client->rmq_conn, rmq_client->rmq_channel, rmq_client->from_janus_queue, 0, 0, 0, 0, amqp_empty_table);
			result = amqp_get_rpc_reply(rmq_client->rmq_conn);
			if(result.reply_type != AMQP_RESPONSE_NORMAL) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Can't connect to RabbitMQ server: error declaring queue... %s, %s\n", amqp_error_string2(result.library_error), amqp_method_name(result.reply.id));
				goto error;
			amqp_basic_consume(rmq_client->rmq_conn, rmq_client->rmq_channel, rmq_client->to_janus_queue, amqp_empty_bytes, 0, 1, 0, amqp_empty_table);
			result = amqp_get_rpc_reply(rmq_client->rmq_conn);
			if(result.reply_type != AMQP_RESPONSE_NORMAL) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Can't connect to RabbitMQ server: error consuming... %s, %s\n", amqp_error_string2(result.library_error), amqp_method_name(result.reply.id));
				goto error;
		rmq_client->admin_api_enabled = FALSE;
		if(rmq_admin_api_enabled) {
			rmq_client->admin_api_enabled = TRUE;
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Declaring incoming queue... (%s)\n", to_janus_admin);
			rmq_client->to_janus_admin_queue = amqp_cstring_bytes(to_janus_admin);
			amqp_queue_declare(rmq_client->rmq_conn, rmq_client->rmq_channel, rmq_client->to_janus_admin_queue, 0, 0, 0, 0, amqp_empty_table);
			result = amqp_get_rpc_reply(rmq_client->rmq_conn);
			if(result.reply_type != AMQP_RESPONSE_NORMAL) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Can't connect to RabbitMQ server: error declaring queue... %s, %s\n", amqp_error_string2(result.library_error), amqp_method_name(result.reply.id));
				goto error;
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Declaring outgoing queue... (%s)\n", from_janus_admin);
			rmq_client->from_janus_admin_queue = amqp_cstring_bytes(from_janus_admin);
			amqp_queue_declare(rmq_client->rmq_conn, rmq_client->rmq_channel, rmq_client->from_janus_admin_queue, 0, 0, 0, 0, amqp_empty_table);
			result = amqp_get_rpc_reply(rmq_client->rmq_conn);
			if(result.reply_type != AMQP_RESPONSE_NORMAL) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Can't connect to RabbitMQ server: error declaring queue... %s, %s\n", amqp_error_string2(result.library_error), amqp_method_name(result.reply.id));
				goto error;
			amqp_basic_consume(rmq_client->rmq_conn, rmq_client->rmq_channel, rmq_client->to_janus_admin_queue, amqp_empty_bytes, 0, 1, 0, amqp_empty_table);
			result = amqp_get_rpc_reply(rmq_client->rmq_conn);
			if(result.reply_type != AMQP_RESPONSE_NORMAL) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Can't connect to RabbitMQ server: error consuming... %s, %s\n", amqp_error_string2(result.library_error), amqp_method_name(result.reply.id));
				goto error;
		rmq_client->messages = g_async_queue_new();
		rmq_client->destroy = 0;
		/* Prepare the transport session (again, just one) */
		rmq_session = janus_transport_session_create(rmq_client, NULL);
		/* Start the threads */
		GError *error = NULL;
		rmq_client->in_thread = g_thread_try_new("rmq_in_thread", &janus_rmq_in_thread, rmq_client, &error);
		if(error != NULL) {
			/* Something went wrong... */
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Got error %d (%s) trying to launch the RabbitMQ incoming thread...\n", error->code, error->message ? error->message : "??");
			return -1;
		rmq_client->out_thread = g_thread_try_new("rmq_out_thread", &janus_rmq_out_thread, rmq_client, &error);
		if(error != NULL) {
			/* Something went wrong... */
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Got error %d (%s) trying to launch the RabbitMQ outgoing thread...\n", error->code, error->message ? error->message : "??");
			return -1;
		/* Done */
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Setup of RabbitMQ integration completed\n");
		/* Notify handlers about this new transport */
		if(notify_events && gateway->events_is_enabled()) {
			json_t *info = json_object();
			json_object_set_new(info, "event", json_string("connected"));
			gateway->notify_event(&janus_rabbitmq_transport, rmq_session, info);
	config = NULL;

	/* Done */
	g_atomic_int_set(&initialized, 1);
	return 0;

	/* If we got here, something went wrong */
	return -1;
Exemplo n.º 4
/* Thread */
void *janus_pfunix_thread(void *data) {
	JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Unix Sockets thread started\n");

	int fds = 0;
	struct pollfd poll_fds[1024];	/* FIXME Should we allow for more clients? */
	char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
	struct iovec iov[1];
	struct msghdr msg;
	memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
	memset(iov, 0, sizeof(iov));
	iov[0].iov_base = buffer;
	iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(buffer);
	msg.msg_iov = iov;
	msg.msg_iovlen = 1;

	while(g_atomic_int_get(&initialized) && !g_atomic_int_get(&stopping)) {
		/* Prepare poll list of file descriptors */
		fds = 0;
		/* Writeable monitor */
		poll_fds[fds].fd = write_fd[0];
		poll_fds[fds].events = POLLIN;
		if(pfd > -1) {
			/* Janus API */
			poll_fds[fds].fd = pfd;
			poll_fds[fds].events = POLLIN;
		if(admin_pfd > -1) {
			/* Admin API */
			poll_fds[fds].fd = admin_pfd;
			poll_fds[fds].events = POLLIN;
		/* Iterate on available clients, to see if we need to POLLIN or POLLOUT too */
		GHashTableIter iter;
		gpointer value;
		g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, clients_by_fd);
		while(g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, NULL, &value)) {
			janus_pfunix_client *client = value;
			if(client->fd > -1) {
				poll_fds[fds].fd = client->fd;
				poll_fds[fds].events = g_async_queue_length(client->messages) > 0 ? POLLIN | POLLOUT : POLLIN;

		/* Start polling */
		int res = poll(poll_fds, fds, -1);
		if(res == 0)
		if(res < 0) {
			if(errno == EINTR) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "Got an EINTR (%s) polling the Unix Sockets descriptors, ignoring...\n", strerror(errno));
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "poll() failed: %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
		int i = 0;
		for(i=0; i<fds; i++) {
			if(poll_fds[i].revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP)) {
				/* Socket error? Shall we do something? */
				if(poll_fds[i].fd == write_fd[0]) {
					/* Error in the wake-up socketpair, that sucks: try recreating it */
					JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Error polling wake-up socketpair: %s...\n",
						poll_fds[i].revents & POLLERR ? "POLLERR" : "POLLHUP");
					write_fd[0] = -1;
					write_fd[1] = -1;
					if(socketpair(PF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0, write_fd) < 0) {
						JANUS_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Error creating socket pair for writeable events: %d, %s\n", errno, strerror(errno));
				} else if(poll_fds[i].fd == pfd) {
					/* Error in the Janus API socket */
					JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Error polling Unix Sockets Janus API interface (%s), disabling it\n",
						poll_fds[i].revents & POLLERR ? "POLLERR" : "POLLHUP");
					pfd = -1;
				} else if(poll_fds[i].fd == admin_pfd) {
					/* Error in the Admin API socket */
					JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Error polling Unix Sockets Admin API interface (%s), disabling it\n",
						poll_fds[i].revents & POLLERR ? "POLLERR" : "POLLHUP");
					admin_pfd = -1;
				} else {
					/* Error in a client socket, find and remove it */
					janus_pfunix_client *client = g_hash_table_lookup(clients_by_fd, GINT_TO_POINTER(poll_fds[i].fd));
					if(client == NULL) {
						/* We're not handling this, ignore */
					JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Unix Sockets client disconnected (%d)\n", poll_fds[i].fd);
					/* Notify core */
					gateway->transport_gone(&janus_pfunix_transport, client->ts);
					/* Notify handlers about this transport being gone */
					if(notify_events && gateway->events_is_enabled()) {
						json_t *info = json_object();
						json_object_set_new(info, "event", json_string("disconnected"));
						gateway->notify_event(&janus_pfunix_transport, client->ts, info);
					/* Close socket */
					shutdown(SHUT_RDWR, poll_fds[i].fd);
					client->fd = -1;
					/* Destroy the client */
					g_hash_table_remove(clients_by_fd, GINT_TO_POINTER(poll_fds[i].fd));
					g_hash_table_remove(clients, client);
					/* Unref the transport instance */
			if(poll_fds[i].revents & POLLOUT) {
				/* Find the client from its file descriptor */
				janus_pfunix_client *client = g_hash_table_lookup(clients_by_fd, GINT_TO_POINTER(poll_fds[i].fd));
				if(client != NULL) {
					char *payload = NULL;
					while((payload = g_async_queue_try_pop(client->messages)) != NULL) {
						int res = 0;
						do {
							if(client->fd < 0)
							res = write(client->fd, payload, strlen(payload));
						} while(res == -1 && errno == EINTR);
						/* FIXME Should we check if sent everything? */
						JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "Written %d/%zu bytes on %d\n", res, strlen(payload), client->fd);
					if(client->session_timeout) {
						/* We should actually get rid of this connection, now */
						shutdown(SHUT_RDWR, poll_fds[i].fd);
						client->fd = -1;
						/* Destroy the client */
						g_hash_table_remove(clients_by_fd, GINT_TO_POINTER(poll_fds[i].fd));
						g_hash_table_remove(clients, client);
						if(client->messages != NULL) {
							char *response = NULL;
							while((response = g_async_queue_try_pop(client->messages)) != NULL) {
			if(poll_fds[i].revents & POLLIN) {
				if(poll_fds[i].fd == write_fd[0]) {
					/* Read and ignore: we use this to unlock the poll if there's data to write */
					(void)read(poll_fds[i].fd, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
				} else if(poll_fds[i].fd == pfd || poll_fds[i].fd == admin_pfd) {
					/* Janus/Admin API: accept the new client (SOCK_SEQPACKET) or receive data (SOCK_DGRAM) */
					struct sockaddr_un address;
					socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(address);
					if((poll_fds[i].fd == pfd && !dgram) || (poll_fds[i].fd == admin_pfd && !admin_dgram)) {
						/* SOCK_SEQPACKET */
						int cfd = accept(poll_fds[i].fd, (struct sockaddr *) &address, &addrlen);
						if(cfd > -1) {
							JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Got new Unix Sockets %s API client: %d\n",
								poll_fds[i].fd == pfd ? "Janus" : "Admin", cfd);
							/* Allocate new client */
							janus_pfunix_client *client = g_malloc(sizeof(janus_pfunix_client));
							client->fd = cfd;
							memset(&client->addr, 0, sizeof(client->addr));
							client->admin = (poll_fds[i].fd == admin_pfd);	/* API client type */
							client->messages = g_async_queue_new();
							client->session_timeout = FALSE;
							/* Create a transport instance as well */
							client->ts = janus_transport_session_create(client, janus_pfunix_client_free);
							/* Take note of this new client */
							g_hash_table_insert(clients_by_fd, GINT_TO_POINTER(cfd), client);
							g_hash_table_insert(clients, client, client);
							/* Notify handlers about this new transport */
							if(notify_events && gateway->events_is_enabled()) {
								json_t *info = json_object();
								json_object_set_new(info, "event", json_string("connected"));
								json_object_set_new(info, "admin_api", client->admin ? json_true() : json_false());
								json_object_set_new(info, "fd", json_integer(client->fd));
								gateway->notify_event(&janus_pfunix_transport, client->ts, info);
					} else {
						/* SOCK_DGRAM */
						struct sockaddr_storage address;
						res = recvfrom(poll_fds[i].fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&address, &addrlen);
						if(res < 0) {
							if(errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
								JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Error reading from client (%s API)...\n",
									poll_fds[i].fd == pfd ? "Janus" : "Admin");
						buffer[res] = '\0';
						/* Is this a new client, or one we knew about already? */
						struct sockaddr_un *uaddr = (struct sockaddr_un *)&address;
						if(strlen(uaddr->sun_path) == 0) {
							/* No path provided, drop the packet */
							JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Dropping packet from unknown source (no path provided)\n");
						janus_pfunix_client *client = g_hash_table_lookup(clients_by_path, uaddr->sun_path);
						if(client == NULL) {
							JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Got new Unix Sockets %s API client: %s\n",
								poll_fds[i].fd == pfd ? "Janus" : "Admin", uaddr->sun_path);
							/* Allocate new client */
							client = g_malloc(sizeof(janus_pfunix_client));
							client->fd = -1;
							memcpy(&client->addr, uaddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un));
							client->admin = (poll_fds[i].fd == admin_pfd);	/* API client type */
							client->messages = g_async_queue_new();
							client->session_timeout = FALSE;
							/* Create a transport instance as well */
							client->ts = janus_transport_session_create(client, janus_pfunix_client_free);
							/* Take note of this new client */
							g_hash_table_insert(clients_by_path, uaddr->sun_path, client);
							g_hash_table_insert(clients, client, client);
							/* Notify handlers about this new transport */
							if(notify_events && gateway->events_is_enabled()) {
								json_t *info = json_object();
								json_object_set_new(info, "event", json_string("connected"));
								json_object_set_new(info, "admin_api", client->admin ? json_true() : json_false());
								json_object_set_new(info, "fd", json_integer(client->fd));
								json_object_set_new(info, "type", json_string("SOCK_DGRAM"));
								gateway->notify_event(&janus_pfunix_transport, client->ts, info);
						JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Message from client %s (%d bytes)\n", uaddr->sun_path, res);
						JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "%s\n", buffer);
						/* Parse the JSON payload */
						json_error_t error;
						json_t *root = json_loads(buffer, 0, &error);
						/* Notify the core, passing both the object and, since it may be needed, the error */
						gateway->incoming_request(&janus_pfunix_transport, client->ts, NULL, client->admin, root, &error);
				} else {
					/* Client data: receive message */
					iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(buffer);
					res = recvmsg(poll_fds[i].fd, &msg, MSG_WAITALL);
					if(res < 0) {
						if(errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) {
							JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Error reading from client %d...\n", poll_fds[i].fd);
					if(msg.msg_flags & MSG_TRUNC) {
						/* Apparently our buffer is not large enough? */
						JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Incoming message from client %d truncated (%d bytes), dropping it...\n", poll_fds[i].fd, res);
					/* Find the client from its file descriptor */
					janus_pfunix_client *client = g_hash_table_lookup(clients_by_fd, GINT_TO_POINTER(poll_fds[i].fd));
					if(client == NULL) {
						JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Got data from unknown Unix Sockets client %d, closing connection...\n", poll_fds[i].fd);
						/* Close socket */
						shutdown(SHUT_RDWR, poll_fds[i].fd);
					if(res == 0) {
						JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Unix Sockets client disconnected (%d)\n", poll_fds[i].fd);
						/* Notify core */
						gateway->transport_gone(&janus_pfunix_transport, client->ts);
						/* Notify handlers about this transport being gone */
						if(notify_events && gateway->events_is_enabled()) {
							json_t *info = json_object();
							json_object_set_new(info, "event", json_string("disconnected"));
							gateway->notify_event(&janus_pfunix_transport, client->ts, info);
						/* Close socket */
						shutdown(SHUT_RDWR, poll_fds[i].fd);
						client->fd = -1;
						/* Destroy the client */
						g_hash_table_remove(clients_by_fd, GINT_TO_POINTER(poll_fds[i].fd));
						g_hash_table_remove(clients, client);
						/* Unref the transport instance */
					/* If we got here, there's data to handle */
					buffer[res] = '\0';
					JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Message from client %d (%d bytes)\n", poll_fds[i].fd, res);
					JANUS_LOG(LOG_HUGE, "%s\n", buffer);
					/* Parse the JSON payload */
					json_error_t error;
					json_t *root = json_loads(buffer, 0, &error);
					/* Notify the core, passing both the object and, since it may be needed, the error */
					gateway->incoming_request(&janus_pfunix_transport, client->ts, NULL, client->admin, root, &error);

	socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un);
	void *addr = g_malloc(addrlen+1);
	if(pfd > -1) {
		/* Unlink the path name first */
		if((getsockname(pfd, (struct sockaddr *)addr, &addrlen) != -1) && (FALSE == sd_socket)) {
		if(getsockname(pfd, (struct sockaddr *)addr, &addrlen) != -1) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Unlinking %s\n", ((struct sockaddr_un *)addr)->sun_path);
			unlink(((struct sockaddr_un *)addr)->sun_path);
		/* Close the socket */
	pfd = -1;
	if(admin_pfd > -1) {
		/* Unlink the path name first */
		if((getsockname(admin_pfd, (struct sockaddr *)addr, &addrlen) != -1) && (FALSE == admin_sd_socket)) {
		if(getsockname(admin_pfd, (struct sockaddr *)addr, &addrlen) != -1) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Unlinking %s\n", ((struct sockaddr_un *)addr)->sun_path);
			unlink(((struct sockaddr_un *)addr)->sun_path);
		/* Close the socket */
	admin_pfd = -1;


	/* Done */
	JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Unix Sockets thread ended\n");
	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 5
/* Transport implementation */
int janus_nanomsg_init(janus_transport_callbacks *callback, const char *config_path) {
	if(g_atomic_int_get(&stopping)) {
		/* Still stopping from before */
		return -1;
	if(callback == NULL || config_path == NULL) {
		/* Invalid arguments */
		return -1;

	/* This is the callback we'll need to invoke to contact the gateway */
	gateway = callback;

	/* Read configuration */
	char filename[255];
	g_snprintf(filename, 255, "%s/%s.cfg", config_path, JANUS_NANOMSG_PACKAGE);
	JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Configuration file: %s\n", filename);
	janus_config *config = janus_config_parse(filename);
	if(config != NULL) {
		/* Handle configuration */

		janus_config_item *item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "json");
		if(item && item->value) {
			/* Check how we need to format/serialize the JSON output */
			if(!strcasecmp(item->value, "indented")) {
				/* Default: indented, we use three spaces for that */
				json_format = JSON_INDENT(3) | JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER;
			} else if(!strcasecmp(item->value, "plain")) {
				/* Not indented and no new lines, but still readable */
				json_format = JSON_INDENT(0) | JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER;
			} else if(!strcasecmp(item->value, "compact")) {
				/* Compact, so no spaces between separators */
			} else {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Unsupported JSON format option '%s', using default (indented)\n", item->value);
				json_format = JSON_INDENT(3) | JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER;

		/* Check if we need to send events to handlers */
		janus_config_item *events = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "events");
		if(events != NULL && events->value != NULL)
			notify_events = janus_is_true(events->value);
		if(!notify_events && callback->events_is_enabled()) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Notification of events to handlers disabled for %s\n", JANUS_NANOMSG_NAME);

		/* First of all, initialize the pipeline for writeable notifications */
		write_nfd[0] = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PULL);
		write_nfd[1] = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PUSH);
		if(nn_bind(write_nfd[0], "inproc://janus") < 0) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Error configuring internal Nanomsg pipeline... %d (%s)\n", errno, nn_strerror(errno));
			return -1;	/* No point in keeping the plugin loaded */
		if(nn_connect(write_nfd[1], "inproc://janus") < 0) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Error configuring internal Nanomsg pipeline...%d (%s)\n", errno, nn_strerror(errno));
			return -1;	/* No point in keeping the plugin loaded */

		/* Setup the Janus API Nanomsg server(s) */
		item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "enabled");
		if(!item || !item->value || !janus_is_true(item->value)) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Nanomsg server disabled (Janus API)\n");
		} else {
			item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "address");
			const char *address = item && item->value ? item->value : NULL;
			item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "mode");
			const char *mode = item && item->value ? item->value : NULL;
			if(mode == NULL)
				mode = "bind";
			nfd = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PAIR);
			if(nfd < 0) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Error creating Janus API Nanomsg socket: %d (%s)\n", errno, nn_strerror(errno));
			} else {
				if(!strcasecmp(mode, "bind")) {
					/* Bind to this address */
					nfd_addr = nn_bind(nfd, address);
					if(nfd_addr < 0) {
						JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Error binding Janus API Nanomsg socket to address '%s': %d (%s)\n",
							address, errno, nn_strerror(errno));
						nfd = -1;
				} else if(!strcasecmp(mode, "connect")) {
					/* Connect to this address */
					nfd_addr = nn_connect(nfd, address);
					if(nfd_addr < 0) {
						JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Error connecting Janus API Nanomsg socket to address '%s': %d (%s)\n",
							address, errno, nn_strerror(errno));
						nfd = -1;
				} else {
					/* Unsupported mode */
					JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Unsupported mode '%s'\n", mode);
					nfd = -1;
		/* Do the same for the Admin API, if enabled */
		item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "admin", "admin_enabled");
		if(!item || !item->value || !janus_is_true(item->value)) {
			JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Nanomsg server disabled (Admin API)\n");
		} else {
			item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "admin", "admin_address");
			const char *address = item && item->value ? item->value : NULL;
			item = janus_config_get_item_drilldown(config, "general", "admin_mode");
			const char *mode = item && item->value ? item->value : NULL;
			if(mode == NULL)
				mode = "bind";
			admin_nfd = nn_socket(AF_SP, NN_PAIR);
			if(admin_nfd < 0) {
				JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Error creating Admin API Nanomsg socket: %d (%s)\n", errno, nn_strerror(errno));
			} else {
				if(!strcasecmp(mode, "bind")) {
					/* Bind to this address */
					admin_nfd_addr = nn_bind(admin_nfd, address);
					if(admin_nfd_addr < 0) {
						JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Error binding Admin API Nanomsg socket to address '%s': %d (%s)\n",
							address, errno, nn_strerror(errno));
						admin_nfd = -1;
				} else if(!strcasecmp(mode, "connect")) {
					/* Connect to this address */
					admin_nfd_addr = nn_connect(admin_nfd, address);
					if(admin_nfd_addr < 0) {
						JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Error connecting Admin API Nanomsg socket to address '%s': %d (%s)\n",
							address, errno, nn_strerror(errno));
						admin_nfd = -1;
				} else {
					/* Unsupported mode */
					JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Unsupported mode '%s'\n", mode);
					admin_nfd = -1;
	config = NULL;
	if(nfd < 0 && admin_nfd < 0) {
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "No Nanomsg server started, giving up...\n");
		return -1;	/* No point in keeping the plugin loaded */

	/* Create the clients */
	memset(&client, 0, sizeof(janus_nanomsg_client));
	if(nfd > -1) {
		client.admin = FALSE;
		client.messages = g_async_queue_new();
		/* Create a transport instance as well */
		client.ts = janus_transport_session_create(&client, NULL);
		/* Notify handlers about this new transport */
		if(notify_events && gateway->events_is_enabled()) {
			json_t *info = json_object();
			json_object_set_new(info, "event", json_string("created"));
			json_object_set_new(info, "admin_api", json_false());
			json_object_set_new(info, "socket", json_integer(nfd));
			gateway->notify_event(&janus_nanomsg_transport, client.ts, info);
	memset(&admin_client, 0, sizeof(janus_nanomsg_client));
	if(admin_nfd > -1) {
		admin_client.admin = TRUE;
		admin_client.messages = g_async_queue_new();
		/* Create a transport instance as well */
		admin_client.ts = janus_transport_session_create(&admin_client, NULL);
		/* Notify handlers about this new transport */
		if(notify_events && gateway->events_is_enabled()) {
			json_t *info = json_object();
			json_object_set_new(info, "event", json_string("created"));
			json_object_set_new(info, "admin_api", json_true());
			json_object_set_new(info, "socket", json_integer(admin_nfd));
			gateway->notify_event(&janus_nanomsg_transport, admin_client.ts, info);

	/* Start the Nanomsg service thread */
	GError *error = NULL;
	nanomsg_thread = g_thread_try_new("nanomsg thread", &janus_nanomsg_thread, NULL, &error);
	if(!nanomsg_thread) {
		g_atomic_int_set(&initialized, 0);
		JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Got error %d (%s) trying to launch the Nanomsg thread...\n", error->code, error->message ? error->message : "??");
		return -1;

	/* Done */
	g_atomic_int_set(&initialized, 1);
	JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "%s initialized!\n", JANUS_NANOMSG_NAME);
	return 0;