Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: alloc.c Projeto: bass3m/julia
jl_value_t *jl_get_nth_field_checked(jl_value_t *v, size_t i)
    jl_datatype_t *st = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(v);
    if (i >= jl_tuple_len(st->names))
    size_t offs = jl_field_offset(st,i) + sizeof(void*);
    if (st->fields[i].isptr) {
        jl_value_t *fval = *(jl_value_t**)((char*)v + offs);
        if (fval == NULL)
        return fval;
    return jl_new_bits(jl_tupleref(st->types,i), (char*)v + offs);
Exemplo n.º 2
void jl_arrayset(jl_array_t *a, jl_value_t *rhs, size_t i)
    jl_value_t *el_type = jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(a));
    if (el_type != (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type) {
        if (!jl_subtype(rhs, el_type, 1))
            jl_type_error("arrayset", el_type, rhs);
    if (!a->ptrarray) {
        jl_assign_bits(&((char*)a->data)[i*a->elsize], rhs);
    else {
        ((jl_value_t**)a->data)[i] = rhs;
Exemplo n.º 3
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_get_nth_field_checked(jl_value_t *v, size_t i)
    jl_datatype_t *st = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(v);
    if (i >= jl_datatype_nfields(st))
        jl_bounds_error_int(v, i+1);
    size_t offs = jl_field_offset(st,i);
    if (jl_field_isptr(st,i)) {
        jl_value_t *fval = *(jl_value_t**)((char*)v + offs);
        if (fval == NULL)
        return fval;
    return jl_new_bits(jl_field_type(st,i), (char*)v + offs);
Exemplo n.º 4
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_powi_llvm(jl_value_t *a, jl_value_t *b)
    jl_value_t *ty = jl_typeof(a);
    if (!jl_is_bitstype(ty))
        jl_error("powi_llvm: a is not a bitstype");
    if (!jl_is_bitstype(jl_typeof(b)) || jl_datatype_size(jl_typeof(b)) != 4)
        jl_error("powi_llvm: b is not a 32-bit bitstype");
    jl_value_t *newv = newstruct((jl_datatype_t*)ty);
    void *pa = jl_data_ptr(a), *pr = jl_data_ptr(newv);
    int sz = jl_datatype_size(ty);
    switch (sz) {
    /* choose the right size c-type operation */
    case 4:
        *(float*)pr = powf(*(float*)pa, (float)jl_unbox_int32(b));
    case 8:
        *(double*)pr = pow(*(double*)pa, (double)jl_unbox_int32(b));
        jl_error("powi_llvm: runtime floating point intrinsics are not implemented for bit sizes other than 32 and 64");
    return newv;
Exemplo n.º 5
static inline jl_value_t *jl_fintrinsic_1(jl_value_t *ty, jl_value_t *a, const char *name, fintrinsic_op1 *floatop, fintrinsic_op1 *doubleop)
    if (!jl_is_bitstype(jl_typeof(a)))
        jl_errorf("%s: value is not a bitstype", name);
    if (!jl_is_bitstype(ty))
        jl_errorf("%s: type is not a bitstype", name);
    jl_value_t *newv = newstruct((jl_datatype_t*)ty);
    void *pa = jl_data_ptr(a), *pr = jl_data_ptr(newv);
    unsigned sz = jl_datatype_size(jl_typeof(a));
    unsigned sz2 = jl_datatype_size(ty);
    switch (sz) {
    /* choose the right size c-type operation based on the input */
    case 4:
        floatop(sz2 * host_char_bit, pa, pr);
    case 8:
        doubleop(sz2 * host_char_bit, pa, pr);
        jl_errorf("%s: runtime floating point intrinsics are not implemented for bit sizes other than 32 and 64", name);
    return newv;
Exemplo n.º 6
static inline
jl_value_t *jl_iintrinsic_2(jl_value_t *a, jl_value_t *b, const char *name,
                            char (*getsign)(void*, unsigned),
                            jl_value_t *(*lambda2)(jl_value_t*, void*, void*, unsigned, unsigned, const void*),
                            const void *list, int cvtb)
    jl_value_t *ty = jl_typeof(a);
    jl_value_t *tyb = jl_typeof(b);
    if (tyb != ty) {
        if (!cvtb)
            jl_errorf("%s: types of a and b must match", name);
        if (!jl_is_bitstype(tyb))
            jl_errorf("%s: b is not a bitstypes", name);
    if (!jl_is_bitstype(ty))
        jl_errorf("%s: a is not a bitstypes", name);
    void *pa = jl_data_ptr(a), *pb = jl_data_ptr(b);
    unsigned sz = jl_datatype_size(ty);
    unsigned sz2 = next_power_of_two(sz);
    unsigned szb = jl_datatype_size(tyb);
    if (sz2 > sz) {
        /* round type up to the appropriate c-type and set/clear the unused bits */
        void *pa2 = alloca(sz2);
        memcpy(pa2, pa, sz);
        memset((char*)pa2 + sz, getsign(pa, sz), sz2 - sz);
        pa = pa2;
    if (sz2 > szb) {
        /* round type up to the appropriate c-type and set/clear/truncate the unused bits */
        void *pb2 = alloca(sz2);
        memcpy(pb2, pb, szb);
        memset((char*)pb2 + szb, getsign(pb, sz), sz2 - szb);
        pb = pb2;
    jl_value_t *newv = lambda2(ty, pa, pb, sz, sz2, list);
    return newv;
Exemplo n.º 7
DLLEXPORT void jl_show_any(jl_value_t *str, jl_value_t *v)
    ios_t *s = (ios_t*)jl_iostr_data(str);
    // fallback for printing some other builtin types
    if (jl_is_tuple(v)) {
        jl_show_tuple(str, (jl_tuple_t*)v, '(', ')', 1);
    else if (jl_is_type(v)) {
        show_type(str, v);
    else if (jl_is_func(v)) {
        show_function(s, v);
    else if (jl_typeis(v,jl_intrinsic_type)) {
        JL_PRINTF(s, "#<intrinsic-function %d>", *(uint32_t*)jl_bits_data(v));
    else {
        jl_value_t *t = (jl_value_t*)jl_typeof(v);
        assert(jl_is_struct_type(t) || jl_is_bits_type(t));
        jl_tag_type_t *tt = (jl_tag_type_t*)t;
        JL_PUTS(tt->name->name->name, s);
        if (tt->parameters != jl_null) {
            jl_show_tuple(str, tt->parameters, '{', '}', 0);
        JL_PUTC('(', s);
        if (jl_is_struct_type(tt)) {
            jl_struct_type_t *st = (jl_struct_type_t*)tt;
            size_t i;
            size_t n = jl_tuple_len(st->names);
            for(i=0; i < n; i++) {
                jl_value_t *fval = jl_get_nth_field(v, i);
                if (fval == NULL)
                    JL_PUTS("#undef", s);
                    jl_show(str, fval);
                if (i < n-1)
                    JL_PUTC(',', s);
        else {
            size_t nb = jl_bitstype_nbits(tt)/8;
            char *data = (char*)jl_bits_data(v);
            JL_PUTS("0x", s);
            for(int i=nb-1; i >= 0; --i)
                ios_printf(s, "%02hhx", data[i]);
        JL_PUTC(')', s);
Exemplo n.º 8
int jl_egal(jl_value_t *a, jl_value_t *b)
    if (a == b)
        return 1;
    jl_value_t *ta = (jl_value_t*)jl_typeof(a);
    if (ta != (jl_value_t*)jl_typeof(b))
        return 0;
    if (jl_is_bits_type(ta)) {
        size_t nb = jl_bitstype_nbits(ta)/8;
        switch (nb) {
        case 1:
            return *(int8_t*)jl_bits_data(a) == *(int8_t*)jl_bits_data(b);
        case 2:
            return *(int16_t*)jl_bits_data(a) == *(int16_t*)jl_bits_data(b);
        case 4:
            return *(int32_t*)jl_bits_data(a) == *(int32_t*)jl_bits_data(b);
        case 8:
            return *(int64_t*)jl_bits_data(a) == *(int64_t*)jl_bits_data(b);
            return memcmp(jl_bits_data(a), jl_bits_data(b), nb)==0;
    if (jl_is_tuple(a)) {
        size_t l = jl_tuple_len(a);
        if (l != jl_tuple_len(b))
            return 0;
        for(size_t i=0; i < l; i++) {
            if (!jl_egal(jl_tupleref(a,i),jl_tupleref(b,i)))
                return 0;
        return 1;
    if (ta == (jl_value_t*)jl_union_kind)
        return jl_egal(jl_fieldref(a,0), jl_fieldref(b,0));
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: array.c Projeto: NHDaly/julia
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_arrayref(jl_array_t *a, size_t i)
    if (a->flags.ptrarray)
        return jl_ptrarrayref(a, i);
    assert(i < jl_array_len(a));
    jl_value_t *eltype = (jl_value_t*)jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(a));
    if (jl_is_uniontype(eltype)) {
        // isbits union selector bytes are always stored directly after the last array element
        uint8_t sel = jl_array_typetagdata(a)[i];
        eltype = jl_nth_union_component(eltype, sel);
        if (jl_is_datatype_singleton((jl_datatype_t*)eltype))
            return ((jl_datatype_t*)eltype)->instance;
    return jl_new_bits(eltype, &((char*)a->data)[i * a->elsize]);
Exemplo n.º 10
JL_DLLEXPORT int jl_egal(jl_value_t *a, jl_value_t *b)
    // warning: a,b may NOT have been gc-rooted by the caller
    if (a == b)
        return 1;
    jl_value_t *ta = (jl_value_t*)jl_typeof(a);
    if (ta != (jl_value_t*)jl_typeof(b))
        return 0;
    if (jl_is_svec(a))
        return compare_svec((jl_svec_t*)a, (jl_svec_t*)b);
    jl_datatype_t *dt = (jl_datatype_t*)ta;
    if (dt == jl_datatype_type) {
        jl_datatype_t *dta = (jl_datatype_t*)a;
        jl_datatype_t *dtb = (jl_datatype_t*)b;
        return dta->name == dtb->name && compare_svec(dta->parameters, dtb->parameters);
    if (dt->mutabl) return 0;
    size_t sz = jl_datatype_size(dt);
    if (sz == 0) return 1;
    size_t nf = jl_datatype_nfields(dt);
    if (nf == 0)
        return bits_equal(jl_data_ptr(a), jl_data_ptr(b), sz);
    return compare_fields(a, b, dt);
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: array.c Projeto: NHDaly/julia
static inline jl_array_t *_new_array(jl_value_t *atype, uint32_t ndims, size_t *dims)
    jl_value_t *eltype = jl_tparam0(atype);
    size_t elsz = 0, al = 0;
    if (!jl_is_kind(jl_typeof(eltype)))
        jl_type_error_rt("Array", "element type", (jl_value_t*)jl_type_type, eltype);
    int isunboxed = jl_islayout_inline(eltype, &elsz, &al);
    int isunion = jl_is_uniontype(eltype);
    if (!isunboxed) {
        elsz = sizeof(void*);
        al = elsz;

    return _new_array_(atype, ndims, dims, isunboxed, isunion, elsz);
Exemplo n.º 12
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_fptosi_auto(jl_value_t *a)
    jl_datatype_t *ty;
    switch (jl_datatype_size(jl_typeof(a))) {
        case 4:
            ty = jl_int32_type;
        case 8:
            ty = jl_int64_type;
            jl_error("fptoui: runtime floating point intrinsics are not implemented for bit sizes other than 32 and 64");
    return jl_fptosi((jl_value_t*)ty, a);
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: jl_uv.c Projeto: Blisse/julia
static void jl_uv_call_close_callback(jl_value_t *val)
    jl_value_t *cb;
    if (!jl_old_base_module) {
        if (close_cb == NULL)
            close_cb = jl_get_global(jl_base_module, jl_symbol("_uv_hook_close"));
        cb = close_cb;
    else {
        cb = jl_get_global(jl_base_relative_to(((jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(val))->name->module), jl_symbol("_uv_hook_close"));
    jl_value_t *args[2] = {cb,val};
    jl_apply(args, 2);
Exemplo n.º 14
void jl_assign_bits(void *dest, jl_value_t *bits)
    // bits must be a heap box.
    size_t nb = jl_datatype_size(jl_typeof(bits));
    if (nb == 0) return;
    switch (nb) {
    case  1: *(uint8_t*)dest    = *(uint8_t*)bits;    break;
    case  2: jl_store_unaligned_i16(dest, *(uint16_t*)bits); break;
    case  4: jl_store_unaligned_i32(dest, *(uint32_t*)bits); break;
    case  8: jl_store_unaligned_i64(dest, *(uint64_t*)bits); break;
    case 16:
        memcpy(dest, jl_assume_aligned(bits, 16), 16);
    default: memcpy(dest, bits, nb);
Exemplo n.º 15
JL_DLLEXPORT void jl_arrayset(jl_array_t *a, jl_value_t *rhs, size_t i)
    assert(i < jl_array_len(a));
    jl_value_t *el_type = jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(a));
    if (el_type != (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type) {
        if (!jl_subtype(rhs, el_type, 1))
            jl_type_error("arrayset", el_type, rhs);
    if (!a->flags.ptrarray) {
        jl_assign_bits(&((char*)a->data)[i*a->elsize], rhs);
    else {
        ((jl_value_t**)a->data)[i] = rhs;
        jl_gc_wb(jl_array_owner(a), rhs);
Exemplo n.º 16
static inline int sig_match_leaf(jl_value_t **args, jl_value_t **sig, size_t n)
    // NOTE: This function is a huge performance hot spot!!
    for(size_t i=0; i < n; i++) {
        jl_value_t *decl = sig[i];
        jl_value_t *a = args[i];
        if ((jl_value_t*)jl_typeof(a) != decl) {
              we are only matching concrete types here, and those types are
              hash-consed, so pointer comparison should work.
            return 0;
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 17
void jl_show(jl_value_t *stream, jl_value_t *v)
    if (jl_base_module) {
        if (jl_show_gf == NULL) {
            jl_show_gf = (jl_function_t*)jl_get_global(jl_base_module, jl_symbol("show"));
        if (jl_show_gf==NULL || stream==NULL) {
            JL_PRINTF(JL_STDERR, " could not show value of type %s",
                      jl_is_tuple(v) ? "Tuple" : 
        jl_value_t *args[2] = {stream,v};
        jl_apply(jl_show_gf, args, 2);
Exemplo n.º 18
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_arrayref(jl_array_t *a, size_t i)
    assert(i < jl_array_len(a));
    jl_value_t *elt;
    if (!a->flags.ptrarray) {
        jl_value_t *el_type = (jl_value_t*)jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(a));
        elt = jl_new_bits(el_type, &((char*)a->data)[i*a->elsize]);
    else {
        elt = ((jl_value_t**)a->data)[i];
        if (elt == NULL) {
    return elt;
Exemplo n.º 19
jl_value_t *jl_arrayref(jl_array_t *a, size_t i)
    jl_type_t *el_type = (jl_type_t*)jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(a));
    jl_value_t *elt;
    if (jl_is_bits_type(el_type)) {
        elt = jl_new_bits((jl_bits_type_t*)el_type,
    else {
        elt = ((jl_value_t**)a->data)[i];
        if (elt == NULL) {
    return elt;
Exemplo n.º 20
static inline int sig_match_simple(jl_value_t **args, size_t n, jl_value_t **sig,
                                   int va, size_t lensig)
    // NOTE: This function is a performance hot spot!!
    for(size_t i=0; i < n; i++) {
        jl_value_t *decl = sig[i];
        if (i == lensig-1) {
            if (va) {
                jl_value_t *t = jl_tparam0(decl);
                for(; i < n; i++) {
                    if (!jl_subtype(args[i], t, 1))
                        return 0;
                return 1;
        jl_value_t *a = args[i];
        if (decl == (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type) {
        else if ((jl_value_t*)jl_typeof(a) == decl) {
              we are only matching concrete types here, and those types are
              hash-consed, so pointer comparison should work.
        else if (jl_is_type_type(decl) && jl_is_type(a)) {
            jl_value_t *tp0 = jl_tparam0(decl);
            if (tp0 == (jl_value_t*)jl_typetype_tvar) {
                // in the case of Type{T}, the types don't have
                // to match exactly either. this is cached as Type{T}.
                // analogous to the situation with tuples.
            else if (jl_is_typevar(tp0)) {
                if (!jl_subtype(a, ((jl_tvar_t*)tp0)->ub, 0))
                    return 0;
            else {
                if (a!=tp0 && !jl_types_equal(a,tp0))
                    return 0;
        else {
            return 0;
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 21
// this is the general entry point for looking up a type in the cache
// (as a subtype, or with typeseq)
jl_typemap_entry_t *jl_typemap_assoc_by_type(union jl_typemap_t ml_or_cache, jl_tupletype_t *types, jl_svec_t **penv,
        int8_t subtype_inexact__sigseq_useenv, int8_t subtype, int8_t offs)
    if (jl_typeof(ml_or_cache.unknown) == (jl_value_t*)jl_typemap_level_type) {
        jl_typemap_level_t *cache = ml_or_cache.node;
        // called object is the primary key for constructors, otherwise first argument
        jl_value_t *ty = NULL;
        if (jl_datatype_nfields(types) > offs) {
            ty = jl_tparam(types, offs);
            if (cache->targ != (void*)jl_nothing && jl_is_type_type(ty)) {
                jl_value_t *a0 = jl_tparam0(ty);
                if (jl_is_datatype(a0)) {
                    union jl_typemap_t ml = mtcache_hash_lookup(cache->targ, a0, 1, offs);
                    if (ml.unknown != jl_nothing) {
                        jl_typemap_entry_t *li = jl_typemap_assoc_by_type(ml, types, penv,
                                subtype_inexact__sigseq_useenv, subtype, offs+1);
                        if (li) return li;
            if (cache->arg1 != (void*)jl_nothing && jl_is_datatype(ty)) {
                union jl_typemap_t ml = mtcache_hash_lookup(cache->arg1, ty, 0, offs);
                if (ml.unknown != jl_nothing) {
                    jl_typemap_entry_t *li = jl_typemap_assoc_by_type(ml, types, penv,
                            subtype_inexact__sigseq_useenv, subtype, offs+1);
                    if (li) return li;
        if (subtype) {
            jl_typemap_entry_t *li = jl_typemap_assoc_by_type_(cache->linear, types, subtype_inexact__sigseq_useenv, penv);
            if (li) return li;
            return jl_typemap_assoc_by_type(cache->any, types, penv, subtype_inexact__sigseq_useenv, subtype, offs+1);
        else {
            if (ty && jl_is_any(ty))
                return jl_typemap_assoc_by_type(cache->any, types, penv, subtype_inexact__sigseq_useenv, subtype, offs+1);
                return jl_typemap_lookup_by_type_(cache->linear, types, subtype_inexact__sigseq_useenv);
    else {
        return subtype ?
            jl_typemap_assoc_by_type_(ml_or_cache.leaf, types, subtype_inexact__sigseq_useenv, penv) :
            jl_typemap_lookup_by_type_(ml_or_cache.leaf, types, subtype_inexact__sigseq_useenv);
Exemplo n.º 22
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_get_nth_field(jl_value_t *v, size_t i)
    jl_datatype_t *st = (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(v);
    assert(i < jl_datatype_nfields(st));
    size_t offs = jl_field_offset(st, i);
    if (jl_field_isptr(st, i)) {
        return *(jl_value_t**)((char*)v + offs);
    jl_value_t *ty = jl_field_type(st, i);
    if (jl_is_uniontype(ty)) {
        uint8_t sel = ((uint8_t*)v)[offs + jl_field_size(st, i) - 1];
        ty = jl_nth_union_component(ty, sel);
        if (jl_is_datatype_singleton((jl_datatype_t*)ty))
            return ((jl_datatype_t*)ty)->instance;
    return jl_new_bits(ty, (char*)v + offs);
Exemplo n.º 23
// run time version of pointerref intrinsic (warning: i is not rooted)
JL_DLLEXPORT jl_value_t *jl_pointerref(jl_value_t *p, jl_value_t *i)
    JL_TYPECHK(pointerref, pointer, p);
    JL_TYPECHK(pointerref, long, i);
    jl_value_t *ety = jl_tparam0(jl_typeof(p));
    if (ety == (jl_value_t*)jl_any_type) {
        jl_value_t **pp = (jl_value_t**)(jl_unbox_long(p) + (jl_unbox_long(i)-1)*sizeof(void*));
        return *pp;
    else {
        if (!jl_is_datatype(ety))
            jl_error("pointerref: invalid pointer");
        size_t nb = LLT_ALIGN(jl_datatype_size(ety), ((jl_datatype_t*)ety)->layout->alignment);
        char *pp = (char*)jl_unbox_long(p) + (jl_unbox_long(i)-1)*nb;
        return jl_new_bits(ety, pp);
Exemplo n.º 24
int jl_typemap_visitor(union jl_typemap_t cache, jl_typemap_visitor_fptr fptr, void *closure)
    if (jl_typeof(cache.unknown) == (jl_value_t*)jl_typemap_level_type) {
        if (cache.node->targ.values != (void*)jl_nothing)
            if (!jl_typemap_array_visitor(&cache.node->targ, fptr, closure))
                return 0;
        if (cache.node->arg1.values != (void*)jl_nothing)
            if (!jl_typemap_array_visitor(&cache.node->arg1, fptr, closure))
                return 0;
        if (!jl_typemap_node_visitor(cache.node->linear, fptr, closure))
            return 0;
        return jl_typemap_visitor(cache.node->any, fptr, closure);
    else {
        return jl_typemap_node_visitor(cache.leaf, fptr, closure);
Exemplo n.º 25
DLLEXPORT void jl_show_any(jl_value_t *str, jl_value_t *v)
    uv_stream_t *s = ((uv_stream_t**)str)[1];
    // fallback for printing some other builtin types
    if (jl_is_tuple(v)) {
        jl_show_tuple(str, (jl_tuple_t*)v, '(', ')', 1);
    else if (jl_is_type(v)) {
        show_type(str, v);
    else if (jl_is_func(v)) {
        show_function(s, v);
    else if (jl_typeis(v,jl_intrinsic_type)) {
        JL_PRINTF(s, "# intrinsic function %d", *(uint32_t*)jl_data_ptr(v));
    else {
        jl_value_t *t = (jl_value_t*)jl_typeof(v);
        jl_datatype_t *dt = (jl_datatype_t*)t;
        show_type(str, t);
        JL_PUTC('(', s);
        if (jl_tuple_len(dt->names)>0 || dt->size==0) {
            size_t i;
            size_t n = jl_tuple_len(dt->names);
            for(i=0; i < n; i++) {
                jl_value_t *fval = jl_get_nth_field(v, i);
                if (fval == NULL)
                    JL_PUTS("#undef", s);
                    jl_show(str, fval);
                if (i < n-1)
                    JL_PUTC(',', s);
        else {
            size_t nb = jl_datatype_size(dt);
            char *data = (char*)jl_data_ptr(v);
            JL_PUTS("0x", s);
            for(int i=nb-1; i >= 0; --i)
                jl_printf(s, "%02hhx", data[i]);
        JL_PUTC(')', s);
Exemplo n.º 26
jl_typemap_entry_t *jl_typemap_assoc_exact(union jl_typemap_t ml_or_cache, jl_value_t **args, size_t n, int8_t offs)
    // NOTE: This function is a huge performance hot spot!!
    if (jl_typeof(ml_or_cache.unknown) == (jl_value_t*)jl_typemap_level_type) {
        jl_typemap_level_t *cache = ml_or_cache.node;
        if (n > offs) {
            jl_value_t *a1 = args[offs];
            jl_value_t *ty = (jl_value_t*)jl_typeof(a1);
            if (ty == (jl_value_t*)jl_datatype_type && cache->targ != (void*)jl_nothing) {
                ml_or_cache = mtcache_hash_lookup(cache->targ, a1, 1, offs);
                jl_typemap_entry_t *ml = jl_typemap_assoc_exact(ml_or_cache, args, n, offs+1);
                if (ml) return ml;
            if (cache->arg1 != (void*)jl_nothing) {
                ml_or_cache = mtcache_hash_lookup(cache->arg1, ty, 0, offs);
                if (jl_typeof(ml_or_cache.unknown) == (jl_value_t*)jl_typemap_entry_type &&
                        ml_or_cache.leaf->simplesig == (void*)jl_nothing && offs < 2 && n > 1) {
                    jl_value_t *a0 = args[1-offs];
                    jl_value_t *t0 = (jl_value_t*)jl_typeof(a0);
                    if (ml_or_cache.leaf->next==(void*)jl_nothing && n==2 && jl_datatype_nfields(ml_or_cache.leaf->sig)==2 &&
                        jl_tparam(ml_or_cache.leaf->sig, 1 - offs) == t0)
                        return ml_or_cache.leaf;
                    if (n==3) {
                        // some manually-unrolled common special cases
                        jl_value_t *a2 = args[2];
                        if (!jl_is_tuple(a2)) {  // issue #6426
                            jl_typemap_entry_t *mn = ml_or_cache.leaf;
                            if (jl_datatype_nfields(mn->sig)==3 &&
                                jl_tparam(mn->sig,1-offs)==t0 &&
                                return mn;
                            mn = mn->next;
                            if (mn!=(void*)jl_nothing && jl_datatype_nfields(mn->sig)==3 &&
                                jl_tparam(mn->sig,1-offs)==t0 &&
                                return mn;
                jl_typemap_entry_t *ml = jl_typemap_assoc_exact(ml_or_cache, args, n, offs+1);
                if (ml) return ml;
        jl_typemap_entry_t *ml = jl_typemap_node_assoc_exact(cache->linear, args, n);
        if (ml) return ml;
        return jl_typemap_assoc_exact(cache->any, args, n, offs+1);
    else {
        return jl_typemap_node_assoc_exact(ml_or_cache.leaf, args, n);
Exemplo n.º 27
DLLEXPORT uptrint_t jl_object_id(jl_value_t *v)
    if (jl_is_symbol(v))
        return ((jl_sym_t*)v)->hash;
    jl_value_t *tv = (jl_value_t*)jl_typeof(v);
    if (tv == (jl_value_t*)jl_tuple_type) {
        uptrint_t h = 0;
        size_t l = jl_tuple_len(v);
        for(size_t i = 0; i < l; i++) {
            uptrint_t u = jl_object_id(jl_tupleref(v,i));
            h = bitmix(h, u);
        return h;
    jl_datatype_t *dt = (jl_datatype_t*)tv;
    if (dt == jl_datatype_type) {
        jl_datatype_t *dtv = (jl_datatype_t*)v;
        uptrint_t h = inthash((uptrint_t)tv);
        return bitmix(bitmix(h, jl_object_id((jl_value_t*)dtv->name)),
    if (dt->mutabl) return inthash((uptrint_t)v);
    size_t sz = jl_datatype_size(tv);
    uptrint_t h = inthash((uptrint_t)tv);
    if (sz == 0) return ~h;
    size_t nf = jl_tuple_len(dt->names);
    if (nf == 0) {
        return bits_hash(jl_data_ptr(v), sz) ^ h;
    for (size_t f=0; f < nf; f++) {
        size_t offs = dt->fields[f].offset;
        char *vo = (char*)jl_data_ptr(v) + offs;
        uptrint_t u;
        if (dt->fields[f].isptr) {
            jl_value_t *f = *(jl_value_t**)vo;
            u = f==NULL ? 0 : jl_object_id(f);
        else {
            u = bits_hash(vo, dt->fields[f].size);
        h = bitmix(h, u);
    return h;
Exemplo n.º 28
jl_value_t *jl_toplevel_eval_flex(jl_value_t *ex, int fast)
    //ios_printf(ios_stdout, "\n");
    jl_lambda_info_t *thk;
    int ewc = 0;
    if (jl_typeof(ex) != (jl_type_t*)jl_lambda_info_type) {
        if (jl_is_expr(ex) && eval_with_compiler_p((jl_expr_t*)ex, fast)) {
            thk = jl_wrap_expr(ex);
            ewc = 1;
        else {
            return jl_interpret_toplevel_expr(ex);
    else {
        thk = (jl_lambda_info_t*)ex;
        ewc = eval_with_compiler_p(jl_lam_body((jl_expr_t*)thk->ast), fast);
        if (!ewc) {
            jl_array_t *vinfos = jl_lam_vinfo((jl_expr_t*)thk->ast);
            int i;
            for(i=0; i < vinfos->length; i++) {
                if (jl_vinfo_capt((jl_array_t*)jl_cellref(vinfos,i))) {
                    // interpreter doesn't handle closure environment
                    ewc = 1;
    jl_value_t *thunk=NULL;
    jl_function_t *gf=NULL;
    jl_value_t *result;
    JL_GC_PUSH(&thunk, &gf, &thk);
    if (ewc) {
        thunk = jl_new_closure_internal(thk, (jl_value_t*)jl_null);
        result = jl_apply((jl_function_t*)thunk, NULL, 0);
    else {
        result = jl_interpret_toplevel_thunk(thk);
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 29
static void jl_typemap_insert_generic(union jl_typemap_t *pml, jl_value_t *parent,
                                     jl_typemap_entry_t *newrec, jl_value_t *key, int8_t offs,
                                     const struct jl_typemap_info *tparams)
    if (jl_typeof(pml->unknown) == (jl_value_t*)jl_typemap_level_type) {
        jl_typemap_level_insert_(pml->node, newrec, offs, tparams);

    unsigned count = jl_typemap_list_count(pml->leaf);
    if (count > MAX_METHLIST_COUNT) {
        pml->node = jl_method_convert_list_to_cache(pml->leaf, key, offs);
        jl_gc_wb(parent, pml->node);
        jl_typemap_level_insert_(pml->node, newrec, offs, tparams);

    jl_typemap_list_insert_(&pml->leaf, parent, newrec, tparams);
Exemplo n.º 30
static size_t jl_static_show_x(JL_STREAM *out, jl_value_t *v, struct recur_list *depth)
    // show values without calling a julia method or allocating through the GC
    if (v == NULL) {
        return jl_printf(out, "#<null>");
    else if ((uintptr_t)v < 4096U) {
        return jl_printf(out, "#<%d>", (int)(uintptr_t)v);
    unsigned int dist = 1;
    struct recur_list this_item = {depth, v}, *p = depth;
    while (p) {
        if (p->v == v)
            return jl_printf(out, "<circular reference @-%u>", dist);
        p = p->prev;
    return jl_static_show_x_(out, v, (jl_datatype_t*)jl_typeof(v), &this_item);