FixedJoint* EditorLoader::AddJoint(SimpleObject* pObj1, SimpleObject* pObj2) { m_pPhysXEngine->GetScene()->resetJointIterator(); unsigned int joints = m_pPhysXEngine->GetScene()->getNbJoints(); bool bExists(false); NxJoint* j(0); for (unsigned int i(0); i < joints; ++i) { NxJoint* joint(m_pPhysXEngine->GetScene()->getNextJoint()); NxActor* pActor1, *pActor2; joint->getActors(&pActor1,&pActor2); if ((pObj1->GetActor() == pActor1 || pObj1->GetActor() == pActor2) && (pObj2->GetActor() == pActor1 || pObj2->GetActor() == pActor2)) { bExists = true; j = joint; } } if (bExists && j != 0) { m_pPhysXEngine->GetPhysXLock().lock(); m_pPhysXEngine->GetScene()->releaseJoint(*j); m_pPhysXEngine->GetPhysXLock().unlock(); } else return new FixedJoint(m_pPhysXEngine, pObj1->GetActor(), pObj2->GetActor()); return 0; }
void DynamixelServo::angle(float newAngle) { int rev=0; float diffAngle=newAngle-presentAngle; presentAngle=newAngle; while (diffAngle>180.0) { rev--; diffAngle-=360.0; } while(diffAngle<-180.0){ rev++; diffAngle+=360.0; } int pos=DXL2USB.readWord(id,DXL_PRESENT_POSITION_WORD); while (rev>0){ wheel(1023); int newpos=DXL2USB.readWord(id,DXL_PRESENT_POSITION_WORD); if (pos-newpos>DynamixelInterface::JITTER) rev--; pos=newpos; } while (rev<0){ wheel(1024+1023); int newpos=DXL2USB.readWord(id,DXL_PRESENT_POSITION_WORD); if (newpos-pos>DynamixelInterface::JITTER) rev++; pos=newpos; } diffAngle=presentAngle; while (diffAngle>180)diffAngle-=360.0; while (diffAngle<-180) diffAngle+=360.0; int angle=((180-diffAngle)*2047)/180; joint(angle); }
std::shared_ptr<Joint> Joints::create_joint(PhysicsWorld &phys_world, Body &bodyA, Body &bodyB, int type) { //Get the Physics Context PhysicsContext pc = phys_world.get_pc(); switch(type) { default: case 0: // Distance joint { DistanceJointDescription joint_desc(phys_world); joint_desc.set_bodies(bodyA, bodyB, bodyA.get_position(), bodyB.get_position()); joint_desc.set_damping_ratio(1.0f); joint_desc.set_length(100.0f); std::shared_ptr<Joint> joint( static_cast<Joint *> (new DistanceJoint(pc, joint_desc))); return joint; } case 1: // Revolute joint { RevoluteJointDescription joint_desc(phys_world); joint_desc.set_bodies(bodyA, bodyB, bodyA.get_position()); joint_desc.set_as_motor(); joint_desc.set_motor_speed(Angle(60,angle_degrees)); joint_desc.set_max_motor_torque(1000); std::shared_ptr<Joint> joint( static_cast<Joint *> (new RevoluteJoint(pc, joint_desc))); return joint; } case 2: // Prismatic joint { PrismaticJointDescription joint_desc(phys_world); joint_desc.set_bodies(bodyA, bodyB, bodyA.get_position(), bodyB.get_position()); joint_desc.set_as_motor(); joint_desc.enable_limit(); joint_desc.set_axis_a(Vec2f(0.0f,1.0f)); joint_desc.set_motor_speed(Angle(20,angle_degrees)); joint_desc.set_translation_limits(10.0f,100.0f); joint_desc.set_max_motor_force(1000); std::shared_ptr<Joint> joint( static_cast<Joint *> (new PrismaticJoint(pc, joint_desc))); return joint; } } }
boost::shared_ptr< Joint > DummyInterface::createJoint(const std::string& name) { Joint::Ptr joint(new DummyJoint(name)); joint->name = name; joint->feedback.pos = 0; return joint; }
void PyBody::setPosture(PyObject *v) { if (PySequence_Size(v) != numJoints()) return; for (unsigned int i=0; i<numJoints(); i++) { hrp::Link *j = joint(i); if (j) j->q = boost::python::extract<double>(PySequence_GetItem(v, i)); } notifyChanged(KINEMATICS); }
Node* NavMesh::EulerianNext(Node *start) { AdjacencyList::Iterator arc; for( arc = start->adjacents.begin(); arc != start->adjacents.end(); ++arc ) { if( !joint(*arc) ) return (*arc)->to; } }
PyObject *PyBody::getPosture() { boost::python::list retval; for (unsigned int i=0; i<numJoints(); i++){ hrp::Link *j = joint(i); double q = j ? j->q : 0; retval.append(boost::python::object(q)); } return boost::python::incref(retval.ptr()); }
int countDegreesOfFreedom(taoDNode * node) { int dof(0); for (taoJoint * joint(node->getJointList()); 0 != joint; joint = joint->getNext()) { dof += joint->getDOF(); } for (taoDNode * child(node->getDChild()); 0 != child; child = child->getDSibling()) { dof += countDegreesOfFreedom(child); } return dof; }
int countNumberOfJoints(taoDNode * node) { int count(0); for (taoJoint * joint(node->getJointList()); 0 != joint; joint = joint->getNext()) { ++count; } for (taoDNode * child(node->getDChild()); 0 != child; child = child->getDSibling()) { count += countNumberOfJoints(child); } return count; }
void Model:: setState(State const & state) { state_ = state; for (size_t ii(0); ii < ndof_; ++ii) { taoJoint * joint(kgm_tree_->info[ii].joint); joint->setQ(&const_cast<State&>(state).position_.coeffRef(ii)); joint->zeroDQ(); joint->zeroDDQ(); joint->zeroTau(); } if (cc_tree_) { for (size_t ii(0); ii < ndof_; ++ii) { taoJoint * joint(cc_tree_->info[ii].joint); joint->setQ(&const_cast<State&>(state).position_.coeffRef(ii)); joint->setDQ(&const_cast<State&>(state).velocity_.coeffRef(ii)); joint->zeroDDQ(); joint->zeroTau(); } } }
void fist(float wristangle){ matrixPush(ModelView); matrixRotate(ModelView, wristangle, 0, 0, 1); matrixPush(ModelView); matrixScale(ModelView, .5, .5, 1); joint(); matrixPop(ModelView); hand(); matrixPop(ModelView); }
MayaTransformWriter::MayaTransformWriter(double iFrame, MayaTransformWriter & iParent, MDagPath & iDag, uint32_t iTimeIndex, bool iWriteVisibility) { if (iDag.hasFn(MFn::kJoint)) { MFnIkJoint joint(iDag); Alembic::AbcGeom::OXform obj(iParent.getObject(),, iTimeIndex); mSchema = obj.getSchema(); Alembic::Abc::OCompoundProperty cp = obj.getProperties(); mAttrs = AttributesWriterPtr(new AttributesWriter(iFrame, cp, joint, iTimeIndex, iWriteVisibility)); pushTransformStack(iFrame, joint); } else { MFnTransform trans(iDag); Alembic::AbcGeom::OXform obj(iParent.getObject(),, iTimeIndex); mSchema = obj.getSchema(); Alembic::Abc::OCompoundProperty cp = obj.getProperties(); mAttrs = AttributesWriterPtr(new AttributesWriter(iFrame, cp, trans, iTimeIndex, iWriteVisibility)); pushTransformStack(iFrame, trans); } // need to look at inheritsTransform MFnDagNode dagNode(iDag); MPlug inheritPlug = dagNode.findPlug("inheritsTransform"); if (!inheritPlug.isNull()) { if (util::getSampledType(inheritPlug) != 0) mInheritsPlug = inheritPlug; mSample.setInheritsXforms(inheritPlug.asBool()); } // everything is default, don't write anything if (mSample.getNumOps() == 0 && mSample.getInheritsXforms()) return; mSchema.set(mSample); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { reader pd("../config/config.ini"); camera cam; cam.fx = atof(pd.get("camera.fx").c_str()); cam.fy = atof(pd.get("camera.fy").c_str()); = atof(pd.get("").c_str()); = atof(pd.get("").c_str()); cam.scale = atof(pd.get("camera.scale").c_str()); frame frame1, frame2; frame1.rgb = imread("../data/rgb1.png"); frame1.depth = imread("../data/depth1.png", -1); frame2.rgb = imread("../data/rgb2.png"); frame2.depth = imread("../data/depth2.png", -1); cout << "extracting features" << endl; string detector = pd.get("detector"); string descriptor = pd.get("descriptor"); compute_feature(frame1, detector, descriptor); compute_feature(frame2, detector, descriptor); cout << "matching" << endl; vector<DMatch> matches; match(matches, frame1, frame2); cout << "solving pnp" << endl; pnp result = sfm(cam, matches, frame1, frame2); Isometry3d T = cvmat2eigen(result.r, result.t); cout << "r: " << result.r << endl << "t: " << result.t << endl; cout << "converting images into clouds" << endl; Pointcloud::Ptr cloud1 = map2point(cam, frame1.rgb, frame1.depth); cout << "combining clouds" << endl; Pointcloud::Ptr output = joint(cam, cloud1, T, frame2); io::savePCDFile("../data/result.pcd", *output); cout << "result saved." << endl; visualization::CloudViewer viewer("viewer"); viewer.showCloud(output); while(!viewer.wasStopped()) {} return 0; }
// In order to correctly extract skinweights we first // need to go into bindpose. (and we need to remember the current // pose, to be able to undo it). // // I know: nearly no error-checking. void BindPoseTool::GoIntoBindPose() { MStatus status; std::cout << " Going into bindpose "; // == turn IK off // save current state undoInfo.ikSnap = MIkSystem::isGlobalSnap(&status); undoInfo.ikSolve = MIkSystem::isGlobalSolve(); // turn it off MIkSystem::setGlobalSnap(false); MIkSystem::setGlobalSolve(false); // == put joints into bindPose for (MItDag dagIt(MItDag::kDepthFirst, MFn::kJoint); !dagIt.isDone(); { std::cout << "."; MDagPath jointPath; dagIt.getPath(jointPath); if (jointPath.isInstanced()) { // we only work on the first instance of an instanced joint. if (jointPath.instanceNumber() != 0) continue; } BindPoseUndoInformation::JointMatrixVector::value_type joint2transform; MFnIkJoint joint(jointPath.node()); MTransformationMatrix currentTransform = joint.transformation(&status); joint2transform.first = jointPath.node(); joint2transform.second = currentTransform; undoInfo.savedTransforms.push_back(joint2transform); MMatrix bindPoseMatrix = getBindPoseMatrix(joint); joint.set(bindPoseMatrix); } std::cout << std::endl; //cout << "bindPose end" << endl; // don't know, if this is really necessary, but MS xporttranslator // does it... syncMeshes(); // remember the change inBindPose = true; }
void Model:: setState(State const & state) { state_ = state; double const * pos(&state.position_[0]); for (size_t ii(0); ii < ndof_; ++ii, ++pos) { taoJoint * joint(kgm_joints_[ii]); joint->setQ(pos); joint->zeroDQ(); joint->zeroDDQ(); joint->zeroTau(); } if (cc_root_) { pos = &state.position_[0]; double const * vel(&state.velocity_[0]); for (size_t ii(0); ii < ndof_; ++ii, ++pos, ++vel) { taoJoint * joint(cc_joints_[ii]); joint->setQ(pos); joint->setDQ(vel); joint->zeroDDQ(); joint->zeroTau(); } } }
typename std::enable_if<is_dataset<Dataset>::value, real_type>::type accuracy(const dataset_type& ds) const { argument_type label = label_var(); real_type result(0); real_type weight(0); assignment_type a; F posterior; for (const auto& p : ds.assignments(arguments())) { joint(p.first, posterior); posterior.maximum(a); result += p.second * ( == p.first[label]); weight += p.second; } return result / weight; }
void feet(float footangle){ matrixPush(ModelView); matrixRotate(ModelView, footangle, 0, 0, 1); matrixPush(ModelView); matrixScale(ModelView, .9, .9, 1); joint(); matrixPop(ModelView); matrixPush(ModelView); matrixScale(ModelView, -1, 1, 1); foot(); matrixPop(ModelView); matrixPop(ModelView); }
void leg(float upperlegangle, float lowerlegangle, float footangle){ matrixPush(ModelView); matrixRotate(ModelView, upperlegangle, 0, 0, 1); joint(); matrixPush(ModelView); matrixScale(ModelView, 2, 1, 1); arm_segment(); matrixPop(ModelView); matrixTranslate(ModelView, 0, -6, 0); lower_leg(lowerlegangle, footangle); matrixPop(ModelView); }
/* * converts cartesian via points to joint space via points */ vector<ColumnVector> TrajectoryController::getJSPoints( vector<ColumnVector>& cartesianList) { vector<ColumnVector> jsPoints; ColumnVector cartesian(6), currentQ(6), previousQ(6), joint(6); Generator* gen = getGenerator(cartesianList); if (gen != NULL) { currentQ = 0; joint = 0; // - convert ith cartesian to thetas // - if conditions satisfied, add point in path. for (int i = 0; i <= PNT_SAMPLES; i++) { double k = ((i * 1.0) / PNT_SAMPLES); // cout << k << endl; //get xyz and orientation from generator for time k. cartesian = gen->getPosition(k); // cout << "cart c " << cartesian.as_row(); Quaternion quat = gen->getOrientation(k); cartesian.resize_keep(6); Matrix R = quat.R(); cartesian.Rows(4, 6) = irpy(R); // cout << cartesian.AsRow() << endl; // cout << quat << endl; //add the joint solution if it exists if (kineSolver->getBestSolution(cartesian, currentQ, joint)) { // cout << "cartesian " << cartesian.AsRow() << endl; // cout << "joint " << joint.AsRow() << endl; jsPoints.push_back(joint); currentQ = joint; } else { //path has to be rejected cout << cartesian.AsRow() << " : Via point out of workspace. Path rejected." << endl; jsPoints.clear(); break; } } } return jsPoints; }
void lower_leg(float lowerlegangle, float footangle){ matrixPush(ModelView); matrixRotate(ModelView, lowerlegangle, 0, 0, 1); matrixPush(ModelView); matrixScale(ModelView, .9, .9, 1); joint(); matrixPop(ModelView); matrixPush(ModelView); matrixScale(ModelView, 1.8, .8 , 1); arm_segment(); matrixPop(ModelView); matrixTranslate(ModelView, 0, -4.8, 0); feet(footangle); matrixPop(ModelView); }
void JoinSegments(T* mSys, ChSharedBodyPtr& A, ChSharedBodyPtr& B) { real mass = 1; Quaternion q; q.Q_from_AngZ(PI / 2.0); ChCoordsys<> pos1; ChCoordsys<> pos2; pos1.pos = Vector(segment_length - segment_thickness, 0, 0); pos2.pos = Vector(-segment_length + segment_thickness, 0, 0); ChCoordsys<> pos; pos.pos = Vector(0, 0, 0); ChSharedPtr<ChLinkLockRevolute> joint(new ChLinkLockRevolute); joint->Initialize(A, B, true, pos1, pos2); mSys->AddLink(joint); }
void arm(float upperarmangle, float lowerarmangle, float wristangle){ matrixPush(ModelView); matrixRotate(ModelView, upperarmangle, 0, 0, 1); matrixPush(ModelView); matrixScale(ModelView, .625, .625, 1); joint(); matrixPop(ModelView); matrixPush(ModelView); matrixScale(ModelView, 1.25, 1, 1); arm_segment(); matrixPop(ModelView); matrixTranslate(ModelView, 0, -6, 0); forearm(lowerarmangle, wristangle); matrixPop(ModelView); }
void forearm(float lowerarmangle, float wristangle){ matrixPush(ModelView); matrixRotate(ModelView, lowerarmangle, 0, 0, 1); matrixPush(ModelView); matrixScale(ModelView, .5, .5, 1); joint(); matrixPop(ModelView); arm_segment(); matrixPush(ModelView); matrixTranslate(ModelView, 0, -6, 0); fist(wristangle); matrixPop(ModelView); matrixPop(ModelView); }
void CreateFiber(T* mSys, ChVector<> position) { real length = .05; real thickness = .01; ChSharedBodyPtr Fiber1 = ChSharedBodyPtr(new ChBody(new ChCollisionModelParallel)); ChSharedBodyPtr Fiber2; ChSharedBodyPtr fibers[10]; fibers[0] = ChSharedBodyPtr(new ChBody(new ChCollisionModelParallel)); Quaternion q; q.Q_from_AngZ(PI / 2.0); InitObject(fibers[0], .1, Vector(0, -2, 0) + position, q, material_fiber, true, false, -1, -2); AddCollisionGeometry(fibers[0], CYLINDER, Vector(thickness, length, length), Vector(0, 0, 0), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)); AddCollisionGeometry(fibers[0], SPHERE, Vector(thickness, length, length), Vector(0, length, 0), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)); AddCollisionGeometry(fibers[0], SPHERE, Vector(thickness, length, length), Vector(0, -length, 0), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)); FinalizeObject(fibers[0], (ChSystemParallel *) mSys); fibers[0]->SetPos_dt(Vector(0, -1, 0)); for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { fibers[i] = ChSharedBodyPtr(new ChBody(new ChCollisionModelParallel)); InitObject(fibers[i], .1, Vector(i * (length + thickness) * 2, -2, 0) + position, q, material_fiber, true, false, -1, -2); AddCollisionGeometry(fibers[i], CYLINDER, Vector(thickness, length, length), Vector(0, 0, 0), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)); AddCollisionGeometry(fibers[i], SPHERE, Vector(thickness, length, length), Vector(0, length, 0), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)); AddCollisionGeometry(fibers[i], SPHERE, Vector(thickness, length, length), Vector(0, -length, 0), Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0)); FinalizeObject(fibers[i], (ChSystemParallel *) mSys); fibers[i]->SetPos_dt(Vector(0, -1, 0)); ChCoordsys<> pos; pos.pos = Vector((i - 1) * (length + thickness) * 2 + length, -2, 0) + position; ChSharedPtr<ChLinkLockRevolute> joint(new ChLinkLockRevolute); joint->Initialize(fibers[i - 1], fibers[i], pos); // joint->Initialize(fibers[i - 1], fibers[i], true, Vector(length,0,0),Vector(-length,0,0),true); // joint->Set_SpringF(100); // joint->Set_SpringK(100); // joint->Set_SpringR(100); mSys->AddLink(joint); } }
int main() { int t, test = 0, n, x, y, i; scanf("%d", &t); while(t--) { scanf("%d", &n); memset(map, 0, sizeof(map)); memset(deg, 0, sizeof(deg)); init(); while(n--) { scanf("%d %d", &x, &y); map[x][y]++; map[y][x]++; deg[x]++, deg[y]++; joint(x, y); } printf("Case #%d\n", ++test); int st, flag = 0; for(i = 1; i <= 50; i++) { if(deg[i]) { st = i; if(deg[i]&1) flag = 1; } } for(i = 1; i <= 50; i++) { if(deg[i]) { if(find(st) != find(i)) flag = 1; } } if(flag) puts("some beads may be lost"); else dfs(st); if(t) puts(""); } return 0; }
void OpenNIDevice::copySkeleton(const nite::Skeleton& srcSkeleton, dai::Skeleton& dstSkeleton) { for (int j=0; j<15; ++j) { // Load nite::SkeletonJoint const nite::SkeletonJoint& niteJoint = srcSkeleton.getJoint((nite::JointType) j); const nite::Point3f& nitePos = niteJoint.getPosition(); const nite::Quaternion& niteOrientation = niteJoint.getOrientation(); // Copy nite joint pos to my own Joint converting from nite milimeters to meters SkeletonJoint joint(Point3f(nitePos.x, nitePos.y, nitePos.z), _staticMap[j]); joint.setOrientation(Quaternion(niteOrientation.w, niteOrientation.x, niteOrientation.y, niteOrientation.z)); joint.setPositionConfidence(niteJoint.getPositionConfidence()); joint.setOrientationConfidence(niteJoint.getOrientationConfidence()); dstSkeleton.setJoint(_staticMap[j], joint); } dstSkeleton.setDistanceUnits(dai::DISTANCE_MILIMETERS); }
/*! @brief Copys the joint sensor data from the Motors class to the NUSensorsData container. The Motors class is very old and uses two globals; JointPositions and JointLoads to store sensor data. Consequently, we need only copy from these old arrays into the new fancy NUSensorsData structure. */ void BearSensors::copyFromJoints() { static const float NaN = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(); std::vector<float> targets; m_motors->getTargets(targets); std::vector<float> joint(NUSensorsData::NumJointSensorIndices, NaN); float delta_t = (m_current_time - m_previous_time)/1000.0; for (size_t i=0; i<m_joint_ids.size(); i++) { joint[NUSensorsData::PositionId] = Motors::MotorSigns[i]*(JointPositions[i] - Motors::DefaultPositions[i])/195.379; // I know, its a horrible way of converting from motor units to radians joint[NUSensorsData::VelocityId] = (joint[NUSensorsData::PositionId] - m_previous_positions[i])/delta_t; joint[NUSensorsData::AccelerationId] = (joint[NUSensorsData::VelocityId] - m_previous_velocities[i])/delta_t; joint[NUSensorsData::TargetId] = Motors::MotorSigns[i]*(targets[i] - Motors::DefaultPositions[i])/195.379;; joint[NUSensorsData::StiffnessId] = NaN; joint[NUSensorsData::TorqueId] = Motors::MotorSigns[i]*JointLoads[i]*1.6432e-3; // This torque conversion factor was measured for a DX-117, I don't know how well it applies to other motors m_data->set(*m_joint_ids[i], m_current_time, joint); m_previous_positions[i] = joint[NUSensorsData::PositionId]; m_previous_velocities[i] = joint[NUSensorsData::VelocityId]; } }
//destructor MyoThread::~MyoThread() { if(mLoop) joint(); }
MayaTransformWriter::MayaTransformWriter(MayaTransformWriter & iParent, MDagPath & iDag, Alembic::Util::uint32_t iTimeIndex, const JobArgs & iArgs) { mVerbose = iArgs.verbose; mFilterEulerRotations = iArgs.filterEulerRotations; mJointOrientOpIndex[0] = mJointOrientOpIndex[1] = mJointOrientOpIndex[2] = mRotateOpIndex[0] = mRotateOpIndex[1] = mRotateOpIndex[2] = mRotateAxisOpIndex[0] = mRotateAxisOpIndex[1] = mRotateAxisOpIndex[2] = ~size_t(0); if (iDag.hasFn(MFn::kJoint)) { MFnIkJoint joint(iDag); MString jointName =; mName = util::stripNamespaces(jointName, iArgs.stripNamespace); Alembic::AbcGeom::OXform obj(iParent.getObject(), mName.asChar(), iTimeIndex); mSchema = obj.getSchema(); Alembic::Abc::OCompoundProperty cp; Alembic::Abc::OCompoundProperty up; if (AttributesWriter::hasAnyAttr(joint, iArgs)) { cp = mSchema.getArbGeomParams(); up = mSchema.getUserProperties(); } mAttrs = AttributesWriterPtr(new AttributesWriter(cp, up, obj, joint, iTimeIndex, iArgs)); pushTransformStack(joint, iTimeIndex == 0); } else { MFnTransform trans(iDag); MString transName =; mName = util::stripNamespaces(transName, iArgs.stripNamespace); Alembic::AbcGeom::OXform obj(iParent.getObject(), mName.asChar(), iTimeIndex); mSchema = obj.getSchema(); Alembic::Abc::OCompoundProperty cp; Alembic::Abc::OCompoundProperty up; if (AttributesWriter::hasAnyAttr(trans, iArgs)) { cp = mSchema.getArbGeomParams(); up = mSchema.getUserProperties(); } mAttrs = AttributesWriterPtr(new AttributesWriter(cp, up, obj, trans, iTimeIndex, iArgs)); pushTransformStack(trans, iTimeIndex == 0); } // need to look at inheritsTransform MFnDagNode dagNode(iDag); MPlug inheritPlug = dagNode.findPlug("inheritsTransform"); if (!inheritPlug.isNull()) { if (util::getSampledType(inheritPlug) != 0) mInheritsPlug = inheritPlug; mSample.setInheritsXforms(inheritPlug.asBool()); } // everything is default, don't write anything if (mSample.getNumOps() == 0 && mSample.getInheritsXforms()) return; mSchema.set(mSample); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main( void ) { // uncomment to log dynamics Moby::Log<Moby::OutputToFile>::reporting_level = 7; boost::shared_ptr<Moby::TimeSteppingSimulator> sim( new Moby::TimeSteppingSimulator() ); boost::shared_ptr<Moby::GravityForce> g( new Moby::GravityForce() ); g->gravity = Ravelin::Vector3d( 0, 0, -9.8 ); Moby::RCArticulatedBodyPtr ab( new Moby::RCArticulatedBody() ); ab->id = "gripper"; ab->algorithm_type = Moby::RCArticulatedBody::eCRB; std::vector< Moby::RigidBodyPtr > links; Moby::RigidBodyPtr base( new Moby::RigidBody() ); { Moby::PrimitivePtr box( new Moby::BoxPrimitive(0.05,1.0,0.05) ); box->set_mass( 1 ); // static base->id = "base"; base->set_visualization_data( box->create_visualization() ); base->set_inertia( box->get_inertia() ); base->set_enabled( false ); base->set_pose( Ravelin::Pose3d( Ravelin::Quatd::normalize(Ravelin::Quatd(0,0,0,1)), Ravelin::Origin3d(0,0,0) ) ); links.push_back( base ); } Moby::RigidBodyPtr link( new Moby::RigidBody() ); { Moby::PrimitivePtr box( new Moby::BoxPrimitive(0.05,0.05,0.5) ); box->set_mass( 1 ); link->id = "link"; link->set_visualization_data( box->create_visualization() ); link->set_inertia( box->get_inertia() ); link->set_enabled( true ); link->get_recurrent_forces().push_back( g ); link->set_pose( Ravelin::Pose3d( Ravelin::Quatd::normalize(Ravelin::Quatd(0,0,0,1)), Ravelin::Origin3d(0,0,-0.275) ) ); links.push_back( link ); } std::vector< Moby::JointPtr > joints; boost::shared_ptr<Moby::PrismaticJoint> joint( new Moby::PrismaticJoint() ); { joint->id = "joint"; joint->set_location( Ravelin::Vector3d(0,0,0,base->get_pose()), base, link ); joint->set_axis( Ravelin::Vector3d(0,1,0,Moby::GLOBAL) ); joint->lolimit = -0.5; joint->hilimit = 0.5; joints.push_back( joint ); } ab->set_links_and_joints( links, joints ); ab->get_recurrent_forces().push_back( g ); ab->set_floating_base(false); ab->controller = &push_controller; sim->add_dynamic_body( ab ); Viewer viewer( sim, Ravelin::Origin3d(-5,0,-1), Ravelin::Origin3d(0,0,-1), Ravelin::Origin3d(0,0,1) ); while(true) { if( !viewer.update() ) break; sim->step( 0.001 ); Ravelin::Pose3d pose = *link->get_pose(); pose.update_relative_pose(Moby::GLOBAL); std::cout << "t: " << sim->current_time << " x: " << pose.x << std::endl; } return 0; }