Exemplo n.º 1
/*! Computes the contact jacobian J. J relates joint angle motion to 
	contact motion. Its transpose, JT, relates contact forces to joint

	The joints and the contacts must both be passed in. Their order in 
	the incoming vectors will determine their indices in the Jacobian.
	This function will make sure that only the right joints affect each
	contact: joints that come before the link in contact, on the same

	The Jacobian is ALWAYS computed in the local coordinate system of each
	contact. When multiplied by joint torques, it will thus yield contact
	forces and torques in the local contact coordinate system of each contact.
	It is easy to do computations in world coordinates too, but then it
	is impossible to discards rows that correspond to directions that the
	contact can not apply force or torque in.
Grasp::contactJacobian(const std::list<Joint*> &joints, 
  					   const std::list<Contact*> &contacts)
	//compute the world locations of all the joints of the robot
	//this is overkill, as we might not need all of them
	std::vector< std::vector<transf> > jointTransf(hand->getNumChains());
	for (int c=0; c<hand->getNumChains(); c++) {
		jointTransf[c].resize(hand->getChain(c)->getNumJoints(), transf::IDENTITY);
		hand->getChain(c)->getJointLocations(NULL, jointTransf[c]);

	Matrix J( Matrix::ZEROES<Matrix>(int(contacts.size()) * 6, (int)joints.size()) );
	std::list<Joint*>::const_iterator joint_it;
	int joint_count = 0;
	int numRows = 0;
	for (joint_it=joints.begin(); joint_it!=joints.end(); joint_it++) {
		std::list<Contact*>::const_iterator contact_it;
		numRows = 0;
		for(contact_it=contacts.begin(); contact_it!=contacts.end(); contact_it++, numRows+=6) {
			if ((*contact_it)->getBody1()->getOwner() != hand) {
				DBGA("Grasp jacobian: contact not on hand");
			Link *link = static_cast<Link*>((*contact_it)->getBody1());
			//check if the contact is on the same chain that this joint belongs too
			if ( (*joint_it)->getChainNum() != link->getChainNum() ) {
			KinematicChain *chain = hand->getChain( link->getChainNum() );
			//check that the joint comes before the contact in the chain
			int last_joint = chain->getLastJoint( link->getLinkNum() );
			//remember that the index of a joint in a chain is different from
			//the index of a joint in a robot
			int jointNumInChain = (*joint_it)->getNum() - chain->getFirstJointNum();
			assert(jointNumInChain >= 0);
			if ( jointNumInChain > last_joint) continue;
			//compute the individual jacobian
			transf joint_tran = jointTransf.at(link->getChainNum()).at(jointNumInChain);
			transf contact_tran = (*contact_it)->getContactFrame() * link->getTran();
			//always get the individual jacobian in local coordinates
			Matrix indJ(Joint::jacobian(*joint_it, joint_tran, contact_tran, false));
			//place it at the correct spot in the global jacobian
			J.copySubMatrix(numRows, joint_count, indJ);
	return J;
Exemplo n.º 2
/*! The overall matrices B and a relate hand construction parameters and
  tendon force to joint torques:

  (B [l r d]^t + a) * f = tau

  By definition, the matrix of unknowns is thus

  [l0 l1 l2 l3 l4 l5 r d]^T

  This takes into account the influence of all insertion points on *all*
  joints that come before them (like a Jacobian for example).

  The contribution of each individual insertion point on all joints is
  computed in the reference system of the link that the insertion point
  is on, and considered on all proximal joints. The contributions are
  computed separately, in the \a assembleTorqueMatrices(...) function.

  With the current assumptions, it turns out that only l_i influences
  the torque at joint i, not any l_j with j > i. Therefore, the part of
  the B matrix that corresponds to the l entries is diagonal.
McGrip::getRoutingMatrices(Matrix **B, Matrix **a)
  *B = new Matrix(Matrix::ZEROES<Matrix>(6, 8));
  *a = new Matrix(Matrix::ZEROES<Matrix>(6, 1));

  //compute the world locations of all the joints of the robot
  //this is overkill, as we might not need all of them
  std::vector< std::vector<transf> > jointTransf(getNumChains());
  for (int c = 0; c < getNumChains(); c++) {
    jointTransf[c].resize(getChain(c)->getNumJoints(), transf::IDENTITY);
    getChain(c)->getJointLocations(NULL, jointTransf[c]);

  assert(numChains == 2);
  for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++) {
    assert(getChain(c)->getNumJoints() == 3);
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
      int refJointNum = c * 3 + j;
      transf refTran = jointTransf.at(c).at(j);
      for (int k = j; k < 3; k++) {
        int thisJointNum = c * 3 + k;
        int nextJointNum = -1;
        if (k != 2) {
          nextJointNum = c * 3 + k + 1;
        //compute the transform from one joint to the other
        transf thisTran = jointTransf.at(c).at(k);
        //relative transform in thisJoint's coordinate system
        transf relTran = thisTran.inverse() % refTran;
        vec3 translation = relTran.translation();
        //for this hand, the z component should always be 0
        if (translation.z() > 1.0e-3) {
          DBGA("Z translation in McGrip routing matrix");
        double tx, ty;
        //in the math, I have used a different convention than link
        //axes in hand geometry.
        tx = translation.y();
        ty = translation.x();
        //this obviously means we will need to also flip the sign of the result
        //since we changed the "handed-ness" of the coordinate system
        DBGP("Joint translation: " << tx << " " << ty);

        //get the joint angles
        double theta = getChain(c)->getJoint(k)->getVal() +
        double theta_n = 0.0;
        if (k != 2) {
          theta_n = getChain(c)->getJoint(k + 1)->getVal() +
                    getChain(c)->getJoint(k + 1)->getOffset();
        //compute the contributions
        //negate the translation, as we want the vector from refJoint to thisJoint
        //but still in thisJoint's system
        assembleTorqueMatrices(refJointNum, thisJointNum, nextJointNum,
                               -tx, -ty,
                               theta, theta_n,
                               **B, **a);
  //flip the signs; in the math a positive torque is an extension
  //in the model, a positive torque is flexion
  DBGP("B matrix:\n" << **B);
  DBGP("a vector:\n" << **a);