Exemplo n.º 1
int kd_insert3f(struct kdtree *tree, float x, float y, float z, void *data) {
  double buf[3];
  buf[0] = x;
  buf[1] = y;
  buf[2] = z;
  return kd_insert(tree, buf, data);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void load_ll_tz_dir ( const gchar *dir )
	gchar *lltz = g_build_filename ( dir, "latlontz.txt", NULL );
	if ( g_access(lltz, R_OK) == 0 ) {
		gchar buffer[4096];
		long line_num = 0;
		FILE *ff = g_fopen ( lltz, "r" );

		while ( fgets ( buffer, 4096, ff ) ) {
			gchar **components = g_strsplit (buffer, " ", 3);
			guint nn = g_strv_length ( components );
			if ( nn == 3 ) {
				double pt[2] = { g_ascii_strtod (components[0], NULL), g_ascii_strtod (components[1], NULL) };
				gchar *timezone = g_strchomp ( components[2] );
				if ( kd_insert ( kd, pt, timezone ) )
					g_critical ( "Insertion problem of %s for line %ld of latlontz.txt", timezone, line_num );
				// NB Don't free timezone as it's part of the kdtree data now
				g_free ( components[0] );
				g_free ( components[1] );
			} else {
				g_warning ( "Line %ld of latlontz.txt does not have 3 parts", line_num );
			g_free ( components );
		fclose ( ff );
	g_free ( lltz );
Exemplo n.º 3
int kd_insertf(struct kdtree *tree, const float *pos, void *data)
	static double sbuf[16];
	double *bptr, *buf = 0;
	int res, dim = tree->dim;

	if(dim > 16) {
#ifndef NO_ALLOCA
		if(dim <= 256)
			bptr = buf = alloca(dim * sizeof *bptr);
			if(!(bptr = buf = malloc(dim * sizeof *bptr))) {
				return -1;
	} else {
		bptr = buf = sbuf;

	while(dim-- > 0) {
		*bptr++ = *pos++;

	res = kd_insert(tree, buf, data);
#ifndef NO_ALLOCA
	if(tree->dim > 256)
	if(tree->dim > 16)
	return res;
Exemplo n.º 4
int kd_insert3(struct kdtree *tree, double x, double y, double z, void *data) {
  double buf[3];
  buf[0] = x;
  buf[1] = y;
  buf[2] = z;
  return kd_insert(tree, buf, data);
Exemplo n.º 5
int kd_insert2(struct kdtree *tree, double x, double y, void *data)
	double pos[2];
	pos[0] = x;
	pos[1] = y;
	return kd_insert(tree, pos, data);
Exemplo n.º 6
int kd_insert3(struct kdtree *tree, double x, double y, double z, void *data)
	double pos[3];
	pos[0] = x;
	pos[1] = y;
	pos[2] = z;
	return kd_insert(tree, pos, data);
Exemplo n.º 7
void ExodusModel::createKdTree() {

    // Need to keep the index arrays allocated.

    // Create.
    if (mNumberDimension == 2) {
        mKdTree = kd_create(2);
        for (auto i = 0; i < mNumberVertices; i++) {
            mKdTreeData[i] = i;
            kd_insert(mKdTree, std::vector<double> {mNodalX[i], mNodalY[i]}.data(), &mKdTreeData[i]);
    } else {
        mKdTree = kd_create(3);
        for (auto i = 0; i < mNumberVertices; i++) {
            mKdTreeData[i] = i;
            kd_insert(mKdTree, std::vector<double> {mNodalX[i], mNodalY[i], mNodalZ[i]}.data(), &mKdTreeData[i]);

Exemplo n.º 8
 * @function addNode
int JG_RRT::addNode( const Eigen::VectorXd &qnew, int parent_ID)
    double goalDist = wsDistance( qnew );

    configVector.push_back( qnew );
    parentVector.push_back( parent_ID );
    goalDistVector.push_back( goalDist );

    uintptr_t ID = configVector.size() - 1;
    kd_insert( kdTree, qnew.data(), (void*)ID );
    add_Ranking( ID );

    activeNode = ID;
    return ID;
Exemplo n.º 9
 * @function addNode
 * @brief Add _qnew to tree with parent _parentId
 * @return id of node added
int B1RRT::addNode( const Eigen::VectorXd &_qnew, int _parentId )
    /// Update graph vectors -- what does this mean?
    configVector.push_back( _qnew );
    parentVector.push_back( _parentId );

    uintptr_t id = configVector.size() - 1;
    kd_insert( kdTree, _qnew.data(), (void*) id ); //&idVector[id];  /// WTH? -- ahq

    activeNode = id;

    /// Add node to ranking
    Eigen::VectorXd entry(3);
    entry << id, HeuristicCost( id, targetPose ), 0;
    pushRanking( entry );    

    return id;
Exemplo n.º 10
    Pendulum constructor
    start = the starting state, 
    goal = the end state (x, v, and theta)
Pendulum::Pendulum(Node* start, Point goal) {
  b = goal;

  root = new Node(start);


  nodes_tree = kd_create(4);
  double pt[4] = {root->x*10.0/(bounds->ux-bounds->lx), root->v*10.0/(2*bounds->max_v)+5.0, root->theta*10.0/(6.28318530718), root->w*10.0/(2*bounds->max_w)+5.0};
  if (kd_insert(nodes_tree, pt, root) != 0) {
    cout << "didn't insert root successfully\n";

int opttree_reinitialize (opttree_t *self) {

    // Clear the tree
    GSList *node_curr_list  = self->list_nodes; 
    while (node_curr_list) {
        node_t *node_curr = node_curr_list->data;
        opttree_free_node (self, node_curr);

        node_curr_list = g_slist_next (node_curr_list); 

    g_slist_free (self->list_nodes);
    self->list_nodes = NULL;

    // Reinitialize the basics
    self->lower_bound = DBL_MAX;
    self->lower_bound_node = NULL;

    // Reinitialize the kdtree
    kd_clear (self->kdtree);

    // Initialize the root node
    self->root = opttree_new_node (self);
    optsystem_get_initial_state (self->optsys, self->root->state);
    self->root->distance_from_root = 0.0;
    self->root->distance_from_parent = 0.0;
    kd_insert (self->kdtree, optsystem_get_state_key (self->optsys, self->root->state), self->root);

    // Initialize the list of all nodes
    self->list_nodes = NULL;
    self->list_nodes = g_slist_prepend (self->list_nodes, (gpointer) (self->root));
    self->num_nodes = 1;

    return 1;
opttree_t* opttree_create () { 

    opttree_t *self = (opttree_t *) calloc (sizeof (opttree_t), 1);

    // Set up the dynamical system
    self->optsys = (optsystem_t *) calloc (sizeof (optsystem_t), 1);
    optsystem_new_system (self->optsys);

    // Initialize the kdtree
    self->kdtree = kd_create (optsystem_get_num_states(self->optsys));

    // Set the lower bound to infinity
    self->lower_bound = DBL_MAX;
    self->lower_bound_node = NULL;

    // Initialize the root node
    self->root = opttree_new_node (self);
    optsystem_get_initial_state (self->optsys, self->root->state);
    self->root->distance_from_root = 0.0;
    self->root->distance_from_parent = 0.0;

    kd_insert (self->kdtree, optsystem_get_state_key (self->optsys, self->root->state), self->root);

    // Initialize the list of all nodes
    self->list_nodes = NULL;
    self->list_nodes = g_slist_prepend (self->list_nodes, (gpointer) (self->root));
    self->num_nodes = 1;

    // Initialize parameters to default values
    self->run_rrtstar = 1;
    self->ball_radius_constant = 30.0;
    self->ball_radius_max = 1.0;
    self->target_sample_prob_after_first_solution = 0.0;
    self->target_sample_prob_before_first_solution = 0.0;
    return self;
Exemplo n.º 13
void get_netcdf(e *E){

  int	ncid;
  int varid;
	int retval;
	size_t attlen = 0;

  double  pos[2];

  int     i,j,t;
	int count;

  // read the target grid - this is the roms curvilinear grid
	// in this function we want to find the indexes that intersect
  // out tc tracks

	/* roms output data required

	double lon_rho(eta_rho, xi_rho) ;
		lon_rho:long_name = "longitude of RHO-points" ;
		lon_rho:units = "degree_east" ;
		lon_rho:standard_name = "longitude" ;
		lon_rho:field = "lon_rho, scalar" ;
	double lat_rho(eta_rho, xi_rho) ;
		lat_rho:long_name = "latitude of RHO-points" ;
		lat_rho:units = "degree_north" ;
		lat_rho:standard_name = "latitude" ;
		lat_rho:field = "lat_rho, scalar" ;
	// open the roms_input file
	// open the file
    if((retval = nc_open(E->roms_grid, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)))
        fail("failed to open roms input file: %s error is %d\n", E->roms_grid, retval);

    // get the lat dimension sizes
    if((retval = nc_inq_dimid(ncid, "eta_rho", &varid)))
        fail("failed to get roms lat dimid: error is %d\n",retval);

    if((retval = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,varid,&E->nEtaRho)))
        fail("failed to get roms lat dimid: error is %d\n",retval);

    //printf("xi_rho = %zu\n", E->nEtaRho);

    // get the lon dimension sizes
    if((retval = nc_inq_dimid(ncid, "xi_rho", &varid)))
        fail("failed to get roms lon_rho dimid: error is %d\n",retval);

    if((retval = nc_inq_dimlen(ncid,varid,&E->nXiRho)))
        fail("failed to read roms lon_rho data: error is %d\n",retval);

    //printf("eta_rho = %zu\n", E->nXiRho);

    // malloc room for the arrays
	E->lat_rho = malloc2d_double( E->nEtaRho, E->nXiRho);
	E->lon_rho = malloc2d_double( E->nEtaRho, E->nXiRho);

  nc_inq_varid(ncid, "lat_rho", &varid);
  if((retval = nc_get_var_double(ncid, varid, &E->lat_rho[0][0])))
	fail("failed to read roms lat_rho data: error is %d\n", retval);

		//printf("lat_rho[0][0] = %f\n", E->lat_rho[0][0]);

    nc_inq_varid(ncid, "lon_rho", &varid);
    if((retval = nc_get_var_double(ncid, varid, &E->lon_rho[0][0])))
		fail("failed to read roms lat_rho data: error is %d\n", retval);


  // construct the kdtree for grid searching
  E->kd = kd_create(2);
  E->roms_index = malloc(E->nEtaRho*E->nXiRho*sizeof(grid_index));

  count = 0;
      E->roms_index[count].i = i;
      E->roms_index[count].j = j;
      pos[0] = E->lon_rho[i][j];
      pos[1] = E->lat_rho[i][j];
      kd_insert(E->kd, pos, &E->roms_index[count]);
Exemplo n.º 14
int RRT_kernel(double control_solution[])
    double start_state[] = {-M_PI/2,0};   // initial state; angle position measured from x-axis
    double end_state[] = {M_PI/2,0};    // goal state

    double state_limits[2][2] = {{-M_PI,M_PI},{-8,8}};  // state limits; angular position between -pi & pi rad; angular velocity between -10 & 10 rad/s

    // control torques to be used: linspace(-5,5,20)
    double discrete_control_torques[] = {-5.0000,-4.4737,-3.9474,-3.4211,-2.8947,-2.3684,-1.8421,-1.3158,-0.7895,-0.2632,
                5.0000, 4.4737, 3.9474, 3.4211, 2.8947, 2.3684, 1.8421, 1.3158, 0.7895, 0.2632};
    int number_of_discrete_torques = (int)( sizeof(discrete_control_torques)/sizeof(discrete_control_torques[0]) );

    double time_step = 0.02;            // time interval between application of subsequent control torques

    // static memory allocation
    double random_state[2];        // stores a state
    double next_state[2];
    //double RRT_tree[NUM_OF_ITERATIONS][2] = { [0 ... NUM_OF_ITERATIONS-1] = {-M_PI/2,0} }; // graph of states in RRT; each index corresponds to a vertex (using designated initializer)
    double RRT_tree[NUM_OF_ITERATIONS][2];

    int x;
    for(x = 0; x < NUM_OF_ITERATIONS; x++)
        RRT_tree[x][0] = -M_PI/2;
        RRT_tree[x][1] = 0;

    int parent_state_index[NUM_OF_ITERATIONS];         // stores index of parent state for each state in graph RRT_tree
    int control_action_index[NUM_OF_ITERATIONS];        // stores index of control actions in discrete_control_torques (each state will use a control action value in discrete_control_torques)

    int state_index = 0;    // stores sequence of states joining initial to goal state
    double temp_achievable_states[number_of_discrete_torques][2]; // stores temporary achievable states from a particular vertex

    double distance_square_values[NUM_OF_ITERATIONS];  // stores distance square values

    void * kd_tree;
    struct kdres * kd_results;
    int tree_node_index[NUM_OF_ITERATIONS];

    kd_tree = kd_create(2);
    tree_node_index[0] = 0;
    kd_insert(kd_tree, start_state, &tree_node_index[0]);

    srand(time(NULL));  // initialize random number generator
    double temp[2];

    // keep growing RRT until goal found or run out of iterations
    int iteration;
    for(iteration = 1; iteration < NUM_OF_ITERATIONS; iteration++)
        // get random state
        random_state[0] = generateRandomDouble(state_limits[0][0],state_limits[0][1]);
        random_state[1] = generateRandomDouble(state_limits[1][0],state_limits[1][1]);

        // find vertex in RRT closest to random state
        kd_results = kd_nearest(kd_tree, random_state);
        int * nearest_state_ptr = (int*) kd_res_item(kd_results, temp);
        int nearest_state_index = *nearest_state_ptr;

        // from the closest RRT vertex, compute all the states that can be reached,
        // given the pendulum dynamics and available torques
        int ui;
        for(ui = 0; ui < number_of_discrete_torques; ui++)
            temp_achievable_states[ui][0] = RRT_tree[nearest_state_index][0] + time_step*next_state[0];
            temp_achievable_states[ui][1] = RRT_tree[nearest_state_index][1] + time_step*next_state[1];

        // select the closest reachable state point
        ui = findMin(distance_square_values,number_of_discrete_torques);
        random_state[0] = temp_achievable_states[ui][0];
        random_state[1] = temp_achievable_states[ui][1];

        // if angular position is greater than pi rads, wrap around
        if(random_state[0] > M_PI || random_state[0] < -M_PI)
            random_state[0] = fmod((random_state[0]+M_PI), (2*M_PI)) - M_PI;

        // link reachable state point to the nearest vertex in the tree
        RRT_tree[iteration][0] = random_state[0];
        RRT_tree[iteration][1] = random_state[1];
        parent_state_index[iteration] = nearest_state_index;
        control_action_index[iteration] = ui;
        tree_node_index[iteration] = iteration;
        kd_insert(kd_tree, random_state, &tree_node_index[iteration]);

        if( (random_state[0] <= end_state[0]+0.05) && (random_state[0] >= end_state[0]-0.05) )
            if( (random_state[1] <= end_state[1]+0.25) && (random_state[1] >= end_state[1]-0.25) )


    if(iteration == NUM_OF_ITERATIONS)
        printf("Number of iterations: %d\n",iteration);

        return 0;

    } else
        printf("Number of iterations: %d\n",iteration);

        state_index = iteration;
        int length_of_soln = 0;
        while(state_index != 0)
            control_solution[length_of_soln] = discrete_control_torques[ control_action_index[state_index] ];

            state_index = parent_state_index[state_index];

        return length_of_soln;
Exemplo n.º 15
int main(int argc,char **argv) {
    unsigned int width, height,seed;
    double pos[2] = {0,0},target_pos[2], diff[3],min_col_diff; 
    struct kdres *neigh; void *kd; //kd-tree
    int i,x,y,c,num_cells=500,random;
    size_t row_size;//imagemagick wants this
    char source_filename[50] = "lisa.png";
    char dest_filename[59];//I set to 59 so user could have 49 chars + 10 in the default case of NNNNNN-sourcefilename
    int oflag=0,sflag=0,vflag=0,cflag=0;

    //imagemagick stuff
    MagickWand *source,*dest;
    PixelWand *neigh_color,*color,**pmw;
    PixelIterator *imw;

    while((c = getopt(argc,argv,"vc:n:s:r:d:")) != -1) {
        switch (c) {
            case 'v':
            case 'n':
            case 's':
            case 'd':
            case 'r':
            case 'c':
                min_col_diff = atof(optarg);
                printf("Option %s not recognized and ignored.\n",c);

    if(!oflag) sprintf(dest_filename,"%d-%s",num_cells,source_filename);

    dest = NewMagickWand();

    color = NewPixelWand();
    neigh_color = NewPixelWand();
    pmw = NewPixelWand();
    if (source==MagickFalse)  {
        printf("Error reading file. Usage: vor filename\n");
        return 1;

    width = MagickGetImageWidth(source);
    height = MagickGetImageHeight(source);
    printf("File has width %d and height %d\n", width, height);
    if(!sflag) { //seed the algorithm with /dev/random if a seed wasn't specified
        random = open("/dev/random", 'r');
        read(random, &seed, sizeof (seed));
    if(vflag) printf("seed : %d\n",seed);

    kd = kd_create(2);
        for(i = 0; i < num_cells; i++) {
            pos[0]= (double)random_in_range(0,width);
            pos[1]= (double)random_in_range(0,height);
    else {
        for(i = 0; i < num_cells; i++) {
            pos[0]= (double)random_in_range(0,width);
            pos[1]= (double)random_in_range(0,height);
    imw = NewPixelIterator(dest);

    for (y=0; y < height; y++) {
        pos[1] = y;
        pmw = PixelGetNextIteratorRow(imw, &row_size); //we iterate through the rows, grabbing one at a time 
        for (x=0; x < (long) width; x++) {
            pos[0] =x;
            neigh = kd_nearest(kd,pos);//this is the query
            kd_res_item(neigh, target_pos);//then we pull out the result into target_pos
            kd_res_free(neigh);//need to free the memory used for the query

        PixelSyncIterator(imw);//this will write to the image (MagickWand)
    if(vflag)printf("Writing to file %s.\n",dest_filename);
        printf("Error writing to file %s.\n",dest_filename);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 16
vector<Node*> Pendulum::FindPathIterations(int iterations) {
    cout << "starting path iteration!\n";
    vector<Node*> goal_nodes;
    double min_cost = DBL_MAX;
    int sol = 0;
    for (int iter = 0; iter < iterations; iter++){
        //cout << sol << endl;
        Node* prev = GetNodeToExpandRRT();
        double u =((double)rand() / RAND_MAX - 0.5)*max_u; 
        Node* n = d.update(prev, u);        

        /*Test-Node generation
        double testx = 2;
        double testtheta = .1;
        vector<double> times;
        state_type s1;

        state_type s2;

        vector<state_type> trajectory;

        Node* n = new Node(0, testx, 0, testtheta, 0, 0, 0, NULL, times, trajectory);
        cout << Feasible(n) << endl;
        while (!Feasible(n)){
            //cout << "found unfeasible node!\n";
            int baditer = 1;
            if(baditer%5000==0){cout<<"bad iterations:"<<baditer<<endl;}
            delete n;
            prev = GetNodeToExpandRRT();
            u =((double)rand() / RAND_MAX - 0.5)*max_u;
            n = d.update(prev, u);
        if (CheckGoal(n)){
            if (n->cost < min_cost){
                min_cost = n->cost;
                cout << "found better goal node! " << n->cost << endl;
                sol = sol+1;
            } /*
                cout << "found less optimal goal node! " << n->cost << endl;
        //Time and work are strictly positive
        } else {
            double pt[4] = {n->x*10.0/(bounds->ux-bounds->lx), n->v*10.0/(2*bounds->max_v)+5.0, n->theta*10.0/(6.28318530718), n->w*10.0/(2*bounds->max_w)+5.0};
            if (kd_insert(nodes_tree, pt, n) != 0) {
                cout << "didn't insert root successfully\n";
    cout << "finished iterating!\n";
    cout << "Number of solutions found: " << sol << endl;

    #ifdef OUTNEAREST
    if (sol < 1){
        double pt[4] = {b->x*10.0/(bounds->ux-bounds->lx), b->v*10.0/(2*bounds->max_v)+5.0, b->theta*10.0/(6.28318530718), b->w*10.0/(2*bounds->max_w)+5.0};
// Adds a given trajectory to the graph and returns a pointer to the the last node
node_t *opttree_add_traj_to_graph (opttree_t *self, node_t *node_start, node_t *node_end, 
                                   GSList *trajectory, int num_node_states, int *node_states, GSList *inputs) {

    node_t *node_prev = node_start;   // This variable maintains the node last added to the graph to update parents

    int trajectory_count = 0;
    int node_states_count = 0;

    GSList *subtraj_curr = NULL;
    GSList *inputs_curr = NULL;

    GSList *inputs_ptr = inputs; 
    GSList *trajectory_ptr = trajectory;
    while (trajectory_ptr) {

        state_t *state_curr = (state_t *) (trajectory_ptr->data);

        // Check whether this the end of the trajectory
        if (!g_slist_next (trajectory_ptr)) {
            // This must be the last node in the traj.

            node_t *node_curr;
            if (node_end) {    // If node_end is given, then modify node end accordingly
                node_curr = node_end;
                node_t *node_parent = node_curr->parent;
                node_parent->children = g_slist_remove (node_parent->children, (gpointer) node_curr);
                // Free traj_from_parent
                GSList *traj_from_parent_ptr = node_curr->traj_from_parent;
                while (traj_from_parent_ptr) {
                    optsystem_free_state (self->optsys, (state_t *) (traj_from_parent_ptr->data));
                    traj_from_parent_ptr = g_slist_next (traj_from_parent_ptr);
                g_slist_free (node_curr->traj_from_parent);
                node_curr->traj_from_parent = NULL;
                // Free input_from_parent
                GSList *inputs_from_parent_ptr = node_curr->inputs_from_parent;
                while (inputs_from_parent_ptr) {
                    optsystem_free_input (self->optsys, (input_t *) (inputs_from_parent_ptr->data));
                    inputs_from_parent_ptr = g_slist_next (inputs_from_parent_ptr);
                g_slist_free (node_curr->inputs_from_parent);
                node_curr->inputs_from_parent = NULL;
                // Free this state
                optsystem_free_state (self->optsys, state_curr);
            else {   // If node_end is not given, then insert this state into the graph 
                node_curr = opttree_new_node_no_state ();
                node_curr->children = NULL;
                node_curr->state = state_curr;
                node_curr->reaches_target = optsystem_is_reaching_target (self->optsys, node_curr->state);
                kd_insert (self->kdtree, optsystem_get_state_key (self->optsys, node_curr->state), node_curr);

                // Add node to the graph
                self->list_nodes = g_slist_prepend (self->list_nodes, (gpointer) (node_curr));
            node_curr->parent = node_prev;
            if (inputs) {
                input_t *input_this = (input_t *)(inputs_ptr->data);
                inputs_curr = g_slist_prepend (inputs_curr, input_this);
            node_curr->inputs_from_parent = g_slist_reverse (inputs_curr);
            node_curr->traj_from_parent = g_slist_reverse (subtraj_curr); 
            node_curr->distance_from_parent = optsystem_evaluate_distance_for_cost (self->optsys,
            opttree_update_distance_from_root (self, node_prev, node_curr);

            // Add this node to the children of the previous node
            node_prev->children = g_slist_prepend (node_prev->children, node_curr);

            // Reevaluate reaches_target variables
            if (node_curr->reaches_target) {
                if (! (node_prev->reaches_target) ) {
                    node_t *node_temp = node_prev;
                    while (node_temp )  {
                        node_temp->reaches_target = TRUE;
                        node_temp = node_temp->parent;
                if (node_curr->reaches_target) {
                    if (node_curr->distance_from_root < self->lower_bound) {
                        self->lower_bound = node_curr->distance_from_root;
                        self->lower_bound_node = node_curr;
            // Reset the pointers
            subtraj_curr = NULL;
            node_prev = node_curr;
            goto end_iteration;
        if (node_states) {
            if ( trajectory_count == node_states[node_states_count] ) {
                // Create the new node
                node_t *node_curr = opttree_new_node_no_state ();
                node_curr->state =state_curr;
                node_curr->parent = node_prev;
                node_curr->children = NULL;
                node_curr->reaches_target = optsystem_is_reaching_target (self->optsys, node_curr->state);
                if (inputs) {
                    inputs_curr = g_slist_prepend (inputs_curr, inputs_ptr->data);
                node_curr->inputs_from_parent = g_slist_reverse (inputs_curr);
                node_curr->traj_from_parent = g_slist_reverse (subtraj_curr);
                node_curr->distance_from_parent = optsystem_evaluate_distance_for_cost (self->optsys,
                node_curr->distance_from_root = node_prev->distance_from_root + node_curr->distance_from_parent;

                kd_insert (self->kdtree, optsystem_get_state_key (self->optsys, node_curr->state), node_curr);

                // Update the parent node children pointer
                node_prev->children = g_slist_prepend (node_prev->children, node_curr);

                // Reevaluate reaches_target variables
                if (node_curr->reaches_target) {
                    if (! (node_prev->reaches_target) ) {
                        node_t *node_temp = node_prev;
                        while (node_temp )  {
                            node_temp->reaches_target = TRUE;
                            node_temp = node_temp->parent;

                    if (node_curr->distance_from_root < self->lower_bound) {
                        self->lower_bound = node_curr->distance_from_root;
                        self->lower_bound_node = node_curr;

                self->list_nodes = g_slist_prepend (self->list_nodes, node_curr);
                // Reset the pointers
                subtraj_curr = NULL;
                inputs_curr = NULL;

                node_prev = node_curr;

                // Increase the node_states counter

                goto end_iteration;

        // Add current state to the subtrajectory
        subtraj_curr = g_slist_prepend (subtraj_curr, state_curr);
        if (inputs)
            inputs_curr = g_slist_prepend (inputs_curr, inputs_ptr->data);

        trajectory_ptr = g_slist_next (trajectory_ptr);
        if (inputs) {
            inputs_ptr = g_slist_next (inputs_ptr);
    g_slist_free (trajectory);
    g_slist_free (inputs);

    free (node_states);
    return node_prev;