Exemplo n.º 1
static QByteArray get_script_process_type(const QString& name)
  QString envname = QString("KLF_%1_EXECUTABLE").arg(name.toUpper());
  QByteArray path = qgetenv(envname.toLatin1().constData());
  if (path.size() > 0)
    return path;
  // try to find the executable somewhere on the system
  // allow suffixes to the executables, e.g. for python27
  path = klfSearchPath(name+"*.exe", script_extra_paths).toLocal8Bit();
  if (path.size() > 0)
    return path;
  return QByteArray();
Exemplo n.º 2
static bool is_binary_file(QString fn)
  if (!QFile::exists(fn)) {
    fn = klfSearchPath(fn);
  QFile fpeek(fn);
  if (!fpeek.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
    klfDbg("fn="<<fn<<", Can't peek into file "<<fn<<"!") ;
  } else {
    QByteArray line;
    int n = 0, j;
    while (n++ < 3 && (line = fpeek.readLine()).size()) {
      for (j = 0; j < line.size(); ++j) {
        if ((int)line[j] >= 127 || (int)line[j] <= 0) {
          return true;
    return false;
  return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
// static
Skin SkinConfigWidget::loadSkin(KLFPluginConfigAccess * config, const QString& fn, bool getstylesheet)
  Q_UNUSED(getstylesheet) ;
  klfDbg("loading skin "<<fn<<", get style sheet="<<getstylesheet) ;

  Skin skin;

  skin.fn = fn;

  QFile f(fn);
  if ( ! f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) ) {
    qWarning()<<KLF_FUNC_NAME<<": Can't read skin "<<fn<<"!";
    return skin;

  QDomDocument doc("klf-skin");
  QString errMsg; int errLine, errCol;
  bool r = doc.setContent(&f, false, &errMsg, &errLine, &errCol);
  if (!r) {
    qWarning()<<KLF_FUNC_NAME<<": Error parsing file "<<fn<<": "<<errMsg<<" at line "<<errLine<<", col "<<errCol;
    return skin;

  QDomElement root = doc.documentElement();
  if (root.nodeName() != "klf-skin") {
    qWarning("%s: Error parsing XML for skin `%s': Bad root node `%s'.\n",
	     KLF_FUNC_NAME, qPrintable(fn), qPrintable(root.nodeName()));
    return skin;

  QMap<QString,QString> defines;

  QStringList stylesheetpath = QStringList()
    << QLatin1String(":/plugindata/skin/stylesheets")
    << config->homeConfigPluginDataDir() + "/stylesheets";

  // read XML file
  QDomNode n;
  for (n = root.firstChild(); ! n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) {
    QDomElement e = n.toElement(); // try to convert the node to an element.
    if ( e.isNull() || n.nodeType() != QDomNode::ElementNode )
    if ( e.nodeName() == "name" ) {
      skin.name = qApp->translate("xmltr_pluginskins", e.text().toUtf8().constData(),
				  "[[tag: <name>]]", QCoreApplication::UnicodeUTF8);
    } else if ( e.nodeName() == "author" ) {
      skin.author = e.text();
    } else if ( e.nodeName() == "def" ) {
      QString key = e.attribute("name");
      QString value = e.text();
      if (QRegExp("^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*$").exactMatch(key))
	defines[key] = value;
	qWarning()<<KLF_FUNC_NAME<<": file "<<fn<<": Illegal <def> name: "<<key;
    } else if ( e.nodeName() == "description" ) {
      skin.description = qApp->translate("xmltr_pluginskins", e.text().toUtf8().constData(),
				  "[[tag: <description>]]", QCoreApplication::UnicodeUTF8);
    } else if ( e.nodeName() == "stylesheet" ) {
      QString fnqssbase = e.text().trimmed();
      QString fnqss = klfSearchPath(fnqssbase, stylesheetpath);
      QFile fqss(fnqss);
      if (fnqss.isEmpty() || !fqss.exists() || !fqss.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
	qWarning()<<KLF_FUNC_NAME<<"Can't open qss-stylesheet file "<<fnqssbase
		  <<" while reading skin "<<fn<<".";
      QString ss = QString::fromUtf8(fqss.readAll());
      if (!defines.isEmpty()) {
	// we need to process <def>ines ...
	QRegExp alldefines_rx = QRegExp("\\b("+QStringList(defines.keys()).join("|")+")\\b");
	int k = 0;
	while ( (k = alldefines_rx.indexIn(ss, k+1)) != -1) {
	  QString key = alldefines_rx.cap(1);
	  KLF_ASSERT_CONDITION( defines.contains(key), "Error: key "<<key<<" found, but not in defines="
				<<defines<<"?!?",   ++k; continue; ) ;
	  QString value = defines[key];
	  klfDbg("Substituting def. "<<key<<" by "<<value<<" in style sheet "<<fnqss<<" for "<<fn) ;
	  ss.replace(k, alldefines_rx.matchedLength(), value);
	  k += value.length();
	klfDbg("def-Replaced style sheet is \n"<<ss) ;