static int register_unit_with_target(const char *dir, const char *unit, const char *target)
	int r = 1;

	if (dm_snprintf(target_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s.wants", dir, target) < 0) {
		r = 0; goto out;
	(void) dm_prepare_selinux_context(target_path, S_IFDIR);
	if (mkdir(target_path, 0755) < 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
		kmsg(LOG_ERR, "LVM: Failed to create target directory %s: %m.\n", target_path);
		r = 0; goto out;

	if (dm_snprintf(target_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s.wants/%s", dir, target, unit) < 0) {
		r = 0; goto out;
	(void) dm_prepare_selinux_context(target_path, S_IFLNK);
	if (symlink(unit_path, target_path) < 0) {
		kmsg(LOG_ERR, "LVM: Failed to create symlink for unit %s: %m.\n", unit);
		r = 0;
	dm_prepare_selinux_context(NULL, 0);
	return r;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	const char *dir;
	int r = EXIT_SUCCESS;

	kmsg_fd = open(KMSG_DEV_PATH, O_WRONLY|O_NOCTTY);

	if (argc != 4) {
		kmsg(LOG_ERR, "LVM: Incorrect number of arguments for activation generator.\n");
		r = EXIT_FAILURE; goto out;

	/* If lvmetad used, rely on autoactivation instead of direct activation. */
	if (lvm_uses_lvmetad())
		goto out;

	dir = argv[1];

	if (!generate_unit(dir, UNIT_EARLY) ||
	    !generate_unit(dir, UNIT_MAIN) ||
	    !generate_unit(dir, UNIT_NET))
	if (r)
		kmsg(LOG_ERR, "LVM: Activation generator failed.\n");
	if (kmsg_fd != -1)
		(void) close(kmsg_fd);
	return r;
static int generate_unit(const char *dir, int unit)
	FILE *f;
	const char *unit_name = unit_names[unit];
	const char *target_name = unit == UNIT_NET ? UNIT_TARGET_REMOTE_FS : UNIT_TARGET_LOCAL_FS;

	if (dm_snprintf(unit_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", dir, unit_name) < 0)
		return 0;

	if (!(f = fopen(unit_path, "wxe"))) {
		kmsg(LOG_ERR, "LVM: Failed to create unit file %s: %m.\n", unit_name);
		return 0;

	fputs("# Automatically generated by lvm2-activation-generator.\n"
	      "# This unit is responsible for direct activation of LVM2 logical volumes\n"
	      "# if lvmetad daemon is not used (global/use_lvmetad=0 lvm.conf setting),\n"
	      "# hence volume autoactivation is not applicable.\n"
	      "# Direct LVM2 activation requires udev to be settled!\n\n"
	      "Description=Activation of LVM2 logical volumes\n"
	      "Documentation=man:lvm(8) man:vgchange(8)\n"
	      "DefaultDependencies=no\n", f);

	if (unit == UNIT_NET) {
		fprintf(f, "After=%s iscsi.service fcoe.service\n"
			"ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/udevadm settle\n", unit_names[UNIT_MAIN]);
	} else {
		if (unit == UNIT_EARLY) {
			      "\n", f);
		} else
			fprintf(f, "After= %s\n", unit_names[UNIT_EARLY]);

		      "[Service]\n", f);

	fputs("ExecStart=" LVM_PATH " vgchange -aay --sysinit\n"
	      "Type=oneshot\n", f);

	if (fclose(f) < 0) {
		kmsg(LOG_ERR, "LVM: Failed to write unit file %s: %m.\n", unit_name);
		return 0;

	if (!register_unit_with_target(dir, unit_name, target_name)) {
		kmsg(LOG_ERR, "LVM: Failed to register unit %s with target %s.\n", unit_name, target_name);
		return 0;

	return 1;
irqreturn_t microusbic_interrupt(int irq, void *dev)
#if 0
	int *id = (int *)dev;
	kmsg("2 irq : %d, gpio %d level =======> %d\n", irq , irq_to_gpio(irq),

	return IRQ_HANDLED;
static int lvm_uses_lvmetad(void)
	lvm_t lvm;
	int r;

	if (!(lvm = lvm_init(NULL))) {
		kmsg(LOG_ERR, "LVM: Failed to initialize library context for activation generator.\n");
		return 0;
	r = lvm_config_find_bool(lvm, LVM_CONF_USE_LVMETAD, 0);

	return r;