Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: combat.c Projeto: rj76/kq
/*! \brief Enemies defeated the player
 * \author Josh Bolduc
 * \date created ????????
 * \date updated
 * Play some sad music and set the dead flag so that the game
 * will return to the main menu.
static void enemies_win (void)
   play_music ("rain.s3m", 0);
   battle_render (0, 0, 0);
   /*  RB FIXME: rest()?  */
   blit2screen (0, 0);
   kq_wait (1000);
   sprintf (strbuf, _("%s was defeated!"), party[pidx[0]].name);
   menubox (double_buffer, 152 - (strlen (strbuf) * 4), 48, strlen (strbuf), 1,
   print_font (double_buffer, 160 - (strlen (strbuf) * 4), 56, strbuf,
   blit2screen (0, 0);
   wait_enter ();
   do_transition (TRANS_FADE_OUT, 4);
   alldead = 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
/*! \brief Activate the special skill
 * This function activates the special skill for a hero,
 * including targetting etc. if required.
 * \param   attack_fighter_index Hero to process
 * \returns 1 if the skill was used, otherwise 0
int skill_use(size_t attack_fighter_index)
	int tgt, found_item, a, b, c, p, cts, tx, ty, next_target = 0, nn[NUM_FIGHTERS];
	size_t enemy_index;
	size_t fighter_index;
	std::unique_ptr<Raster> temp;
	tempa = Magic.status_adjust(attack_fighter_index);
	switch (pidx[attack_fighter_index])
	case SENSAR:
		tgt = select_enemy(attack_fighter_index, TGT_ENEMY_ONE);
		if (tgt == -1)
			return 0;
		enemy_index = (unsigned int)tgt;
		temp = std::unique_ptr<Raster>(new Raster(320, 240));
		blit(Combat.backart, temp.get(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 240);
		Draw.color_scale(temp.get(), Combat.backart, 16, 31);
		b = fighter[attack_fighter_index].mhp / 20;
		strcpy(attack_string, _("Rage"));
		display_attack_string = 1;
		tempa.stats[eStat::Attack] = fighter[attack_fighter_index].stats[eStat::Attack];
		tempa.stats[eStat::Hit] = fighter[attack_fighter_index].stats[eStat::Hit];
		if (fighter[enemy_index].crit == 1)
			tempa.stats[eStat::Attack] += b;
			tempa.stats[eStat::Hit] += b;
		Combat.fight(attack_fighter_index, enemy_index, 1);
		if (fighter[enemy_index].IsDead())
			for (fighter_index = PSIZE; fighter_index < PSIZE + Combat.GetNumEnemies(); fighter_index++)
				if (fighter[fighter_index].IsAlive())
					nn[next_target] = fighter_index;
			if (next_target > 0)
				enemy_index = nn[kqrandom->random_range_exclusive(0, next_target)];
				Combat.fight(attack_fighter_index, enemy_index, 1);

		fighter[attack_fighter_index].hp -= (b * 2);
		Combat.AdjustHealth(attack_fighter_index, b * 2);
		display_attack_string = 0;
		blit(temp.get(), Combat.backart, 0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 240);
		Effects.display_amount(attack_fighter_index, FONT_DECIDE, 0);
		if (fighter[attack_fighter_index].IsAlive() && fighter[attack_fighter_index].hp <= 0)
			Effects.death_animation(attack_fighter_index, 0);

	case SARINA:
		fighter[attack_fighter_index].ctmem = 1000;
		strcpy(attack_string, _("Sweep"));
		display_attack_string = 1;
		tempa.stats[eStat::Attack] = tempa.stats[eStat::Attack] * 75 / 100;
		fighter[attack_fighter_index].aframe = 6;
		Combat.battle_render(0, 0, 0);
		Draw.blit2screen(0, 0);
		display_attack_string = 0;

	case CORIN:
		strcpy(attack_string, _("Elemental Infusion"));
		display_attack_string = 1;
		fighter[attack_fighter_index].aux = 2;
		if (combat_spell_menu(attack_fighter_index) == 1)
			play_effect(22, 128);
				eff[magic[fighter[attack_fighter_index].csmem].eff].kolor - 3,
				eff[magic[fighter[attack_fighter_index].csmem].eff].kolor + 3, 0);
			Combat.battle_render(0, 0, 0);
			fullblit(double_buffer, back);
			for (p = 0; p < 2; p++)
				for (a = 0; a < 16; a++)
					tx = fighter[attack_fighter_index].cx +
						(fighter[attack_fighter_index].cw / 2);
					ty = fighter[attack_fighter_index].cy +
						(fighter[attack_fighter_index].cl / 2);
					if (p == 0)
							double_buffer, tx, ty, a,
							double_buffer, tx, ty, 15 - a,
						Combat.draw_fighter(attack_fighter_index, 0);
					Draw.blit2screen(0, 0);
					fullblit(back, double_buffer);
			Draw.revert_cframes(attack_fighter_index, 0);
			Combat.battle_render(0, 0, 0);
			Draw.blit2screen(0, 0);
			infusion(attack_fighter_index, fighter[attack_fighter_index].csmem);
			c = Magic.mp_needed(attack_fighter_index, fighter[attack_fighter_index].csmem);
			if (c < 1)
				c = 1;
			fighter[attack_fighter_index].mp -= c;
			Combat.SetEtherEffectActive(attack_fighter_index, false);
			fighter[attack_fighter_index].aux = 1;
			fighter[attack_fighter_index].aux = 0;
			display_attack_string = 0;
			return 0;
		display_attack_string = 0;

	case AJATHAR:
		if (fighter[attack_fighter_index].unl > 0)
			strcpy(attack_string, _("Dispel Undead"));
			display_attack_string = 1;
			fullblit(double_buffer, back);
			for (a = 0; a < 14/*MagicNumber*/; a++)
				Draw.convert_cframes(PSIZE, 1 + a, 15, 1);
				for (fighter_index = PSIZE; fighter_index < PSIZE + Combat.GetNumEnemies(); fighter_index++)
					if (Effects.is_active(fighter_index))
						Combat.draw_fighter(fighter_index, 0);
				Draw.blit2screen(0, 0);
				fullblit(back, double_buffer);
			Draw.revert_cframes(PSIZE, 1);
			display_attack_string = 0;
			b = fighter[attack_fighter_index].lvl * 15;
			for (fighter_index = PSIZE; fighter_index < PSIZE + Combat.GetNumEnemies(); fighter_index++)
				if (fighter[fighter_index].IsAlive() && fighter[fighter_index].mhp > 0)
					if (fighter[fighter_index].unl == 99 || fighter[fighter_index].unl == 0)
						cts = 0;
						a = (fighter[attack_fighter_index].lvl + 5) - fighter[fighter_index].unl;
						if (a > 0)
							cts = a * 8;
							cts = 0;
					if (kqrandom->random_range_exclusive(0, 100) < cts)
						if (b >= fighter[fighter_index].hp)
							b -= fighter[fighter_index].hp;
							Combat.SetShowDeathEffectAnimation(fighter_index, true);
			Effects.death_animation(PSIZE, 1);
			Combat.battle_render(attack_fighter_index, attack_fighter_index, 0);
			a = kqrandom->random_range_exclusive(0, 100);
			c = fighter[attack_fighter_index].lvl / 10 + 1;
			if (a < 25)
				b = kqrandom->random_range_exclusive(0, 5 * c) + 1;
				if (a < 90)
					b = kqrandom->random_range_exclusive(0, 10 * c) + (20 * c);
					b = kqrandom->random_range_exclusive(0, 25 * c) + (50 * c);
			strcpy(attack_string, _("Divine Cure"));
			display_attack_string = 1;
			Effects.draw_spellsprite(0, 1, 15, 1);
			display_attack_string = 0;
			for (fighter_index = 0; fighter_index < numchrs; fighter_index++)
				if (!fighter[fighter_index].IsStone() && fighter[fighter_index].IsAlive())
					int amount = Magic.do_shell_check(fighter_index, b);
					Combat.AdjustHealth(fighter_index, amount);
			Effects.display_amount(0, FONT_YELLOW, 1);
			for (fighter_index = 0; fighter_index < numchrs; fighter_index++)
				if (!fighter[fighter_index].IsStone() && fighter[fighter_index].IsAlive())
					Magic.adjust_hp(fighter_index, Combat.GetHealthAdjust(fighter_index));

		fighter[attack_fighter_index].atrack[0] = fighter[attack_fighter_index].stats[eStat::Aura];
		fighter[attack_fighter_index].atrack[1] = fighter[attack_fighter_index].stats[eStat::Spirit];
		fighter[attack_fighter_index].stats[eStat::Aura] = fighter[attack_fighter_index].stats[eStat::Aura] * 15 / 10;
		fighter[attack_fighter_index].stats[eStat::Spirit] = fighter[attack_fighter_index].stats[eStat::Spirit] * 15 / 10;
		fighter[attack_fighter_index].atrack[2] = fighter[attack_fighter_index].mrp;
		fighter[attack_fighter_index].mrp = fighter[attack_fighter_index].mrp * 15 / 10;
		if (combat_spell_menu(attack_fighter_index) == 1)
			Combat.SetEtherEffectActive(attack_fighter_index, false);
			fighter[attack_fighter_index].aux = 1;
			fighter[attack_fighter_index].stats[eStat::Aura] = fighter[attack_fighter_index].atrack[0];
			fighter[attack_fighter_index].stats[eStat::Spirit] = fighter[attack_fighter_index].atrack[1];
			fighter[attack_fighter_index].mrp = fighter[attack_fighter_index].atrack[2];
			fighter[attack_fighter_index].stats[eStat::Aura] = fighter[attack_fighter_index].atrack[0];
			fighter[attack_fighter_index].stats[eStat::Spirit] = fighter[attack_fighter_index].atrack[1];
			fighter[attack_fighter_index].mrp = fighter[attack_fighter_index].atrack[2];
			return 0;

	case TEMMIN:
		fighter[attack_fighter_index].aux = 1;
		fighter[attack_fighter_index].defend = 1;

	case AYLA:
		tgt = select_enemy(attack_fighter_index, TGT_ENEMY_ONE);
		if (tgt == -1)
			return 0;
		enemy_index = (uint32_t)tgt;
		tx = fighter[attack_fighter_index].cx;
		ty = fighter[attack_fighter_index].cy;
		fighter[attack_fighter_index].cx = fighter[enemy_index].cx - 16;
		fighter[attack_fighter_index].cy = fighter[enemy_index].cy + fighter[enemy_index].cl - 40;
		fighter[attack_fighter_index].facing = 1;
		strcpy(attack_string, _("Steal"));
		display_attack_string = 1;
		Combat.battle_render(0, attack_fighter_index + 1, 0);
		Draw.blit2screen(0, 0);
		play_effect(SND_MENU, 128);
		display_attack_string = 0;
		Combat.battle_render(attack_fighter_index, attack_fighter_index, 0);
		found_item = 0;
		if (debugging > 2)
			if (fighter[enemy_index].steal_item_rare > 0)
				/* This steals a rare item from monster, if there is one */
				found_item = fighter[enemy_index].steal_item_rare;
				fighter[enemy_index].steal_item_rare = 0;
			else if (fighter[enemy_index].steal_item_common > 0)
				/* This steals a common item from a monster, if there is one */
				found_item = fighter[enemy_index].steal_item_common;
				fighter[enemy_index].steal_item_common = 0;
			if (found_item > 0)
				if (check_inventory(found_item, 1) != 0)
					sprintf(strbuf, _("%s taken!"), items[found_item].name);
					Draw.message(strbuf, items[found_item].icon, 0, 0, 0);
				if (fighter[enemy_index].steal_item_common == 0 && fighter[enemy_index].steal_item_rare == 0)
					Draw.message(_("Nothing to steal!"), 255, 0, 0, 0);
					Draw.message(_("Couldn't steal!"), 255, 0, 0, 0);
		cts = party[pidx[attack_fighter_index]].lvl * 2 + 35;
		if (cts > 95)
			cts = 95;
		if (kqrandom->random_range_exclusive(0, 100) < cts)
			if (fighter[enemy_index].steal_item_rare > 0 && (kqrandom->random_range_exclusive(0, 100) < 5))
				/* This steals a rare item from monster, if there is one */
				found_item = fighter[enemy_index].steal_item_rare;
				fighter[enemy_index].steal_item_rare = 0;
			else if (fighter[enemy_index].steal_item_common > 0 && (kqrandom->random_range_exclusive(0, 100) < 95))
				/* This steals a common item from a monster, if there is one */
				found_item = fighter[enemy_index].steal_item_common;
				fighter[enemy_index].steal_item_common = 0;
			if (found_item > 0)
				if (check_inventory(found_item, 1) != 0)
					sprintf(strbuf, _("%s taken!"), items[found_item].name);
					Draw.message(strbuf, items[found_item].icon, 0, 0, 0);
				if (fighter[enemy_index].steal_item_common == 0 && fighter[enemy_index].steal_item_rare == 0)
					Draw.message(_("Nothing to steal!"), 255, 0, 0, 0);
					Draw.message(_("Couldn't steal!"), 255, 0, 0, 0);
			Draw.message(_("Couldn't steal!"), 255, 0, 0, 0);
		fighter[attack_fighter_index].cx = tx;
		fighter[attack_fighter_index].cy = ty;
		display_attack_string = 0;
		fighter[attack_fighter_index].facing = 0;
		Combat.battle_render(attack_fighter_index, attack_fighter_index, 0);
		Draw.blit2screen(0, 0);

	case NOSLOM:
		tgt = select_enemy(attack_fighter_index, TGT_ENEMY_ONE);
		if (tgt == -1)
			return 0;
		enemy_index = (uint32_t)tgt;
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: combat.c Projeto: rj76/kq
/*! \brief Main fighting routine
 * I don't really need to describe this :p
 * \author Josh Bolduc
 * \date created ????????
 * \date updated

 * \param   ar Attacker ID
 * \param   dr Defender ID
 * \param   sk If non-zero, override the attacker's stats.
 * \returns 1 if damage done, 0 otherwise
int fight (int ar, int dr, int sk)
   int a;
   int tx = -1;
   int ty = -1;
   int f;
   int ares;

   for (a = 0; a < NUM_FIGHTERS; a++) {
      deffect[a] = 0;
      ta[a] = 0;

   /*  check the 'sk' variable to see if we are over-riding the  */
   /*  attackers stats with temporary ones... used for skills    */
   /*  and such                                                  */
   if (sk == 0)
      tempa = status_adjust (ar);

   tempd = status_adjust (dr);
   ares = attack_result (ar, dr);
   for (a = 0; a < 24; a++)
      fighter[dr].sts[a] = tempd.sts[a];

   /*  RB TODO: rest(20) or vsync() before the blit?  */
   if (ares == 2) {
      for (f = 0; f < 3; f++) {
         battle_render (dr + 1, 0, 0);
         blit2screen (0, 0);
         kq_wait (20);
         rectfill (double_buffer, 0, 0, 320, 240, 15);
         blit2screen (0, 0);
         kq_wait (20);

   if ((pidx[dr] == TEMMIN) && (fighter[dr].aux == 2)) {
      fighter[dr].aux = 1;
      a = 1 - dr;
      tx = fighter[dr].cx;
      ty = fighter[dr].cy;
      fighter[dr].cx = fighter[a].cx;
      fighter[dr].cy = fighter[a].cy - 16;

   if (ar < PSIZE)
      fighter[ar].aframe = 7;
      fighter[ar].cy += 10;

   fight_animation (dr, ar, 0);
   if (ar < PSIZE)
      fighter[ar].aframe = 0;
      fighter[ar].cy -= 10;

   if ((tx != -1) && (ty != -1)) {
      fighter[dr].cx = tx;
      fighter[dr].cy = ty;

   if (ta[dr] != MISS)
      ta[dr] = do_shield_check (dr, ta[dr]);

   display_amount (dr, FDECIDE, 0);
   if (ta[dr] != MISS) {
      fighter[dr].hp += ta[dr];
      if ((fighter[ar].imb_s > 0) && ((rand () % 5) == 0))
         cast_imbued_spell (ar, fighter[ar].imb_s, fighter[ar].imb_a, dr);

      if ((fighter[dr].hp <= 0) && (fighter[dr].sts[S_DEAD] == 0)) {
         fkill (dr);
         death_animation (dr, 0);

      if (fighter[dr].hp > fighter[dr].mhp)
         fighter[dr].hp = fighter[dr].mhp;

      if (fighter[dr].sts[S_SLEEP] > 0)
         fighter[dr].sts[S_SLEEP] = 0;

      if ((fighter[dr].sts[S_CHARM] > 0) && (ar == dr))
         fighter[dr].sts[S_CHARM] = 0;
      return 1;

   return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: combat.c Projeto: rj76/kq
/*! \brief Really do combat once fighters have been inited
 * \param   bg Background image
 * \param   mus Music
 * \param   is_rnd If !=0 then this is a random combat
 * \returns 1 if battle occurred
static int do_combat (char *bg, char *mus, int is_rnd)
   int zoom_step;
   in_combat = 1;
   backart = load_datafile_object (PCX_DATAFILE, bg);
   if (is_rnd) {
      if ((numchrs == 1) && (pidx[0] == AYLA)) {
         hs = rand () % 100 + 1;
         ms = rand () % 3 + 1;
      } else {
         if (numchrs > 1 && (in_party (AYLA) > 0)) {
            hs = rand () % 20 + 1;
            ms = rand () % 5 + 1;
         } else {
            hs = rand () % 10 + 1;
            ms = rand () % 10 + 1;
   } else {
      hs = 10;
      ms = 10;

   /*  RB: do the zoom at the beginning of the combat.  */
   pause_music ();
   set_music_volume ((gmvol / 250.0) * 0.75);
   play_music (mus, 0);
   if (stretch_view == 2) {
      do_transition (TRANS_FADE_OUT, 2);
      clear_bitmap (double_buffer);
      do_transition (TRANS_FADE_IN, 64);
   } else
      /* TT TODO:
       * Change this so when we zoom into the battle, it won't just zoom into the middle
       * of the screen.  Instead, it's going to zoom into the location where the player
       * is, so if he's on the side of the map somewhere...
      for (zoom_step = 0; zoom_step < 9; zoom_step++) {
         poll_music ();

         /*  RB FIXME: stretching when 640x480, stretching when 320x240?  */
         /*            shouldn't one of those be the "common" size, and   */
         /*            therefore not needing to stretch it?               */
         /*            320x240 is the double_buffer size...               */
         if (stretch_view == 1)
            stretch_blit (double_buffer, screen, zoom_step * 16 + xofs,
                          zoom_step * 12 + yofs, 320 - (zoom_step * 32),
                          240 - (zoom_step * 24), 0, 0, 640, 480);

            stretch_blit (double_buffer, screen, zoom_step * 16 + xofs,
                          zoom_step * 12 + yofs, 320 - (zoom_step * 32),
                          240 - (zoom_step * 24), 0, 0, 320, 240);

         /*  RB FIXME: should we vsync here rather than rest?  */
         kq_wait (100);
   snap_togrid ();
   roll_initiative ();
   curx = 0;
   cury = 0;
   vspell = 0;
   combatend = 0;

   /*  RB: execute combat  */
   do_round ();
   unload_datafile_object (backart);
   set_music_volume (gmvol / 250.0);
   resume_music ();
   if (alldead)
      stop_music ();
   steps = 0;
   in_combat = 0;
   timer_count = 0;
   return (1);
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: combat.c Projeto: rj76/kq
/*! \brief Player defeated the enemies
 * \author Josh Bolduc
 * \date Created ????????
 * \date Updated
 * Distribute the booty!
static void heroes_win (void)
   int tgp = 0;
   int index;
   int b;
   int c;
   int z;
   int nc = 0;
   int txp = 0;
   int found_item = 0;
   int nr = 0;
   int ent = 0;
   s_fighter t1;
   s_fighter t2;

   play_music ("rend5.s3m", 0);
   kq_wait (500);
   revert_equipstats ();
   for (index = 0; index < numchrs; index++)
      fighter[index].aframe = 4;

   battle_render (0, 0, 0);
   blit2screen (0, 0);
   kq_wait (250);
   for (index = 0; index < numchrs; index++) {
      if ((fighter[index].sts[S_STONE] == 0)
          && (fighter[index].sts[S_DEAD] == 0))

      ta[index] = 0;

   for (index = PSIZE; index < PSIZE + numens; index++) {
      txp += fighter[index].xp;
      tgp += fighter[index].gp;

   /*  JB: nc should never be zero if we won, but whatever  */
   if (nc > 0)
      txp /= nc;

   gp += tgp;
   if (tgp > 0)
      sprintf (strbuf, _("Gained %d xp and found %d gp."), txp, tgp);
      sprintf (strbuf, _("Gained %d xp."), txp);

   menubox (double_buffer, 152 - (strlen (strbuf) * 4), 8, strlen (strbuf), 1,
   print_font (double_buffer, 160 - (strlen (strbuf) * 4), 16, strbuf,
   blit2screen (0, 0);
   blit (double_buffer, back, 0, 0, 0, 0, 352, 280);
   for (index = 0; index < numens; index++) {
      /* PH bug: (?) should found_item be reset to zero at the start of this loop?
       * If you defeat 2 enemies, you should (possibly) get 2 items, right?
      if ((rand () % 100) < fighter[index + PSIZE].dip) {
         if (fighter[index + PSIZE].defeat_item_common > 0)
            found_item = fighter[index + PSIZE].defeat_item_common;

         if (fighter[index + PSIZE].defeat_item_rare > 0) {
            if ((rand () % 100) < 5)
               found_item = fighter[index + PSIZE].defeat_item_rare;

         if (found_item > 0) {
            if (check_inventory (found_item, 1) != 0) {
               sprintf (strbuf, _("%s found!"), items[found_item].name);
               menubox (double_buffer, 148 - (strlen (strbuf) * 4),
                        nr * 24 + 48, strlen (strbuf) + 1, 1, BLUE);
               draw_icon (double_buffer, items[found_item].icon,
                          156 - (strlen (strbuf) * 4), nr * 24 + 56);
               print_font (double_buffer, 164 - (strlen (strbuf) * 4),
                           nr * 24 + 56, strbuf, FNORMAL);

   if (nr > 0) {
      blit2screen (0, 0);
      wait_enter ();
      blit (back, double_buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 352, 280);

   nr = 0;
   for (c = 0; c < numchrs; c++) {
      if ((party[pidx[c]].sts[S_STONE] == 0)
          && (party[pidx[c]].sts[S_DEAD] == 0)) {
         b = c * 160;
         player2fighter (pidx[c], &t1);
         if (give_xp (pidx[c], txp, 0) == 1) {
            menubox (double_buffer, b, 40, 18, 9, BLUE);
            player2fighter (pidx[c], &t2);
            print_font (double_buffer, b + 8, 48, _("Level up!"), FGOLD);
            print_font (double_buffer, b + 8, 56, _("Max HP"), FNORMAL);
            print_font (double_buffer, b + 8, 64, _("Max MP"), FNORMAL);
            print_font (double_buffer, b + 8, 72, _("Strength"), FNORMAL);
            print_font (double_buffer, b + 8, 80, _("Agility"), FNORMAL);
            print_font (double_buffer, b + 8, 88, _("Vitality"), FNORMAL);
            print_font (double_buffer, b + 8, 96, _("Intellect"), FNORMAL);
            print_font (double_buffer, b + 8, 104, _("Sagacity"), FNORMAL);
            sprintf (strbuf, "%3d>", t1.mhp);
            print_font (double_buffer, b + 96, 56, strbuf, FNORMAL);
            sprintf (strbuf, "%3d", t2.mhp);
            print_font (double_buffer, b + 128, 56, strbuf, FGREEN);
            sprintf (strbuf, "%3d>", t1.mmp);
            print_font (double_buffer, b + 96, 64, strbuf, FNORMAL);
            sprintf (strbuf, "%3d", t2.mmp);
            print_font (double_buffer, b + 128, 64, strbuf, FGREEN);

            for (z = 0; z < 5; z++) {
               sprintf (strbuf, "%3d>", t1.stats[z]);
               print_font (double_buffer, b + 96, z * 8 + 72, strbuf, FNORMAL);
               sprintf (strbuf, "%3d", t2.stats[z]);
               if (t2.stats[z] > t1.stats[z])
                  print_font (double_buffer, b + 128, z * 8 + 72, strbuf,
                  print_font (double_buffer, b + 128, z * 8 + 72, strbuf,

         } else
            menubox (double_buffer, b, 104, 18, 1, BLUE);

         sprintf (strbuf, _("Next level %7d"),
                  party[pidx[c]].next - party[pidx[c]].xp);
         print_font (double_buffer, b + 8, 112, strbuf, FGOLD);

   blit2screen (0, 0);
   for (c = 0; c < numchrs; c++)
      if ((party[pidx[c]].sts[S_STONE] == 0)
          && (party[pidx[c]].sts[S_DEAD] == 0))
         ent += learn_new_spells (pidx[c]);

   if (ent == 0)
      wait_enter ();
Exemplo n.º 6
/*! \brief Main menu screen
 * This is the main menu... just display the opening and then the menu and
 * then wait for input.  Also handles loading a saved game, and the config menu.
 * \param   c zero if the splash (the bit with the staff and the eight heroes)
 *            should be displayed.
 * \returns 1 if new game, 0 if continuing, 2 if exit
int start_menu (int skip_splash)
   int stop = 0, ptr = 0, redraw = 1, a, b;
   DATAFILE *bg;
   BITMAP *staff, *dudes, *tdudes;

   if (debugging == 0) {
      play_music ("oxford.s3m", 0);
      /* Play splash (with the staff and the heroes in circle */
      if (skip_splash == 0) {
         bg = load_datafile_object (PCX_DATAFILE, "KQT_PCX");
         staff = create_bitmap_ex (8, 72, 226);
         dudes = create_bitmap_ex (8, 112, 112);
         tdudes = create_bitmap_ex (8, 112, 112);
         blit ((BITMAP *) bg->dat, staff, 0, 7, 0, 0, 72, 226);
         blit ((BITMAP *) bg->dat, dudes, 80, 0, 0, 0, 112, 112);
         clear_bitmap (double_buffer);
         blit (staff, double_buffer, 0, 0, 124, 22, 72, 226);
         blit2screen (0, 0);

         kq_wait (1000);
         for (a = 0; a < 42; a++) {
            stretch_blit (staff, double_buffer, 0, 0, 72, 226, 124 - (a * 32),
                          22 - (a * 96), 72 + (a * 64), 226 + (a * 192));
            blit2screen (0, 0);
            kq_wait (100);
         for (a = 0; a < 5; a++) {
            color_scale (dudes, tdudes, 53 - a, 53 + a);
            draw_sprite (double_buffer, tdudes, 106, 64);
            blit2screen (0, 0);
            kq_wait (100);
         draw_sprite (double_buffer, dudes, 106, 64);
         blit2screen (0, 0);
         kq_wait (1000);
         destroy_bitmap (staff);
         destroy_bitmap (dudes);
         destroy_bitmap (tdudes);
            TODO: this fade should actually be to white
            if (_color_depth == 8)
            fade_from (pal, whp, 1);
         do_transition (TRANS_FADE_WHITE, 1);
      clear_to_color (double_buffer, 15);
      blit2screen (0, 0);
      set_palette (pal);
      bg = load_datafile_object (PCX_DATAFILE, "TITLE_PCX");
      for (a = 0; a < 16; a++) {
         clear_to_color (double_buffer, 15 - a);
         masked_blit ((BITMAP *) bg->dat, double_buffer, 0, 0, 0, 60 - (a * 4),
                      320, 124);
         blit2screen (0, 0);
         kq_wait (a == 0 ? 500 : 100);
      if (skip_splash == 0)
         kq_wait (500);
   } else {
      set_palette (pal);
      bg = load_datafile_object (PCX_DATAFILE, "TITLE_PCX");

   reset_world ();

   /* Draw menu and handle menu selection */
   while (!stop) {
      if (redraw) {
         clear_bitmap (double_buffer);
         masked_blit ((BITMAP *) bg->dat, double_buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 124);
         menubox (double_buffer, 112, 116, 10, 4, BLUE);
         print_font (double_buffer, 128, 124, _("Continue"), FNORMAL);
         print_font (double_buffer, 128, 132, _("New Game"), FNORMAL);
         print_font (double_buffer, 136, 140, _("Config"), FNORMAL);
         print_font (double_buffer, 144, 148, _("Exit"), FNORMAL);
         draw_sprite (double_buffer, menuptr, 112, ptr * 8 + 124);
         redraw = 0;
      display_credits ();
      blit2screen (0, 0);
      readcontrols ();
      if (bhelp) {
         unpress ();
         show_help ();
         redraw = 1;
      if (up) {
         unpress ();
         if (ptr > 0)
            ptr = 3;
         play_effect (SND_CLICK, 128);
         redraw = 1;
      if (down) {
         unpress ();
         if (ptr < 3)
            ptr = 0;
         play_effect (SND_CLICK, 128);
         redraw = 1;
      if (balt) {
         unpress ();
         if (ptr == 0) {        /* User selected "Continue" */
            if (snc[0] == 0 && snc[1] == 0 && snc[2] == 0 && snc[3] == 0
                && snc[4] == 0)
               stop = 2;
            else if (saveload (0) == 1)
               stop = 1;
            redraw = 1;
         } else if (ptr == 1) { /* User selected "New Game" */
            stop = 2;
         } else if (ptr == 2) { /* Config */
            clear (double_buffer);
            config_menu ();
            redraw = 1;

            /* TODO: Save Global Settings Here */
         } else if (ptr == 3) { /* Exit */
            unload_datafile_object (bg);
            klog (_("Then exit you shall!"));
            return 2;
   unload_datafile_object (bg);
   if (stop == 2) {
      /* New game init */
      for (a = 0; a < MAXCHRS; a++)
         memcpy (&party[a], &players[a].plr, sizeof (s_player));
      init_players ();
      memset (progress, 0, SIZE_PROGRESS);
      memset (treasure, 0, SIZE_TREASURE);
      numchrs = 0;
      for (a = 0; a < NUMSHOPS; a++) {
         for (b = 0; b < SHOPITEMS; b++)
            shops[a].items_current[b] = shops[a].items_max[b];
      for (b = 0; b < 2; b++) {
         for (a = 0; a < MAX_INV; a++)
            g_inv[a][b] = 0;
   return stop - 1;
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: setup.c Projeto: rj76/kq
/*! \brief Play sample effect
 * Play an effect... if possible/necessary.  If the effect to
 * be played is the 'bad-move' effect, than do something visually
 * so that even if sound is off you know you did something bad :)
 * PH added explode effect.
 * \param   efc Effect to play (index in sfx[])
 * \param   panning Left/right pan - see Allegro's play_sample()
void play_effect (int efc, int panning)
   int a, s, xo = 1, yo = 1;
   static const int bx[8] = { -1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0 };
   static const int by[8] = { -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0 };
   static const int sc[] = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1 };
   SAMPLE *samp;
   PALETTE whiteout, old;

   /* Patch provided by mattrope: */
   /* sfx array is empty if sound is not initialized */
   if (is_sound != 0)
      samp = (SAMPLE *) sfx[efc]->dat;
      samp = NULL;              /* PH not strictly needed but I added it */

   switch (efc) {
      if (samp)
         play_sample (samp, gsvol, panning, 1000, 0);
   case SND_BAD:
      blit (double_buffer, fx_buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 352, 280);

      if (samp)
         play_sample (samp, gsvol, panning, 1000, 0);
      clear_bitmap (double_buffer);
      blit (fx_buffer, double_buffer, xofs, yofs, xofs, yofs, 320, 240);

      if (in_combat == 0) {
         xo = xofs;
         yo = yofs;

      /*        blit (fx_buffer, double_buffer, xo, yo, xo, yo, 320, 240); */

      for (a = 0; a < 8; a++) {
         blit2screen (xo + bx[a], yo + by[a]);
         kq_wait (10);
      blit (fx_buffer, double_buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 352, 280);
   case SND_EXPLODE:
      blit (double_buffer, fx_buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 352, 280);
      clear_bitmap (double_buffer);
      get_palette (old);
      for (a = 0; a < 256; ++a) {
         s = (old[a].r + old[a].g + old[a].b) > 40 ? 0 : 63;
         whiteout[a].r = whiteout[a].g = whiteout[a].b = s;
      blit (fx_buffer, double_buffer, xofs, yofs, xofs, yofs, 320, 240);
      if (samp) {
         play_sample (samp, gsvol, panning, 1000, 0);
      for (s = 0; s < (int) (sizeof (sc) / sizeof (*sc)); ++s) {
         if (s == 1)
            set_palette (whiteout);
         if (s == 6)
            set_palette (old);

         for (a = 0; a < 8; a++) {
            blit2screen (xofs + bx[a] * sc[s], yofs + by[a] * sc[s]);
            kq_wait (10);
      blit (fx_buffer, double_buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 352, 280);