Exemplo n.º 1
inline __device__ void load2ShrdMem(T * shrd, const T * const in,
        int lx, int ly, int shrdStride,
        int dim0, int dim1,
        int gx, int gy,
        int inStride1, int inStride0)
    T val = isDilation ? Binary<T, af_max_t>().init() : Binary<T, af_min_t>().init();
    if (gx>=0 && gx<dim0 && gy>=0 && gy<dim1) {
        val = in[ lIdx(gx, gy, inStride1, inStride0) ];
    shrd[ lIdx(lx, ly, shrdStride, 1) ] = val;
Exemplo n.º 2
inline __device__
void load2ShrdMem(T * shrd, const T * in,
                  int lx, int ly,
                  int shrdStride, int schStride,
                  int dim0, int dim1,
                  int gx, int gy,
                  int ichStride, int inStride1, int inStride0)
    int gx_  = clamp(gx, 0, dim0-1);
    int gy_  = clamp(gy, 0, dim1-1);
#pragma unroll
    for(int ch=0; ch<channels; ++ch)
        shrd[lIdx(lx, ly, shrdStride, 1)+ch*schStride] = in[lIdx(gx_, gy_, inStride1, inStride0)+ch*ichStride];
Exemplo n.º 3
inline __device__
void load2ShrdMem(outType * shrd, const inType * const in,
                  int lx, int ly, int shrdStride,
                  int dim0, int dim1,
                  int gx, int gy,
                  int inStride1, int inStride0)
    shrd[ly*shrdStride+lx] = in[lIdx(clamp(gx, 0, dim0-1), clamp(gy, 0, dim1-1), inStride1, inStride0)];
Exemplo n.º 4
static __global__ void morphKernel(Param<T> out, CParam<T> in,
                                   int nBBS0, int nBBS1)
    // get shared memory pointer
    SharedMemory<T> shared;
    T * shrdMem = shared.getPointer();

    // calculate necessary offset and window parameters
    const int halo   = windLen/2;
    const int padding= 2*halo;
    const int shrdLen  = blockDim.x + padding + 1;
    const int shrdLen1 = blockDim.y + padding;

    // gfor batch offsets
    unsigned b2 = blockIdx.x / nBBS0;
    unsigned b3 = blockIdx.y / nBBS1;
    const T* iptr    = (const T *) in.ptr + (b2 *  in.strides[2] + b3 *  in.strides[3]);
    T*       optr    = (T *      )out.ptr + (b2 * out.strides[2] + b3 * out.strides[3]);

    const int lx = threadIdx.x;
    const int ly = threadIdx.y;

    // global indices
    const int gx = blockDim.x * (blockIdx.x-b2*nBBS0) + lx;
    const int gy = blockDim.y * (blockIdx.y-b3*nBBS1) + ly;

    // pull image to local memory
    for (int b=ly, gy2=gy; b<shrdLen1; b+=blockDim.y, gy2+=blockDim.y) {
        // move row_set get_local_size(1) along coloumns
        for (int a=lx, gx2=gx; a<shrdLen; a+=blockDim.x, gx2+=blockDim.x) {
            load2ShrdMem<T, isDilation>(shrdMem, iptr, a, b, shrdLen,
                                        in.dims[0], in.dims[1],
                                        gx2-halo, gy2-halo, in.strides[1], in.strides[0]);

    int i = lx + halo;
    int j = ly + halo;


    const T * d_filt = (const T *)cFilter;
    T acc = isDilation ? Binary<T, af_max_t>().init() : Binary<T, af_min_t>().init();
#pragma unroll
    for(int wj=0; wj<windLen; ++wj) {
        int joff   = wj*windLen;
        int w_joff = (j+wj-halo)*shrdLen;
#pragma unroll
        for(int wi=0; wi<windLen; ++wi) {
            if (d_filt[joff+wi] > (T)0) {
                T cur  = shrdMem[w_joff + (i+wi-halo)];
                if (isDilation)
                    acc = max(acc, cur);
                    acc = min(acc, cur);

    if (gx<in.dims[0] && gy<in.dims[1]) {
        int outIdx = lIdx(gx, gy, out.strides[1], out.strides[0]);
        optr[outIdx] = acc;
Exemplo n.º 5
static __global__
void meanshiftKernel(Param<T> out, CParam<T> in,
                     float space_, int radius, float cvar,
                     uint iter, int nBBS0, int nBBS1)
    SharedMemory<T> shared;
    T * shrdMem = shared.getPointer();

    // calculate necessary offset and window parameters
    const int padding     = 2*radius + 1;
    const int shrdLen     = blockDim.x + padding;
    const int schStride   = shrdLen*(blockDim.y + padding);
    // the variable ichStride will only effect when we have >1
    // channels. in the other cases, the expression in question
    // will not use the variable
    const int ichStride   = in.strides[2];

    // gfor batch offsets
    unsigned b2 = blockIdx.x / nBBS0;
    unsigned b3 = blockIdx.y / nBBS1;
    const T* iptr = (const T *) in.ptr + (b2 *  in.strides[2] + b3 *  in.strides[3]);
    T*       optr = (T *      )out.ptr + (b2 * out.strides[2] + b3 * out.strides[3]);

    const int lx = threadIdx.x;
    const int ly = threadIdx.y;

    const int gx = blockDim.x * (blockIdx.x-b2*nBBS0) + lx;
    const int gy = blockDim.y * (blockIdx.y-b3*nBBS1) + ly;

    // pull image to local memory
    for (int b=ly, gy2=gy; b<shrdLen; b+=blockDim.y, gy2+=blockDim.y) {
        // move row_set get_local_size(1) along coloumns
        for (int a=lx, gx2=gx; a<shrdLen; a+=blockDim.x, gx2+=blockDim.x) {
            load2ShrdMem<T, channels>(shrdMem, iptr, a, b, shrdLen, schStride,
                                      in.dims[0], in.dims[1], gx2-radius, gy2-radius, ichStride,
                                      in.strides[1], in.strides[0]);

    int i   = lx + radius;
    int j   = ly + radius;


    if (gx>=in.dims[0] || gy>=in.dims[1])

    float means[channels];
    float centers[channels];
    float tmpclrs[channels];

    // clear means and centers for this pixel
#pragma unroll
    for(int ch=0; ch<channels; ++ch) {
        means[ch] = 0.0f;
        centers[ch] = shrdMem[lIdx(i, j, shrdLen, 1)+ch*schStride];

    // scope of meanshift iterationd begin
    for(uint it=0; it<iter; ++it) {

        int count   = 0;
        int shift_x = 0;
        int shift_y = 0;

        for(int wj=-radius; wj<=radius; ++wj) {
            int hit_count = 0;

            for(int wi=-radius; wi<=radius; ++wi) {

                int tj = j + wj;
                int ti = i + wi;

                // proceed
                float norm = 0.0f;
#pragma unroll
                for(int ch=0; ch<channels; ++ch) {
                    tmpclrs[ch] = shrdMem[lIdx(ti, tj, shrdLen, 1)+ch*schStride];
                    norm += (centers[ch]-tmpclrs[ch]) * (centers[ch]-tmpclrs[ch]);

                if (norm<= cvar) {
#pragma unroll
                    for(int ch=0; ch<channels; ++ch)
                        means[ch] += tmpclrs[ch];

                    shift_x += wi;
            count+= hit_count;
            shift_y += wj*hit_count;

        if (count==0) {

        const float fcount = 1.f/count;
        const int mean_x = (int)(shift_x*fcount+0.5f);
        const int mean_y = (int)(shift_y*fcount+0.5f);
#pragma unroll
        for(int ch=0; ch<channels; ++ch)
            means[ch] *= fcount;

        float norm = 0.f;
#pragma unroll
        for(int ch=0; ch<channels; ++ch)
            norm += ((means[ch]-centers[ch])*(means[ch]-centers[ch]));

        bool stop = ((abs(shift_y-mean_y)+abs(shift_x-mean_x)) + norm) <= 1;
        shift_x = mean_x;
        shift_y = mean_y;

#pragma unroll
        for(int ch=0; ch<channels; ++ch)
            centers[ch] = means[ch];
        if (stop) {
    } // scope of meanshift iterations end

#pragma unroll
    for(int ch=0; ch<channels; ++ch)
        optr[lIdx(gx, gy, out.strides[1], out.strides[0])+ch*ichStride] = centers[ch];
Exemplo n.º 6
void GLWidget::TraceOneStep()
    if(_traceList.size() == 0)
        _isTracingDone = false;

        AnIndex startIdx(0, 0);

        _traceList.push_back(startIdx); // put in list
        _cells[startIdx.x][startIdx.y]._isVisited = true; // mark
        _cells[startIdx.x][startIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_UPRIGHT; // (0,0) always upright or downleft

        _tilePainter->SetTiles(_cells, _traceList, _gridSpacing, _isTracingDone);
    else if(!_isTracingDone)
        AnIndex curIdx = _traceList[_traceList.size() - 1];
        _cells[curIdx.x][curIdx.y]._isVisited = true;

        DirectionType curDir =_cells[curIdx.x][curIdx.y]._directionType;

        AnIndex urIdx(curIdx.x + 1, curIdx.y - 1);    // up right
        AnIndex drIdx(curIdx.x + 1, curIdx.y + 1);    // down right
        AnIndex dlIdx(curIdx.x - 1, curIdx.y + 1);    // down left
        AnIndex ulIdx(curIdx.x - 1, curIdx.y - 1);    // up left

        AnIndex rIdx(curIdx.x + 1, curIdx.y    );     // right
        AnIndex dIdx(curIdx.x    , curIdx.y + 1);     // down
        AnIndex lIdx(curIdx.x - 1, curIdx.y    );     // left
        AnIndex uIdx(curIdx.x    , curIdx.y - 1);     // up

        // point-to-line intersection
        AVector endVec;
        if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_UPRIGHT)
            { endVec = AVector(rIdx.x  * _gridSpacing, rIdx.y * _gridSpacing); }
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_DOWNRIGHT)
            { endVec = AVector(drIdx.x  * _gridSpacing, drIdx.y * _gridSpacing); }
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_DOWNLEFT)
            { endVec = AVector(dIdx.x  * _gridSpacing, dIdx.y * _gridSpacing); }
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_UPLEFT)
            { endVec = AVector(curIdx.x  * _gridSpacing, curIdx.y * _gridSpacing); }
        LineType hitType = GetLineIntersection(endVec);

        // enter
        if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_RIGHT &&
           IsValid(rIdx) &&
           _cells[rIdx.x][rIdx.y]._straightness == Straightness::ST_HORIZONTAL)
            //std::cout << "[a] " << "right --> right" << " - " << rIdx.x << " " << rIdx.y << "\n";
            _cells[rIdx.x][rIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_RIGHT;
            _cells[rIdx.x][rIdx.y]._tempDirection = _cells[curIdx.x][curIdx.y]._tempDirection;
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_LEFT &&
                IsValid(lIdx) &&
                _cells[lIdx.x][lIdx.y]._straightness == Straightness::ST_HORIZONTAL)
            //std::cout << "[b] " << "left --> left" << " - " << lIdx.x << " " << lIdx.y << "\n";
            _cells[lIdx.x][lIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_LEFT;
            _cells[lIdx.x][lIdx.y]._tempDirection = _cells[curIdx.x][curIdx.y]._tempDirection;
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_UP &&
                IsValid(uIdx) &&
                _cells[uIdx.x][uIdx.y]._straightness == Straightness::ST_VERTICAL)
            //std::cout << "[c] " << "up --> up" << " - " << uIdx.x << " " << uIdx.y << "\n";
            _cells[uIdx.x][uIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_UP;
            _cells[uIdx.x][uIdx.y]._tempDirection = _cells[curIdx.x][curIdx.y]._tempDirection;
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_DOWN &&
                IsValid(dIdx) &&
                _cells[dIdx.x][dIdx.y]._straightness == Straightness::ST_VERTICAL)
            //std::cout << "[d] " << "down --> down" << " - " << dIdx.x << " " << dIdx.y << "\n";
            _cells[dIdx.x][dIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_DOWN;
            _cells[dIdx.x][dIdx.y]._tempDirection = _cells[curIdx.x][curIdx.y]._tempDirection;

        // out
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_RIGHT &&
           IsValid(rIdx) &&
           _cells[rIdx.x][rIdx.y]._straightness == Straightness::ST_DIAGONAL)
            //std::cout << "[e] " << "right --> out" << " - " << rIdx.x << " " << rIdx.y << "\n";
            _cells[rIdx.x][rIdx.y]._directionType = _cells[curIdx.x][curIdx.y]._tempDirection;
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_LEFT &&
                IsValid(lIdx) &&
                _cells[lIdx.x][lIdx.y]._straightness == Straightness::ST_DIAGONAL)
            //std::cout << "[f] " << "left --> out" << " - " << lIdx.x << " " << lIdx.y << "\n";
            _cells[lIdx.x][lIdx.y]._directionType = _cells[curIdx.x][curIdx.y]._tempDirection;
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_UP &&
                IsValid(uIdx) &&
                _cells[uIdx.x][uIdx.y]._straightness == Straightness::ST_DIAGONAL)
            //std::cout << "[g] " << "up --> out" << " - " << uIdx.x << " " << uIdx.y << "\n";
            _cells[uIdx.x][uIdx.y]._directionType = _cells[curIdx.x][curIdx.y]._tempDirection;
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_DOWN &&
                IsValid(dIdx) &&
                _cells[dIdx.x][dIdx.y]._straightness == Straightness::ST_DIAGONAL)
            //std::cout << "[h] " << "down --> out" << " - " << dIdx.x << " " << dIdx.y << "\n";
            _cells[dIdx.x][dIdx.y]._directionType = _cells[curIdx.x][curIdx.y]._tempDirection;

        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_UPRIGHT &&
           hitType == LineType::LINE_HORIZONTAL &&
           IsValid(rIdx) &&
           _cells[rIdx.x][rIdx.y]._straightness == Straightness::ST_HORIZONTAL) // upright --> right

            //std::cout << "[1] " << "upright --> right" << " - " << rIdx.x << " " << rIdx.y << "\n";
            // rIdx
            _cells[rIdx.x][rIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_RIGHT;
            _cells[rIdx.x][rIdx.y]._tempDirection = DirectionType::DIR_DOWNRIGHT;
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_DOWNRIGHT  &&
                hitType == LineType::LINE_HORIZONTAL &&
                IsValid(rIdx) &&
                _cells[rIdx.x][rIdx.y]._straightness == Straightness::ST_HORIZONTAL) // downright --> right
            //std::cout << "[2] " << "downright --> right" << " - " << rIdx.x << " " << rIdx.y << "\n";
            //std::cout << curDir << " " << hitType << " " << IsValid(rIdx) << " " << _cells[rIdx.x][rIdx.y]._straightness << "\n";
            // rIdx
            _cells[rIdx.x][rIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_RIGHT;
            _cells[rIdx.x][rIdx.y]._tempDirection = DirectionType::DIR_UPRIGHT;
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_DOWNLEFT &&
                hitType == LineType::LINE_HORIZONTAL &&
                IsValid(lIdx) &&
                _cells[lIdx.x][lIdx.y]._straightness == Straightness::ST_HORIZONTAL) // downleft --> left
            //std::cout << "[3] " << "downleft --> left" << " - " << lIdx.x << " " << lIdx.y << "\n";
            // lIdx
            _cells[lIdx.x][lIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_LEFT;
            _cells[lIdx.x][lIdx.y]._tempDirection = DirectionType::DIR_UPLEFT;
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_UPLEFT &&
                hitType == LineType::LINE_HORIZONTAL &&
                IsValid(lIdx) &&
                _cells[lIdx.x][lIdx.y]._straightness == Straightness::ST_HORIZONTAL)    // upleft --> left
            //std::cout << "[4] " << "// upleft --> left" << " - " << lIdx.x << " " << lIdx.y << "\n";
            // lIdx
            _cells[lIdx.x][lIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_LEFT;
            _cells[lIdx.x][lIdx.y]._tempDirection = DirectionType::DIR_DOWNLEFT;

        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_UPRIGHT &&
                hitType == LineType::LINE_VERTICAL &&
                IsValid(uIdx) &&
                _cells[uIdx.x][uIdx.y]._straightness == Straightness::ST_VERTICAL) // upright --> up
            //std::cout << "[5] " << "upright --> up" << " - " << uIdx.x << " " << uIdx.y << "\n";
            // uIdx
            _cells[uIdx.x][uIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_UP;
            _cells[uIdx.x][uIdx.y]._tempDirection = DirectionType::DIR_UPLEFT;
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_DOWNRIGHT  &&
                hitType == LineType::LINE_VERTICAL &&
                IsValid(dIdx) &&
                _cells[dIdx.x][dIdx.y]._straightness == Straightness::ST_VERTICAL) // downright --> down
            //std::cout << "[6] " << "downright --> down" << " - " << dIdx.x << " " << dIdx.y << "\n";
            // dIdx
            _cells[dIdx.x][dIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_DOWN;
            _cells[dIdx.x][dIdx.y]._tempDirection = DirectionType::DIR_DOWNLEFT;
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_DOWNLEFT &&
                hitType == LineType::LINE_VERTICAL &&
                IsValid(dIdx) &&
                _cells[dIdx.x][dIdx.y]._straightness == Straightness::ST_VERTICAL) // downleft --> down
            //std::cout << "[7] " << "downleft --> down" << " - " << dIdx.x << " " << dIdx.y << "\n";
            // dIdx
            _cells[dIdx.x][dIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_DOWN;
            _cells[dIdx.x][dIdx.y]._tempDirection = DirectionType::DIR_DOWNRIGHT;
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_UPLEFT &&
                hitType == LineType::LINE_VERTICAL &&
                IsValid(uIdx) &&
                _cells[uIdx.x][uIdx.y]._straightness == Straightness::ST_VERTICAL)    // upleft --> up
            //std::cout << "[8] " << "upleft --> up" << " - " << uIdx.x << " " << uIdx.y << "\n";
            // uIdx
            _cells[uIdx.x][uIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_UP;
            _cells[uIdx.x][uIdx.y]._tempDirection = DirectionType::DIR_UPRIGHT;

        // old code
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_UPRIGHT && IsValid(urIdx) && hitType == LineType::LINE_NONE)
            //std::cout << "[9] " << hitType << " - " << urIdx.x << " " << urIdx.y << "\n";
            _cells[urIdx.x][urIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_UPRIGHT;
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_DOWNRIGHT && IsValid(drIdx) && hitType == LineType::LINE_NONE)
            //std::cout << "[10] " << hitType << " - " << drIdx.x << " " << drIdx.y << "\n";
            _cells[drIdx.x][drIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_DOWNRIGHT;
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_DOWNLEFT && IsValid(dlIdx) && hitType == LineType::LINE_NONE)
            //std::cout << "[11] " << hitType << " - " << dlIdx.x << " " << dlIdx.y << "\n";
            _cells[dlIdx.x][dlIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_DOWNLEFT;
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_UPLEFT && IsValid(ulIdx) && hitType == LineType::LINE_NONE)
            //std::cout << "[12] " << hitType << " - " << ulIdx.x << " " << ulIdx.y << "\n";
            _cells[ulIdx.x][ulIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_UPLEFT;
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_UPRIGHT && ( IsValid(rIdx) || IsValid(uIdx) )  )
            if(hitType == LineType::LINE_HORIZONTAL && IsValid(rIdx))
                //std::cout << "[13] " << hitType << " - " << rIdx.x << " " << rIdx.y << "\n";
                _cells[rIdx.x][rIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_DOWNRIGHT;
                //std::cout << "[14] " << hitType << " - " << uIdx.x << " " << uIdx.y << "\n";
                _cells[uIdx.x][uIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_UPLEFT;
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_DOWNRIGHT && ( IsValid(rIdx) || IsValid(dIdx) ))
            if(hitType == LineType::LINE_HORIZONTAL && IsValid(rIdx))
                //std::cout << "[15] " << hitType << " - " << rIdx.x << " " << rIdx.y << "\n";
                _cells[rIdx.x][rIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_UPRIGHT;
                //std::cout << "[16] " << hitType << " - " << dIdx.x << " " << dIdx.y << "\n";
                //std::cout << curDir << " " << hitType << " " << IsValid(rIdx) << " " << _cells[rIdx.x][rIdx.y]._straightness << "\n";
                _cells[dIdx.x][dIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_DOWNLEFT;
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_DOWNLEFT && ( IsValid(lIdx) || IsValid(dIdx) ))
            if(hitType == LineType::LINE_HORIZONTAL && IsValid(lIdx))   // up left
                //std::cout << "[17] " << hitType << " - " << lIdx.x << " " << lIdx.y << "\n";
                _cells[lIdx.x][lIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_UPLEFT;
            else        // down right
                //std::cout << "[18] " << hitType << " - " << dIdx.x << " " << dIdx.y << "\n";
                _cells[dIdx.x][dIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_DOWNRIGHT;
        else if(curDir == DirectionType::DIR_UPLEFT && ( IsValid(lIdx) || IsValid(uIdx) ))
            if(hitType == LineType::LINE_HORIZONTAL && IsValid(lIdx))
                //std::cout << "[19] " << hitType << " - " << lIdx.x << " " << lIdx.y << "\n";
                _cells[lIdx.x][lIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_DOWNLEFT;
                //std::cout << "[20] " << hitType << " - " << uIdx.x << " " << uIdx.y << "\n";
                _cells[uIdx.x][uIdx.y]._directionType = DirectionType::DIR_UPRIGHT;

        // check if we revisit a cell which means done
        AnIndex nextIdx = _traceList[_traceList.size() - 1];
            //std::cout << "end here " << nextIdx.x << " " << nextIdx.y << "\n";
            _isTracingDone = true;

        _tilePainter->SetTiles(_cells, _traceList, _gridSpacing, _isTracingDone);