Exemplo n.º 1
 * @brief Player attempts to buy a ship.
 *    @param wid Window player is buying ship from.
 *    @param str Unused.
static void shipyard_buy( unsigned int wid, char* str )
   char *shipname, buf[ECON_CRED_STRLEN];
   Ship* ship;

   shipname = toolkit_getImageArray( wid, "iarShipyard" );
   if (strcmp(shipname, "None") == 0)

   ship = ship_get( shipname );

   credits_t targetprice = ship_buyPrice(ship);

   if (land_errDialogue( shipname, "buyShip" ))

   credits2str( buf, targetprice, 2 );
   if (dialogue_YesNo("Are you sure?", /* confirm */
         "Do you really want to spend %s on a new ship?", buf )==0)

   /* player just got a new ship */
   if (player_newShip( ship, NULL, 0, 0 ) == NULL) {
      /* Player actually aborted naming process. */
   player_modCredits( -targetprice ); /* ouch, paying is hard */

   /* Update shipyard. */
   shipyard_update(wid, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: land.c Projeto: Kinniken/naev
 * @brief Buys a local system map.
static void spaceport_buyMap( unsigned int wid, char *str )
   (void) wid;
   (void) str;
   Outfit *o;
   unsigned int w;

   /* Make sure the map isn't already known, etc. */
   if (land_errDialogue( LOCAL_MAP_NAME, "buyOutfit" ))

   o = outfit_get( LOCAL_MAP_NAME );
   if (o == NULL) {
      WARN("Outfit '%s' does not exist!", LOCAL_MAP_NAME);

   player_modCredits( -o->price );
   player_addOutfit(o, 1);

   /* Disable the button. */
   window_disableButtonSoft( land_windows[0], "btnMap" );

   /* Update map quantity in outfitter. */
   w = land_getWid( LAND_WINDOW_OUTFITS );
   if (w > 0)
      outfits_regenList( w, NULL );
Exemplo n.º 3
 * @brief Player attempts to buy a ship, trading the current ship in.
 *    @param wid Window player is buying ship from.
 *    @param str Unused.
static void shipyard_trade( unsigned int wid, char* str )
   char *shipname, buf[ECON_CRED_STRLEN], buf2[ECON_CRED_STRLEN],
         buf3[ECON_CRED_STRLEN], buf4[ECON_CRED_STRLEN];
   Ship* ship;

   shipname = toolkit_getImageArray( wid, "iarShipyard" );
   if (strcmp(shipname, "None") == 0)

   ship = ship_get( shipname );

   credits_t targetprice = ship_buyPrice(ship);
   credits_t playerprice = player_shipPrice(player.p->name);

   if (land_errDialogue( shipname, "tradeShip" ))

   credits2str( buf, targetprice, 2 );
   credits2str( buf2, playerprice, 2 );
   credits2str( buf3, targetprice - playerprice, 2 );
   credits2str( buf4, playerprice - targetprice, 2 );

   /* Display the correct dialogue depending on the new ship's price versus the player's. */
   if ( targetprice == playerprice ) {
      if (dialogue_YesNo("Are you sure?", /* confirm */
         "Your %s is worth %s, exactly as much as the new ship, so no credits need be exchanged. Are you sure you want to trade your ship in?",
               player.p->ship->name, buf2)==0)
   else if ( targetprice < playerprice ) {
      if (dialogue_YesNo("Are you sure?", /* confirm */
         "Your %s is worth %s credits, more than the new ship. For your ship, you will get the new %s and %s credits. Are you sure you want to trade your ship in?",
               player.p->ship->name, buf2, ship->name, buf4)==0)
   else if ( targetprice > playerprice ) {
      if (dialogue_YesNo("Are you sure?", /* confirm */
         "Your %s is worth %s, so the new ship will cost %s credits. Are you sure you want to trade your ship in?",
               player.p->ship->name, buf2, buf3)==0)

   /* player just got a new ship */
   if (player_newShip( ship, NULL, 1, 0 ) == NULL)
      return; /* Player aborted the naming process. */

   player_modCredits( playerprice - targetprice ); /* Modify credits by the difference between ship values. */


   /* The newShip call will trigger a loadGUI that will recreate the land windows. Therefore the land ID will
    * be void. We must reload in in order to properly update it again.*/
   wid = land_getWid(LAND_WINDOW_SHIPYARD);

   /* Update shipyard. */
   shipyard_update(wid, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * @brief Player attempts to buy a ship, trading the current ship in.
 *    @param wid Window player is buying ship from.
 *    @param str Unused.
static void shipyard_trade( unsigned int wid, char* str )
    char *shipname, buf[ECON_CRED_STRLEN], buf2[ECON_CRED_STRLEN],
         buf3[ECON_CRED_STRLEN], buf4[ECON_CRED_STRLEN];
    Ship* ship;

    shipname = toolkit_getImageArray( wid, "iarShipyard" );
    ship = ship_get( shipname );

    credits_t targetprice = ship->price;
    credits_t playerprice = player_shipPrice(player.p->name);

    if (land_errDialogue( shipname, "trade" ))

    credits2str( buf, targetprice, 2 );
    credits2str( buf2, playerprice, 2 );
    credits2str( buf3, targetprice - playerprice, 2 );
    credits2str( buf4, playerprice - targetprice, 2 );

    /* Display the correct dialogue depending on the new ship's price versus the player's. */
    if ( targetprice == playerprice ) {
        if (dialogue_YesNo("Are you sure?", /* confirm */
                           "Your %s is worth %s, exactly as much as the new ship, so no credits need be exchanged. Are you sure you want to trade your ship in?",
                           player.p->ship->name, buf2)==0)
    else if ( targetprice < playerprice ) {
        if (dialogue_YesNo("Are you sure?", /* confirm */
                           "Your %s is worth %s credits, more than the new ship. For your ship, you will get the new %s and %s credits. Are you sure you want to trade your ship in?",
                           player.p->ship->name, buf2, ship->name, buf4)==0)
    else if ( targetprice > playerprice ) {
        if (dialogue_YesNo("Are you sure?", /* confirm */
                           "Your %s is worth %s, so the new ship will cost %s credits. Are you sure you want to trade your ship in?",
                           player.p->ship->name, buf2, buf3)==0)

    /* player just got a new ship */
    if (player_newShip( ship, NULL, 1, 0 ) == NULL)
        return; /* Player aborted the naming process. */

    player_modCredits( playerprice - targetprice ); /* Modify credits by the difference between ship values. */


    /* Update shipyard. */
    shipyard_update(wid, NULL);
Exemplo n.º 5
 * @brief Attempts to sell a commodity.
 *    @param wid Window selling commodity from.
 *    @param str Unused.
static void commodity_sell( unsigned int wid, char* str )
   char *comname;
   Commodity *com;
   unsigned int q;
   credits_t price;
   HookParam hparam[3];

   /* Get parameters. */
   q     = commodity_getMod();
   comname = toolkit_getList( wid, "lstGoods" );
   com   = commodity_get( comname );
   price = planet_commodityPrice( land_planet, com );

   /* Check stuff. */
   if (land_errDialogue( comname, "sellCommodity" ))

   /* Remove commodity. */
   q = pilot_cargoRm( player.p, com, q );
   price = price * (credits_t)q;
   player_modCredits( price );
   commodity_update(wid, NULL);

   /* Run hooks. */
   hparam[0].type    = HOOK_PARAM_STRING;
   hparam[0].u.str   = comname;
   hparam[1].type    = HOOK_PARAM_NUMBER;
   hparam[1].u.num   = q;
   hparam[2].type    = HOOK_PARAM_SENTINEL;
   hooks_runParam( "comm_sell", hparam );
   if (land_takeoff)