Exemplo n.º 1
TileLoader::TileLoader(const std::string &service, double latitude,
                       double longitude, unsigned int zoom, unsigned int blocks,
                       QObject *parent)
    : QObject(parent), latitude_(latitude), longitude_(longitude), zoom_(zoom),
      blocks_(blocks), object_uri_(service) {
  assert(blocks_ >= 0);

  const std::string package_path = ros::package::getPath("rviz_satellite");
  if (package_path.empty()) {
    throw std::runtime_error("package 'rviz_satellite' not found");

  std::hash<std::string> hash_fn;
  cache_path_ =
      QDir::cleanPath(QString::fromStdString(package_path) + QDir::separator() +
                      QString("mapscache") + QDir::separator() +

  QDir dir(cache_path_);
  if (!dir.exists() && !dir.mkpath(".")) {
    throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create cache folder: " +

  /// @todo: some kind of error checking of the URL

  //  calculate center tile coordinates
  double x, y;
  latLonToTileCoords(latitude_, longitude_, zoom_, x, y);
  center_tile_x_ = std::floor(x);
  center_tile_y_ = std::floor(y);
  //  fractional component
  origin_offset_x_ = x - center_tile_x_;
  origin_offset_y_ = y - center_tile_y_;
Exemplo n.º 2
TileLoader::TileLoader(const std::string &service, double latitude,
                       double longitude, unsigned int zoom, unsigned int blocks,
                       QObject *parent)
    : QObject(parent), latitude_(latitude), longitude_(longitude), zoom_(zoom),
      blocks_(blocks), qnam_(0), object_uri_(service) {
  assert(blocks_ >= 0);
  /// @todo: some kind of error checking of the URL

  //  calculate center tile coordinates
  double x, y;
  latLonToTileCoords(latitude_, longitude_, zoom_, x, y);
  tile_x_ = std::floor(x);
  tile_y_ = std::floor(y);
  //  fractional component
  origin_x_ = x - tile_x_;
  origin_y_ = y - tile_y_;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool TileLoader::insideCentreTile(double lat, double lon) const {
  double x, y;
  latLonToTileCoords(lat, lon, zoom_, x, y);
  return (std::floor(x) == center_tile_x_ && std::floor(y) == center_tile_y_);