Exemplo n.º 1
bool ossimH5GridModel::setGridNodes( H5::DataSet* latDataSet,
                                     H5::DataSet* lonDataSet,
                                     const ossimIrect& validRect )
   bool status = false;

   if ( latDataSet && lonDataSet )
      m_crossesDateline = ossim_hdf5::crossesDateline( *lonDataSet, validRect );
      if ( m_crossesDateline )

      // Get dataspace of the dataset.
      H5::DataSpace latDataSpace = latDataSet->getSpace();
      H5::DataSpace lonDataSpace = lonDataSet->getSpace();
      const ossim_int32 LAT_DIM_COUNT = latDataSpace.getSimpleExtentNdims();
      const ossim_int32 LON_DIM_COUNT = lonDataSpace.getSimpleExtentNdims();
      // Number of dimensions of the input dataspace:
      if ( ( LAT_DIM_COUNT == 2 ) && ( LON_DIM_COUNT == 2 ) )
         const ossim_uint32 ROWS = validRect.height();
         const ossim_uint32 COLS = validRect.width();
         const ossim_uint32 GRID_SIZE = 4; // Only grab every 4th value.

         // Get the extents:
         // dimsOut[0] is height, dimsOut[1] is width:
         std::vector<hsize_t> latDimsOut(LAT_DIM_COUNT);
         latDataSpace.getSimpleExtentDims( &latDimsOut.front(), 0 );
         std::vector<hsize_t> lonDimsOut(LON_DIM_COUNT);
         lonDataSpace.getSimpleExtentDims( &lonDimsOut.front(), 0 );
         // Verify valid rect within our bounds:
         if ( (ROWS <= latDimsOut[0] ) && (ROWS <= lonDimsOut[0] ) &&
              (COLS <= latDimsOut[1] ) && (COLS <= lonDimsOut[1] ) )
            // Initialize the ossimDblGrids:
            ossimDpt dspacing (GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE);
            ossim_uint32 gridRows = ROWS / GRID_SIZE + 1;
            ossim_uint32 gridCols = COLS / GRID_SIZE + 1;
            // Round up if size doesn't fall on end pixel.
            if ( ROWS % GRID_SIZE) ++gridRows;
            if ( COLS % GRID_SIZE) ++gridCols;

            ossimIpt gridSize (gridCols, gridRows);
            // The grid as used in base class, has UV-space always at 0,0 origin            
            ossimDpt gridOrigin(0.0,0.0);

            const ossim_float64 NULL_VALUE = -999.0;
            theLatGrid.initialize(gridSize, gridOrigin, dspacing);
            theLonGrid.initialize(gridSize, gridOrigin, dspacing);            
            std::vector<hsize_t> inputCount(LAT_DIM_COUNT);
            std::vector<hsize_t> inputOffset(LAT_DIM_COUNT);
            inputOffset[0] = 0; // row is set below.
            inputOffset[1] = validRect.ul().x; // col
            inputCount[0] = 1; // row
            inputCount[1] = (hsize_t)COLS; // col
            // Output dataspace dimensions. Reading a line at a time.
            const ossim_int32 OUT_DIM_COUNT = 3;
            std::vector<hsize_t> outputCount(OUT_DIM_COUNT);
            outputCount[0] = 1;    // band
            outputCount[1] = 1;    // row
            outputCount[2] = COLS; // col
            // Output dataspace offset.
            std::vector<hsize_t> outputOffset(OUT_DIM_COUNT);
            outputOffset[0] = 0;
            outputOffset[1] = 0;
            outputOffset[2] = 0;
            ossimScalarType scalar = ossim_hdf5::getScalarType( latDataSet );
            if ( scalar == OSSIM_FLOAT32 )
               // Set the return status to true if we get here...
               status = true;
               // See if we need to swap bytes:
               ossimEndian* endian = 0;
               if ( ( ossim::byteOrder() != ossim_hdf5::getByteOrder( latDataSet ) ) )
                  endian = new ossimEndian();
               // Native type:
               H5::DataType latDataType = latDataSet->getDataType();
               H5::DataType lonDataType = lonDataSet->getDataType();

               // Output dataspace always the same, width of one line.
               H5::DataSpace bufferDataSpace( OUT_DIM_COUNT, &outputCount.front());
               bufferDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                                &outputOffset.front() );

               //  Arrays to hold a single line of latitude longitude values.
               vector<ossim_float32> latValue(COLS);
               vector<ossim_float32> lonValue(COLS);
               hsize_t row = 0;

               // Line loop:
               for ( ossim_uint32 y = 0; y < gridRows; ++y )
                  // row = line in image space
                  row = y*GRID_SIZE;

                  if ( row < ROWS )
                     inputOffset[0] = row + validRect.ul().y;

                     latDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                                   &inputOffset.front() );
                     lonDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                                   &inputOffset.front() );
                     // Read data from file into the buffer.
                     latDataSet->read( &(latValue.front()), latDataType,
                                       bufferDataSpace, latDataSpace );
                     lonDataSet->read( &(lonValue.front()), lonDataType,
                                       bufferDataSpace, lonDataSpace );
                     if ( endian )
                        // If the endian pointer is initialized(not zero) swap the bytes.
                        endian->swap( &(latValue.front()), COLS );
                        endian->swap( &(lonValue.front()), COLS );  
                     // Sample loop:
                     hsize_t col = 0;
                     for ( ossim_uint32 x = 0; x < gridCols; ++x )
                        ossim_float32 lat = ossim::nan();
                        ossim_float32 lon = ossim::nan();
                        // col = sample in image space
                        col = x*GRID_SIZE;

                        if ( col < COLS )
                           if ( (latValue[col] > NULL_VALUE)&&(lonValue[col] > NULL_VALUE) )
                              lat = latValue[col];
                              lon = lonValue[col];
                              if ( m_crossesDateline )
                                 if ( lon < 0.0 ) lon += 360;
                           else // Nulls in grid!
                              std::string errMsg =
                                 "ossimH5GridModel::setGridNodes encountered nans!";
                              throw ossimException(errMsg); 
                        else // Last column is outside of image bounds.
                           // Get the last two latitude values:
                           ossim_float32 lat1 = theLatGrid.getNode( x-2, y );
                           ossim_float32 lat2 = theLatGrid.getNode( x-1, y );

                           // Get the last two longitude values
                           ossim_float32 lon1 = theLonGrid.getNode( x-2, y );
                           ossim_float32 lon2 = theLonGrid.getNode( x-1, y );
                           if ( ( lat1 > NULL_VALUE ) && ( lat2 > NULL_VALUE ) )
                              // Delta between last two latitude grid values.
                              ossim_float32 latSpacing = lat2 - lat1;
                              // Compute:
                              lat = lat2 + latSpacing;
                           else // Nulls in grid!
                              std::string errMsg =
                                 "ossimH5GridModel::setGridNodes encountered nans!";
                              throw ossimException(errMsg);

                           if ( ( lon1 > NULL_VALUE ) && ( lon2 > NULL_VALUE ) )
                              // Delta between last two longitude values.
                              ossim_float32 lonSpacing = lon2 - lon1;
                              // Compute:
                              lon = lon2 + lonSpacing;

                              // Check for wrap:
                              if ( !m_crossesDateline && ( lon > 180 ) )
                                 lon -= 360.0;
                           else // Nulls in grid!
                              std::string errMsg =
                                 "ossimH5GridModel::setGridNodes encountered nans!";
                              throw ossimException(errMsg);

#if 0 /* Please leave for debug. (drb) */                        
                           cout << "lat1: " << lat1 << " lat2 " << lat2
                                << " lon1 " << lon1  << " lon2 " << lon2
                                << "\n";
                        // Assign the latitude and longitude.
                        theLatGrid.setNode( x, y, lat );
                        theLonGrid.setNode( x, y, lon );
#if 0 /* Please leave for debug. (drb) */ 
                        cout << "x,y,col,row,lat,lon:" << x << "," << y << ","
                             << col << "," << row << ","
                             << theLatGrid.getNode(x, y)
                             << "," << theLonGrid.getNode( x, y) << "\n";
                     } // End sample loop.
                  else // Row is outside of image bounds:
                     // Sample loop:
                     for ( ossim_uint32 x = 0; x < gridCols; ++x )
                        ossim_float32 lat        = ossim::nan();
                        ossim_float32 lon        = ossim::nan();
                        ossim_float32 lat1 = theLatGrid.getNode( x, y-2 );
                        ossim_float32 lat2 = theLatGrid.getNode( x, y-1 );
                        ossim_float32 lon1 = theLonGrid.getNode( x, y-2 );
                        ossim_float32 lon2 = theLonGrid.getNode( x, y-1 );
                        if ( ( lon1 > NULL_VALUE ) && ( lon2 > NULL_VALUE ) )
                           // Delta between last two longitude values.
                           ossim_float32 lonSpacing = lon2 - lon1;
                           // Compute:
                           lon = lon2 + lonSpacing;
                           // Check for wrap:
                           if ( !m_crossesDateline && ( lon > 180 ) )
                              lon -= 360.0;
                        else // Nulls in grid!
                           std::string errMsg =
                              "ossimH5GridModel::setGridNodes encountered nans!";
                           throw ossimException(errMsg);
                        if ( ( lat1 > NULL_VALUE ) && ( lat2 > NULL_VALUE ) )
                           // Delta between last two latitude values.
                           ossim_float32 latSpacing = lat2 - lat1;

                           lat = lat2 + latSpacing;
                        else // Nulls in grid!
                           std::string errMsg =
                              "ossimH5GridModel::setGridNodes encountered nans!";
                           throw ossimException(errMsg);
#if 0 /* Please leave for debug. (drb) */
                        hsize_t col = x*GRID_SIZE; // Sample in image space
                        cout << "lat1: " << lat1 << " lat2 " << lat2
                             << " lon1 " << lon1  << " lon2 " << lon2
                             << "\nx,y,col,row,lat,lon:" << x << "," << y << ","
                             << col << "," << row << "," << lat << "," << lon << "\n";
                        // Assign the latitude::
                        theLatGrid.setNode( x, y, lat );

                        // Assign the longitude.
                        theLonGrid.setNode( x, y, lon );
                     } // End sample loop.
                  } // Matches if ( row < imageRows ){...}else{
               } // End line loop.


               if ( status )
                  theSeedFunction = ossim_hdf5::getBilinearProjection(
                     *latDataSet,*lonDataSet, validRect );
                  // Bileaner projection to handle
                  ossimDrect imageRect(validRect);

                  // debugDump();

               if ( endian )
                  delete endian;
                  endian = 0;
            } // Matches: if ( scalar == OSSIM_FLOAT32 )
         } // Matches: if ( (latDimsOut[0] == imageRows) ...
      } // Matches: if ( ( LAT_DIM_COUNT == 2 ) ...

   } // Matches: if ( latDataSet && lonDataSet

   return status;
} // End: bool ossimH5GridModel::setGridNodes( H5::DataSet* latDataSet, ... )
Exemplo n.º 2
bool ossimHdfGridModel::setGridNodes( H5::DataSet* latDataSet,
                                      H5::DataSet* lonDataSet,
                                      ossim_uint32 imageRows,
                                      ossim_uint32 imageCols )
    bool status = false;

    if ( latDataSet && lonDataSet )
        const ossim_uint32 GRID_SIZE = 32; // Only grab every 32nd value.

        // Get dataspace of the dataset.
        H5::DataSpace latDataSpace = latDataSet->getSpace();
        H5::DataSpace lonDataSpace = lonDataSet->getSpace();
        const ossim_int32 LAT_DIM_COUNT = latDataSpace.getSimpleExtentNdims();
        const ossim_int32 LON_DIM_COUNT = latDataSpace.getSimpleExtentNdims();

        // Number of dimensions of the input dataspace:
        if ( ( LAT_DIM_COUNT == 2 ) && ( LON_DIM_COUNT == 2 ) )
            // Get the extents:
            // dimsOut[0] is height, dimsOut[1] is width:         //---
            std::vector<hsize_t> latDimsOut(LAT_DIM_COUNT);
            latDataSpace.getSimpleExtentDims( &latDimsOut.front(), 0 );
            std::vector<hsize_t> lonDimsOut(LON_DIM_COUNT);
            lonDataSpace.getSimpleExtentDims( &lonDimsOut.front(), 0 );

            // Verify same as image:
            if ( (latDimsOut[0] == imageRows) &&
                    (lonDimsOut[0] == imageRows) &&
                    (latDimsOut[1] == imageCols) &&
                    (lonDimsOut[1] == imageCols) )
                // Capture the rectangle:
                // dimsOut[0] is height, dimsOut[1] is width:
                ossimIrect rect = ossimIrect( 0, 0,
                                              static_cast<ossim_int32>( latDimsOut[1]-1 ),
                                              static_cast<ossim_int32>( latDimsOut[0]-1 ) );

                // Initialize the ossimDblGrids:
                ossimDpt dspacing (GRID_SIZE, GRID_SIZE);

                ossim_uint32 gridRows = imageRows / GRID_SIZE + 1;
                ossim_uint32 gridCols = imageCols / GRID_SIZE + 1;

                // Round up if size doesn't fall on end pixel.
                if ( imageRows % GRID_SIZE) ++gridRows;
                if ( imageCols % GRID_SIZE) ++gridCols;

                ossimIpt gridSize (gridCols, gridRows);

                // The grid as used in base class, has UV-space always at 0,0 origin
                ossimDpt gridOrigin(0.0,0.0);

                const ossim_float64 NULL_VALUE = -999.0;
                theLatGrid.initialize(gridSize, gridOrigin, dspacing);
                theLonGrid.initialize(gridSize, gridOrigin, dspacing);

                std::vector<hsize_t> inputCount(LAT_DIM_COUNT);
                std::vector<hsize_t> inputOffset(LAT_DIM_COUNT);

                inputOffset[0] = 0; // row
                inputOffset[1] = 0; // col

                inputCount[0] = 1; // row
                inputCount[1] = (hsize_t)imageCols; // col

                // Output dataspace dimensions. Reading a line at a time.
                const ossim_int32 OUT_DIM_COUNT = 3;
                std::vector<hsize_t> outputCount(OUT_DIM_COUNT);
                outputCount[0] = 1; // band
                outputCount[1] = 1; // row
                outputCount[2] = imageCols; // col

                // Output dataspace offset.
                std::vector<hsize_t> outputOffset(OUT_DIM_COUNT);
                outputOffset[0] = 0;
                outputOffset[1] = 0;
                outputOffset[2] = 0;

                ossimScalarType scalar = ossim_hdf5::getScalarType( latDataSet );
                if ( scalar == OSSIM_FLOAT32 )
                    // Set the return status to true if we get here...
                    status = true;

                    // See if we need to swap bytes:
                    ossimEndian* endian = 0;
                    if ( ( ossim::byteOrder() != ossim_hdf5::getByteOrder( latDataSet ) ) )
                        endian = new ossimEndian();

                    // Native type:
                    H5::DataType latDataType = latDataSet->getDataType();
                    H5::DataType lonDataType = lonDataSet->getDataType();

                    // Output dataspace always the same, width of one line.
                    H5::DataSpace bufferDataSpace( OUT_DIM_COUNT, &outputCount.front());
                    bufferDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                                     &outputOffset.front() );

                    //  Arrays to hold a single line of latitude longitude values.
                    vector<ossim_float32> latValue(imageCols);
                    vector<ossim_float32> lonValue(imageCols);
                    hsize_t row = 0;

                    // Line loop:
                    for ( ossim_uint32 y = 0; y < gridRows; ++y )
                        // row = line in image space
                        row = y*GRID_SIZE;

                        bool hitNans = false;

                        if ( row < imageRows )
                            inputOffset[0] = row;

                            latDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                                          &inputOffset.front() );
                            lonDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                                          &inputOffset.front() );

                            // Read data from file into the buffer.
                            latDataSet->read( &(latValue.front()), latDataType,
                                              bufferDataSpace, latDataSpace );
                            lonDataSet->read( &(lonValue.front()), lonDataType,
                                              bufferDataSpace, lonDataSpace );

                            if ( endian )
                                // If the endian pointer is initialized(not zero) swap the bytes.
                                endian->swap( &(latValue.front()), imageCols );
                                endian->swap( &(lonValue.front()), imageCols );

                            // Sample loop:
                            hsize_t col = 0;

                            for ( ossim_uint32 x = 0; x < gridCols; ++x )
                                ossim_float32 lat = ossim::nan();
                                ossim_float32 lon = ossim::nan();

                                // col = sample in image space
                                col = x*GRID_SIZE;

                                if ( col < imageCols )
                                    if ( (latValue[col] > NULL_VALUE)&&(lonValue[col] > NULL_VALUE) )
                                        lat = latValue[col];
                                        lon = lonValue[col];
                                        hitNans = true;
                                else // Last column is outside of image bounds.
                                    ossim_float32 latSpacing = ossim::nan();
                                    ossim_float32 lonSpacing = ossim::nan();

                                    // Get the last two latitude values:
                                    ossim_float32 lat1 = latValue[imageCols-2];
                                    ossim_float32 lat2 = latValue[imageCols-1];

                                    // Get the last two longitude values
                                    ossim_float32 lon1 = lonValue[imageCols-2];
                                    ossim_float32 lon2 = lonValue[imageCols-1];

                                    if ( ( lat1 > NULL_VALUE ) && ( lat2 > NULL_VALUE ) )
                                        // Delta between last two latitude values.
                                        latSpacing = lat2 - lat1;

                                        // Compute:
                                        lat = lat2 + ( col - (imageCols-1) ) * latSpacing;
                                        hitNans = true;

                                    if ( ( lon1 > NULL_VALUE ) && ( lon2 > NULL_VALUE ) )
                                        // Consider dateline crossing.
                                        if ( (lon1 > 0.0) && ( lon2 < 0.0 ) )
                                            lon2 += 360.0;

                                        // Delta between last two longitude values.
                                        lonSpacing = lon2 - lon1;

                                        // Compute:
                                        lon = lon2 + ( col - (imageCols-1) ) * lonSpacing;

                                        // Check for wrap:
                                        if ( lon > 180 )
                                            lon -= 360.0;
                                        hitNans = true;

#if 0 /* Please leave for debug. (drb) */
                                    cout << "lat1: " << lat1 << " lat2 " << lat2
                                         << " lon1 " << lon1  << " lon2 " << lon2
                                         << "\n";

                                if ( hitNans )
                                    std::string errMsg =
                                        "ossimHdfGridModel::setGridNodes encountered nans!";
                                    throw ossimException(errMsg);

                                // Assign the latitude and longitude.
                                theLatGrid.setNode( x, y, lat );
                                theLonGrid.setNode( x, y, lon );

#if 0 /* Please leave for debug. (drb) */
                                cout << "x,y,col,row,lat,lon:" << x << "," << y << ","
                                     << col << "," << row << ","
                                     << theLatGrid.getNode(x, y)
                                     << "," << theLonGrid.getNode( x, y) << "\n";

                            } // End sample loop.

                        else // Row is outside of image bounds:
                            // Read the last two rows in.
                            vector<ossim_float32> latValue2(imageCols);
                            vector<ossim_float32> lonValue2(imageCols);

                            inputOffset[0] = imageRows-2; // 2nd to last line

                            latDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                                          &inputOffset.front() );
                            lonDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                                          &inputOffset.front() );

                            // Read data from file into the buffer.
                            latDataSet->read( &(latValue.front()), latDataType,
                                              bufferDataSpace, latDataSpace );
                            lonDataSet->read( &(lonValue.front()), lonDataType,
                                              bufferDataSpace, lonDataSpace );

                            inputOffset[0] = imageRows-1; // last line

                            latDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                                          &inputOffset.front() );
                            lonDataSpace.selectHyperslab( H5S_SELECT_SET,
                                                          &inputOffset.front() );

                            // Read data from file into the buffer.
                            latDataSet->read( &(latValue2.front()), latDataType,
                                              bufferDataSpace, latDataSpace );
                            lonDataSet->read( &(lonValue2.front()), lonDataType,
                                              bufferDataSpace, lonDataSpace );

                            if ( endian )
                                // If the endian pointer is initialized(not zero) swap the bytes.
                                endian->swap( &(latValue.front()), imageCols );
                                endian->swap( &(lonValue.front()), imageCols );
                                endian->swap( &(latValue2.front()), imageCols );
                                endian->swap( &(lonValue2.front()), imageCols );

                            // Sample loop:
                            hsize_t col = 0;
                            for ( ossim_uint32 x = 0; x < gridCols; ++x )
                                col = x*GRID_SIZE; // Sample in image space.

                                ossim_float32 lat        = ossim::nan();
                                ossim_float32 lat1       = ossim::nan();
                                ossim_float32 lat2       = ossim::nan();
                                ossim_float32 latSpacing = ossim::nan();
                                ossim_float32 lon        = ossim::nan();
                                ossim_float32 lon1       = ossim::nan();
                                ossim_float32 lon2       = ossim::nan();
                                ossim_float32 lonSpacing = ossim::nan();

                                if ( col < imageCols )
                                    lat1 = latValue[col];
                                    lat2 = latValue2[col];
                                    lon1 = lonValue[col];
                                    lon2 = lonValue2[col];
                                else // Very last grid point.
                                    // Compute the missing column for the last two image lines:
                                    lat1 = latValue[imageCols-1] + ( col - (imageCols-1)) *
                                           ( latValue[imageCols-1] - latValue[imageCols-2] );

                                    lat2 = latValue2[imageCols-1] + ( col - (imageCols-1)) *
                                           ( latValue2[imageCols-1] - latValue2[imageCols-2] );

                                    lon1 = lonValue[imageCols-1] + ( col - (imageCols-1)) *
                                           ( lonValue[imageCols-1] - lonValue[imageCols-2] );

                                    lon2 = lonValue2[imageCols-1] + ( col - (imageCols-1)) *
                                           ( lonValue2[imageCols-1] - lonValue2[imageCols-2] );

#if 0 /* Please leave for debug. (drb) */
                                cout << "lat1: " << lat1 << " lat2 " << lat2
                                     << " lon1 " << lon1  << " lon2 " << lon2
                                     << "\n";

                                if ( ( lon1 > NULL_VALUE ) && ( lon2 > NULL_VALUE ) )
                                    // Consider dateline crossing.
                                    if ( (lon1 > 0.0) && ( lon2 < 0.0 ) )
                                        lon2 += 360.0;

                                    // Delta between last two longitude values.
                                    lonSpacing = lon2 - lon1;

                                    // Compute:
                                    lon = lon2 + ( row - (imageRows-1) ) * lonSpacing;

                                    // Check for wrap:
                                    if ( lon > 180 )
                                        lon -= 360.0;
                                    hitNans = true;

                                if ( ( lat1 > NULL_VALUE ) && ( lat2 > NULL_VALUE ) )
                                    // Delta between last two latitude values.
                                    latSpacing = lat2 - lat1;

                                    // Compute:
                                    lat = lat2 + ( row - (imageRows-1) ) * latSpacing;
                                    hitNans = true;

                                if ( hitNans )
                                    std::string errMsg =
                                        "ossimHdfGridModel::setGridNodes encountered nans!";
                                    throw ossimException(errMsg);

                                // Assign the latitude::
                                theLatGrid.setNode( x, y, lat );

                                // Assign the longitude.
                                theLonGrid.setNode( x, y, lon );

#if 0 /* Please leave for debug. (drb) */
                                cout << "x,y,col,row,lat,lon:" << x << "," << y << ","
                                     << col << "," << row << "," << lat << "," << lon << "\n";

                            } // End sample loop.

                        } // Matches if ( row < imageRows ){...}else{

                    } // End line loop.


                    if ( status )
                        theHeightEnabledFlag = false;
                        ossimDrect imageRect(rect);
                        // debugDump();

                } // Matches: if ( scalar == OSSIM_FLOAT32 )

            } // Matches: if ( (latDimsOut[0] == imageRows) ...

        } // Matches: if ( ( LAT_DIM_COUNT == 2 ) ...

    } // Matches: if ( latDataSet && lonDataSet

    return status;

} // End: bool ossimHdfGridModel::setGridNodes( H5::DataSet* latDataSet, ... )