void LifeForm::move(const LCreal fwd, const LCreal sdws)
    if (getDamage() < 1) {
        osg::Vec3 old = getEulerAngles();
        LCreal hdg = old.z();

        LCreal tempFwd = fwd, tempSdws = sdws;

        // our deadband (if we are barely moving, just stop)
        if (lcAbs(tempFwd) < 0.9f) tempFwd = 0;
        if (lcAbs(tempSdws) < 0.9f) tempSdws = 0;
        const double xVel = tempFwd * (lcCos(hdg));
        const double yVel = tempFwd * (lcSin(hdg));

        // now calculate our sideways velocity
        const double xxVel = tempSdws * (lcCos((hdg + (90 * static_cast<LCreal>(Basic::Angle::D2RCC)))));
        const double yyVel = tempSdws * (lcSin((hdg + (90 * static_cast<LCreal>(Basic::Angle::D2RCC)))));

        // now add the vectors
        const double newXVel = xVel + xxVel;
        const double newYVel = yVel + yyVel;

        LCreal zVel = 0.0;
        setVelocity(static_cast<LCreal>(newXVel), static_cast<LCreal>(newYVel), zVel);
    else setVelocity(0, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// drawMap() - Called from draw fun, it tells our specific map to draw.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void MapDrawer::drawMap(const int zone, const int idx)
    if (myMap != 0 && pagers[idx] != 0 && showMap && getDisplay() != 0){
        // Update the tiles for the pager
        pagers[idx]->updateTextures(textureRow[idx], textureCol[idx]);
        // Set up for drawing	     
        lcColor3(mapIntensity, mapIntensity, mapIntensity);
            // Not centered, move the whole map down the displacement value.
            if (!getCentered()) {
                LCreal dis = getOuterRadius();
                //LCreal scale = getScale();
                LCreal myScale = vpHL / dis;
                glTranslatef(0, GLfloat(getDisplacement() * myScale), 0);
            glTranslatef(0, 0, -0.1f);
            sinAng = 0.0f;
            cosAng = 1.0f;

            // Set the scale, if not the CENTER_PAGER
            if (idx != CENTER_PAGER) determineScaling(idx);

            bool nu = getNorthUp();
            if (!nu) {
                GLfloat hdg = (GLfloat) getHeadingDeg();
                glRotatef(hdg, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                sinAng = (LCreal)lcSin(hdg * (LCreal)Basic::Angle::D2RCC);
                cosAng = (LCreal)lcCos(hdg * (LCreal)Basic::Angle::D2RCC);

            // Translate down the pixels first
            float transPixelX =  -pixelCol[idx] * scalingEast[idx]; 
            float transPixelY =   pixelRow[idx] * scalingNorth[idx]; 

            // Translate to the next tile
            glTranslatef(transPixelX, transPixelY, 0.0f);
            TextureTable& tbl = pagers[idx]->getTable();
            int si = tbl.getLowerBoundIndex();

            int i1 = si;
            int i = 0;
            int lb = 0, ub = 0;

            // Enable texturing
            lb = tbl.getLowerBoundIndex();
            ub = tbl.getUpperBoundIndex();
            for (i = lb; i <= ub; i++) {
                int j1 = si;
                for (int j = lb; j <= ub; j++) {
                    drawTexture(i1, j1, idx);

            // Done drawing tiles, now draw grid, if selected to draw.

            if (drawGrid) {
                i1 = si;
                for (i = lb; i <= ub; i++) {
                    int j1 = si;
                    for (int j = lb; j <= ub; j++) {
                        goDrawGrid(i1, j1, idx);
Exemplo n.º 3
// setSpeed() -- set speed
void Worm::setSpeed(const LCreal xx)
  speed = xx;
  dx = lcCos(sangle) * speed;
  dy = lcSin(sangle) * speed;
Exemplo n.º 4
// setStartAngle() -- set starting angle
void Worm::setStartAngle(const LCreal radians)
  sangle = radians;
  dx = lcCos(sangle) * speed;
  dy = lcSin(sangle) * speed;
Exemplo n.º 5
// updateData() -- update background data here
void Display::updateData(const LCreal dt)
   // Get Viewport width and height
   GLsizei vpWidth = 0;
   GLsizei vpHeight = 0;
   getViewportSize(&vpWidth, &vpHeight);

   // Generate an image when we have the terrain, a view port and we don't have an image
   if ( terrain != nullptr && terrain->isDataLoaded() &&
        vpWidth > 0 && vpHeight > 0 &&
        image == nullptr) {

      GLsizei vpWidth = 1024; // default is texture sizes
      GLsizei vpHeight = 1024;
      if (!testTexture) {
         // When not using textures, get the viewport parameters

         // Get the maximum number of points
         GLint vpX, vpY;
         getViewport(&vpX, &vpY, &vpWidth, &vpHeight);

         // Make sure width is correct for a 4 byte alignment
         GLsizei w0 = (vpWidth*PIXEL_SIZE);
         GLsizei w4 = (w0/4)*4;  // Truncate to 4 bytes
         vpWidth = w4/PIXEL_SIZE;

      // Allocate the image memory
      bool ok = initImageMemory(vpWidth, vpHeight);
      if (ok) {

         const int NUM_COLUMNS = imgWidth;
         const int NUM_ROWS = imgHeight;

         // Allocating space for 'multi-point' tests 
         LCreal* elevations = nullptr;
         LCreal* aacData = nullptr;
         bool* validFlgs = nullptr;
         bool* maskFlgs = nullptr;
         if (testShadows || testAac || testEarthCurv) {
            elevations = new LCreal[NUM_ROWS];
            aacData = new LCreal[NUM_ROWS];
            validFlgs = new bool[NUM_ROWS];
            maskFlgs = new bool[NUM_ROWS];

         // Max elevation (Z) value (meters)
         LCreal maxz = terrain->getMaxElevation();
         if (isMaxElevValid()) maxz = getMaxElevation();

         // Min elevation (Z) value (meters)
         LCreal minz = terrain->getMinElevation();
         if (isMinElevValid()) minz = getMinElevation();

         // Delta altitude (meters)
//         LCreal deltaElev = maxz - minz + 1;

         // Compute delta (range of) latitude and longitude
         double deltaLat = terrain->getLatitudeNE()  - terrain->getLatitudeSW();
         double deltaLon = terrain->getLongitudeNE() - terrain->getLongitudeSW();

         // Compute center position (degs)
         double cLat = terrain->getLatitudeSW()  + deltaLat / 2.0;
         double cLon = terrain->getLongitudeSW() + deltaLon / 2.0;

         // Compute distance between points with zoom factor (degs)
         double spacingLat = deltaLat / NUM_ROWS;
         double spacingLon = deltaLon / NUM_COLUMNS;

         // Generate the earth's curvature effect
         LCreal* curvature =nullptr;
         if (testEarthCurv) {
            curvature = new LCreal[NUM_ROWS];
            LCreal radius = static_cast<LCreal>(Basic::Nav::ERAD60 * Basic::Distance::NM2M);
            LCreal maxRng = static_cast<LCreal>(deltaLat * 60.0f * Basic::Distance::NM2M);
            for (int irow = 0; irow < NUM_ROWS; irow++) {
               LCreal curRng = maxRng * static_cast<LCreal>(irow)/static_cast<LCreal>(NUM_ROWS);
               LCreal arc = curRng / radius;
               LCreal cs = 1.0f;
               LCreal c0 = lcCos(arc);
               if (c0 != 0) cs = 1.0f/c0;
               curvature[irow] = radius * (cs  - 1.0f);

         const Basic::Hsva* grayTable[2];
         //                   hue     sat    value  alpha
         grayTable[0] = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  0.0f,  0.0f,  1.0f );  // black0
         grayTable[1] = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  0.0f,  1.0f,  1.0f ); // white0

         const Basic::Hsva* colorTable[7];
         //                  hue     sat    value  alpha
         colorTable[0] = new Basic::Hsva( 240.0f,   1.0f,  1.0f,  1.0f ); // blue
         colorTable[1] = new Basic::Hsva( 180.0f,   1.0f,  1.0f,  1.0f ); // cyan
         colorTable[2] = new Basic::Hsva( 120.0f,   1.0f,  1.0f,  1.0f ); // green
         colorTable[3] = new Basic::Hsva(  60.0f,   1.0f,  1.0f,  1.0f ); // yellow
         colorTable[4] = new Basic::Hsva(   0.0f,   1.0f,  1.0f,  1.0f ); // red
         colorTable[5] = new Basic::Hsva(  300.0f,  1.0f,  1.0f,  1.0f ); // magenta
         colorTable[6] = new Basic::Hsva(  300.0f,  0.05f, 1.0f,  1.0f ); // white0

         const Basic::Hsva* greenTable[19];
         //                   hue     sat    value  alpha
         greenTable[0]  = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  1.0f,  0.0f,     1.0f );
         greenTable[1]  = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  1.0f,  0.0872f,  1.0f );  
         greenTable[2]  = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  1.0f,  0.1736f,  1.0f ); 
         greenTable[3]  = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  1.0f,  0.2588f,  1.0f ); 
         greenTable[4]  = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  1.0f,  0.3420f,  1.0f );  
         greenTable[5]  = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  1.0f,  0.4226f,  1.0f );  
         greenTable[6]  = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  1.0f,  0.5000f,  1.0f ); 
         greenTable[7]  = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  1.0f,  0.5736f,  1.0f );  
         greenTable[8]  = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  1.0f,  0.6428f,  1.0f );  
         greenTable[9]  = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  1.0f,  0.7071f,  1.0f );  
         greenTable[10] = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  1.0f,  0.7660f,  1.0f );  
         greenTable[11] = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  1.0f,  0.8192f,  1.0f );  
         greenTable[12] = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  1.0f,  0.8660f,  1.0f ); 
         greenTable[13] = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  1.0f,  0.9063f,  1.0f ); 
         greenTable[14] = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  1.0f,  0.9397f,  1.0f );  
         greenTable[15] = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  1.0f,  0.9659f,  1.0f );  
         greenTable[16] = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  1.0f,  0.9848f,  1.0f );  
         greenTable[17] = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  1.0f,  0.9962f,  1.0f );  
         greenTable[18] = new Basic::Hsva(  120.0f,  1.0f,  1.0f,     1.0f );  

         std::cout << "start image generation" << std::endl;
         double start = getComputerTime();

         for (int icol = 0; icol < NUM_COLUMNS; icol++) {

//            int halfway = NUM_COLUMNS / 2;

            // the Lat/long of the southern most point
            double longitude = cLon + (icol - NUM_COLUMNS/2) * spacingLon;

            if (testShadows || testAac || testEarthCurv) {

               for (int irow = 0; irow < NUM_ROWS; irow++) {
                  elevations[irow] = 0;
                  aacData[irow] = 1.0f;
                  validFlgs[irow] = false;
                  maskFlgs[irow] = false;

               // the Lat/long of the southern most point
               double latitude = cLat + (0 - NUM_ROWS/2) * spacingLat;
               LCreal maxRng = static_cast<LCreal>(deltaLat * 60.0f * Basic::Distance::NM2M);

               // Direction
               //LCreal direction = 30.0f * static_cast<LCreal>(icol - NUM_COLUMNS/2)/static_cast<LCreal>(NUM_COLUMNS/2);
               LCreal direction = 0;

               // get a strip of elevations from south to north
               unsigned int num = terrain->getElevations(elevations, validFlgs, NUM_ROWS, latitude, longitude, direction, maxRng, interpolate);

               // Apply earth curvature effects to terrain elevations
               if (testEarthCurv) {
                  for (int irow = 0; irow < NUM_ROWS; irow++) {
                     elevations[irow] -= curvature[irow];

               // Generate Masks
               if (testShadows) {
                  Basic::Terrain::vbwShadowChecker(maskFlgs, elevations, validFlgs, NUM_ROWS, maxRng, altitude, lookAngle, beamWidth);

               // Compute AAC data
               if (testAac) {
                  //Simulation::Terrain::aac(aacData, elevations, maskFlgs, NUM_ROWS, maxRng, altitude);
                  LCreal angle = static_cast<LCreal>(-10.0f * Basic::Angle::D2RCC);
                  osg::Vec2 vec(lcCos(angle),lcSin(angle));
                  Basic::Terrain::cLight(aacData, elevations, maskFlgs, NUM_ROWS, maxRng, vec);


            // Draw a line along the Y points (moving from south to north along the latitude lines)
            for (int irow = 0; irow < NUM_ROWS; irow++) {

               osg::Vec3 color(0,0,0);
               LCreal elev = 0;
               bool valid = false;

              if (testShadows || testAac || testEarthCurv) {
                  // multi-point test: get the elevation from the array
                  if (validFlgs[irow]) {
                     elev = elevations[irow];
                     valid = true;
               else {
                  // Single point test: compute the latitude of this point and get the elevation
                  double latitude = cLat + (irow - NUM_ROWS/2) * spacingLat;
                  valid = terrain->getElevation(&elev, latitude, longitude, interpolate);

               // If valid and not masked, convert the elevation to a color (or gray) value
               if (valid && !(testShadows && maskFlgs[irow])) {
                  if (colorScale == GRAY_SCALE)
                     Basic::Terrain::getElevationColor(elev, minz, maxz, grayTable,  2, color);
                  else if (colorScale == COLOR_SCALE)
                     Basic::Terrain::getElevationColor(elev, minz, maxz, colorTable, 7, color);
                  else if (colorScale == GREEN_SCALE)
                     Basic::Terrain::getElevationColor(elev, minz, maxz, greenTable,  19, color);

               // Apply AAC data
               if (valid && testAac) {
                  color = color * aacData[irow];

               //if (icol == 100) {
               //   std::cout << icol << ", " << irow << " = " << elev << " [ " << color.x() << ", " << color.y() << ", " << color.z() << " ]" << std::endl;

               // store this color
               GLsizei idx = irow*imgWidth*PIXEL_SIZE + icol*PIXEL_SIZE;
               image[idx+0] = GLubyte( 255.0 * color[0] );
               image[idx+1] = GLubyte( 255.0 * color[1] );
               image[idx+2] = GLubyte( 255.0 * color[2] );

         double end = getComputerTime();
         double dtime = (end - start);
         std::cout << "Image finished: time(s) = " << dtime << ", per line(us) = "
                   << (dtime/static_cast<double>(NUM_COLUMNS))*1000000.0 << std::endl;


