Exemplo n.º 1
SHORT FLEXlm::CheckOut(CString moduleName, CString curVersion)
   if (!m_bIsInitialized) 
      logMsg((CString)"Check out: " + moduleName + " -- " + NOT_INIT_S);
      m_sErrMsg = NOT_INIT_S;

   if (!moduleName)
      logMsg((CString)"Check out: " + moduleName + " -- Invalid parameter.");
      m_sErrMsg = "Invalid parameter";
      return RET_INVALID_PARAM;

   if (!strlen(moduleName))
      logMsg((CString)"Check out: " + moduleName + " -- Invalid parameter.");
      m_sErrMsg = "Invalid parameter";
      return RET_INVALID_PARAM;

   //See if we should be checking out this module
   if (!shouldCheckout(moduleName))
      logMsg((CString)"Check out: " + moduleName + " -- Set to not check out.");
      m_sErrMsg = "Set to not check out";
      return RET_NO_LIC;

   VOID *voidPtr = NULL;

   SHORT result = 0;
   char feature[MAX_FEATURE_LENGTH+1];
   char version[MAX_VERSION_LENGTH+1];

   //See if the module is already checked out
   if (m_jobMap.Lookup(moduleName, voidPtr))
      logMsg((CString)"Check Out: " + moduleName + " already checked out.");
      return RET_NO_ERROR;

   //Check out the module
   strncpy(feature, moduleName, MAX_FEATURE_LENGTH);
   feature[MAX_FEATURE_LENGTH] = '\0';
   strncpy(version, curVersion, MAX_VERSION_LENGTH);
   version[MAX_VERSION_LENGTH] = '\0';

   result = lc_checkout(m_lmJob, feature, version, 1, LM_CO_NOWAIT, &m_code, LM_DUP_NONE);
   if (result)
      //Check if check out failed due to lack of licenses
      // This means that licenses exist and are accesible, but not at this current time
      // due to having too many users logged in concurrently
      if (result == LM_USERSQUEUED || result == LM_MAXUSERS || result == LM_MAXLIMIT)
         if (m_bCreateLicList)

      m_sErrMsg = lc_errstring(m_lmJob);
      logMsg((CString)"Check Out: " + m_sErrMsg);
      return result;

   //Get all feature data and set the information
   featureData *fData = NULL;
   CONFIG *conf = NULL;

   conf = lc_auth_data(m_lmJob, feature);
   if (!conf)
      fData = new featureData(feature);
      m_sErrMsg = (CString)"No feature data was found for " + feature + "\n\n" + lc_errstring(m_lmJob);
      logMsg((CString)"Check Out: " + m_sErrMsg);
      fData = new featureData(m_lmJob, conf);

   //if this license is from the network, then ignore the company and username
   if (fData->user.Find("Network") < 0)
      // set the current company and user name if they have not been already set for future verification
      if (m_sCompany.IsEmpty()) m_sCompany = fData->company;
      if (m_sUser.IsEmpty()) m_sUser = fData->user;

   //Add the job to the map for checking the license back in
   m_jobMap.SetAt(moduleName, (VOID*)fData);

   //Add to the list of licenses to check out for future reference if set to
   if (m_bCreateLicList)

   CString msg;
   msg.Format("%s was checked out.\n  User: %s\n  Company: %s\n  job: %x", moduleName, fData->user, fData->company, m_lmJob);

   return RET_NO_ERROR;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* Hand over strings as well as their length (necessary under Irix!),
1 to check in and 0 to check out, returns 0 if OK, 666 otherwise */
int toolCheckLicenseC( unsigned int Flag,
                         char *Feature,
                         char *Version,
                         char *License )
/* FLEXlm stuff */
#define CHECK_OUT       1
#define CHECK_IN        3
    struct vendorcode7 code;
    LM_HANDLE *lm_job;
    static int number_of_lm_jobs = 0;
    static LM_HANDLE *checked_out_lm_jobs[MAX_NUMBER_OF_LM_JOBS];
    int no_job = 0;
    int no_license = 0;
    int flag = 0;
    int heartbeat_ok, num_reconnects, num_minutes;
#define STRING_SIZE 256
    static char checked_out_features[MAX_NUMBER_OF_LM_JOBS][STRING_SIZE];
    int current_job = 0;
#ifdef VERBOSE
    CONFIG *pos = 0;
    CONFIG *conf;
    int days = 0;
#endif /* VERBOSE */
#endif /* FLEXlm */
/* Declare return value */
#define RETURN_ERROR 666
    int return_value = RETURN_ERROR;
/* Allocate and copy strings (...) */
    char *feature, *version, *license;
    feature = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(Feature)+1));
    strcpy ( feature, Feature );
    version = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(Version)+1));
    strcpy ( version, Version );
    license = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(License)+1));
    strcpy ( license, License );
/* Check allocation */
    if ( ( feature == NULL ) || ( version == NULL ) || ( license == NULL ) ) {
        printf ( strcat( "\nError in routine 'toolCheckLicenseC',",
                         " unable to allocate buffers\n\n" ) );
/* Actual call */
    flag = Flag;
/* Check out */
    if ( flag == CHECK_OUT ) {
        no_job = lc_new_job ( 0, 0, &code, &lm_job );
        if ( no_job ) {
            printf ( "\nUnable to allocate 'new job'\n\n%s\n\n",
            lc_perror(lm_job,"lc_new_job failed" );
        lc_set_attr ( lm_job, LM_A_CHECK_INTERVAL, (LM_A_VAL_TYPE) -1 );
        lc_set_attr ( lm_job, LM_A_RETRY_INTERVAL, (LM_A_VAL_TYPE) -1 ); 
        lc_set_attr ( lm_job, LM_A_RETRY_COUNT, (LM_A_VAL_TYPE) 2 ); 
        lc_set_attr ( lm_job, LM_A_LICENSE_DEFAULT, (LM_A_VAL_TYPE)license );
        no_license = lc_checkout ( lm_job, feature, version, 1,
                                   LM_CO_NOWAIT, &code, LM_DUP_NONE );
/* Store job specifics (for future use: 'heartbeat', and release) */
        if ( ! no_license ) {
            return_value = 0;
            if ( ( number_of_lm_jobs < MAX_NUMBER_OF_LM_JOBS ) &&
                 ( strlen(feature) < STRING_SIZE ) ) {
                checked_out_lm_jobs[number_of_lm_jobs] = lm_job;
                strcpy ( checked_out_features[number_of_lm_jobs], feature );
                number_of_lm_jobs++ ;
            } else {
                printf ( "\nWarning: dimensionality problem in routine toolCheckLicenseC!" );
                printf ( "\n Number of 'jobs': %d (maximum number: %d)",
                         number_of_lm_jobs, MAX_NUMBER_OF_LM_JOBS );
                printf ( "\n String length: %d (maximum length: %d)\n\n",
                         strlen(feature), STRING_SIZE );
/* Get chatty */
#ifdef VERBOSE
            printf ( "\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n", feature, version, platform,
                     license );
            conf = lc_next_conf ( lm_job, feature, &pos ); 
            days = lc_expire_days ( lm_job, conf );
            if ( days == LM_FOREVER ) {
                printf ( "\nPermanent license\n\n" );
            } else {
                printf ( "\nLicense expires in %d day(s)\n\n", days );
#endif /* VERBOSE */
        } else { /* (NB: no license found!) */
#ifdef VERBOSE
            printf ( "\n%s\n", lc_errstring(lm_job) );
#endif /* VERBOSE */
            lc_free_job ( lm_job );
/* 'Heartbeat' (i.e.: check whether the license is still available)*/
    } else if ( flag == CHECK_HEARTBEAT ) {
        return_value = 0;
        for ( current_job = 0; current_job < number_of_lm_jobs;
            current_job ++ ) {
#ifdef VERBOSE
            printf ( "\n'Heartbeat' for feature: %s\n\n",
                     checked_out_features[current_job] );
#endif /* VERBOSE */
            num_reconnects = 1;
            num_minutes = 60;
            heartbeat_ok = lc_heartbeat ( checked_out_lm_jobs[current_job],
                                          &num_reconnects, num_minutes );
            if ( heartbeat_ok != 0 ) {
                return_value = RETURN_ERROR;
#ifdef VERBOSE
                printf ( "\n%s\n",
                         lc_errstring(checked_out_lm_jobs[current_job]) );
#endif /* VERBOSE */
/* Check out (i.e.: 'release the licenses') */
    } else if ( flag == CHECK_IN ) {
        return_value = 0;
        for ( current_job = 0; current_job < number_of_lm_jobs;
              current_job ++ ) {
#ifdef VERBOSE
            printf ( "\nChecked out feature: %s\n\n",
                     checked_out_features[current_job] );
#endif /* VERBOSE */
            lc_checkin ( checked_out_lm_jobs[current_job],
                         checked_out_features[current_job], 0 );
            lc_free_job ( checked_out_lm_jobs[current_job] );
/* Wrong call parameter! */
    } else {
        return_value = RETURN_ERROR;
#ifdef VERBOSE
        printf ( strcat ( "\nRoutine 'toolCheckLicenseC' called",
                          " with unrecognised parameters\n\n" ) );
#endif /* VERBOSE */
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf ( "\nWarning: debug!\n\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n", feature, version,
                                                        platform, license );
    return_value = RETURN_ERROR;
#endif /* DEBUG */
#endif /* FLEXlm */
/* That's all folks! */
  return return_value;