Exemplo n.º 1
void displayGpsCoord(uint8_t y, char direction, int16_t bp, int16_t ap)
  if (frskyData.hub.gpsFix >= 0) {
    if (!direction) direction = '-';
    lcd_outdezAtt(TELEM_2ND_COLUMN, y, bp / 100, LEFT); // ddd before '.'
    lcd_putc(lcdLastPos, y, '@');
    uint8_t mn = bp % 100; // TODO div_t
    if (g_eeGeneral.gpsFormat == 0) {
      lcd_putc(lcdLastPos+FWNUM, y, direction);
      lcd_outdezNAtt(lcdLastPos+FW+FW+1, y, mn, LEFT|LEADING0, 2); // mm before '.'
      lcd_vline(lcdLastPos, y, 2);
      uint16_t ss = ap * 6;
      lcd_outdezAtt(lcdLastPos+3, y, ss / 1000, LEFT); // ''
      lcd_plot(lcdLastPos, y+FH-2, 0); // small decimal point
      lcd_outdezAtt(lcdLastPos+2, y, ss % 1000, LEFT); // ''
      lcd_vline(lcdLastPos, y, 2);
      lcd_vline(lcdLastPos+2, y, 2);
    else {
      lcd_outdezNAtt(lcdLastPos+FW, y, mn, LEFT|LEADING0, 2); // mm before '.'
      lcd_plot(lcdLastPos, y+FH-2, 0); // small decimal point
      lcd_outdezNAtt(lcdLastPos+2, y, ap, LEFT|UNSIGN|LEADING0, 4); // after '.'
      lcd_putc(lcdLastPos+1, y, direction);
  else {
    // no fix
    lcd_puts(TELEM_2ND_COLUMN, y, STR_VCSWFUNC+1/*----*/);
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(void) 
	// don't know why this is incorrect
	SystemCoreClock = 100000000;
	SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000);



	// sets SystemCoreClock to 44583722, but why ? 

	lcd_plot (1, 1, 1);
	lcd_putc (1,1,'c',1);

Exemplo n.º 3
@function lcd.drawPoint(x, y)

Draws a single pixel at (x,y) position

@param x (positive number) x position

@param y (positive number) y position

@notice Taranis has an LCD display width of 212 pixels and height of 64 pixels.
Position (0,0) is at top left. Y axis is negative, top line is 0,
bottom line is 63. Drawing on an existing black pixel produces white pixel (TODO check this!)

@status current Introduced in 2.0.0
static int luaLcdDrawPoint(lua_State *L)
    if (!luaLcdAllowed) return 0;
    int x = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
    int y = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
    lcd_plot(x, y);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
void drawOffsetBar(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, MixData * md)
  int offset = GET_GVAR(MD_OFFSET(md), GV_RANGELARGE_NEG, GV_RANGELARGE, mixerCurrentFlightMode);
  int weight = GET_GVAR(MD_WEIGHT(md), GV_RANGELARGE_NEG, GV_RANGELARGE, mixerCurrentFlightMode);
  int barMin = offset - weight;
  int barMax = offset + weight;
  if (y > 15) {
    lcd_outdezAtt(x-((barMin >= 0) ? 2 : 3), y-6, barMin, TINSIZE|LEFT);
    lcd_outdezAtt(x+GAUGE_WIDTH+1, y-6, barMax, TINSIZE);
  if (weight < 0) {
    barMin = -barMin;
    barMax = -barMax;
  if (barMin < -101)
    barMin = -101;
  if (barMax > 101)
    barMax = 101;
  lcd_hlineStip(x-2, y, GAUGE_WIDTH+2, DOTTED);
  lcd_hlineStip(x-2, y+GAUGE_HEIGHT, GAUGE_WIDTH+2, DOTTED);
  lcd_vline(x-2, y+1, GAUGE_HEIGHT-1);
  lcd_vline(x+GAUGE_WIDTH-1, y+1, GAUGE_HEIGHT-1);
  if (barMin <= barMax) {
    int8_t right = (barMax * GAUGE_WIDTH) / 200;
    int8_t left = ((barMin * GAUGE_WIDTH) / 200)-1;
    drawFilledRect(x+GAUGE_WIDTH/2+left, y+2, right-left, GAUGE_HEIGHT-3);
  lcd_vline(x+GAUGE_WIDTH/2-1, y, GAUGE_HEIGHT+1);
  if (barMin == -101) {
    for (uint8_t i=0; i<3; ++i) {
      lcd_plot(x+i, y+4-i);
      lcd_plot(x+3+i, y+4-i);
  if (barMax == 101) {
    for (uint8_t i=0; i<3; ++i) {
      lcd_plot(x+GAUGE_WIDTH-8+i, y+4-i);
      lcd_plot(x+GAUGE_WIDTH-5+i, y+4-i);
Exemplo n.º 5
void DrawFunction(FnFuncP fn, uint8_t offset)
  lcd_vlineStip(X0-offset, 0/*TODO Y0-WCHART*/, WCHART*2, 0xee);
  lcd_hlineStip(X0-WCHART-offset, Y0, WCHART*2, 0xee);

  coord_t prev_yv = (coord_t)-1;

  for (int xv=-WCHART; xv<=WCHART; xv++) {
    coord_t yv = (LCD_H-1) - (((uint16_t)RESX + fn(xv * (RESX/WCHART))) / 2 * (LCD_H-1) / RESX);
    if (prev_yv != (coord_t)-1) {
      if (abs((int8_t)yv-prev_yv) <= 1) {
        lcd_plot(X0+xv-offset-1, prev_yv, FORCE);
      else {
        uint8_t tmp = (prev_yv < yv ? 0 : 1);
        lcd_vline(X0+xv-offset-1, yv+tmp, prev_yv-yv);
    prev_yv = yv;
Exemplo n.º 6
uint8_t lcd_outdezNAtt( uint8_t x, uint8_t y, int32_t val, uint8_t mode, int8_t len )
  uint8_t fw = FWNUM;
  uint8_t prec = PREC(mode);
	uint8_t negative = 0 ;
  uint8_t xn = 0;
  uint8_t ln = 2;
  char c;
  uint8_t xinc ;
	uint8_t fullwidth = 0 ;

	mode &= ~NO_UNIT ;
	if ( len < 0 )
		fullwidth = 1 ;
		len = -len ;		

  if ( val < 0 )
		val = -val ;
		negative = 1 ;

  if (mode & DBLSIZE)
    fw += FWNUM ;
    xinc = 2*FWNUM;
    lcd_lastPos = 2*FW;
    xinc = FWNUM ;
    lcd_lastPos = FW;

  if (mode & LEFT) {
//    if (val >= 10000)
//      x += fw;
      x += fw;
    if (val >= 1000)
      x += fw;
    if (val >= 100)
      x += fw;
    if (val >= 10)
      x += fw;
    if ( prec )
      if ( prec == 2 )
        if ( val < 100 )
          x += fw;
      if ( val < 10 )
        x+= fw;
    x -= xinc;
  lcd_lastPos += x ;

  if ( prec == 2 )
    mode -= LEADING0;  // Can't have PREC2 and LEADING0

  for (uint8_t i=1; i<=len; i++)
		div_t qr ;
		qr = div( val, 10 ) ;
    c = (qr.rem) + '0';
    lcd_putcAtt(x, y, c, mode);
    if (prec==i) {
      if (mode & DBLSIZE) {
        xn = x;
        if( c<='3' && c>='1') ln++;
        uint8_t tn = (qr.quot) % 10;
        if(tn==2 || tn==4) {
          if (c=='4') {
          else {
            xn--; ln++;
      else {
        x -= 2;
        if (mode & INVERS)
          lcd_vline(x+1, y, 7);
          lcd_plot(x+1, y+6);
      if (qr.quot)
        prec = 0;
    val = qr.quot ;
    if (!val)
      if (prec)
        if ( prec == 2 )
          if ( i > 1 )
            prec = 0 ;
          prec = 0 ;
      else if (mode & LEADING0)
				if ( fullwidth == 0 )
        	mode -= LEADING0;
  if (xn) {
    lcd_hline(xn, y+2*FH-4, ln);
    lcd_hline(xn, y+2*FH-3, ln);
  if(negative) lcd_putcAtt(x-fw,y,'-',mode);
	asm("") ;
	return 0 ;		// Stops compiler creating two sets of POPS, saves flash