void clock_reset() { Uint32 i, t = SDL_GetTicks(); int count; count = lcount(_clocks); for(i=0;i<count;i++) ((sclock*)lget(_clocks, i))->ticks = t; }
void clock_pause(int enable) { Uint32 i, t; int count; if(enable) { _pause = SDL_GetTicks(); } else { t = SDL_GetTicks() - _pause; count = lcount(_clocks); for(i=0;i<count;i++) ((sclock*)lget(_clocks, i))->ticks += t; } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------- // GraphPartitionerImplementation::partition // ------------------------------------------------------------- void GraphPartitionerImplementation::partition(void) { static const bool verbose(false); // Make sure that all GA communication has been flushed from the system communicator().sync(); gridpack::utility::CoarseTimer *timer; timer = NULL; // timer = gridpack::utility::CoarseTimer::instance(); int t_total, t_adj, t_part, t_node_dest, t_edge_dest, t_gnode_dest, t_gedge_dest; if (timer != NULL) { t_total = timer->createCategory("GraphPartitioner::partition(): Total"); t_adj = timer->createCategory("GraphPartitioner::partition: Adjacency"); t_part = timer->createCategory("GraphPartitioner::partition: Partitioner"); t_node_dest = timer->createCategory("GraphPartitioner::partition: Node Destination"); t_edge_dest = timer->createCategory("GraphPartitioner::partition: Edge Destinations"); t_gnode_dest = timer->createCategory("GraphPartitioner::partition: Ghost Node Destination"); t_gedge_dest = timer->createCategory("GraphPartitioner::partition: Ghost Edge Destination"); } if (timer != NULL) timer->start(t_total); if (timer != NULL) timer->start(t_adj); p_adjacency_list.ready(); int maxdim(2); int dims[maxdim], lo[maxdim], hi[maxdim], ld[maxdim]; ld[0] = 1; ld[1] = 1; int locnodes(p_adjacency_list.nodes()); int locedges(p_adjacency_list.edges()); int allnodes; int alledges; communicator().barrier(); boost::mpi::all_reduce(communicator(), locnodes, allnodes, std::plus<int>()); boost::mpi::all_reduce(communicator(), locedges, alledges, std::plus<int>()); if (allnodes <= 0 || alledges <= 0) { boost::format fmt("%d: GraphPartitioner::partition(): called without nodes (%d) or edges (%)"); std::string msg = boost::str(fmt % communicator().worldRank() % allnodes % alledges); throw Exception(msg); } if (timer != NULL) timer->stop(t_adj); if (timer != NULL) timer->start(t_part); this->p_partition(); // fills p_node_destinations if (timer != NULL) timer->stop(t_part); // make two GAs, one that holds the node source and another that // node destination; each is indexed by global node index if (timer != NULL) timer->start(t_node_dest); int theGAgroup(communicator().getGroup()); int oldGAgroup = GA_Pgroup_get_default(); GA_Pgroup_set_default(theGAgroup); std::vector<int> nodeidx(locnodes); std::vector<int *> stupid(locnodes); for (Index n = 0; n < static_cast<Index>(locnodes); ++n) { nodeidx[n] = p_adjacency_list.node_index(n); stupid[n] = &nodeidx[n]; } dims[0] = allnodes; boost::scoped_ptr<GA::GlobalArray> node_dest(new GA::GlobalArray(MT_C_INT, 1, dims, "Node Destinations Process", NULL)), node_src(new GA::GlobalArray(MT_C_INT, 1, dims, "Node Source Process", NULL)); node_dest->scatter(&p_node_destinations[0], &stupid[0], locnodes); { std::vector<int> nsrc(locnodes, this->processor_rank()); node_src->scatter(&nsrc[0], &stupid[0], locnodes); } communicator().sync(); if (verbose) { node_src->print(); node_dest->print(); } if (timer != NULL) timer->stop(t_node_dest); // edges are assigned to the same partition as the lowest numbered // node to which it connects, which are extracted from the node // destination GA. if (timer != NULL) timer->start(t_edge_dest); nodeidx.resize(locedges); stupid.resize(locedges); std::vector<int> e1dest(locedges); for (Index e = 0; e < static_cast<Index>(locedges); ++e) { Index n1, n2; p_adjacency_list.edge(e, n1, n2); nodeidx[e] = std::min(n1, n2); stupid[e] = &nodeidx[e]; } node_dest->gather(&e1dest[0], &stupid[0], locedges); if (verbose) { for (Index e = 0; e < static_cast<Index>(locedges); ++e) { Index n1, n2; p_adjacency_list.edge(e, n1, n2); std::cout << processor_rank() << ": active edge " << e << " (" << n1 << "->" << n2 << "): " << "destination: " << e1dest[e] << std::endl; } } p_edge_destinations.clear(); p_edge_destinations.reserve(locedges); std::copy(e1dest.begin(), e1dest.end(), std::back_inserter(p_edge_destinations)); if (timer != NULL) timer->stop(t_edge_dest); // determine (possible) destinations for ghost edges (highest numbered node) if (timer != NULL) timer->start(t_gedge_dest); std::vector<int> e2dest(locedges); for (Index e = 0; e < static_cast<Index>(locedges); ++e) { Index n1, n2; p_adjacency_list.edge(e, n1, n2); nodeidx[e] = std::max(n1, n2); stupid[e] = &nodeidx[e]; } node_dest->gather(&e2dest[0], &stupid[0], locedges); if (verbose) { for (Index e = 0; e < static_cast<Index>(locedges); ++e) { Index n1, n2; p_adjacency_list.edge(e, n1, n2); std::cout << processor_rank() << ": ghost edge " << e << " (" << n1 << "->" << n2 << "): " << "destination: " << e2dest[e] << std::endl; } } communicator().sync(); // These are no longer needed node_dest.reset(); node_src.reset(); p_ghost_edge_destinations.reserve(locedges); std::copy(e2dest.begin(), e2dest.end(), std::back_inserter(p_ghost_edge_destinations)); if (timer != NULL) timer->stop(t_gedge_dest); if (timer != NULL) timer->start(t_gnode_dest); // determine destinations for ghost nodes: go thru the edges and // compare destinations of connected nodes; if they're different, // then both ends need to be ghosted (to different processors) // It's possible that edges are distributed over multiple processes, // which could result in a different set of ghost destinations for a // given node on each process. These need to be put together. // In this approach, which is really slow, take each local list of // ghost node, send it to all processes. Each process extracts the // ghost node destination for its locally owned nodes. // a particular node and destination needs to be unique, hence the // use of set<>; this may be too slow with large networks and // processors // typedef std::set< std::pair<Index, int> > DestList; // DestList gnodedest; // for (Index e = 0; e < locedges; ++e) { // Index n1, n2; // p_adjacency_list.edge(e, n1, n2); // int n1dest(e1dest[e]); // int n2dest(e2dest[e]); // if (verbose) { // std::cout << processor_rank() << ": edge " << e // << " (" << n1 << "->" << n2 << "): " // << "destinations: " << n1dest << ", " << n2dest << std::endl; // } // if (n1dest != n2dest) { // gnodedest.insert(std::make_pair(std::min(n1,n2), n2dest)); // gnodedest.insert(std::make_pair(std::max(n1,n2), n1dest)); // } // } // if (verbose) { // if (this->processor_rank() == 0) { // std::cout << "Ghost node destinations: " << std::endl; // } // for (int p = 0; p < this->processor_size(); ++p) { // if (this->processor_rank() == p) { // std::cout << p << ": "; // for (DestList::const_iterator i = gnodedest.begin(); // i != gnodedest.end(); ++i) { // std::cout << "(" << i->first << ":" << i->second << "),"; // } // std::cout << std::endl; // } // this->communicator().barrier(); // } // } // p_ghost_node_destinations.resize(locnodes); // DestList tmp; // for (int p = 0; p < this->processor_size(); ++p) { // tmp.clear(); // if (this->processor_rank() == p) { // tmp = gnodedest; // } // broadcast(communicator().getCommunicator(), tmp, p); // for (Index n = 0; n < locnodes; ++n) { // Index nodeidx(p_adjacency_list.node_index(n)); // for (DestList::const_iterator i = tmp.begin(); // i != tmp.end(); ++i) { // if (nodeidx == i->first) { // p_ghost_node_destinations[n].push_back(i->second); // } // } // } // } // Here, a 2D GA is used to store ghost node destinations. Each // process takes it's set of ghost node destinations and appends // those lists already in the GA. // Determine the maximum node connectivity. There needs to be enough // room in the GA to store all connections to a node. size_t lconn(0), maxconn(0); for (int l = 0; l < locnodes; ++l) { lconn = std::max(lconn, p_adjacency_list.node_neighbors(l)); } boost::mpi::all_reduce(communicator(), lconn, maxconn, boost::mpi::maximum<int>()); BOOST_ASSERT(maxconn >= lconn); dims[0] = allnodes; dims[1] = maxconn; ld[0] = maxconn; node_dest.reset(new GA::GlobalArray(MT_C_INT, 2, &dims[0], "Ghost node dest processes", NULL)); boost::scoped_ptr<GA::GlobalArray> node_dest_count(new GA::GlobalArray(MT_C_INT, 1, &dims[0], "Ghost node dest count", NULL)); { int bogus; bogus = -1; node_dest->fill(&bogus); bogus = 0; node_dest_count->fill(&bogus); } std::vector<int> lcount(allnodes, 0); for (int p = 0; p < this->processor_size(); ++p) { if (this->processor_rank() == p) { lo[0] = 0; hi[0] = allnodes - 1; node_dest_count->get(&lo[0], &hi[0], &lcount[0], &ld[0]); for (Index e = 0; e < static_cast<Index>(locedges); ++e) { Index n1, n2; p_adjacency_list.edge(e, n1, n2); int n1dest(e1dest[e]); int n2dest(e2dest[e]); if (verbose) { std::cout << processor_rank() << ": edge " << e << " (" << n1 << "->" << n2 << "): " << "destinations: " << n1dest << ", " << n2dest << std::endl; } if (n1dest != n2dest) { int nid, dest; nid = std::min(n1,n2); dest = n2dest; lo[0] = nid; hi[0] = lo[0]; lo[1] = lcount[nid]; hi[1] = lo[1]; node_dest->put(&lo[0], &hi[0], &dest, &ld[0]); lcount[nid] += 1; nid = std::max(n1,n2); dest = n1dest; lo[0] = nid; hi[0] = lo[0]; lo[1] = lcount[nid]; hi[1] = lo[1]; node_dest->put(&lo[0], &hi[0], &dest, &ld[0]); lcount[nid] += 1; } } lo[0] = 0; hi[0] = allnodes - 1; node_dest_count->put(&lo[0], &hi[0], &lcount[0], &ld[0]); } this->communicator().sync(); } // After all processes have made their contribution to the ghost // node destination GA, each process grabs that part that refers to // its local nodes and fills p_ghost_edge_destinations. lo[0] = 0; hi[0] = allnodes - 1; node_dest_count->get(&lo[0], &hi[0], &lcount[0], &ld[0]); p_ghost_node_destinations.clear(); p_ghost_node_destinations.resize(locnodes); std::vector<int> tmpdest(this->processor_size(), 0); for (Index n = 0; n < static_cast<Index>(locnodes); ++n) { Index nid(p_adjacency_list.node_index(n)); p_ghost_node_destinations[n].clear(); if (lcount[nid] > 0) { lo[0] = nid; hi[0] = nid; lo[1] = 0; hi[1] = lcount[nid] - 1; tmpdest.resize(lcount[nid]); node_dest->get(&lo[0], &hi[0], &tmpdest[0], &ld[0]); // there may be duplicates, so get rid of them if (tmpdest.size() > 1) { std::stable_sort(tmpdest.begin(), tmpdest.end()); std::unique(tmpdest.begin(), tmpdest.end()); } p_ghost_node_destinations[n].reserve(tmpdest.size()); std::copy(tmpdest.begin(), tmpdest.end(), std::back_inserter(p_ghost_node_destinations[n])); } } if (timer != NULL) timer->stop(t_gnode_dest); GA_Pgroup_set_default(oldGAgroup); if (timer != NULL) timer->stop(t_total); // if (timer) timer->dump(); }
static void clock_free() { assert(lcount(_clocks)==0); ldelete(_clocks); }
void GcodeParse::ParseProcess(QString strline) { // char buf[20]; // while((strline!=NULL)&&(!abort)) // { // for(int i=0;i<20;i++) // buf[i]=0; // strline = strline.trimmed(); // if((strline.at(0)=='(')||(strline.at(0)=='%')) // {}//ignore comments // else // { // strline = strline.toUpper(); // int times = strline.count("G"); // if (times>1) // { // strline = removeInvalid(strline); // } // } //} int lnum=1;//记录语句中循环的次数 qDebug()<<"this is in functuin GcodeParse::ParseProcess() begin"; bool parseback; if ((strline!=NULL)&&(!abort)) { qDebug()<<strline; strline = strline.trimmed();//去掉两端多余空格 if((strline.at(0)=='(')||(strline.at(0)=='%')) {}//忽略注释 else { strline = strline.toUpper();//转为大写 } if(strline.contains("L",Qt::CaseInsensitive)) //查是否包含q,大小写不敏感 { qDebug()<<"this is the L sentence"; lnum=lcount(strline); } if(strline.contains("G00",Qt::CaseInsensitive)) //查是否包含q,大小写不敏感 { qDebug()<<"this is the G00 sentence"; parseback=G00Parse(strline); } else if(strline.contains("G20",Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { qDebug()<<"this is the g20 sentence"; } else if(strline.contains("M",Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { qDebug()<<"this is the M sentence"; } else { //读入不合法的语句 HandleError(1); } } else { //当读入的行为空时报错 } qDebug()<<strline; qDebug()<<"this is in functuin GcodeParse::ParseProcess() end"; }