Exemplo n.º 1
static WatchdogObj_t* CreateNewWatchdog
    pid_t clientPid,   ///< The process id of the client
    uid_t appId       ///< the user id of the client
    char timerName[LIMIT_MAX_TIMER_NAME_BYTES];

    LE_DEBUG("Making a new dog");
    WatchdogObj_t* newDogPtr = le_mem_ForceAlloc(WatchdogPool);
    newDogPtr->procId = clientPid;
    newDogPtr->appId = appId;
    newDogPtr->kickTimeoutInterval = GetConfigKickTimeoutInterval(clientPid, appId);
    LE_ASSERT(0 <= snprintf(timerName, sizeof(timerName), "wdog_u%d:p%d", clientPid, appId));
    newDogPtr->timer = le_timer_Create(timerName);
    _Static_assert (sizeof(pid_t) <= sizeof(intptr_t), "pid_t is truncated by cast to void*");
    LE_ASSERT(LE_OK == le_timer_SetContextPtr(newDogPtr->timer, (void*)((intptr_t)clientPid)));
    LE_ASSERT(LE_OK == le_timer_SetHandler(newDogPtr->timer, WatchdogHandleExpiry));
    return newDogPtr;
Exemplo n.º 2
ni_IteratorRef_t ni_CreateIterator
    le_msg_SessionRef_t sessionRef,  ///< [IN] The user session this request occured on.
    tu_UserRef_t userRef,            ///< [IN] Create the iterator for this user.
    tdb_TreeRef_t treeRef,           ///< [IN] The tree to create the iterator with.
    ni_IteratorType_t type,          ///< [IN] The type of iterator we are creating, read or write?
    const char* initialPathPtr       ///< [IN] The node to move to in the specified tree.
    LE_ASSERT(treeRef != NULL);

    // Allocate the object and setup it's initial properties.
    ni_IteratorRef_t iteratorRef = le_mem_ForceAlloc(IteratorPoolRef);

    iteratorRef->creationTime = le_clk_GetRelativeTime();
    iteratorRef->sessionRef = sessionRef;
    iteratorRef->userRef = userRef;
    iteratorRef->treeRef = treeRef;
    iteratorRef->type = type;
    iteratorRef->reference = NULL;
    iteratorRef->isClosed = false;
    iteratorRef->isTerminated = false;

    // Setup the timeout timer for this transaction, if it's been configured.
    time_t configTimeout = ic_GetTransactionTimeout();

    if (configTimeout > 0)
        le_clk_Time_t timeout = { configTimeout, 0 };
        iteratorRef->timerRef = le_timer_Create("Transaction Timer");

        LE_ASSERT(le_timer_SetInterval(iteratorRef->timerRef, timeout) == LE_OK);
        LE_ASSERT(le_timer_SetHandler(iteratorRef->timerRef, OnTransactionTimeout) == LE_OK);
        LE_ASSERT(le_timer_SetContextPtr(iteratorRef->timerRef, iteratorRef) == LE_OK);

        LE_ASSERT(le_timer_Start(iteratorRef->timerRef) == LE_OK);
        iteratorRef->timerRef = NULL;

    // If this is a write iterator, then shadow the tree instead of accessing it directly.
    if (iteratorRef->type == NI_WRITE)
        iteratorRef->treeRef = tdb_ShadowTree(iteratorRef->treeRef);

    // Get the root node of the requested tree, or if this is a write iterator...  Get the shadowed
    // root node of the tree.
    iteratorRef->currentNodeRef = tdb_GetRootNode(iteratorRef->treeRef);
    iteratorRef->pathIterRef = le_pathIter_CreateForUnix("/");

    LE_DEBUG("Created a new %s iterator object <%p> for user %u (%s) on tree %s.",

     // If we were given an initial path, go to it now.  Otherwise stay on the root node.
    if (initialPathPtr)
        ni_GoToNode(iteratorRef, initialPathPtr);

    // Update the tree so that it can keep track of this iterator.
    tdb_RegisterIterator(treeRef, iteratorRef);

    // All done.
    return iteratorRef;
Exemplo n.º 3
static int mqttClient_startSession(mqttClient_t* clientData)
  int rc = LE_OK;


  memcpy(&clientData->session.config, &clientData->config, sizeof(clientData->config));

  clientData->session.connTimer = le_timer_Create(MQTT_CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMER);
  if (!clientData->session.connTimer)
    LE_ERROR("le_timer_Create() failed");
    goto cleanup;

  rc = le_timer_SetHandler(clientData->session.connTimer, mqttClient_connExpiryHndlr);
  if (rc)
    LE_ERROR("le_timer_SetHandler() failed(%d)", rc);
    goto cleanup;

  rc = le_timer_SetMsInterval(clientData->session.connTimer, MQTT_CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS);
  if (rc)
    LE_ERROR("le_timer_SetMsInterval() failed(%d)", rc);
    goto cleanup;

  rc = le_timer_SetContextPtr(clientData->session.connTimer, clientData);
  if (rc)
    LE_ERROR("le_timer_SetContextPtr() failed(%d)", rc);
    goto cleanup;

  clientData->session.cmdTimer = le_timer_Create(MQTT_CLIENT_COMMAND_TIMER);
  if (!clientData->session.cmdTimer)
    LE_ERROR("le_timer_Create() failed");
    goto cleanup;

  rc = le_timer_SetHandler(clientData->session.cmdTimer, mqttClient_cmdExpiryHndlr);
  if (rc)
    LE_ERROR("le_timer_SetHandler() failed(%d)", rc);
    goto cleanup;

  rc = le_timer_SetMsInterval(clientData->session.cmdTimer, MQTT_CLIENT_CMD_TIMEOUT_MS);
  if (rc)
    LE_ERROR("le_timer_SetMsInterval() failed(%d)", rc);
    goto cleanup;

  rc = le_timer_SetContextPtr(clientData->session.cmdTimer, clientData);
  if (rc)
    LE_ERROR("le_timer_SetContextPtr() failed(%d)", rc);
    goto cleanup;

  clientData->session.pingTimer = le_timer_Create(MQTT_CLIENT_PING_TIMER);
  if (!clientData->session.pingTimer)
    LE_ERROR("le_timer_Create() failed");
    goto cleanup;

  rc = le_timer_SetHandler(clientData->session.pingTimer, mqttClient_pingExpiryHndlr);
  if (rc)
    LE_ERROR("le_timer_SetHandler() failed(%d)", rc);
    goto cleanup;

  rc = le_timer_SetMsInterval(clientData->session.pingTimer, clientData->session.config.keepAlive * 1000);
  if (rc)
    LE_ERROR("le_timer_SetMsInterval() failed(%d)", rc);
    goto cleanup;

  rc = le_timer_SetRepeat(clientData->session.pingTimer, 0);
  if (rc)
    LE_ERROR("le_timer_SetRepeat() failed(%d)", rc);
    goto cleanup;

  rc = le_timer_SetContextPtr(clientData->session.pingTimer, clientData);
  if (rc)
    LE_ERROR("le_timer_SetContextPtr() failed(%d)", rc);
    goto cleanup;

  LE_INFO("connect(%s:%d)", clientData->session.config.brokerUrl, clientData->session.config.portNumber);
  rc = mqttClient_connect(clientData); 
  if (rc)
    LE_ERROR("mqttClient_connect() failed(%d)", rc);
    goto cleanup;

  if (rc)
    LE_INFO("start session failed");
    mqttClient_SendConnStateEvent(false, rc, -1);

  return rc;